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VoodooDreams: Voodoodreams storniert Auszahlungen und Konto gesperrt seit 4 Wochen trotz vorheriger verifizierung (Seite 9)

Thema erstellt am 16.08.2020 | Seite: 9 von 10 | Antworten: 98 | Ansichten: 19.749
Gibt's eigentlich irgendwas neues? 
Hello @Ricofrx and hey guys,

We do not go into specific details in player cases, since it is difficult due to our privacy policy.

Also our position on the matter has been relayed to your registered contact details previously. Sad to read all the comments without anyone here knowing whats going on and then actually trying to blame GambleJoe, because tbh Caro does message me regarding every single case here.

In the thread above, we notice the discussion mentioning deposits with a company card. For this reason, we would like to take the opportunity to advise that, under our terms and conditions regarding deposits and withdrawals, players are permitted to use payment methods in their own name solely. The use of methods in the name of a third party (be it person or legal entity) is not allowed.

If players are not satisfied with our resolution, cases may be referred for adjudication to the alternative dispute resolution organisation as detailed in our terms and conditions. This option was mentioned in the mail to the player and I told Caro to let you know about it aswell, as this would be the next step for you. So now that Pardee and MGA are informed, I believe we are all on the same page.

Best, Verra xx
SuprVra schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 11:36 Uhr: Hello @Ricofrx and hey guys,

We do not go into specific details in player cases, since it is difficult due to our privacy policy.

Also our position on the matter has been relayed to your registered contact details previously. Sad to read all the comments without anyone here knowing whats going on and then actually trying to blame GambleJoe, because tbh Caro does message me regarding every single case here.

In the thread above, we notice the discussion mentioning deposits with a company card. For this reason, we would like to take the opportunity to advise that, under our terms and conditions regarding deposits and withdrawals, players are permitted to use payment methods in their own name solely. The use of methods in the name of a third party (be it person or legal entity) is not allowed.

If players are not satisfied with our resolution, cases may be referred for adjudication to the alternative dispute resolution organisation as detailed in our terms and conditions. This option was mentioned in the mail to the player and I told Caro to let you know about it aswell, as this would be the next step for you. So now that Pardee and MGA are informed, I believe we are all on the same page.

Best, Verra xx

Erst gestern vom Freund gehört: Er hat no disposit FS erhalten, 5 € und ein Paar zerquetschte gewonnen, wurde nicht gutgeschrieben und im Chat behauptet er hätte es verdrückt!!

Einfach nur meiden dieses Casino!
SuprVra schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 11:36 Uhr: Hello @Ricofrx and hey guys,

We do not go into specific details in player cases, since it is difficult due to our privacy policy.

Also our position on the matter has been relayed to your registered contact details previously. Sad to read all the comments without anyone here knowing whats going on and then actually trying to blame GambleJoe, because tbh Caro does message me regarding every single case here.

In the thread above, we notice the discussion mentioning deposits with a company card. For this reason, we would like to take the opportunity to advise that, under our terms and conditions regarding deposits and withdrawals, players are permitted to use payment methods in their own name solely. The use of methods in the name of a third party (be it person or legal entity) is not allowed.

If players are not satisfied with our resolution, cases may be referred for adjudication to the alternative dispute resolution organisation as detailed in our terms and conditions. This option was mentioned in the mail to the player and I told Caro to let you know about it aswell, as this would be the next step for you. So now that Pardee and MGA are informed, I believe we are all on the same page.

Best, Verra xx

Blablabla Mimimimi blablabla

SuprVra schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 11:36 Uhr: Hello @Ricofrx and hey guys,

We do not go into specific details in player cases, since it is difficult due to our privacy policy.

Also our position on the matter has been relayed to your registered contact details previously. Sad to read all the comments without anyone here knowing whats going on and then actually trying to blame GambleJoe, because tbh Caro does message me regarding every single case here.

In the thread above, we notice the discussion mentioning deposits with a company card. For this reason, we would like to take the opportunity to advise that, under our terms and conditions regarding deposits and withdrawals, players are permitted to use payment methods in their own name solely. The use of methods in the name of a third party (be it person or legal entity) is not allowed.

If players are not satisfied with our resolution, cases may be referred for adjudication to the alternative dispute resolution organisation as detailed in our terms and conditions. This option was mentioned in the mail to the player and I told Caro to let you know about it aswell, as this would be the next step for you. So now that Pardee and MGA are informed, I believe we are all on the same page.

Best, Verra xx

Es ging ja nicht drum, daß man GJ die Schuld gibt, sondern einfach, daß man dieses Casino, in welcher Form

auch immer, vorübergehend auf die Blacklist setzt.

Natürlich muß dann zweifelsfrei feststehen, daß es auch wirklich am Casino lag.
Aber denke, wenn jemand wirklich alles richtig gemacht hat, wird er auch gerne alle Daten
an GJ senden, damit diese das überprüfen können!
Seniorfips schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 12:34 Uhr:
Blablabla Mimimimi blablabla

Nix bla bla bla...
Punkt 4.7 in den AGB

"4.7. You acknowledge that you shall only use debit or credit cards and other financial instruments that are valid and lawfully belong to you solely. The use of financial instruments whose ownership is shared with other individuals, is not tolerated and will result in voiding of winnings."
Jokerboy schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 12:57 Uhr:
Nix bla bla bla...
Punkt 4.7 in den AGB

"4.7. You acknowledge that you shall only use debit or credit cards and other financial instruments that are valid and lawfully belong to you solely. The use of financial instruments whose ownership is shared with other individuals, is not tolerated and will result in voiding of winnings."

Schreibt das Casino in ihre AGB rein, dass nur Leute die schwarz sind, blonde Haare haben, einen Schnauzer tragen und min. 20std am Tag einen braunen Hut aufhaben, würdest du auch noch schreien, dass stand so in den AGB drinnen. 
Seniorfips schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 13:04 Uhr:
Schreibt das Casino in ihre AGB rein, dass nur Leute die schwarz sind, blonde Haare haben, einen Schnauzer tragen und min. 20std am Tag einen braunen Hut aufhaben, würdest du auch noch schreien, dass stand so in den AGB drinnen. 

Da würde ich gar nicht spielen
Jokerboy schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 13:06 Uhr:
Da würde ich gar nicht spielen

Gut, nun kenne ich endlich mal einen Menschen, der die AGB+nutzungsbedingungen in jedem Casino bis ins kleinste Detail liest, sich dann die vor- und Nachteile aufschreibt und dann entscheidet, wo er spielt.

Aber wundert mich nicht, dass GJ so ein schrottcasino listet. Die Zahlen wahr. Auch genug für jeden Kunden  
Jokerboy schrieb am 01.10.2020 um 12:57 Uhr:
Nix bla bla bla...
Punkt 4.7 in den AGB

"4.7. You acknowledge that you shall only use debit or credit cards and other financial instruments that are valid and lawfully belong to you solely. The use of financial instruments whose ownership is shared with other individuals, is not tolerated and will result in voiding of winnings."

Ja gut dann kann man 160 000 € einfach so einsacken? Sollte es eine Karte einer fremden Person sein dann ist es ein Problem das versteh ich. Aber bei der Summe einfach zu entscheiden das Geld wird nicht eingezahlt finde ich extrem und es spricht gegen das Casino.

Wohin geht das Geld? Natürlich in die Tasche des Casinos und genauso machen diese Casinos den meisten Profit durch einsacken von Spielergewinnen.

Aktuelle Themen23.02.2025 um 14:25 Uhr

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