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VegaDream Casino: {[gelöst] Auszahlung storniert und Betrag reduziert

Thema erstellt am 04.11.2021 | Seite: 1 von 1 | Antworten: 6 | Ansichten: 1.699
Ich habe am 31.11. eine Auszahlung beantragt..... Jeden Tag wurde ich vertröstet mit der Aussage Überlastung ect..... Heute kam folgende Email:

We are writing to you regarding your withdrawal request of €150
Please note that it was declined. 
Winnings derive from a non-deposit free-spins bonus which have a maximum withdrawal limit of €30 as per Bonus Terms and Conditions.
Your balance has been adjusted to the maximum withdrawable amount of €30.00
General Bonus Terms 2.2. Free Spins Without Deposit 
2.2.1 For free spins credited without the need of a Deposit, unless stated in the specific promo terms, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 30 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Unless otherwise stated, to withdraw winnings from free spins, you will be required to deposit a minimum of 10 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency).
Vegadream Casino

Der Knaller ist, ich habe am 30.11. folgenden Bonus genutzt:

500% Bonus + 90 Freispiele!
Machen Sie eine Einzahlung von 10€ und beginnen Sie mit 60€ zu spielen
Wenn Sie diesen Bonus in Anspruch nehmen,
Erhalten Sie für die nächsten 3 Tage 30 Freispiele für Fat Drac!
Verpassen Sie nicht den Start nach Vegas, das Angebot gibt es nur heute bei VegaDream

Für mich sind dies keine Einzahlungsfreien Freispiele. Denn ich habe den Gewinn durch die 30 FS am 2. Tag erzielt.... 
Wie gehe ich nun am besten vor? Hat jemand ein Tip?
Kenne VegaDream nicht daher habe ich keine Erfahrungen dort. Aber hast du denen im Live Chat oder per mail deinen Fall da gelegt? Ich denke nicht das du da was machen kannst. Was haben die denn bei ihren AGBs stehen für Deposit freespins? 

Denke die legen die 90 Freispiele als no deposit freispiele aus. Da kann man dann nichts machen.
Aber tut mir trotzdem leid da du ja eingezahlt hast für die Freespins. Ich verstehe deinen Punkt. 
Dies steht in den AGBs .... Ok, ich kann zwar keine 150,- € auszahlen. Sondern nur 100,- € ... Aber immerhin mehr als 30,- € 

2.1.1 Für Freispiele, die mit einer Einzahlung gutgeschrieben werden, gilt eine maximale Gewinnauszahlungsgrenze von 100 EUR (oder der Gegenwert in einer anderen Währung).
Habe am 4.11. umgehend den Support angeschrieben und alles geschildert. 
Man sagte mir es würde ein Fall eröffnet und alles zur Finanzabteilung weiter geleitet wird zur erneuten Prüfung. 
Ich solle mich wenn ich spätestens in 3 Tagen nichts höre mich nochmals melden. 
Die Aussage: Es wurde ein Fall eröffnet, ich würde bescheid bekommen, ich sollte warten,... hörte ich nun jeden tag....
Heute war dann der Oberhammer.....Heute mittag hieß es in 1 std nochmal melden. Nach 1 Std sollte ich mich wiederrum später melden. Gegen Abend wieder wartezeit. Hey es sind zwar "nur" 120,- € denn die 30,- € habe ich erhalten. 
Aber so eine Hinhalte Taktik geht garnicht. Füge mal den Kopierten Chat Verlauf hier an.....
Mittlerweile weiß ich auch nicht mehr was ich noch tun kann.....

Me: hi, a week ago i used the bonus 500% + 90 FS. Was able to make a profit as a result. However, only € 30 were paid out. Reported this and a case has been opened. That was 3 days ago and I still have no message. how much longer will it take?
Mariana: Hello, I am Mariana. I will be helping you today13:18
Me: hi13:18
Mariana: hello13:18
Mariana: Thank you! One moment please.13:18
Me: ok13:18
Mariana: we sent you an email13:19
Mariana: We are pleased to inform you that your recent withdrawal request of €30.00 has now been approved. Depending on your payment method it should be with you within 3-7 business days.13:19
Me: that was not enough. 120 euros are missing13:20
Me: you canceled my 120 because I supposedly won from no Deposit free spins. But what is wrong13:21
Me: Won with a deposit bonus. I reported the last week. And now they wanted to check it out. If I don't get an email in 34 days, I should get back to you. the 3 days are over13:22
Mariana: I can see that it has been reviewed again13:22
Me: Yes for 3 days. When you started to check I was told if there was no email in 3 days I should contact me again13:23
Mariana: I can see that it has been adjusted from our financial department13:24
Me: what does that mean that has been adjusted? Do I still get my remaining 120 euros?13:25
Mariana: they sent you an email13:25
Mariana: Hello, We are writing to you regarding your withdrawal request of €150 Please note that it was declined. Winnings derive from a non-deposit free-spins bonus which have a maximum withdrawal limit of €30 as per Bonus Terms and Conditions. Your balance has been adjusted to the maximum withdrawable amount of €30.00 General Bonus Terms 2.2. Free Spins Without Deposit 2.2.1 For free spins credited without the need of a deposit, unless stated in the specific promo terms, a maximum winning withdrawal cap of 30 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency). Unless otherwise stated, to withdraw winnings from free spins, you will be required to deposit a minimum of 10 EUR (or the equivalent in any other currency).13:26
Me: the profit does not come from the free spins bonus13:26
Me: i have deposited
Mariana: I will ask now our financial department13:29
Me: I reported that here last week that it came from a deposit. One wanted to pass this on and check again. but I've been waiting for the check for 3/4 days13:30
Mariana: yes I understand.13:30
Me: ok, and how long do you have to wait?
Mariana: I understand your situation and I am sorry for the inconvenience. Our department is still looking in this matter.13:32
Mariana: I have asked for an update13:32
Mariana: Please wait now 24 to 48 hrs and then come back to us in chat13:33
Me: ok, and if there is no answer then i will switch on mga
Me: I'm still waiting for my payout to be corrected. Because I only received € 30. But I applied for 150, - €. You said I won the winnings with no deposit free spins. But what is wrong. I had deposited.
Mariana: Hello, I am Mariana. I will be helping you today13:38
Me: hi13:38
Mariana: Hello13:39
Mariana: I will have a look13:39
Me: ok13:39
Mariana: Thank you! One moment please.13:39
Mariana: it has been reviewed again from our relevant department13:40
Me: and what did the review give?
Mariana: I forwarded it now again to our financial department13:44
Mariana: because there is no update13:44
Mariana: please come back in chat in 1 hour ok?13:44
Me: that was already done yesterday. I've been waiting for almost a week now and every day you write the same thing here13:45
Me: in 1 hour?
Mariana: yes thank you13:51
Mariana: it should be with an update then
Me: I should get back to you in 1 hour. Because a request was made for the finance department about my payout14:44
Me: hi14:44
Me: I should get back to you in 1 hour. Because a request was made for the finance department about my payout14:51
Giselle: Could you please login in your account?:)14:52
Giselle: Hello14:52
Giselle: How can I help you?14:52
Me: im logged in14:53
Me: Me: I should get back to you in 1 hour. Because a request was made for the finance department about my payout
Me: Me: I should get back to you in 1 hour. Because a request was made for the finance department about my payout14:53
Giselle: I will check for you! Just a moment 14:53
Giselle: can you give the number of the transaction id please?14:54
Me: where do i find the?14:54
Me: I'm still waiting for my payout to be corrected. Because I only received € 30. But I applied for 150, - €. You said I won the winnings with no deposit free spins. But what is wrong. I had deposited.14:55
Me: the finance department wants to check it out. and I should contact you again in 1 hour.14:56
Giselle: I can see that your withdrawal of 150 euros was canceled14:56
Me: yes, but that was a mistake on your part.
Me: Can't you see the chat history that I've had here for the last few days?15:00
Giselle: I can see that my colleague send a note to the department15:01
Giselle: we are waiting for an answer15:01
Giselle: could you come back later please?15:01
Me: I should get in touch in an hour. I did this. and now later?15:02
Me: I'm losing my patience so slowly. for days I have been asked to later. That's not normal15:02
Giselle: I can't see a time, it depends of the requests that the department has15:02
Me: I've been waiting for more than 4 days for someone to contact me. nothing happens. just talk out
Me: then I will now contact mga. I copied the whole chat history. Because something like this has never happened to me at a casino with a mga license. That is almost a fraud
Giselle: We sent a note to the department, we are waiting for an answer. Please could you come back later when we will have an answer about your withdrawal15:08
Me: 2 hours ... now I have an appointment and I will be back home in 2 hours. then i have no answer. everything goes according to mga
Me: I should get back to you now. Because finance wanted to check my payout. Because I only got € 30 instead of € 150
Fabrizia: Hello, I am Fabrizia. I will be helping you today17:59
Me: hi17:59
Me: I should get back to you now. Because finance wanted to check my payout. Because I only got € 30 instead of € 15018:02
Fabrizia: Hello18:05
Me: yes?18:05
Me: I should get back to you now. Because finance wanted to check my payout. Because I only got € 30 instead of € 15018:05
Me: look at the chatvertlauf from today noon and yesterday. Everything is described there. Today at noon I was told to report this evening. To find out whether the finance department has contacted you
Fabrizia: I need some time to check for you 18:08
Me: ok18:08
Fabrizia: I can see that an investigation had been open about your issue ! we will get back to you as soon as we have an answer from the payment team18:14
Me: i have been waiting for an answer for over 4 days. this lunchtime I was told that I would get an answer tonight18:15
Fabrizia: As my colleagues explained to you you, a note had been sent to the relevant team which i will check your request and get back to you via email18:19
Me: but how long do I have to wait? That's not normal

Nach dem sich Caro hier mit den in Verbindung gesetzt hat waren innerhalb  weniger Stunden 70,- € auf meinem Konto was ich dann umgehend zur Auszahlung gebracht habe


Aulinchen schrieb am 11.11.2021 um 20:43 Uhr: Nach dem sich Caro hier mit den in Verbindung gesetzt hat waren innerhalb  weniger Stunden 70,- € auf meinem Konto was ich dann umgehend zur Auszahlung gebracht habe

Und was ist jetzt der Hit daran? Im Eingangstext steht auf englisch, dass es um 150 Eur geht. Und jetzt freust Du DIch über 70 ???
Aulinchen hat noch die restlichen 70 € erhalten und somit kann ich das Thema schließen. 

@verox, warum nur 70 €? Gewinne aus den Freispielen sind auf 100 € begrenzt! 

Dieses Thema wurde geschlossen

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