Super serious..One of few online sports provider of which I am convinced.
Here I place then but gladly times at the Bundesliga WochenEnde my bets.
The customer service is also very competent and really friendly and goes to the problems of the customer am very satisfied.
Also a lot of different sports can be bet on.
Also what the payment provider goes to I am quite satisfied.
Prefer actually paysafecard but if not available I use like here PayPal really cool that about it the possibility exists to deposit and also pay out.
Also, the odds here are completely ok there are quite other providers where it is really subterranean what I have seen partly so at odds
On the smartphone, the site runs super smoothly.
Had also already one or the other payout which was also available without problems very quickly on my bank account.
A very good point I also find quite good that you can cancel a payout made the quasi still in the processing ...again.
Find that here for beginners just right
Who really wants to tip professional moderately should probably try his luck elsewhere or go directly to the Wettbürp
This sports provider I recommend in any case positive further
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