It is such a shame: no other gambling provider which holds a British licence had ever had to put up with such a high fine as the one which was imposed quite recently on the bookmaker William Hill. The latter has been slapped with a fine of 19.2 million pounds because of non-compliance issues – to be more precise – non-compliance with the player protection and anti-money laundering regulations. When converted this fine comes up to around 21.83 million Euro!
The Crown London Aspinalls is a well renowned private games of chance club. In 2016 a player lost around 600,000 GBP whilst playing Baccarat. The problem: the high roller did not have the money in cash. Instead, he paid the casino by cheque. However, the cheque later bounced. Now the court must decide whether the player must pay the money or not. The player is appealing and is stating that he was drunk.
At the beginning of February, a Chinese man had tried to play a wrong game on the Roulette table in an Austrian casino. The aim was to defraud the casino. However, the deceit was noticed, and the police arrested him. Which scam did the man use to defraud the casino in Roulette?
At the beginning of the month, we had reported that a Chinese man had tried to defraud the Vienna Casino at the Roulette table. The perpetrator together with two other accomplices had acquired the sum of 118,000 Euro from this. Now further details about the cinematic roulette rip-off. In this article we will reveal how the perpetrators managed to defraud the city casino in the Austrian Capital City.
The Dutch Gambling Authority is proceeding radically against gambling providers without a valid licence. As it was announced a few weeks ago, the Kansspelautoriteit imposed the sum of 25 million Euro against seven online gambling providers. Now the Authority has also announced which gambling companies can expect to receive fines.
Andorra is a tiny state with around 77,000 inhabitants and it lies between Spain and France. In March of this year the first casino will open in Andorra. The casino operator, Jocs SA, announced this during an international tourism fair in Spain. Does a casino in Andorra make sense and how attractive will the games offered be?
The Caribbean Island Curacao has been planning to change its gambling regulations for some time. However, not much has happened about it. It has now been announced that the reform of the gambling regulations will now be delayed. But why does Curacao want to change its comparatively lax gambling regulations? Without outside pressure this would probably not have happened.
The water shortage in Las Vegas seems to be always leaving more effect. For months the authorities have tried to combat the drought with stricter water saving measures. Is there now a possibility that the gambling metropole will dry out?
In Qatar, which is influenced by Islam, there is a completely different system of values than in Europe. In the Emirates in the Persian Gulf, both homosexuality and all forms of gambling are banned. Why is it then that many of the sponsors during the football World Cup were from the gambling and crypto industry?
Games of chance are strictly prohibited in the United Arab Emirates (UE). However, the first casino seems to be opening soon in the Persian Gulf in the Emirate of Dubai which aims to remain an attractive destination for tourists in the future. The hotel and casino operator has confirmed the official plans a few days ago.
A guest which seems to have had bad luck ran riot in a London Casino and destroyed the interior. Within a short while the man had caused severe damages to several slot machines with a fire extinguisher. This happened in front of a security employee. A video of the tantrum of the casino guest is doing the rounds on the internet.
Denmark had liberalised the gaming market around ten years ago. Since then, more Danes are making use of the gambling offers which are available to them. However, the channelisation rate meanwhile exceeds 90 %. Why are the legalised gambling providers in Denmark so popular?
A recently published study has concluded that more than one in every four Swedes are regularly active in the online casino. To be more precise, according to this survey, 28 % of the Swedes gamble online at least once every three months. But why is online gambling so widespread in Sweden and is this development a warning signal.
Around a month ago, a court in Australia had ordered the casino operator Star Entertainment to pay out an earned Jackpot. The casino had previously refused to pay out the jackpot to the disabled player. But why did not the Star Casino pay out the Jackpot-winning directly, but let it escalate to a legal dispute?
Since the new State Gambling Act in Germany came into force, there is a deposit limit of 1000 Euro per player across all providers. A few weeks ago, the neighbouring country Belgium followed suit and adjusted its stake limit for online gambling. However, in this case, the new deposit limit is per provider and not valid across all providers.