There are several myths about the fact that the casinos in Las Vegas and other gambling metropoles use “psycho tricks” to entice the guests to stay longer or to make higher stakes. But which of these tricks function - and why? We searched for the best “psycho tricks”, which are used in the casinos in Vegas.
An exciting interview was published a few days ago on the German Online-Content-Network Funk. A longstanding gambling addict met here a successful casino businessman. The new format “Das Treffen“ (The Meeting) talks among other things, about whether casinos manipulate the guests on papers and brings up who is to blame for a gambling addiction.
A few days ago a study about “Participation in gambling and gambling-related problems among the population“. The scientists here researched which players are more prone to gambling addiction. The study has shown the percentage of men with a gambling associated disorder lies at 3.5 %. The percentage of women is just 1.1 %. The further findings of the study are revealed hereunder.
In a conversation with the Hessenschau, an addiction expert warns of the dangers of gambling. Among other things, she points out that when gambling at a slot machine, it is nearly the same thing as when someone drinks alcohol or consumes Speed Besides this, a substantial number of slot machine players sooner or later become gambling addicted.
The professional Poker player Xuan Liu has published an article on Business Insider, in which she cannot recommend her life as a successful player. And this comes even though in her seven years as a professional poker player she has won around three million US-Dollar. But what does the 36-year old criticise in being a poker millionaire?
A recently published study of the University of Bristol concluded that children and youths are more and more frequently facing gambling adverts which are disguised on social media. A percentage, which is not negligible, describes these kind of adverts as “appealing”. If one considers the dangers of gambling, this is dangerous.
In the past years, the Irish have lost a total of 1,36 billion Euro in gambling. This is approximately equivalent to the amount of 300 Euro per adult citizen. This puts Ireland in the fourth place in the European rankings of gambling losses. Do the Irish therefore have a gambling problem?
A few days ago, the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG), as one of the oldest organisations for gambling issues, has published the results of a recent study on gambling behaviour. It specifically tackles the gambling behaviour of US-Americans, whereby it is notable, that the danger of gambling addiction in young people is especially high. But why is it that young people gamble more often than older people?
The famous US student fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi was a victim of fraud which involved millions. The former chief financial controller Curtis D. Anderson (58) embezzled around three Million US-Dollar from the organisation within a long period of time. He used this substantial sum of money to finance his gaming addiction. In December 2018 the 58-year old Anderson was relieved of his duties. Now the federal prosecutor has pressed charges against the fraudster. In the following article we will reveal which penalty the former chief financial controller is facing and if this type of fraud would also be possible in a German organisation.