Since the new State Treaty on Gambling came into force, a number of player protection regulations have applied in German online casinos. These include a ban on autoplay. Of course, it can be questioned whether such a ban is suitable for protecting users from problematic gaming behavior. But what options do players have to deal with the current situation and can the autoplay ban be overridden with an autoclicker?
According to the Gambling Atlas 2023, around 4.6 million adults in Germany alone are addicted to gambling or at least show symptoms of gambling addiction. More and more of those affected are seeking help in self-help groups in order to reflect on their gambling behavior and then, at best, regulate it. But is a self-help group really an effective means of combating gambling addiction?
In a recent press release, the Joint Gambling Authority of the German federal states (GGL) warns that the Christmas holidays in particular can have an impact on gambling behavior. But what are the reasons why players gamble more often and more excessively at Christmas than in everyday life?
Many things on the Internet are not what they seem. One buzzword that comes up again and again in this context is "fake": there are fake online stores of all categories, fake news about current events, fake emails from apparently well-known financial service providers and even fake profiles on social media that imitate gambling companies. The latter are apparently becoming more and more of a problem for the industry, but are also a real danger for players. JackpotPiraten and BingBong are currently issuing extensive reports warning of such machinations.
A commission of experts has come to the conclusion that gambling addiction is much more dangerous and harmful than previously assumed. In particular, gambling addiction can lead to psychological damage, criminal behaviour and, in the worst case, even suicide. But what proposals does the Commission make in its recently published study to improve the situation?
Poker is undoubtedly one of the games of chance with the greatest winning potential. At the same time, this classic card game also offers a particularly wide range of manipulation options. These range from skilfully looking at your opponent's hands and colluding with allies at the table to marked cards and high-tech cheat tools. What many poker fans don't realise: There is actually a large market in the latter area, which is constantly producing new cheating technologies and growing all the time. Caution is advised!
Lotto is the Germans' favourite game of chance - and even in our classic 6aus49, enormous sums can be won. Internationally, however, there are several other draws that offer considerably larger jackpots and even better chances of winning. One of these is the Spanish Christmas lottery ‘El Gordo’. Every year, thousands of Germans also take part online - and every year there are urgent warnings against such participation, which is actually illegal. In 2024, it seems to be starting particularly early.
For most fans, the appeal of poker lies in the subtle interplay of strategy, skill, psychological strength and patience. Those who are well-positioned in these areas and understand the dynamics of the classic card game can not only achieve exciting successes, but also rake in considerable winnings. However, as in so many areas of life, digital technologies are ensuring that human skill is no longer as important as it used to be. In fact, so-called poker bots now offer active support that massively increases your own chances. The organised use of such software is expected to increase.
The big dream of every lottery player is to hit the jackpot once and then be set for life. When the time really comes (or seems to come), the enormous joy and amazement of hitting the jackpot can cause even the most rational gambler to lose their mind. It is precisely this exceptional situation that fraudsters are currently increasingly exploiting. In a particularly serious case that recently occurred in Baden-Württemberg, criminals scammed a whopping 30,000 euros!
A few days ago, two armed robbers held up an amusement arcade in North Rhine-Westphalia. A pistol was also used during the robbery. The police are now searching for the fugitives. But how much loot did the robbers make and what punishment can they expect if they are caught?
The Joint Gambling Authority of the federal states, GGL for short, was founded to ensure the protection of minors and players and to protect players from gambling addiction. But how well are potentially vulnerable players protected from problematic gambling behaviour in licensed online casinos?
Criminals are increasingly advertising fraudulent casino apps on social media. They promise users above-average bonuses, secure winnings or special games. But only the criminals can win with these dubious apps. But why is it even possible for criminals to advertise fraudulent casino apps on Facebook, Instagram and Co. advertise fraudulent casino apps?
The OASIS gambling ban is a central element in the endeavour to promote responsible gambling in Germany. The ‘online player status enquiry’ checks in real time before the game starts whether the player in question is currently banned or not. The respective game can only be started once the online enquiry has been successfully completed. But how well does the nationwide ban file work in practice?
Gambling is an exciting thing: for most gamblers, it's not just about the chance to win (big) prizes, but also about the thrill of (working towards) success. This thrill was recently the undoing of a man in a Singapore casino. After he had managed to hit a jackpot worth millions, he collapsed: Heart attack. To make matters worse, bystanders filmed the incident and posted the videos on the internet.
According to study data from the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA), around 430,000 people in Germany are affected by problematic gambling behaviour or a gambling addiction. So far, young male adults up to the age of 25 have been among the largest risk group. Researcher Dr Tobias Hayer has published a book entitled ‘Glücksspielprobleme im Alter’ (Gambling problems in old age) with new and exciting findings.