The new gambling legislation in Sweden has brought large profits for legal providers. This is the result of an analysis carried out by the office for public administration in Sweden. However, are the legal gambling operators those who are actually making profit from this restructuring?
The online gambling market should grow enormously in the coming years. This information emerged from a study which was published some weeks ago by the market research company “The Business Research Company”. The turnover from the worldwide online gambling market should increase to more than 192 billion US-Dollar by 2030. But what are the reasons for the persisting positive sales trend?
According to recent media reports the US-American Gambling group Wynn Resorts plans to open a luxury resort in Dubai. This will also include an extensive casino area. This would make the Wynn Resorts the first casino in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). But how does a casino fit in a country in which all gambling is strictly forbidden?
A few weeks ago the software developer Gamomat initiated a campaign to fight climate change. With the motto “Gaming for the Climate“ the renowned provider wants to offer financial support to the non-profit organisation Healthy Seas. But how can interested gambling enthusiasts join in the fight against climate change and does one expect to have any real success?
Till now it has hardly been possible for blind people to play for example blackjack. Thanks to an American developer, this could soon change. The man from Justice in the US-Federal State Illinois has developed a “playing cards reading device”. This can be used by blind people to be able to read playing cards with the fingers. But how does this device function?
The Crypto trend in the iGaming industry persists. As the software developing company SoftSwiss announced some days ago, there was recently a clear increase in payments with crypto currency in the online casinos. But why is it that even more players are making use of crypto currency in their payment transactions?
As the British gambling provider William Hill announced a few days ago, the industry giant wants to close three of its online casinos soon. Since the 29th. November 2021 no new customers can register with the concerned providers. But which online casinos are involved and what is the reason for the sudden closure?
A well-known online casino is currently looking for a Simpsons analyst. The pay which goes with it, which when converted is around 6,000 Euro is quite attractive. But what duties does it really involve and how many Simpsons-Fans can take part in this action?
A few days ago the global business gambling company Novomatic published its End of Year Financial Report for the past year. As the consolidated financial statements indicate, Novomatic AG generated a negative year-end result of 262,8 million euro. The year before, the Austrian gambling group had reached a yearly profit of 97,3 million euro.
As it was announced a few days ago, the gambling group Flutter Entertainment plans the introduction of a monthly loss-limit for young gamblers. Thus there will be a monthly deposit, or as the case may be, loss-limit of 500 Euro or 500 GBP for all players under 25 years. But does a flat rate loss-limit for U25 players make sense?
On the 1st. July 2021 the new gambling legislation came into effect in Germany. Previously the strict measures introduced to protect the players had aroused lots of criticism. Now it appears, that the new gaming regulation in Germany is having a huge impact on the revenue of the operators.
As the Maltese Gambling Authorities announced a few days ago, the gambling provider Evobet, as from 16th. July 2021, does not have a valid licence from Malta anymore. The Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has revoked the gambling licence of Evobet. But what are the reasons for this radical measure?
This year’s GamCare-Award for the best player protection goes to the renowned game developer Playtech. The British gambling community awaited excitedly the presentation of the award by the independent charitable organisation. But how does the player protection at Playtech differ from that of other slot-producers?
The Polish government will with immediate effect proceed harshly against illegal online gambling. It is not only the gambling providers which will be followed, but also the casino players. A few days ago, the Polish Finance Ministry published a warning and threatened with a fine amounting to millions.
The controversial Philipinne President Rodrigo Duterte turns to unusual means to try to lessen the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic. He calls out to his population to take part in gambling, because participation in gambling brings money in the empty state coffers. Up till a while ago, Duterte had demonised gambling. His sudden change of heart could therefore cost the President his credibility.