The renowned online poker-provider partypoker is organising the first online World Championship in Amateur Poker (WCOAP) in the next days. The tournament series will take place from the 23rd. January to the 7th. February 2021 and 750,000 US-Dollar Prize money will be won by the participating gamblers.
Curious news is reaching us these days from Landing International Development Limited. The worldwide-active Investment-Group has namely a small problem: around 11 million Euro have disappeared. And no one knows, where the money is. The company operates, among other things, several casino resorts and is just surprised about the loss of money as the global media.
The German American Magic duo Siegfried Fischbacher und Roy Uwe Horn delighted the international public for several years. With their self-created show “Siegfried & Roy at the Mirage“, they enjoyed their certainly largest success. The programme is to date still the most visited show in Las Vegas.
Winning or losing in gambling depends solely on the element of chance. This statement sounds plausible, however many players do not always heed this simple fact. Many gamblers have somehow established misleading ways of thinking in their mind. It is a fatal mistake to take a decision about the next gambling round when making use of this cognitive misjudgement.
Las Vegas is not only a world famous gambling metropole. Behind the fascinating glittering façade there is also hidden a lot of suffering and misery. It is a shadowy world of criminals, alcoholics and drug addicts, a world which no one likes to talk about. Ultimately every dark side of this shimmering metropole could be bad for business.
In 2020 several million Euro or as the case may be US-Dollars were distributed by online casinos to gamblers. The highest winnings were generated traditionally with the progressive Jackpot-Slots. Among these are Mega Moolah from Microgaming, the Empire Fortune slot machine from Yggdrasil und the Divine Fortune Slot from NetEnt.
On the 1st. January a nationwide ban on gambling came into force in the Slovakian Capital Bratislava. This was decided on by the town council a few weeks ago. At first the existing casinos may remain open until their licences gradually expire. But that will a European Metropole look like without gambling facilities?
The ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas is a well-known address in the American gambling metropole. A few days ago it came to a violent quarrel between a dealer and a gambler. The incident happened in the poker room of the building. The explosive issue was ,that according to information, the dealer also took part in the violent brawl.
In the actual quarterly report, the company Nexusguard, which is specialised in cyber security, stated, that there was an increase in the number of cyber- attacks on the gambling and gaming sectors. In the large part of the cases it is a so called DDoS-Attack. Whilst most gambling companies are meanwhile well prepared for cyber- attacks, many gaming companies still find it a difficult situation to deal with.
A 63-year old woman created damage worth millions at her former place of work. The sprightly woman financed her habit with the money she stole. Last year she was then sentenced to several years in prison.
The Italian government has some time ago introduced the idea of a “sales receipt lottery”. The lottery is organised by the government and thousands of Euros can be won, both by participating customers and traders. The policy aims to revive the retail trade with the lottery which is starting on the 1st.January 2021.
The Swedish gambling regulator Spelinspektionen recently published the results of an interesting survey. Among other things, the survey questioned whether the Swedish gamblers know, if the casino they are gambling in, is licensed. A total of 1,700 people took the survey.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern approached the pandemic with a n invigorating mixture of medial solicitousness and hard determination. Like many other countries New Zealand had to close the land based casinos and amusement arcades for several weeks due to a nationwide lockdown. Eventually New Zealand managed to reduce the number of infections to an absolute minimum.
In spite of worldwide criticism, the authorities of the Philippines stick to the traditional cockfights. A few days ago, the Committee of the House of Representatives decided on a new betting tax of 5 % of the gross income of licensed cockfights. The Financial Authority Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) should be the beneficiary of these taxes.
The British supervisory authority of gambling UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) is well known for severely punishing its licence holders for misconduct. Many German speaking online casinos have operated with this gambling licence in the past. The main aim of the authorities is to set secure standards both online and offline and to campaign for fair and responsible gambling.