Which "Psycho tricks" do the casinos in Las Vegas use?

There are several myths about the fact that the casinos in Las Vegas and other gambling metropoles use “psycho tricks” to entice the guests to stay longer or to make higher stakes. But which of these tricks function - and why? We searched for the best “psycho tricks”, which are used in the casinos in Vegas.
About a year ago we had published an article about, which design tricks do slot-machines make use of to entice users to play. We had here focused on the virtual slot machine games. Today it is more about what the land-based casinos in the gambling metropole of Las Vegas do, to prolong the stay of their players as much as possible.
Popular “psycho tricks” of Casinos in Las Vegas
It is no secret that the casino operators are interested in having the guests play with as much money and spend as much time as possible. Many lights and sounds are used, and a lively atmosphere is created in the casinos, most especially in the gambling metropole of Las Vegas. The visitors really feel the tension and the nerves before they have even sat down. If the guests feel in a good mood and entertained, the losses which they suffer are not taken so seriously.
Of course, as a rule, the casino guests in Las Vegas will find neither watches nor windows in the gambling areas. The feeling of time is practically deactivated in the casino and the player does not feel the need to stop playing. Only the present exists here - the past and the future play no role. And so that no one feels tired too soon in the casino, there are typically many kitschy carpets in the gaudiest colours. In fact it is a further “psycho trick” of the Vegas casinos to use gaudy colours and melodious sounds to keep the players awake and to give an energy boost. Besides this, it is difficult for a player who has the intention “Just this song and then I am out” to keep it, because the music in the Vegas casinos runs without any intermission between the different songs.
Labyrinth-like building confuses the players - and makes them stay longer
A further “psycho trick” is that the casinos in Las Vegas are often built like small labyrinths. One will never find a visibly clear “exit” sign. The intention of the casino operators is that the guest will perhaps come across another slot machine when looking for the exit.
On-the-house food and drink improve the mood
In Las Vegas it is still typical that guests are provided with food and (alcoholic) drinks on the house. It is well known that the element of risk-taking increases when alcohol is consumed. The players also feel obliged to play longer, when they have just been provided with a free drink. Besides this, we have also asked in an article, whether there is a smoking ban in casinos.
There is a widespread rumour that some casinos in Las Vegas increase the oxygen level in the air so that players stay awake longer. The guests should feel more alert and refreshed by the increase in oxygen. This oxygen enables them to stay awake longer and to play. There is also a rumour that some casinos release so-called pheromones so that the feeling of euphoria and wellbeing is triggered.
Most guests in the casino will happily walk around the gambling areas without realising that psychological tricks are used, with the aim of making them stay longer and thus sales are increased. Because of course the “psycho tricks” of the casino operators can only function when the player does not see through them. The top priority when visiting a casino in the legendary casinos in Las Vegas is however that a player only gambles with the money which he or she has left and which the individual has set as a budget.
Image Source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/las-vegas-nacht-lichter-streifen-573600/
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