The Thai government has had more than 25,000 websites with illegal gambling content blocked in recent months. A further 35,000 websites with other prohibited content have also been blocked. In Germany, the instrument of IP blocking has so far been used much more cautiously by the Joint Gambling Authority of the federal states (GGL).

It is well known that there are many strange laws in Thailand, the meaning of which is not always clear. For example, it is forbidden to own more than 120 playing cards, as this can be considered illegal gambling. It is also forbidden to smoke or possess e-cigarettes or to crumple up banknotes, as these depict the king and are considered an offence to royalty. The Thai government is also making no compromises when it comes to online gambling and has been blithely blocking thousands of illegal gambling websites for around five months.

Thailand blocks a total of over 60,000 websites in five months

Since the beginning of October last year, Thailand has blocked a total of 60,681 websites. These include over 25,000 websites relating to unauthorised gambling. Anyone operating a website with illegal gambling content in Thailand faces a fine of up to the equivalent of 5,000 euros. However, a prison sentence of up to ten years is also possible.

Around two years ago, we at GambleJoe reported on a gambling machine operator who was sentenced to prison and subsequently acquitted. He was also accused of organising illegal gambling.

Thailand is around 8,500 kilometres away from the German capital Berlin as the crow flies. The capital and by far the largest city in the country is Bangkok. According to current estimates, over 72 million people live in Thailand. The head of state is King Maha Vajiralongkorn Phra Vajiraklaochaoyuhua, who is also the richest monarch in the world with an estimated fortune of 30 billion US dollars.

Initial successes against organised crime already achieved

Just a few weeks ago, it was announced that the investigating authorities in Thailand had achieved their first successes in the area of illegal gambling. In this context, four suspects were arrested and assets totalling 3 million baht were confiscated. This corresponds to around 76,500 euros.

It can be assumed that the pressure from politicians and investigating authorities will remain high. Those responsible want to dry up the illegal gambling sector in the country and take consistent action against offences. We reported back in the summer of 2022 that Thailand is planning to legalise gambling in order to generate higher tax revenues.

IP blocking: And what is the situation in Germany?

In December 2021, we asked ourselves in an article published on GambleJoe how useful network blocking would be in Germany. Around six months later, another article discussed the idea of bundling enforcement instruments such as IP blocking and payment blocking in the Joint Gambling Authority of the Federal States (GGL). So far, however, the GGL has made little use of this instrument - in particular due to legal concerns.

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