Sharp tones on possible ban on gambling advertising

The debate surrounding a ban on gambling advertising has been smouldering for a number of years and continues to produce new spikes. One of the biggest advocates is the Federal Government's Drugs Commissioner Burkhard Blienert (SPD). He has been sharply criticised for his recent statements and demands.
A potential ban on gambling advertising is a recurring topic in the media - and in our reporting. In 2023 alone, we wrote articles on the possible exclusion of sports betting advertising from the European Football Championships in 2024, on a new GGL study on the impact of gambling advertising, on a possible ban on sports betting sponsorship of Werder Bremen and on the main arguments and counter-arguments in favour of a ban on gambling advertising. These are just a few examples that show how much politicians, addiction experts and society are concerned with these issues.
In the course of the publication of the Gambling Atlas 2023, the Federal Government Commissioner for Drugs, Burkhard Blienert, added fuel to the debate in a press release. He reiterated one of his key demands for the creation of a safer gambling environment in Germany, namely to set stricter limits on the advertising of such offers - especially those for sports betting.
Blienert's renewed push for stricter regulation of gambling advertising and his choice of words in the wider context of the press statement did not meet with universal approval and understanding. State secretary Heike Raab (SPD) from Rhineland-Palatinate and state minister Oliver Schenk (CDU) from Saxony gave the drugs commissioner some headwind.
The Federal Government's Drugs Commissioner calls for tighter limits on sports betting advertising
The Gambling Atlas 2023 answers key questions about gambling in Germany, such as "What regulations are in place to protect players and young people?", "How big is the gambling market?", "How many and which people participate in gambling?" and more. Burkhard Blienert, the Federal Government Commissioner for Addiction and Drug Issues, believes that such an overview is very important.
"The Gambling Atlas 2023, which is now available, brings together all the key data and facts on gambling," said Blienert in the press release. "This gives us a good basis for discussion about the right way to deal with gambling and its consequences. And that is what we urgently need! It is well known that gambling offers lure players with fast and sometimes high winnings. But hardly anyone knows how high the risk of addiction really is - from the very first game - not even in politics."
"In direct connection with the various incentives to win and the risks of addiction, Burkhard Blienert talks about advertising measures in this context: "Stricter limits should be imposed on advertising as quickly as possible, especially for sports betting. There simply has to be an end to sports betting advertising before, after and during sports broadcasts, even in afternoon and early evening programmes. Nobody wants it, nobody needs it and it's not good for anybody."
State Secretary from Rhineland-Palatinate and State Minister from Saxony respond with an incendiary letter
Secretary of State Heike Raab from Rhineland-Palatinate and Minister of State Oliver Schenk from Saxony "on behalf of the Broadcasting Commission of the Länder" have taken a clear opposite position, according to a report in Bild. They rejected Blienert's criticism, which he expanded on in an interview with RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND), among others. The drugs commissioner said: "The states are not fulfilling their responsibilities. This is unacceptable". At another point, he is even reported to have spoken of a "total failure" and "uncontrolled growth".
Heike Raab told Bild: "We were astonished by your statement that instead of regulating and controlling the market, there would continue to be 'a veritable proliferation of sports betting and online casinos."
Saxony's state minister Oliver Schenk added to Bild: "We do not only consider the plans to be intrusive towards responsible citizens. A ban on advertising would also deprive the private media in particular of an important source of funding through advertising revenue from licensed betting providers".
Burkhard Blienert is being diplomatic and sticking to his plan. In a letter to the federal states, he emphasised that he would never have spoken of "total failure". He stands by his conclusion that there is a great need for action, which also concerns the federal states and the broadcasting stations:
"It is unacceptable that neither young people nor problem gamblers can watch football today without being constantly exposed to sports betting advertising - advertising has a proven impact on these two groups in particular".
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