Scratch cards are also a perennial favorite among games of chance in Germany. Compared to the Czech Republic, however, the fan base in our latitudes is tiny. The small, colorful cards with the winning fields to scratch off are actually considered the most widespread game of chance among our neighbors. Scratch cards are practically ubiquitous - and this is precisely what has now brought gambling research onto the scene: It is suspected that there is an often overlooked potential for addiction here.

Almost everyone knows scratch cards. In recent decades, they were considered a harmless pastime that remained largely unencumbered by the strict (social) regulation of gambling. Many people may still remember how, as children, they were allowed to scratch the boxes on the tickets for their parents or grandparents. Back then, scratch cards were not only sold in kiosks and supermarkets, but were often even sent by post as advertising material. Such promotions seemed innocent, almost like a playful invitation to take part.

In Germany, however, social and legal perceptions have now changed: Scratch cards are now clearly assigned to the gambling sector and their regulation is becoming increasingly strict. The situation is different in the Czech Republic, where the small, colorful cards are still an integral part of everyday life. Whether at the post office, supermarket or kiosk - scratch cards are available almost everywhere. The question “Can I have another lottery ticket?” is as much a part of everyday life there as shopping itself.

However, this apparent harmlessness is deceptive, as reports from sales clerks suggest. While many customers only buy a lottery ticket occasionally, there are more and more exceptional cases. Especially at the beginning of the month, when wages have just been received, some people are said to spend almost all their earnings on scratchcards. Although scratchcards are often seen as a little “everyday fun”, the increasing number of problematic buyers suggests that they play a far greater and more critical role in many people's lives than previously thought.

This accumulation of extreme behavior has alarmed Czech scientists at Palacký University in Olomouc. They investigated how deeply scratch cards are rooted in the local culture and what social and psychological effects this has on the population.

Scientists present impressive figures

Czech scientists at Palacký University in Olomouc have presented impressive and worrying figures that illustrate the scale of scratch card use.

Immense expenditure

First of all, they referred to data from the Czech financial administration, according to which the country's citizens spent around 4.75 billion crowns - around 190 million euros - on scratch cards in the first six months of the current year (2024). This corresponds to a tenfold increase in turnover compared to 2012 and confirms that this form of gambling is indeed gaining a foothold in Czech society.

Risky behavior

Psychological surveys would also suggest that many players exhibit risk-taking behavior. They often spend significantly more money than originally planned, which points to the so-called loss-of-control effect - a phenomenon that is particularly common in games of chance with quick results, including scratch cards.

Dangers of gambling addiction are underestimated

The studies show that the risk of developing an addiction is underestimated by many. 61 percent of the participants surveyed considered scratch cards to be a low-risk game of chance. At the same time, the researchers came across an interesting paradox: people who are generally in favor of stricter regulation of gambling nevertheless often tend to buy scratch cards themselves. This discrepancy confirms the general tendency that scratch cards are often not perceived as serious gambling - a fallacy that masks the potential for addiction.

Scratch cards often given as gifts

Another alarming finding of the study is the very high acceptance of scratch cards as gifts. 84 percent of those surveyed stated that they had already given a scratch card as a gift - and it was not uncommon for them to end up in the hands of children. The researchers warn that this is particularly problematic, as children are introduced to gambling at an early age by scratching the boxes for their parents or grandparents. This shapes their perception and normalizes corresponding behaviour, which could have problematic long-term effects on their attitude towards gambling.

Demographic distribution

It is also interesting to note that scratch cards are the only game of chance in the Czech Republic where more women than men play. This gender-specific distribution is an exception compared to other forms that are traditionally dominated by men. The researchers were unable to identify any significant regional differences - scratch cards are equally widespread in both rural regions and urban centers such as Prague and are deeply integrated into everyday culture.

What is the particular addictive potential of scratch cards?

The great addictive potential of scratch cards lies in a combination of psychological and design elements that are specifically designed to encourage the desire to play again and again.


According to the Czech scientists, the visual design is a decisive factor. With their bright colors, glittering elements and eye-catching slogans, the tickets not only attract attention, but also stimulate the reward system in the brain. The team's psychologists emphasize that even small details such as the images of animals or even special smells that some lottery tickets exude could significantly influence purchasing behavior. These multisensory stimuli create an environment that targets emotional responses - similar to other games of chance where visual and auditory elements play crucial roles.

Near-miss effect

Another key factor is the so-called near-miss effect, which the researchers at Palacký University describe as particularly critical. Scratch cards are designed in such a way that players often only just miss out on winning. A typical scenario: the buyer scratches off a row and discovers three identical digits in the four spaces - so there is only one number missing to win. The close miss activates the reward center in the brain (similar to an actual win) and creates the feeling that the next time it will definitely work. This psychological dynamic increases the likelihood that players will immediately buy another ticket, convinced that success is just around the corner.

Constant availability

This behavior is further reinforced by the constant availability of lottery tickets. They are available in almost every retail outlet - and the rapid gaming experience (it often only takes a few seconds for the result to be determined) ensures prompt success or, in the case of the near-miss, the illusion of a near-win. The rapid cycle of purchase and result leaves little time for reflection, which significantly increases the risk of uncontrolled gambling.

Online scratch cards

An increasingly important factor is the digital shift in the lottery business. More and more scratchcards are now being offered online - and according to the Czech tax authorities, a third of sales are already made via the internet. Instead of scratching off the silver coating with a coin as in the past, players now swipe their finger across the smartphone display. This digital form makes the game even more accessible and speeds up the process even further, which further increases the likelihood of excessive behavior.


The figures from the Czech Republic make it clear that scratch cards really do have an often underestimated addictive potential. They are deeply rooted in people's everyday lives - and that is precisely what makes them so dangerous. Despite their apparent harmlessness, the studies show that many players slip into risky behavior without being aware of the danger. Whether these alarming findings will lead to political or regulatory measures remains to be seen. What is clear, however, is that the issue requires increased attention in the country in order to minimize the risks in the long term.

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