“Online Streetwork” project aimed to protect the player has been launched

A few days ago the new project “online streetwork” was launched. The aim of the project is to reach people with gambling related problems in the place where they are most often to be found: on the internet. Does this new player protection project make sense and who are the people who can make use of this programme?
In November of last year we had reported about the “European Safer Gambling Week 2022“. On the 16th. January 2023, the Department for Gambling Addiction in Bavaria has initiated an interesting project called “Online Streetwork”. This project aims to reach the players with a problematic gambling behaviour and find them exactly in the place where they like to be best: on the world wide web.
“Online-Streetwork”: Focus on digital help offers
Many people with gambling related problems still shy away from going to a stationary addiction counselling or support facility. For this same reason, the Department for Gambling Addiction in Bavaria, (LSG) has initiated the project “Online Streetwork.” The LSG not only provides comprehensive information material on the internet, but it also provides Smartphone Apps where those affected can seek help. In an older article we had already talked about the issue of which players are most susceptible to gambling addiction.
The manager of LSG, Konrad Landgraf, is convinced that help for addiction is not only done in private and face to face:
“With Online Streetwork we can provide people with risky, problematic or pathological gambling behaviour with a completely new and low threshold access. The aim of this project is particularly to reach younger people as early as possible. And doing this before they have profound problems.”
How does “Online-Streetwork” function?
The team consists of nine social workers with several years’ experience in the field of gambling addiction. The employees are not only actively involved on social media as Instagram or Facebook but also on gambling forums. Till now at GambeJoe we have not been able to locate any of the employees of the project “Online-Streetwork”. The aim of the social workers in the gambling fora and on social media ist o involve themselves in the discussions, speak objectively about the dangers of gambling and establish trust.
On the 16th.January, the Department for Gambling Addiction in Bavaria launched an attractive project, “Online-Streetwork”, to protect players who are in danger of addiction. The team currently consists of nine experts who are active in gambling for a and on social media and offer their help there.
Image source: https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/hand-meer-wasser-wellen-wolken-792920/
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