The famous German-Turkish livestreamer MontanaBlack has apparently discovered a new form of gambling for himself. In one of his latest streams, the 36-year-old showed how he opened a total of 25 abandoned suitcases, which he had previously bought at auction for several thousand euros. Has this "investment" paid off for MontanaBlack?

We at GambleJoe have already reported on the famous livestreamer from Buxtehude several times. Most recently, in an article published in December last year, MontanaBlack defended casino deals as a livestreamer. In one of his most recent streams, the entertainer now showed how he opened previously auctioned abandoned suitcases. By definition, this is not a game of chance. Nevertheless, it is undoubtedly luck that decides whether buying an abandoned suitcase is worthwhile or not.

MontanaBlack buys 25 abandoned suitcases at auction for 15,000 euros

The 36-year-old livestreamer naturally had high expectations beforehand. As he said he paid 15,000 euros for the 25 suitcases, each suitcase cost an average of 600 euros. With a price tag like that, it's almost inevitable that there will be expensive fashion, a MacBook or perhaps even cash inside.

In the livestream, however, disillusionment quickly set in. None of the 25 suitcases contained even one really valuable item. The highlight of all the cases were new iPhone headphones (new price: approx. 280 euros).

Interested readers can watch the two-hour stream with MontanaBlack, Giggsentv and AbuGoku on YouTube:

Suitcase auctions: Are the valuables taken out beforehand?

In the livestream, MontanaBlack suggests that the valuables are taken out of the abandoned suitcases in advance. In fact, it is rather unlikely that there are no valuables at all in 25 suitcases. On the other hand, many passengers naturally keep their valuables in their hand luggage, so it is ultimately impossible to determine whether airport employees, for example, helped themselves to the suitcases before the auction. MontanaBlack formulated his assumption in the livestream as follows:

"My personal gut feeling tells me that at customs or the airport, employees will get to the suitcases beforehand and also take out the valuable items."

One small consolation remains for the successful livestreamer: within the first two weeks of publication, over 2.1 million people watched the video entitled "XXL 15,000 euro lost suitcases" on YouTube alone. MontanaBlack is therefore likely to have recouped at least some of the money invested in the form of advertising revenue.

MontanaBlack advises against buying abandoned suitcases at auction

Ultimately, the entertainer from Buxtehude in Lower Saxony unsurprisingly advises against buying abandoned suitcases at auction. He himself would not do it again. Just under a year ago, we also reported on GambleJoe that MontanaBlack had spent 40,000 euros on "Bravo boxes".

Image source:äck-reisen-sonnenlicht-urlaub-1149289/

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