Even in Germany, politics and gambling are often linked - especially in the context of the regulation of such services - which often causes discussion and excitement. However, a connection like that in Sweden, where the local Social Democratic Party actually runs its own lottery, is hardly conceivable in this country. In the Scandinavian kingdom, such businesses have also long been the subject of criticism. However, the debate is currently at an all-time high, with accusations of manipulation and even links to gang crime.

For us Germans, it may sound strange that the Swedish Social Democrats from Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti (SAP) operate an extensive lottery service via the party's own gambling company Kombispel. In Sweden, gambling is not only perceived as a leisure activity, but also as a source of income for political parties, which leads to a particular tension between ethics and financial gain. Critics, particularly from the political opposition and gambling addiction prevention experts, argue that SAP's gambling activities not only create a conflict of interest, but also jeopardize the public perception of socio-political issues and responsibilities.

Just this year, the Swedish government commissioned an investigation into the legality of this source of money, which concluded that there is no legal basis for a ban on the party lottery. However, in light of recent allegations of manipulation and links to gang crime, the foundations of the legal assessments are in doubt.

The current investigations could have far-reaching consequences - not only for SAP, but also for the credibility of the Swedish gambling market as a whole. Party leader Magdalena Andersson now sees it as her duty to face up to the critical questions and transparently explain how the party intends to refute the allegations. In a country that has traditionally set high standards for transparency and accountability, SAP's failure to ensure the integrity of its dealings could affect not only its own fortunes, but also those of the entire Swedish Social Democratic Party.

Manipulation of senior citizens and links to gang crime?

Research by the newspaper Dagens Nyheter has uncovered alarming revelations that put the social democratic gambling company Kombispel in a bad light.

  • A call center based in Barcelona is suspected of contacting very old people by telephone and putting them under pressure to buy lottery tickets. The callers also deliberately concealed the fact that these were subscriptions, thereby forcing those affected into financial dependency. These practices not only raise ethical questions, but also pose an increased risk of harming vulnerable population groups who may suffer from a gambling addiction.
  • In addition, the newspapers Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet reported that several former employees of the call center had links to organized crime. Among them was a man who was sentenced to 14 years in prison in Sweden in the summer of 2024. The offenses he was charged with included aiding and abetting an attempted murder. Such links between a state-licensed and party-affiliated gambling operator and gang crime shed a worrying light on the safety standards and ethical guidelines that should apply in the industry.

The revelations about immoral sales methods and criminal links finally required a direct response from Magdalena Andersson, the leader of the Swedish Social Democrats. In a statement, she expressed her deep disappointment and anger at the incidents and emphasized that it was high time to take decisive action.

Critics have long spoken of a “corrupt system”

In the spring of 2024, economic politician Tobias Andersson from the right-wing Sweden Democrats (SD) described social democratic gambling activities as a “corrupt system”. According to Andersson, he wants to turn off this money tap for the “socialists”. Apparently, he sees the machinations as opaque and prone to abuse.

During this discussion, the leader of the SAP party, Magdalena Andersson, countered that such statements were merely an attempt to silence political opponents. The SAP chairwoman emphasized that her concern was less about the political consequences of the call center scandal and more about the elderly people who were burdened by the aggressive sales tactics. She stated that she had only become aware of the extent of the problem through the media coverage.

Dagens Nyheter claimed that parts of the party leadership had already been informed about unfair telemarketing practices surrounding their lottery a year ago. Joakim Jonsson, among others, had to deal with complaints about aggressive sales pitches. As treasurer of the party and responsible for the gaming subsidiary Kombispel, he passed everything on to the management. This led to the termination of several contracts with external service providers. The call center, which is now being criticized, continued to be employed, with only new contracts being signed.

In response to the uncovered abuses, the party replaced both the management board and the managing director of Kombispel and announced that sales via external call centers would be discontinued. The new management was instructed to “wipe the slate clean” and ensure that the values of social democracy are embedded in all business practices.

Nevertheless, political opponents are skeptical. Karin Enström, Secretary General of the Moderates, criticized the fact that responsibility was only being shifted to management while the fundamental problems in the system continued. In order to regain the trust of the public, SAP must make substantial changes and carry out a comprehensive investigation into its internal structures and practices. This is the only way to ensure that such incidents can be ruled out in the future.


The current events surrounding SAP and its lottery offering represent considerable damage to the party's image and raise fundamental questions about responsibility and supervision in the gambling sector. This highlights the potential dangers of a gambling system that is closely linked not only to corporate profits, legal requirements and ethical principles, but also to moral implications at a political or partisan level. In a market that already has to deal with a high level of complexity, the particular circumstances in Sweden make it all the more important that policymakers respond properly to the allegations. Decision-makers must not only scrutinize existing structures, but also take comprehensive measures to ensure that unethical practices are prevented in the future. Only through clear guidelines, transparent processes and increased oversight can public confidence be restored.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-grandmother-elderly-3188744/

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