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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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Ok - why is that actually the case?
Well, it is generally defined in a matrix which wins occur how often. This matrix is divided into cash wins and feature wins. In lower stakes, however, these are much closer or more often populated than in higher stakes. But at higher stakes the value behind them is also higher.
Generally it looks like that in a middle, lower level one assumes a fixed occurrence of approx. 1:150 at feature wins. I.e. it usually takes about 150 spins until these features are triggered. (Stakes approx. 40 - 80 cents). Of course there are also "Abnomalies" in the matrixes to make the player believe that the phase is good. I.e. it can come within shorter intervals also to further feature profits (asks only which value stands behind it?).
Good - now we know that this matrix is created on a lower level - not the lowest level. Let's take the example of 0.40 cents and the distribution of 1:150. Does that mean - that if you play e.g. on such a device on 0,20 - the matrix changes on 1:75 or on 0,10 on 1:36 - or on 0,05 1:18.
These numbers look confusing at first, but they are not. It means nothing else than if you bet 20 cents every 75 spins, if you bet 10 cents every 36 spins and if you bet 5 cents every 18 spins.
What does this have to do with it now if I have played high before?
If you play on a higher level, the rotation increases - so a switch from 0.80 to e.g. 1.60 means x 2 - so instead of 150 it is then x 2 = 300 for 0.80 cents and 600 for 1.60 spins - until you get the features (on average).
You have now played for example a few hundred spins on 0.80 - and switch down - let's say to 0.20 cents - what happened at this point?
You have triggered hundreds of empty matrix fields - when you then switch, this value increases many times over - so in most cases the game will trigger the features on the lower bet - because it is "forced" to do so. And that's exactly what makes us all supposedly "annoyed" and we sit there and say "I knew it - as soon as I switch down come the XXXX books ... I hear often " LOL
Further reasons why it comes nevertheless again and again to fast following feature distributions, and why a machine can "eat" for days, weeks or months, will follow. Among other things also a technology and/or logic like one exactly this knowledge evenly to its favor to turn can.
That is simply times the simple explanation as entrance into my series of the Insider knowledge.
maybe there will be more later
Your Aka
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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I find your posts very informative & look forward to reading about this technique.
I always thought it was something like this:
The machine / game calculates when for example someone plays on 1 euro: sum X I collect now and then I give sum X back to the player. So let's assume that the machine sets itself at 1 euro bet on 100 euros until the feature auslsoest. Now I switch in between but down to 0.50ct, then would be recalculated and the game solves so already at 50 euros the feature. If I have at this time (change from 1 to 0.50) the 50 euros already reached with the previous bets on said euro, it immediately releases the feature.
It is similar to your description. I hope I have written it understandably...?
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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It should be random everywhere (also in gambling houses). Only in gambling houses the payout ratio is 75% instead of 95%. Which means that on average you lose 25% per spin in casinos, instead of 5%. That makes a lot of difference. If you play on 10 cents, in Online Casinos and casinos at 5% house advantage 6 € / hour are gone on average and in arcades 30 € per hour.
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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Well, I personally don't know it like that. However, I have never been a Spielotheken player because I did not like the legal framework from a player's point of view and probably also simply because the next Spielo would have been 20 km away. Was in my life a total of 2-3 times in the Spielo.
From my over 14 years of experience in Online Casinos and casinos, I can not confirm that and it should not be so there, because it is just gambling. So far I am in agreement with Daniel.
In arcades and gaming houses (mind you, I hardly have any experience as a player there myself), things look different. There are also these notices in which it says that it depends on the strategy and the game behavior (and also on the stakes???) how much is paid out. In addition it acts with the automats in gaming houses, play halls and catering trade also not around gambling devices but around maintenance play devices. Ultimately, I can therefore at least theoretically imagine that it runs as described by Akaris.
However, this perception can also simply be a deception, because it is much easier for people to remember when you switch down and then get free spins. One has already expected it (I knew it!) and therefore remembers it especially. But as I said, I haven't had much practical experience with the amusement machines, fortunately! Basically, exactly for the reason that it could run there, due to the vague laws (especially regarding AQ) for entertainment playground equipment, so (or worse) as described I have kept away.
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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The thing is, in order to get the lower AQ for amusement machines, there has to be some kind of "manipulation" of the actual games. The most logical way would be to thin out (partially remove) the possible winning pictures so that the AQ drops accordingly
So as I had read in a vending machine Aufsteller or play hall operator forum also times before years, it is to be selected possible at the maintenance play devices between different payouts (which already says everything)...
Ultimately, it is simply so that in the area of entertainment gaming machines very much is feasible and in the completely legal (legally compliant but imo completely unethical) area
As for the state gambling providers in the form of casinos, they are now often no longer really state-owned. Gauselmann has also been operating some casinos for some time. Novomatic has been doing so for a long time. With the Umsatzstärksten gaming house of Germany, the Spielbank Berlin, it is for example in such a way that the operator company to 40% Gauselmann and Novomatic to 60% Novomatic belongs. (source) However, 60% (according to Wikipedia in the case of Spielbank Berlin) of the gross gaming revenue goes to the German state as a casino tax.
The Westspiel casinos are still more or less state-owned, since the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the form of NRW.Bank is the owner. With others it is then partly in such a way that among other things Gauselmann and Novomatic are behind it. Since everyone can think for himself his part
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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If arcade machines first had to be fed properly in order to make any profit at all, then the new arcades that open would be true money-burning plants
Nevertheless, it has nothing to do there with coincidence and also not with bet-independence.
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AKA#01 - Why after higher stakes without free spins actually come almost 100%...
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It is simply a fact that no matter which variant of "slot machine" - online or offline - this is how it works. Changing the payout ratio means changing the "matrix". The features and winnings are scattered even less than "normal".
Of course it is so that a machine / game "at some point must give something" - but the relations to what you throw in and what then comes out as a "profit" is unfortunately even worse than 1:5000 ... therefore can e.g. just nowadays the offline boxes sometimes "for weeks" only eat. Think most here have no idea what so a Novokiste can swallow ... namely within 2-3 weeks good 40,000 euros ... and then he spits out times nen 2,000 picture and nen few 3-400 series. Small intermediate profits under 100 are also there - but most of them will lose it again.
The big danger in OC is in my opinion that you have absolutely no idea which instance of a game you are logging into. Whereby instance of a game for example is equivalent to the selection of a vending machine in a Spielo where 30-40 identical boxes are. But even there you are not 24h x7d on the spot and do not know if an update is played at night or or or or ... it is simply ultimately a game of chance ... or just unfortunately a question of money. The fact is - sure you can force it - but forcing it just brings no profit - because the stakes are utopian before.
Is the lottery nothing else - you can force the 6er with extra number - but you need just a zigfaches of the money as what you can win at all.
I simply believe that many do not have these relations at all before eyes or consider ...
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