Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 02:27 am CET#1
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Hello everyone,
i know there is no right or wrong, because everything is based on chance. And you should never play for financial reasons. I'm sure no one has ever done that. It's all just for the entertainment value But I'll ask anyway. What are your experiences? Incidentally, I only play with providers with a German license, so high bets are not possible anyway. By high I mean only €0.80 to €1.00.
If I play on 10 or 20 cents, I don't need to Risk that much bet. So I can play many rounds with relatively little bet. On the one hand, this is good because the more rounds, the more chances of winning. On the other hand, it's bad because the more rounds I play, the more the house advantage works against me and, in addition, the individual possible wins are lower than with higher bets.
I have now been playing for several hours a day for about a week with small bets (one-off depositor of €50.00) and have always come out at around €50.00 after several hours in each session. When I wanted to end the thing and then increased the bets irregularly by 0.10c or 0.20c, the nasty eating phase came. Down to zero.
What was the question again? I can't remember exactly I'm just wondering whether it's better to start with high bets next time. It doesn't really matter, as it normally ends at zero again anyway. But if I land a somewhat bigger hit, then the payout would at least be worth it. With small bets, the payout is not worth it and I play on and on until the money is gone.
And yes, I only play for the fun of it, but it's even more fun with worthwhile wins...
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 08:40 am CET#3
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Scatter777 wrote on 06.01.2025 at 02:27: Hello everyone,
i know, there is basically no right or wrong, because everything is based on chance. And under no circumstances should you play for financial reasons. I'm sure no one has ever done that. It's all just for the entertainment value But I'll ask anyway. What are your experiences? Incidentally, I only play with providers with a German license, so high bets are not possible anyway. By high I mean only €0.80 to €1.00.
If I play on 10 or 20 cents, I don't need to Risk that much bet. So I can play many rounds with relatively little bet. On the one hand, this is good because the more rounds, the more chances of winning. On the other hand, it's bad because the more rounds I play, the more the house advantage works against me and, in addition, the individual possible wins are lower than with higher bets.
I have now been playing for several hours a day for about a week with small bets (one-off depositor of €50.00) and have always come out at around €50.00 after several hours in each session. When I wanted to end the thing and then increased the bets irregularly by 0.10c or 0.20c, the nasty eating phase came. Down to zero.
What was the question again? I can't remember exactly I'm just wondering whether it's better to start with high bets next time. It doesn't really matter, as it normally ends at zero again anyway. But if I land a somewhat bigger hit, then the payout would at least be worth it. With small bets, the payout is not worth it and I play on and on until the money is gone.
And yes, I only play for the fun of it, but it's even more fun with worthwhile wins...
How do you do it?
you wrote exactly the right thing in your last paragraph
from my experience of over 10 years i can tell you exactly the same, play higher rather than lower
in the past, i often spent ages with deposits of €50 to €100 with bets of 10 cents to 50 cents, usually nothing came up and if something did come up, you usually couldn't even double your deposit...
nowadays I play €50 or €100 depositors, and it's €1 and higher, often even €5, and you can often tell when the machine is giving good intermediate wins
advantage 1 you don't waste all your time on the machine
advantage 2 let's say with a bet of €2, 200x equals €400
disadvantage either something comes up and you have a few hundred € or it's over in 5 to 10 minutes
i have to say that for me it's perfect, many people want to have fun, that's why they play smaller bets with high depositors, so that even if nothing comes up you can still play for a long time, which i never do, if it doesn't work i don't feel like it anyway, and if the machines throw you notice it and you increase your balance anyway
PS: feel free to browse through my winning pictures, pictures say more than 1000 words
of course everyone plays differently, but as i said i prefer to play with the eat or die method
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 08:49 am CET#4
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Normally I always started shooting with 20ct - 40ct. Precisely to have more chances (with a limited budget or limit).
However, I've noticed that the slots (especially Hacksaw & NoLimit) run better in the first 25 or so rounds and then degrade constantly. That's why I've gotten into the habit of playing the first rounds at 60ct - 80ct and then adjusting the bet depending on how things go. This doesn't always lead to success, but it's best to test it yourself
that's exactly what I meant. If I'm constantly messing around with 0.10 cents, then it's hardly possible to reach an amount that I'm happy with. So I don't pay out, but keep on playing, hoping for the big hit. But the longer I play, the more mercilessly the house advantage drags me down to zero.
On the other hand, I don't see gambling with a small bet as a waste of time. It's still fun for me, because theoretically a big hit can come. With rising Joker, that would be €1000 with a 0.10 cent bet. Incidentally, I got into this "bonus round", which can be triggered at any time, 5 times last week. Once even immediately when opening the game. But then it was only 4 x €10 and once €40. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out with the €250 or €1000 so far. It would have been more with higher bets. On the other hand, I might not have gotten into these rounds at all because I would have run out of money much sooner with higher bets.
I imagine it's a bit like flipping a coin. If I win, I get 0.90 cents, if the bank wins, it gets €1.00 from me. If I toss 10 times, there's a good chance that I'll come out with a good win. But if I throw 1 million times, then the probability of winning with a few outliers should be 50%. If both sides win about equally often, but one side always gets 10% more than the other side in a win, then it's clear that one side will end up completely empty and all the money will be on the other side. It's practically a redistribution system.
Scatter777 wrote on 06.01.2025 at 09:24: Good morning everyone,
that's exactly what I meant. If I'm constantly messing around with 0.10 cents, then it's hardly possible to reach an amount I'm happy with. So I don't pay out, but keep on playing, hoping for the big hit. But the longer I play, the more mercilessly the house advantage drags me down to zero.
On the other hand, I don't see gambling with a small bet as a waste of time. It's still fun for me, because theoretically a big hit can come. With rising Joker, that would be €1000 with a 0.10 cent bet. Incidentally, I got into this "bonus round", which can be triggered at any time, 5 times last week. Once even immediately when opening the game. But then it was only 4 x €10 and once €40. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out with the €250 or €1000 so far. It would have been more with higher bets. On the other hand, I might not have gotten into these rounds at all because I would have run out of money much sooner with higher bets.
I imagine it's a bit like flipping a coin. If I win, I get 0.90 cents, if the bank wins, it gets €1.00 from me. If I toss 10 times, there's a good chance that I'll come out with a good win. But if I throw 1 million times, then the probability of winning with a few outliers should be 50%. If both sides win about equally often, but one side always gets 10% more than the other side in a win, then it's clear that one side will end up completely empty and all the money will be on the other side. It's practically a redistribution system.
Ultimately, everyone has their own experiences and then has an opinion on the subject, some of which may be correct (i.e. based on their own figures) and some of which I believe is based on selective perception, especially in this area of slots.
Especially things like "Slot xy gives more at the beginning" or "if nothing comes after 50 spins, change slot" are somehow difficult to prove. Even if you have this experience for a year and only ever play 50 spins since then, you never know what would have happened if you had continued after the 50 spins... I think you know what I mean....
But if you want to stay on the provable level, I think you can say:
If your total Deposit amount is the same over period xy, e.g. a year, then on average it doesn't matter what bets you play.
If you deposit more because of higher bets and therefore deposit more overall, i.e. you do not reduce the number of depositors, then you lose more.
In a game of chance with a negative expected value, more bets must mathematically mean more losses in the long term.
In the short term, luck can of course have an influence and give you a big win on a high bet. However, if you continue to play like this, it is highly likely that you will lose again in the long term.
I would therefore always tend to start small and increase the stake for a few spins if you win.
It's just too bad for me to lose a hunny after 5 minutes (I don't have that much money either).
I'd like to drink my beer while I'm doing it, watch a bit of a series on the side, etc. And not just do a few spins while pooping😂
Scatter777 wrote on 06.01.2025 at 09:24: Good morning everyone,
that's exactly what I meant. If I'm constantly messing around with 0.10 cents, then it's hardly possible to reach an amount I'm happy with. So I don't pay out, but keep on playing, hoping for the big hit. But the longer I play, the more mercilessly the house advantage drags me down to zero.
On the other hand, I don't see gambling with a small bet as a waste of time. It's still fun for me, because theoretically a big hit can come. With rising Joker, that would be €1000 with a 0.10 cent bet. Incidentally, I got into this "bonus round", which can be triggered at any time, 5 times last week. Once even immediately when opening the game. But then it was only 4 x €10 and once €40. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out with the €250 or €1000 so far. It would have been more with higher bets. On the other hand, I might not have gotten into these rounds at all because I would have run out of money much sooner with higher bets.
I imagine it's a bit like flipping a coin. If I win, I get 0.90 cents, if the bank wins, it gets €1.00 from me. If I toss 10 times, there's a good chance that I'll come out with a good win. But if I throw 1 million times, then the probability of winning with a few outliers should be 50%. If both sides win about equally often, but one side always gets 10% more than the other side in a win, then it's clear that one side will end up completely empty and all the money will be on the other side. It's practically a redistribution system.
yes, that's a good one, winning 1000€ from a 10 cent bet, that's a wish, believe me, i've been playing for so long and really a lot, you can see my winning pictures, but i've never managed a maxwin, of course more likely to get a maxwin on low bets than on high bets, but still the chance of achieving something like that is roughly comparable to a lotto million win - so pretty unlikely
however, i think you have a better chance of getting my maxwin on bonus buys, because what i often see in the winning pictures in the forum, maxwins are mostly made with bonus buys
although I don't do that because I play with Bonuses 90% of the time anyway
what I can read from your posts is that you like to play long and with small bets, and hope for a maxwin on the side, but as I said you would win much more,
if you play in the 1€-2€ range because a 300x-600x hit is already quite a lot of money, and this happens more often than you think, only one thing i can promise you if you wait for a maxwin you will probably gamble away 5000€ on small bets before you win the 1000€, if you get it at all, as i said it is often written in the slots max.win chance e.g. 1 to 150mio
i.e. the probability of hitting the Jackpot like a lottery win or a scratch card
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 10:46 am CET#8
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Could be. Although Stromberg's negative expectation also makes sense. In the long run, you will always lose and then I'd rather lose less than more. Unless Mr. RNG changes his mind and does something completely out of the ordinary for a while. Anything can always happen, or not. A vicious circle, as TV Kaiser would say.
If you put a moderately talented chimpanzee in the slot, wouldn't he actually achieve the same results as the most experienced player? Or maybe even better results?
Scatter777 wrote on 06.01.2025 at 10:46 am: Could be. Although Stromberg's negative expectation also makes sense. In the long run you will always lose and then I'd rather lose less than more. Unless Mr. RNG changes his mind and does something completely out of the ordinary for a while. Anything can always happen, or not. A vicious circle, as TV Kaiser would say.
If you put a moderately talented chimpanzee at the slot, wouldn't he actually achieve the same results as the most experienced player? Or maybe even better results?
cool question, every average player thinks, yes, the chimpanzee makes no difference to any other player......
well what if i told you that i have made very good plus since last year (2023) and even more plus in 2024 although i play a lot?
would you believe me? probably not, i could of course prove this to you here with transactions from the respective casinos, but i don't necessarily want to show this to strangers and who knows who is reading along...
what i want to say is, i am where i am today because i have learned from the last 10 years, and no your beautiful metaffa no matter who you put behind the machine it comes out the same result is wrong....
there are many people here in the forum, if i would explain this now like what when who where, some specialists from the forum would come here and say yes you are just imagining that the machines run like this and like that and you were just lucky...
yes it's partly true, of course it's also luck, but if you take certain things into account you'll have more luck than others, including having a limit when playing slots, if it doesn't work try another time, don't force it, then i only play with a bonus Deposit, keep your feet still after big wins, play irregularly, the more often you play the less you win....
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 12:22 pm CET#10
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zocker0815 wrote on 06.01.2025 10:26:
yes that's a good one, winning 1000€ from a 10 cent bet, think that's a wish, believe me, I've been playing for so long and really a lot, you can see my winning pictures, but I've never managed a maxwin, of course more likely to get a maxwin on low bets than on high bets, but still the chance of achieving something like that is roughly comparable to a lotto million win - so pretty unlikely
although i think you have a better chance of getting my maxwin on bonus buys, because what i often see in the winning pictures in the forum, maxwins are mostly made with bonus buys
although I don't do that because I play with Bonuses 90% of the time anyway
what I can read from your posts is that you like to play long and with small bets, and hope for a maxwin on the side, but as I said you would win much more,
if you play in the 1€-2€ range because a 300x-600x hit is already quite a lot of money, and this happens more often than you think, only one thing i can promise you if you wait for a maxwin you will probably gamble away 5000€ on small bets before you win the 1000€, if you get it at all, as i said it is often written in the slots max.win chance e.g. 1 to 150mio
i.e. the probability of hitting the Jackpot like a lottery win or a scratch card
I think I had a maxwin exactly once, but it was only x1000. From netent there was a slot where you had to collect joker caps on reels 2-4 and if you had all of them in the marked area you got x1000 or something.
Otherwise there are of course lots of wins that are mega but not the maxwin.
But everyone has probably experienced how difficult it is to get a 1000-fold win during a dry spell...
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
6th Jan. 2025, at 12:31 pm CET#11
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zocker0815 wrote on January 06, 2025 at 11:58 am:
cool question, every average thinks to himself, yes the chimpanzee makes no difference to another player......
well what if i told you that i have made a very good plus since last year (2023) and even more plus in 2024 even though i play a lot?
would you believe me? probably not, i could of course prove this to you here with transactions from the respective casinos, but i don't necessarily want to show this to strangers and who knows who is reading along...
what i want to say is, i am where i am today because i have learned from the last 10 years, and no your beautiful metaffa no matter who you put behind the machine it comes out the same result is wrong....
there are many people here in the forum, if i would explain this now like what when who where, some specialists from the forum would come here and say yes you are just imagining that the machines run like this and like that and you were just lucky...
yes it's partly true, of course it's also luck, but if you take certain things into account you'll have more luck than others, including having a limit when playing slots, if it doesn't work try another time, don't force it, then i only play with a bonus Deposit, keep your feet still after big wins, play irregularly, the more often you play the less you win....
ect. ect....
It's basically similar to my opinion, at least the conclusion.
Deposit more and bet higher, but not as often, which is no more expensive than 5 x as many lower deposits. So roughly speaking... 😄
@scatter: Just try it out for yourself over a few months or so.
You just have to stick to it consistently and make a note of everything you do.
But I think it's also important to say that some people are more prone to addiction and loss of control, others less...
If you increase your bets and get correspondingly higher winnings, there is a relatively good chance that you will hardly be happy about wins of 20 cents or so... This can lead to a tendency to increase your bets or at least not lower them in bad phases.
For a while when I was betting, I didn't want to play any bets under €20 because I was hardly happy about a win of €70 or so. Then I always played higher odds etc. to compensate for this, all cheese.
I'm now back to my €10 to €20 and relatively normal odds, but it could end differently...
frapi07 wrote on 06.01.2025 at 12:33: If you want a Max. Win, then you can play the No Limits slots. Some have the "God Mode". But it costs a lot I think 500-1000x or so, depending.
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
7th Jan. 2025, at 08:29 am CET#14
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I read from a (supposed) casino insider with 30 years of experience that the best strategy in terms of bets is supposedly like this:
Start with the smallest bet and spin five times. If nothing comes up, raise the bet to the next level and spin five times again. Continue until you get a win. Then reset to the smallest bet and start all over again.
Sounds logical so far. The more often nothing comes up, the greater the probability of a hit. Two hits in a row or more are not so likely. So after the first hit, turn it back down.
The stupid thing is, the first hit doesn't have to be a good hit. If I turn it up and then get 0.20 cents, they are multiplied, but then it's just 0.80 cents or so. It's still far too little to make up for the loss on the way up.
And if everything is supposed to be random anyway and the RNG has no memory, then it doesn't matter anyway. What exactly is probability supposed to be? It's different from math. You can calculate math, but not probability. Although, there is probability. I'm confused
Scatter777 wrote on 07.01.2025 at 08:29: I read from an (alleged) casino insider with 30 years of experience that the best strategy in terms of bets is supposed to be like this:
Start with the smallest bet and spin five times. If nothing comes up, raise the bet to the next level and spin five times again. Continue until you get a win. Then return to the smallest bet and start all over again.
Sounds logical so far. The more often nothing comes up, the greater the probability of a hit. Two hits in a row or more are not so likely. So after the first hit, turn it back down.
The stupid thing is, the first hit doesn't have to be a good hit. If I turn it up and then get 0.20 cents, they are multiplied, but then it's just 0.80 cents or so. It's still far too little to make up for the loss on the way up.
And if everything is supposed to be random anyway and the RNG has no memory, then it doesn't matter anyway. What exactly is probability supposed to be? It's different from math. You can calculate math, but not probability. Although, there is probability. I'm confused
You can calculate probability, but not chance in the true sense of the word.
However, the result of a slot is only partially random. It may be random which possible result comes up. However, it is specified which results can occur at all and how likely this is... 😄
If you throw a die once, it is random which number comes up.
If you throw it 1,000,000 times, the sums of how often you have thrown which number will be very similar. Chance is then overridden by probability.
This is also often confused. You expect a result in a lottery, for example 😉, because there is a Random Number Generator at work, and if it works, you should be there at least once. However, chance doesn't produce the results you expect, otherwise it wouldn't be chance.
Only in the very long term will everything happen as expected based on the mathematical probabilities.
And in the case of slots, this is normally a loss.
Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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i know there is no right or wrong, because everything is based on chance. And you should never play for financial reasons. I'm sure no one has ever done that. It's all just for the entertainment value But I'll ask anyway. What are your experiences? Incidentally, I only play with providers with a German license, so high bets are not possible anyway. By high I mean only €0.80 to €1.00.
If I play on 10 or 20 cents, I don't need to Risk that much bet. So I can play many rounds with relatively little bet. On the one hand, this is good because the more rounds, the more chances of winning. On the other hand, it's bad because the more rounds I play, the more the house advantage works against me and, in addition, the individual possible wins are lower than with higher bets.
I have now been playing for several hours a day for about a week with small bets (one-off depositor of €50.00) and have always come out at around €50.00 after several hours in each session. When I wanted to end the thing and then increased the bets irregularly by 0.10c or 0.20c, the nasty eating phase came. Down to zero.
What was the question again? I can't remember exactly I'm just wondering whether it's better to start with high bets next time. It doesn't really matter, as it normally ends at zero again anyway. But if I land a somewhat bigger hit, then the payout would at least be worth it. With small bets, the payout is not worth it and I play on and on until the money is gone.
And yes, I only play for the fun of it, but it's even more fun with worthwhile wins...
How do you do it?
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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you wrote exactly the right thing in your last paragraph
from my experience of over 10 years i can tell you exactly the same, play higher rather than lower
in the past, i often spent ages with deposits of €50 to €100 with bets of 10 cents to 50 cents, usually nothing came up and if something did come up, you usually couldn't even double your deposit...
nowadays I play €50 or €100 depositors, and it's €1 and higher, often even €5, and you can often tell when the machine is giving good intermediate wins
advantage 1 you don't waste all your time on the machine
advantage 2 let's say with a bet of €2, 200x equals €400
disadvantage either something comes up and you have a few hundred € or it's over in 5 to 10 minutes
i have to say that for me it's perfect, many people want to have fun, that's why they play smaller bets with high depositors, so that even if nothing comes up you can still play for a long time, which i never do, if it doesn't work i don't feel like it anyway, and if the machines throw you notice it and you increase your balance anyway
PS: feel free to browse through my winning pictures, pictures say more than 1000 words
of course everyone plays differently, but as i said i prefer to play with the eat or die method
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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However, I've noticed that the slots (especially Hacksaw & NoLimit) run better in the first 25 or so rounds and then degrade constantly. That's why I've gotten into the habit of playing the first rounds at 60ct - 80ct and then adjusting the bet depending on how things go. This doesn't always lead to success, but it's best to test it yourself
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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that's exactly what I meant. If I'm constantly messing around with 0.10 cents, then it's hardly possible to reach an amount that I'm happy with. So I don't pay out, but keep on playing, hoping for the big hit. But the longer I play, the more mercilessly the house advantage drags me down to zero.
On the other hand, I don't see gambling with a small bet as a waste of time. It's still fun for me, because theoretically a big hit can come. With rising Joker, that would be €1000 with a 0.10 cent bet. Incidentally, I got into this "bonus round", which can be triggered at any time, 5 times last week. Once even immediately when opening the game. But then it was only 4 x €10 and once €40. Unfortunately, it hasn't worked out with the €250 or €1000 so far. It would have been more with higher bets. On the other hand, I might not have gotten into these rounds at all because I would have run out of money much sooner with higher bets.
I imagine it's a bit like flipping a coin. If I win, I get 0.90 cents, if the bank wins, it gets €1.00 from me. If I toss 10 times, there's a good chance that I'll come out with a good win. But if I throw 1 million times, then the probability of winning with a few outliers should be 50%. If both sides win about equally often, but one side always gets 10% more than the other side in a win, then it's clear that one side will end up completely empty and all the money will be on the other side. It's practically a redistribution system.
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
Liked this post: garfield68, Max_Bet
Ultimately, everyone has their own experiences and then has an opinion on the subject, some of which may be correct (i.e. based on their own figures) and some of which I believe is based on selective perception, especially in this area of slots.
Especially things like "Slot xy gives more at the beginning" or "if nothing comes after 50 spins, change slot" are somehow difficult to prove. Even if you have this experience for a year and only ever play 50 spins since then, you never know what would have happened if you had continued after the 50 spins... I think you know what I mean....
But if you want to stay on the provable level, I think you can say:
If your total Deposit amount is the same over period xy, e.g. a year, then on average it doesn't matter what bets you play.
If you deposit more because of higher bets and therefore deposit more overall, i.e. you do not reduce the number of depositors, then you lose more.
In a game of chance with a negative expected value, more bets must mathematically mean more losses in the long term.
In the short term, luck can of course have an influence and give you a big win on a high bet. However, if you continue to play like this, it is highly likely that you will lose again in the long term.
I would therefore always tend to start small and increase the stake for a few spins if you win.
It's just too bad for me to lose a hunny after 5 minutes (I don't have that much money either).
I'd like to drink my beer while I'm doing it, watch a bit of a series on the side, etc. And not just do a few spins while pooping😂
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
Liked this post: Max_Bet
yes, that's a good one, winning 1000€ from a 10 cent bet, that's a wish, believe me, i've been playing for so long and really a lot, you can see my winning pictures, but i've never managed a maxwin, of course more likely to get a maxwin on low bets than on high bets, but still the chance of achieving something like that is roughly comparable to a lotto million win - so pretty unlikely
however, i think you have a better chance of getting my maxwin on bonus buys, because what i often see in the winning pictures in the forum, maxwins are mostly made with bonus buys
although I don't do that because I play with Bonuses 90% of the time anyway
what I can read from your posts is that you like to play long and with small bets, and hope for a maxwin on the side, but as I said you would win much more,
if you play in the 1€-2€ range because a 300x-600x hit is already quite a lot of money, and this happens more often than you think, only one thing i can promise you if you wait for a maxwin you will probably gamble away 5000€ on small bets before you win the 1000€, if you get it at all, as i said it is often written in the slots max.win chance e.g. 1 to 150mio
i.e. the probability of hitting the Jackpot like a lottery win or a scratch card
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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If you put a moderately talented chimpanzee in the slot, wouldn't he actually achieve the same results as the most experienced player? Or maybe even better results?
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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cool question, every average player thinks, yes, the chimpanzee makes no difference to any other player......
well what if i told you that i have made very good plus since last year (2023) and even more plus in 2024 although i play a lot?
would you believe me? probably not, i could of course prove this to you here with transactions from the respective casinos, but i don't necessarily want to show this to strangers and who knows who is reading along...
what i want to say is, i am where i am today because i have learned from the last 10 years, and no your beautiful metaffa no matter who you put behind the machine it comes out the same result is wrong....
there are many people here in the forum, if i would explain this now like what when who where, some specialists from the forum would come here and say yes you are just imagining that the machines run like this and like that and you were just lucky...
yes it's partly true, of course it's also luck, but if you take certain things into account you'll have more luck than others, including having a limit when playing slots, if it doesn't work try another time, don't force it, then i only play with a bonus Deposit, keep your feet still after big wins, play irregularly, the more often you play the less you win....
ect. ect....
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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I think I had a maxwin exactly once, but it was only x1000. From netent there was a slot where you had to collect joker caps on reels 2-4 and if you had all of them in the marked area you got x1000 or something.
Otherwise there are of course lots of wins that are mega but not the maxwin.
But everyone has probably experienced how difficult it is to get a 1000-fold win during a dry spell...
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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It's basically similar to my opinion, at least the conclusion.
Deposit more and bet higher, but not as often, which is no more expensive than 5 x as many lower deposits. So roughly speaking... 😄
@scatter: Just try it out for yourself over a few months or so.
You just have to stick to it consistently and make a note of everything you do.
But I think it's also important to say that some people are more prone to addiction and loss of control, others less...
If you increase your bets and get correspondingly higher winnings, there is a relatively good chance that you will hardly be happy about wins of 20 cents or so... This can lead to a tendency to increase your bets or at least not lower them in bad phases.
For a while when I was betting, I didn't want to play any bets under €20 because I was hardly happy about a win of €70 or so. Then I always played higher odds etc. to compensate for this, all cheese.
I'm now back to my €10 to €20 and relatively normal odds, but it could end differently...
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
Liked this post: frapi07
Nene, it's not that important to me... 😄
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
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Start with the smallest bet and spin five times. If nothing comes up, raise the bet to the next level and spin five times again. Continue until you get a win. Then reset to the smallest bet and start all over again.
Sounds logical so far. The more often nothing comes up, the greater the probability of a hit. Two hits in a row or more are not so likely. So after the first hit, turn it back down.
The stupid thing is, the first hit doesn't have to be a good hit. If I turn it up and then get 0.20 cents, they are multiplied, but then it's just 0.80 cents or so. It's still far too little to make up for the loss on the way up.
And if everything is supposed to be random anyway and the RNG has no memory, then it doesn't matter anyway. What exactly is probability supposed to be? It's different from math. You can calculate math, but not probability. Although, there is probability. I'm confused
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Experience - What is more financially worthwhile? Higher bets or more rounds of...
Liked this post: Matthias, Max_Bet
You can calculate probability, but not chance in the true sense of the word.
However, the result of a slot is only partially random. It may be random which possible result comes up. However, it is specified which results can occur at all and how likely this is... 😄
If you throw a die once, it is random which number comes up.
If you throw it 1,000,000 times, the sums of how often you have thrown which number will be very similar. Chance is then overridden by probability.
This is also often confused. You expect a result in a lottery, for example 😉, because there is a Random Number Generator at work, and if it works, you should be there at least once. However, chance doesn't produce the results you expect, otherwise it wouldn't be chance.
Only in the very long term will everything happen as expected based on the mathematical probabilities.
And in the case of slots, this is normally a loss.
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