The innovations on GambleJoe don't stop. Our programmer has just put online a feature for emotional rating of article content.
You can quickly and easily give me feedback on how you really like the content of the article.
Under the news you can now see 6 green buttons with the inscriptions:
More of this!
Quite nice
Who cares?
Away with it
As a logged in user you can leave a rating. As soon as you click on a button, it turns yellow. You can change the rating at any time.
Try the function and rate the content. Hopefully this will help me to better assess what you are really interested in. In the near future you will find even more exciting news articles on GambleJoe!
Good morning dear community,
those who pay attention to the emotional rating of Christoph's articles will have noticed that they contained an unrealistic amount of "get rid of it" votes in the last weeks. After closer investigation it turned out that there seems to be someone here who has been spamming these votes
The emotional rating is merely to get an idea of what topics GambleJoe's users would like to read. Not for someone to spend their expensive free time submitting any fake ratings here. I have now removed all clear fake ratings within 3 minutes. So now the ratings look normal again
To the "rating spammer": Please use your time for something useful instead of clicking senseless through the news posts. However, if you have a gaming addiction problem, I'm glad that we seem to have distracted you from it for a while. Just sit back and have a sip of coffee.
New feature: rating of articles
Nobody has liked this post so far
You can quickly and easily give me feedback on how you really like the content of the article.
Under the news you can now see 6 green buttons with the inscriptions:
As a logged in user you can leave a rating. As soon as you click on a button, it turns yellow. You can change the rating at any time.
Try the function and rate the content. Hopefully this will help me to better assess what you are really interested in. In the near future you will find even more exciting news articles on GambleJoe!
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New feature: rating of articles
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those who pay attention to the emotional rating of Christoph's articles will have noticed that they contained an unrealistic amount of "get rid of it" votes in the last weeks. After closer investigation it turned out that there seems to be someone here who has been spamming these votes
The emotional rating is merely to get an idea of what topics GambleJoe's users would like to read. Not for someone to spend their expensive free time submitting any fake ratings here. I have now removed all clear fake ratings within 3 minutes. So now the ratings look normal again
To the "rating spammer": Please use your time for something useful instead of clicking senseless through the news posts. However, if you have a gaming addiction problem, I'm glad that we seem to have distracted you from it for a while. Just sit back and have a sip of coffee.
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