GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 09:26 am CET#31
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Max_Bet wrote on 08.11.2022 at 09:24
I think so. Won't be the full truth either, but something is up ...
Well is at least quite conceivable that the casinos, which do not want a German license at all and know that the German players soon anyway can no longer play, now act "less customer friendly"...
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 09:31 am CET#32
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Stromberg wrote on 08.11.2022 at 09:26
Well is at least quite conceivable that the casinos, which do not want a German license at all and know that the German players soon anyway can no longer play, now act "less customer friendly"...
I even suspected that with Platin. However, that was probably more my paranoia 🥴
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 11:00 am CET#33
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VPN on and good
Find the statement on the part of the authority totally ridiculous. You can always get information when you search - be it on a German site or just not.
I suspected this even with Platin. However, that was probably more my paranoia 🥴
Well it remains exciting anyway ...
ne is not your paranoia. Platin has become more customer unfriendly. Hardly any Bonuses for Platin players, hardly any offers for normal players except for any Deposit bonuses and 10-20 free spins on 10 cents (although at the beginning of November for the first time in a long time there were many spins as bonuses without deposit (66 freespins for BoD).
A comment on the German authorities: do they really have nothing else to do than to go on forums that are informative? Sure, they advertise "illegal" casinos, but my god. There are areas that need more action than this place. It's only going to get worse
Find it funny though as some are not legal despite tax. I wonder if the tax has even been passed on? *Kennel Kennel*
A comment on the German authorities: do they really have nothing else to do but bust forums that are informative? Sure, they promote "illegal" casinos, but my god.... There are areas that need more action than this place. It's only going to get worse
Find it funny though as some are not legal despite tax. I wonder if the tax has even been passed on? *Kennel kennel*
That what runs there is not logical
Why is information banned? They have to make a difference between advertising and information
But no. It is not about enlightenment. It's about money and idealism ... sad development, not only in this area ...
Maybe you're thinking outside the box for a while?
many countries inside and outside of Europe have their OWN rules and regulations concerning gambling.
And not Malta Gibraltar or any players (inside) make our laws, but those that the German people have elected!
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 12:49 pm CET#37
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Ichbins2018 wrote on 08/11/2022 at 12:37 pm: Maybe you guys are looking outside the box?
many countries inside and outside Europe have their OWN rules and regulations regarding gambling.
And not Malta Gibraltar or any players (inside) make our laws, but those that the German people have elected!
Yes, but what is the use of thinking outside the box?
Can you then in the future no longer educate about smoking, because it is "advertising"? Or will the drug forums now be closed because it could encourage consumption if you write and read about it, or how?
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 12:55 pm CET#38
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Max_Bet wrote on 08/11/2022 at 12:49 PM
Yes well but what good does it do us to think outside the box?
May one then in the future also no longer educate about smoking, because it is "advertising"? Or will the drug forums now be closed because it encourages consumption to write and read about it or how?
Well, as you can see, the forum here is not closed.... And if I am redirected via the site to a casino and the site operator gets money for it, that is of course advertising and not information
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
8th Nov. 2022, at 12:59 pm CET#39
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Stromberg wrote on 08.11.2022 at 12:55 pm
Well as you can see the forum here is not closed.... And if I am redirected via the site to a casino and the site operator gets money for it, that is of course advertising and not information
Right. That could have been changed for example. Matthias has written that they wanted to find a solution with the authority ...
well, however. This is politics, there are often disputes. I'm out, get some fresh air 😊
Ichbins2018 wrote on 08/11/2022 at 12:37 pm: Maybe you guys are looking outside the box?
many countries inside and outside Europe have their OWN rules and regulations regarding gambling.
And not Malta Gibraltar or any players (inside) make our laws, but those that the German people have elected!
Yes, but the German people still seem to have a knack for electing people who promote their own downfall of the nation, because it is not the evil refugees who ruin the country but the great politicians who decide everything for their own *cough* financial *cough* advantage
And it can not be said often enough the rules of the new oh so great treaty help no one but the owners and decision makers to earn even more money brings me a single player who feels better protected by the rules than in a non-licensed casino there you can look for a long time
The people are more frustrated than before and all have had enough of the people are no longer heard and if they think they have to treat a criminal because he puts his own money in a casino that has no license in Germany they should do that long let the people do not put up with it
Already brazenly one must be dictated in the year 2022 as one may spend his money have heard Switzerland is to be quite beautiful currently possibly take a few Germans on the no more Bock on this disenfranchising fooling have
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Well is at least quite conceivable that the casinos, which do not want a German license at all and know that the German players soon anyway can no longer play, now act "less customer friendly"...
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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I even suspected that with Platin. However, that was probably more my paranoia 🥴
Well it remains exciting anyway ...
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Find the statement on the part of the authority totally ridiculous. You can always get information when you search - be it on a German site or just not.
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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ne is not your paranoia. Platin has become more customer unfriendly. Hardly any Bonuses for Platin players, hardly any offers for normal players except for any Deposit bonuses and 10-20 free spins on 10 cents (although at the beginning of November for the first time in a long time there were many spins as bonuses without deposit (66 freespins for BoD).
A comment on the German authorities: do they really have nothing else to do than to go on forums that are informative? Sure, they advertise "illegal" casinos, but my god. There are areas that need more action than this place. It's only going to get worse
Find it funny though as some are not legal despite tax. I wonder if the tax has even been passed on? *Kennel Kennel*
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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That what runs there is not logical
Why is information banned? They have to make a difference between advertising and information
But no. It is not about enlightenment. It's about money and idealism ... sad development, not only in this area ...
Edit by Caro: font color adjusted
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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many countries inside and outside of Europe have their OWN rules and regulations concerning gambling.
And not Malta Gibraltar or any players (inside) make our laws, but those that the German people have elected!
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Yes, but what is the use of thinking outside the box?
Can you then in the future no longer educate about smoking, because it is "advertising"? Or will the drug forums now be closed because it could encourage consumption if you write and read about it, or how?
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
Liked this post: J****R
Well, as you can see, the forum here is not closed.... And if I am redirected via the site to a casino and the site operator gets money for it, that is of course advertising and not information
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Right. That could have been changed for example. Matthias has written that they wanted to find a solution with the authority ...
well, however. This is politics, there are often disputes. I'm out, get some fresh air 😊
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Yes, but the German people still seem to have a knack for electing people who promote their own downfall of the nation, because it is not the evil refugees who ruin the country but the great politicians who decide everything for their own *cough* financial *cough* advantage
And it can not be said often enough the rules of the new oh so great treaty help no one but the owners and decision makers to earn even more money brings me a single player who feels better protected by the rules than in a non-licensed casino there you can look for a long time
The people are more frustrated than before and all have had enough of the people are no longer heard and if they think they have to treat a criminal because he puts his own money in a casino that has no license in Germany they should do that long let the people do not put up with it
Already brazenly one must be dictated in the year 2022 as one may spend his money have heard Switzerland is to be quite beautiful currently possibly take a few Germans on the no more Bock on this disenfranchising fooling have
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