Dear Community,
some of you may have already noticed that the offer of online gambling providers on our platform has been greatly reduced.
The background is as follows: The gambling supervisory authority in Germany has unfortunately left us no choice but to completely rebuild our website or to prevent our website from being accessed in Germany via IP blocking.
The fact that our website can be accessed from Germany (regardless of the website language) is seen by the authority as a decisive factor in our having to comply with all the requirements of the State Gambling Treaty.
The authority has requested us in writing to discontinue our offering on the German market. With the help of our attorneys, we then attempted to show a willingness to talk to the authority, to meet deadlines, and to address the authority's interests and implement changes on our side.
We have therefore set up a section entitled "Spielotheken" and focused on gambling providers that have voluntarily complied with the authorities' requirements (1 euro limit, 5 second rule, 1000 euro Deposit restriction) even without a license.
This list included not only over 40 providers that already adhered to the requirements of the new State Treaty on Gaming during the license application process, but also the 3 providers that had a valid German license at the time. We have highlighted the licensed providers in particular. Unfortunately, this was also not sufficient for the authorities.
In contrast to the competition, which hides behind a non-existent imprint due to the current situation with the gambling authorities and even advertises Curacao casinos, we had strived to cooperate with the authorities and to set up our portal in a legally secure manner, as well as to remain compliant with the rules.
We wanted to become trendsetters for the German Affiliate market, which other German-speaking affiliates can take an example from and we even agreed with the authority to fly to Germany and have a personal conversation on site to get to know each other and work together on a solution.
As you may already know, the licensing of providers in Germany is unfortunately progressing very slowly and until a few weeks ago there were only 3 licensed gambling providers in Germany. In the meantime, some providers have been added to the whitelist of the GGL, however, many of these providers have not yet built a usable online casino.
For the authority there is only: "black or white" (quote from the GGL) and that means that from now on we are only allowed to display gambling providers that have a German license for site visitors from Germany.
Despite the current circumstances, we will continue to run GambleJoe with the same passion and maintain the portal, expand it and take care of you.
We will also try to keep in touch with the old casino managers for you.
So the only thing that will change for you is that there are now temporarily fewer gambling providers if you are in Germany.
We hope that you will remain loyal to us and that we will get through these difficult times together.
My personal opinion about the whole issue...
I can only shake my head over the whole situation. You do and do what you can, try to run a rule compliant, honest and objective comparison portal and the authorities use all legal means to take action against websites like ours
In my opinion, it contradicts the basic idea of "channeling the natural gambling instinct of the population into orderly and supervised channels...", (See A.1. (Gluecksspielstaatsvertrag_2021_endgueltig_Erlaeuterungen.pdf), if even providers have to be removed from our website who comply with the rules and have demonstrably applied for a license.
One can only shake one's head at everything that is connected with this new gambling contract. But did anyone really expect anything else from this government?
I'm glad that the page here continues to exist! But for you the whole thing is hard, because now many revenues break away and there are only a few casinos with German license, which you can advertise here
Have I understood correctly, that you remain further contact, if there are problems with the casinos, with MGA license? In particular, the casinos of the Gammixgruppe?
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
@Matthias, thank you for this informative and also emotional post.
I don't want to comment on it at all.
But would you have ever thought to get into such a confused and partly incomprehensible situation?
Certainly not.
I assume that everyone here in the forum will remain loyal to you.
I wish the entire team a lot of strength with the given circumstances to always make the right decisions and continue to great and undeniable success
i've only been here for a short time, but I'm very happy with the portal and the support I get from you every day.
I have been dealing with the new gambling law for months and find it sad that the gambling authority has no consideration for others
Sure, you can understand that the players should be protected or similar, but still, you can somehow find a solution that is okay for ALL parties. It's a shame that portals like yours suffer from this, but I think it's absolutely great that you're also looking for internal solutions
You pack that already
Kind regards
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
Germany has become a patronizing state, the choice of the party plays no role!
Hypocritical arguments are emphasized to set own lobbyists in scene or to enrich themselves personally in any form !
I follow for years intensively the policy, even know some very important people at Volkswagen who determine there some, if you only knew how interwoven business and politics are, you get the puke!
The whole thing is typically German. Regulating, prescribing, determining. And the acting persons have no idea of the matter.
If I could I would emigrate, but I can not
I hope for you that you can continue to operate GJ successfully and some licensed providers come along, with which you can also earn money.
In the future, Roulette, Blackjack and Poker licenses should come again sometime. Sports betting providers are already on the whitelist.
Did I understand correctly that you will continue to be the contact if there are problems with the casinos, with MGA license? In particular the casinos of the Gammixgruppe?
Hey RebellYell,
We will continue to try our best to help out with complaints with our contacts from various providers
Matthias wrote on 07.11.2022 at 17:00: Dear Community,
some of you may have already noticed that the offer of online gambling providers on our platform has been greatly reduced.
The background is as follows: The gambling supervisory authority in Germany has unfortunately left us no choice but to completely rebuild our website or to prevent our website from being accessed in Germany via IP blocking.
The fact that our website can be accessed from Germany (regardless of the website language) is seen by the authority as a decisive factor in our having to comply with all the requirements of the State Gambling Treaty.
The authority has requested us in writing to discontinue our offering on the German market. With the help of our attorneys, we then attempted to show a willingness to talk to the authority, to meet deadlines, and to address the authority's interests and implement changes on our side.
We have therefore set up a section called "Spielotheken" and focused on gambling providers that have voluntarily complied with the authorities' requirements (1 euro limit, 5 second rule, 1000 euro Deposit restriction) even without a license.
This list not only included more than 40 providers that already adhered to the requirements of the new State Treaty on Gambling during the license application process, but also the 3 providers that had a valid German license at the time. We have highlighted the licensed providers in particular. Unfortunately, this was also not sufficient for the authorities.
In contrast to the competition, which hides behind a non-existent imprint due to the current situation with the gambling authorities and even advertises Curacao casinos, we had strived to cooperate with the authorities and to set up our portal in a legally secure manner, as well as to remain compliant with the rules.
We wanted to become trendsetters for the German Affiliate market, which other German-speaking affiliates can take an example from and we even agreed with the authority to fly to Germany and have a personal conversation on site to get to know each other and work together on a solution.
As you may already know, the licensing of providers in Germany is unfortunately progressing very slowly and until a few weeks ago there were only 3 licensed gambling providers in Germany. In the meantime, some providers have been added to the whitelist of the GGL, however, many of these providers have not yet built a usable online casino.
For the authority there is only: "black or white" (quote from the GGL) and that means that from now on we are only allowed to display gambling providers that have a German license for site visitors from Germany.
Despite the current circumstances, we will continue to run GambleJoe with the same passion and maintain the portal, expand it and take care of you.
We will also try to keep in touch with the old casino managers for you.
So the only thing that will change for you is that there are now temporarily fewer gambling providers if you are in Germany.
We hope that you will remain loyal to us and that we will get through these difficult times together.
My personal opinion about the whole issue...
I can only shake my head over the whole situation. You do and do what you can, try to run a rule compliant, honest and objective comparison portal and the authorities use all legal means to take action against websites like ours
It contradicts in my opinion the basic idea "of the canalization of the natural play drive of the population into ordered and supervised courses...", (See A.1. (Gluecksspielstaatsvertrag_2021_endgueltig_Erlaeuterungen.pdf), if even offerers must be removed from our web page, which keep to the rules and as can be prove for a license applied.
Hey Matthias I understand that you have to act but I think it's a mess there is so much that is banned in DE yet everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether he wants to inform about it and just because I now open a page from a Dutch store where I could buy weed does not mean that I also break the law and actually go buy it
This is nothing other than to force everyone's will with mature independent thinking has nothing to do and would it be a topic what would enjoy in society a little more recognition would already be the first demos with comparisons such as censorship and dictatorship on the streets
You could of course go to a European court and I would even bet on it you would win but that costs again and not only money but also nerves
I'm just stunned how you can actually threaten in 2022 with IP blocking other countries have done that years ago to control the consumption and information transfer and it has brought no one what because things just block because you can and you do not like it may no longer happen that has nothing to do with a democratic state
There would simply have to be someone who sues DE with the argument they decide a new gambling contract where for everyone provides restrictions except for the state casinos also these providers are not above the law then the treaty would be history very quickly
GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Andre, Anonym,
some of you may have already noticed that the offer of online gambling providers on our platform has been greatly reduced.
The background is as follows: The gambling supervisory authority in Germany has unfortunately left us no choice but to completely rebuild our website or to prevent our website from being accessed in Germany via IP blocking.
The fact that our website can be accessed from Germany (regardless of the website language) is seen by the authority as a decisive factor in our having to comply with all the requirements of the State Gambling Treaty.
The authority has requested us in writing to discontinue our offering on the German market. With the help of our attorneys, we then attempted to show a willingness to talk to the authority, to meet deadlines, and to address the authority's interests and implement changes on our side.
We have therefore set up a section entitled "Spielotheken" and focused on gambling providers that have voluntarily complied with the authorities' requirements (1 euro limit, 5 second rule, 1000 euro Deposit restriction) even without a license.
This list included not only over 40 providers that already adhered to the requirements of the new State Treaty on Gaming during the license application process, but also the 3 providers that had a valid German license at the time. We have highlighted the licensed providers in particular. Unfortunately, this was also not sufficient for the authorities.
In contrast to the competition, which hides behind a non-existent imprint due to the current situation with the gambling authorities and even advertises Curacao casinos, we had strived to cooperate with the authorities and to set up our portal in a legally secure manner, as well as to remain compliant with the rules.
We wanted to become trendsetters for the German Affiliate market, which other German-speaking affiliates can take an example from and we even agreed with the authority to fly to Germany and have a personal conversation on site to get to know each other and work together on a solution.
As you may already know, the licensing of providers in Germany is unfortunately progressing very slowly and until a few weeks ago there were only 3 licensed gambling providers in Germany. In the meantime, some providers have been added to the whitelist of the GGL, however, many of these providers have not yet built a usable online casino.
For the authority there is only: "black or white" (quote from the GGL) and that means that from now on we are only allowed to display gambling providers that have a German license for site visitors from Germany.
Despite the current circumstances, we will continue to run GambleJoe with the same passion and maintain the portal, expand it and take care of you.
We will also try to keep in touch with the old casino managers for you.
So the only thing that will change for you is that there are now temporarily fewer gambling providers if you are in Germany.
We hope that you will remain loyal to us and that we will get through these difficult times together.
My personal opinion about the whole issue...
I can only shake my head over the whole situation. You do and do what you can, try to run a rule compliant, honest and objective comparison portal and the authorities use all legal means to take action against websites like ours
In my opinion, it contradicts the basic idea of "channeling the natural gambling instinct of the population into orderly and supervised channels...", (See A.1. (Gluecksspielstaatsvertrag_2021_endgueltig_Erlaeuterungen.pdf), if even providers have to be removed from our website who comply with the rules and have demonstrably applied for a license.
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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I'm glad that the page here continues to exist! But for you the whole thing is hard, because now many revenues break away and there are only a few casinos with German license, which you can advertise here
Have I understood correctly, that you remain further contact, if there are problems with the casinos, with MGA license? In particular, the casinos of the Gammixgruppe?
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Vpn u everything is solved or do I have a thinking error!?
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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I don't want to comment on it at all.
But would you have ever thought to get into such a confused and partly incomprehensible situation?
Certainly not.
I assume that everyone here in the forum will remain loyal to you.
I wish the entire team a lot of strength with the given circumstances to always make the right decisions and continue to great and undeniable success
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
Liked this post: Anonym,
i've only been here for a short time, but I'm very happy with the portal and the support I get from you every day.
I have been dealing with the new gambling law for months and find it sad that the gambling authority has no consideration for others
Sure, you can understand that the players should be protected or similar, but still, you can somehow find a solution that is okay for ALL parties. It's a shame that portals like yours suffer from this, but I think it's absolutely great that you're also looking for internal solutions
You pack that already
Kind regards
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Hypocritical arguments are emphasized to set own lobbyists in scene or to enrich themselves personally in any form !
I follow for years intensively the policy, even know some very important people at Volkswagen who determine there some, if you only knew how interwoven business and politics are, you get the puke!
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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If I could I would emigrate, but I can not
I hope for you that you can continue to operate GJ successfully and some licensed providers come along, with which you can also earn money.
In the future, Roulette, Blackjack and Poker licenses should come again sometime. Sports betting providers are already on the whitelist.
Good luck, I think the community remains faithful
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Hey RebellYell,
We will continue to try our best to help out with complaints with our contacts from various providers
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
Nobody has liked this post so far
Well, that's something. Grad with certain casinos (just those of the Gammixgruppe), I'm already happy when I know that you can help in an emergency.
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GambleJoe: Current state of affairs with the GlüStV
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Hey Matthias I understand that you have to act but I think it's a mess there is so much that is banned in DE yet everyone should be able to decide for themselves whether he wants to inform about it and just because I now open a page from a Dutch store where I could buy weed does not mean that I also break the law and actually go buy it
This is nothing other than to force everyone's will with mature independent thinking has nothing to do and would it be a topic what would enjoy in society a little more recognition would already be the first demos with comparisons such as censorship and dictatorship on the streets
You could of course go to a European court and I would even bet on it you would win but that costs again and not only money but also nerves
I'm just stunned how you can actually threaten in 2022 with IP blocking other countries have done that years ago to control the consumption and information transfer and it has brought no one what because things just block because you can and you do not like it may no longer happen that has nothing to do with a democratic state
There would simply have to be someone who sues DE with the argument they decide a new gambling contract where for everyone provides restrictions except for the state casinos also these providers are not above the law then the treaty would be history very quickly
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