I can't imagine that scientists would say anything other than what the research shows!
If we can't even trust science, who else can we trust?
Watch terra x on ZDF neo today!!!
One program after the other informs what people are doing to save the planet and at the same time reports on the great extinction of species!
Watch the hell out of it and then say something about propaganda again!!! 🙏
Just as an aside: when an institution is commissioned to carry out a study, it has unfortunately long been the case that the results are more likely to be interpreted in such a way that they correspond to the wishes of the client and please them. Objectivity is never a given if there are financial interests behind it. In this case, "free" science is only ever out to make public money clear. So doing a bit of independent research yourself and giving it some thought is not wrong
Emeyesty wrote on 07.01.2024 at 02:25: Just as an aside: When an institution is commissioned to carry out a study, it has unfortunately long been the case that the results are more likely to be interpreted in such a way that they correspond to the wishes of the client and please them. Objectivity is never a given if there are financial interests behind it. In this case, "free" science is only ever out to make public money clear. So it's not wrong to do a bit of independent research and think for yourself
What should this independent research look like, in your opinion?
Do you mean that I should really question every report I watch on ZDF & Co about climate change, the extinction of species and how work is already being done to counteract it, to see if it really corresponds to the truth?
Have you ever done any independent research and been able to filter out why the planet is warming and what the real problem is?
You almost sound like conspiracy theorists!
Everyone warns about corona > "doesn't exist"
Everyone warns about climate change > "doesn't exist"
My goodness, when I think of all the things television puts on to make the whole production really believable...🤔
And you don't have to be a genius to realize that our way of life here on earth with all the smock, exhaust fumes, nuclear waste, toxic waste, oil rigs, and the constant cutting down of primeval forests is not good for our planet in the long run!
Incidentally, you can even see the frightening extent of the dead areas in the rainforest from that just propaganda??
I also think that the impact of human activity on nature and the climate can hardly be denied.
The fact that the climate has always changed is often cited as an argument against this. That's true, but of course it doesn't rule out human influence.
Studies by the oil companies themselves predicted these consequences decades ago, but of course they were not made public, rather the opposite.
To deny this human influence is very stupid in my opinion. However, you can certainly question the way the situation is handled, not everything makes sense.
Nevertheless, just as there was lobbying for the oil industry etc., there is also lobbying for the industry that benefits from the transition to sustainable energy.
And there is certainly a lot of muckraking going on.
As far as the rainforest or other forest fires are concerned, you have to be a bit careful with the wording.
Climate change certainly favors forest fires due to dried out forests and soils, etc. But it doesn't start fires.
BinGOLDiG wrote on 07.01.2024 at 03:12:
What should this free research look like, in your opinion?
So you mean I should really question every report I watch on ZDF & Co about climate change, species extinction and how work is already being done to counteract it, whether it really corresponds to the truth?
Have you ever done any independent research and been able to filter out why the planet is warming and what the real problem is?
You almost sound like conspiracy theorists!
Everyone warns about corona > "doesn't exist"
Everyone warns about climate change > "doesn't exist"
My goodness, when I think about what television is doing to make the whole production really believable...🤔
Regarding corona, you have to put something into perspective, very few critical voices on corona have said that corona doesn't exist.
Rather, they questioned whether the dangerousness of the virus justifies the measures. Looking back, I would say that a lot of things were not appropriate.
(before someone very clever says it will be the same with climate change... I have to say clearly, no, for me these are two completely different foundations and social processes with very different dynamics)
BinGOLDiG wrote on 04.01.2024 at 02:38:
No I have watched some reports from terra x!
That the inhabitants have cleared a lot of forest area to generate arable land for self-sufficiency is also correct but these clearings were burned down in a controlled manner!
Why would that be propaganda...what are they talking such garbage about?
I doubt that you have really informed yourself in detail about it!
All you have to do is google "forest fires in the Amazon" and then you can pick a site that you think is serious and truthful!
But you will find the same facts everywhere...summarized in more detail on some sites and in more detail on others!
The fact that climate change is just scaremongering has long been refuted, but the fact that the majority of people prefer to go through life with blinkers on and don't want to see or hear anything instead of informing themselves is nothing new!
So let's take a quick look at climate change and its effects...I don't doubt it and the current rise in average temperatures measured worldwide over the last 150 years, let's say, has of course been faster than it would have been due to human activity.
However, the haphazard, completely rushed nuclear phase-out without fully developed alternatives that are reliable, cheap and less risky was a serious mistake, both economically and purely in terms of risk. We are now buying nuclear power from neighboring countries that are not so bona fide and simple, but act more thoughtfully. Whether a nuclear disaster (very unlikely, as strong earthquakes, tsunamis etc. do not occur so often here) happens in Germany or France would hardly make a difference.
Mankind has probably enjoyed settling near the coast since the beginning of human settlement, which is why many people may well be affected by rising sea levels in the future. However, the all-clear to all "we're drowning" exaggerators - even if all the ice in the world melts, there is more land than there is at the moment, as anyone can easily google. Many people will have to relocate, but the world will not end as a result.
The three decisive factors for reducing temporary warming are reducing birth rates (especially in the third world and developing countries, as no modern, environmentally friendly energy supply will be possible there for a long time yet), reforestation of (primeval) forests and, if the technology is available, a SIMULTANEOUS switch to alternative energies all over the world.
Last but not least, a greeting to the supposedly so "environmentally conscious" generation up to, say, their mid-20s...Maybe you could save yourselves the year after school/training in which you jet around the world and "take a break" (from what actually?) to discover the world and diligently take pictures for Insta and co., because the increasing global air traffic also contributes to the acceleration of temporary climate change and in these cases only serves your pleasure.
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I can't imagine that scientists would say anything other than what the research shows!
If we can't even trust science, who else can we trust?
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One program after the other informs what people are doing to save the planet and at the same time reports on the great extinction of species!
Watch the hell out of it and then say something about propaganda again!!! 🙏
Terra X - Fascination Earth
Terra X - Fascination Earth documentary
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What should this independent research look like, in your opinion?
Do you mean that I should really question every report I watch on ZDF & Co about climate change, the extinction of species and how work is already being done to counteract it, to see if it really corresponds to the truth?
Have you ever done any independent research and been able to filter out why the planet is warming and what the real problem is?
You almost sound like conspiracy theorists!
Everyone warns about corona > "doesn't exist"
Everyone warns about climate change > "doesn't exist"
My goodness, when I think of all the things television puts on to make the whole production really believable...🤔
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Incidentally, you can even see the frightening extent of the dead areas in the rainforest from that just propaganda??
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The fact that the climate has always changed is often cited as an argument against this. That's true, but of course it doesn't rule out human influence.
Studies by the oil companies themselves predicted these consequences decades ago, but of course they were not made public, rather the opposite.
To deny this human influence is very stupid in my opinion. However, you can certainly question the way the situation is handled, not everything makes sense.
Nevertheless, just as there was lobbying for the oil industry etc., there is also lobbying for the industry that benefits from the transition to sustainable energy.
And there is certainly a lot of muckraking going on.
As far as the rainforest or other forest fires are concerned, you have to be a bit careful with the wording.
Climate change certainly favors forest fires due to dried out forests and soils, etc. But it doesn't start fires.
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Regarding corona, you have to put something into perspective, very few critical voices on corona have said that corona doesn't exist.
Rather, they questioned whether the dangerousness of the virus justifies the measures. Looking back, I would say that a lot of things were not appropriate.
(before someone very clever says it will be the same with climate change... I have to say clearly, no, for me these are two completely different foundations and social processes with very different dynamics)
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Yes, exactly and that's why there are special units in front of our Christmas markets because the One World principle works so well
Tolerance always includes more than one
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So let's take a quick look at climate change and its effects...I don't doubt it and the current rise in average temperatures measured worldwide over the last 150 years, let's say, has of course been faster than it would have been due to human activity.
However, the haphazard, completely rushed nuclear phase-out without fully developed alternatives that are reliable, cheap and less risky was a serious mistake, both economically and purely in terms of risk. We are now buying nuclear power from neighboring countries that are not so bona fide and simple, but act more thoughtfully. Whether a nuclear disaster (very unlikely, as strong earthquakes, tsunamis etc. do not occur so often here) happens in Germany or France would hardly make a difference.
Mankind has probably enjoyed settling near the coast since the beginning of human settlement, which is why many people may well be affected by rising sea levels in the future. However, the all-clear to all "we're drowning" exaggerators - even if all the ice in the world melts, there is more land than there is at the moment, as anyone can easily google. Many people will have to relocate, but the world will not end as a result.
The three decisive factors for reducing temporary warming are reducing birth rates (especially in the third world and developing countries, as no modern, environmentally friendly energy supply will be possible there for a long time yet), reforestation of (primeval) forests and, if the technology is available, a SIMULTANEOUS switch to alternative energies all over the world.
Last but not least, a greeting to the supposedly so "environmentally conscious" generation up to, say, their mid-20s...Maybe you could save yourselves the year after school/training in which you jet around the world and "take a break" (from what actually?) to discover the world and diligently take pictures for Insta and co., because the increasing global air traffic also contributes to the acceleration of temporary climate change and in these cases only serves your pleasure.
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