Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 12:56: Well apparently I'm not alone with my opinion!
It's just a fine line gamblejoe rides, and it only gets exciting when someone feels it's unjustified when their post is deleted!
I think if something like that happens, you can complain to Julian or Matthias. They will check it and if they also think that it was unjustified, then the mod will be made aware of it and admonished for the first offense. If the mod still doesn't understand and continues to do so consistently, his rights will be revoked (as Julian has already explained).
I remember the GJ employee who deleted his posts. You could still find out. I think you can see who deleted what and when. Of course, I don't know anything about GJ internals, so I'm just assuming, but I can imagine, since I can also see at work when someone edits or deletes certain internal pages.
frapi07 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 13:19:
I think if something like that happens, then you can complain to Julian or Matthias. They will check it and if they also think that it was unjustified, then the mod will be made aware and warned accordingly on the 1st offense. If the mod still doesn't understand and continues to do so consistently, his rights will be revoked (as Julian has already explained).
I remember the GJ employee who deleted his posts. You could still find out. I think you can see who deleted what and when. I have no knowledge of GJ internals of course, so I'm just assuming, but I can imagine, as I can also see at work when someone edits or deletes certain internal pages.
I can confirm that I keep an eye on the individual actions and have an overview of everything.
If you have any complaints in the future, you can always contact me.
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
7th Sep. 2024, at 02:34 pm CEST#78
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Julian wrote on 07.09.2024 at 13:08:
I honestly don't understand that.
Basically, nobody gets warned or banned on GambleJoe for "criticizing".
What you're probably referring to is insulting members.
And in this context, it makes absolutely no difference whether you insult a newbie, icon or forum moderator .
All of these have been devalued in the past and will be devalued in the future.
But not by the new forum moderators, but still by us internally.
The new community forum moderators do not currently have the ability to issue a warning, but are only a basic support when it comes to spam content, possibly serious off-topic conversations or other emergencies.
I don't understand why you have to artificially try to create any problems here.
I find it astonishing why once again I should be the cause of artificial problems here just because I express my opinion?
I'm just voicing my concerns, that's all!
Of course the falcon is right that the forum more or less loses 4 active unprejudiced members!
At the latest when there is criticism of Gamblejoe or one of his moderators, they have to choose a side, and the independence is gone!
Either the 4 new members remain silent or they side against the user or on the side of gamblejoe!
If you still disagree with gamblejoe's opinion, it will be resolved internally at most!
Sure you can talk about artificial problems, but I see this more as help or food for thought.
A small example: When Andre was new and got involved in the sports betting area, I also criticized him when he said he wrote daily betting tips for GambleJoe.
Thereupon I wrote that he should not take on too much work as this is a huge task and cannot be done in the long run, as the sports betting area is a huge task for him!
I was already portrayed as a critic and once again a Madigmacher and GambleJoe didn't like my criticism!
In the end, users wrote and still write sports betting tips because the effort and personal implementation was and is too time-consuming!
Not everything you write is artificial and as the person responsible for GambleJoe you may have a different view of the whole thing!
No question, everyone here knows that I am very direct and sometimes provoke fairly (if provoking fairly is even possible?) !?.
But I have mostly seen the big picture and that is to make or keep Gamblejoe attractive for us and future members !
And of course many have a certain amount of extra respect for GambleJoe employees and save themselves the criticism so as not to attract attention or get into a clinch!
As a "Madigmacher" I have received too many messages over the years confirming this!
Find it amazing why once again I should be the trigger for artificial problems here just because I express my opinion ?
I'm just voicing my concerns, nothing more!
I keep saying it, but there's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion.
But in my opinion, it's simply not appropriate to spend pages and pages talking about scenarios, badmouthing everything from the outset and making overdramatized statements such as "We've lost 4 forum members".
Just wait and see how the whole thing develops.
Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 14:34:
At the latest when there is criticism of Gamblejoe or one of his moderators they have to pick a side and independence is gone !
Either the 4 new ones stay quiet or they side against the user or on the side of gamblejoe!
If you are still against the opinion of gamblejoe, it will be clarified internally at most!
Such insinuations and statements that we cause problems internally if a forum moderator does not answer or react as desired are also totally out of line.
It's the same as another member saying that we only brought members into the forum team to save money, how can an outsider make such statements so confidently?
I can reassure you though, we will never force moderators to make posts that they feel uncomfortable with. If a moderator tells us that they would prefer to keep a low profile in a potential forum argument because they may see the situation differently, then that's not a problem at all.
The same applies to attendance, we don't force the forum moderators to be online 24 hours a day, if someone is not there for 2-3 weeks, then that's just the way it is. From a neutral point of view, this is not a real workplace for them, they are still normal members who, at best, help out a little in our absence so that the forum doesn't sink completely into chaos. But I don't think I need to repeat myself for the third time.
Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 14:34:
But I mostly saw the big picture and that is to make or keep Gamblejoe attractive to us and future members !
Believe it or not, we have the same interest
We've been thinking about this for years and definitely think it's worth a try and if it works out, we think it would be a great added value to the community.
Blubbo33 wrote on 07/09/2024 14:34:
And of course many have a certain amount of extra respect for GambleJoe employees and save the criticism to avoid attracting attention or getting into a clinch!
You can see it however you want, I think the majority of the community just doesn't care much about these scenarios, someone who doesn't want to intentionally break the forum rules most likely won't even notice this change.
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
7th Sep. 2024, at 03:53 pm CEST#81
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Julian wrote on 07.09.2024 at 15:35:
You can see it however you want, I think the majority of the community is just not particularly interested in these scenarios, someone who doesn't want to deliberately violate the forum rules will most likely not even notice this change.
Ok . I get it.
I'll hold back in future because it doesn't make sense and it doesn't seem desirable to express your opinion!
Then don't open a thread about it if nobody in the community is interested!
After all, the thread is called beta phase and then I assume that opinions were wanted!
To be honest, I didn't expect a different answer, it's not the first time.
We'll see who is right and how sensible it all was or is !
Will hold back in the future because it makes no sense and does not seem to be desired to represent his opinion!
Then don't open a thread about it if nobody in the community is interested!
To be honest, I didn't expect a different answer, it's not the first time.
We'll see who's right and how sensible it all was or is!
I don't think you understood that. Otherwise you wouldn't be reacting in a huff right now. You were able to express your opinion just like the others here. The thread wasn't just opened for you, but for the whole community, because there's a new feature and people should be informed about it. Did you really expect the team to reverse their decision because of your criticism?
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
7th Sep. 2024, at 04:06 pm CEST#83
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Saphira wrote on 07.09.2024 at 15:58:
I don't think you understood that. Otherwise you wouldn't be reacting in a huff right now. You were able to express your opinion just like the others here. The thread wasn't just opened for you, but for the whole community, because there's a new feature and people should be informed about it. Did you really expect the team to reverse their decision because of your criticism?
Did I claim that the thread was for me?
What do you mean by huffy?
If you don't want an opinion then write it, it's going pretty well, all that's missing now is langhans Andre and gamble with their opinions!
I find your post quite cheeky to be honest when I read through the last words!
But now exactly what everyone warned or warned about is happening with your answer.
Am I talking to Saphira old or Saphiragamblejoe new !
Let's just leave it at that, because now it's getting ridiculous and from which side, the "normal" users can decide for themselves!
Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 15:53:
Ok . I have understood.
Will hold back in the future because it makes no sense and does not seem to be desired to represent his opinion!
Then don't open a thread about it if nobody from the community is interested!
After all, the thread is called beta phase and then I assume that opinions were wanted!
To be honest, I didn't expect a different answer, it's not the first time.
We'll see who is right and how sensible it all was or is !
With all due respect, Blubbo, but it looks to me as if you're deliberately trying to twist my words.
Do I really have to go into all the individual points again?
Somehow it just doesn't make sense to me anymore, after all, you're not really responding to my arguments from before, but simply trying to block out everything that doesn't seem to suit you argumentatively in a kind of defensive posture.
I find your post quite cheeky to be honest when I read through the last words!
But now exactly what everyone warned or warned about is happening with your answer.
Am I talking to Saphira old or Saphiragamblejoe new !
Let's just leave it at that, because now it's getting ridiculous and from which side, the "normal" users can decide for themselves!
What do you expect? You are attacking the forum mods and assuming, among other things, that they are being influenced and will therefore no longer represent their opinion 1:1 or side with GJ in a dispute. You're implying something that they haven't done yet. Of course, Saphira then feels attacked and becomes a little "cheeky" or harsher in tone.
As I wrote to Falke: it's still too early to say anything like that. It's not a bad thing that you or Falke have pointed out this danger, but that you're trying to talk it down, even though there's currently nothing to criticize.
The 3 have been writing as usual (even if some are paying more attention to the rules, which is normal), none of them have acted snooty so far and none of them have abused their position.
And once again: if there is any abuse of power, you can complain to Julian. He will look into it and intervene if necessary.
I seriously wonder whether the criticism would have been as strong if you had also been selected.
Julian wrote on 07.09.2024 at 15:35:
Is the same as the statement from another member
You can just address me personally. It's a bit ridiculous that you refer to me as "another member" in several posts.
frapi07 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 17:21:
As I wrote Falke: it's still too early to say anything like that. It is not bad that you or Falke have pointed out this danger, but that you are trying to talk it down in a cramp, although there is currently nothing to criticize.
Once again. For me at least, it's not about what did or didn't happen. I have made my point in a very detailed and clear way. The forum is now missing 3 really important regular users. That's how I see it. Whether or not they will do a good job doesn't factor into my criticism at all. I like all 3 selected users and see them as very important members. From my point of view, they are now no longer members. What's so difficult to understand about that? You can see it differently. But your answers sometimes have nothing to do with my actual criticism.
And as has already been admitted here at least, behavior will change due to mod status. That's not a fantasy or a fear, it's completely logical and in the nature of things.
Maybe it doesn't bother you if Saphira, for example, now completely refrains from making certain comments. But it bothers me.
It's already been confirmed that the comments are changing, so if someone here claims again that nothing has happened. The fact that it might not bother most people is another matter. But the fact that the comments are changing is a fact and that's what bothers me. And that's my whole criticism.
You can just accept that some people here think like that. You don't have to label it as unjustified criticism. As if there should only be one opinion on this matter and anyone who thinks differently is making things up, is just trying to cause trouble, is making a fuss about nothing, or whatever else has been suggested here by Julian.
Why shouldn't it be any of our business @Julian?
I think you can be transparent and make it public, what's the problem? I'm curious about that
In the forums where I was a mod, I did it for the community, as with many who are NOT employed, a remuneration is a remuneration, and I think it's relevant to know what it's about, because the 3 are also involved in the normal actions as normal, I think that's shit and unfair, because anyone can move posts here and delete offtopic, bissle unfair.
I'm a bit ambivalent about it, although I'm neutral about it. I've read through the pros and cons and for me both sides have good arguments.
On the one hand, the forum will be somewhat relieved and Julian in particular will benefit from the time and can invest it in more important things than editing the fifth off-topic, deleting the third spam and resisting the temptation to order that cheap Viagra from Asia.
From an entrepreneurial point of view, it even makes sense to me at this point in time, even if I can't understand the timing of the announcement.
Julian himself writes that this idea has been around for years, this test phase could have been started a long time ago, especially since Andre's withdrawal was already known.
Did you have any concerns about this yourself, or what prevented you from implementing it earlier?
I can only speak for myself and only from a professional perspective and in the past tense, but if people around me had a good idea and others were in favor of it, I would have been short-sighted or stupid not to implement it if it was realistic.
You write yourself that, if it is successful, it will offer great added value for the community, so it would have been worth trying much earlier if at least this possibility of added value existed.
Hence my question as to whether you have any doubts/residual doubts and, if not, why you waited so long.
I have no doubts that anything will change for me personally in my dealings with the new helpers.
I see them as normal members who also have a few buttons to keep the forum clean. No more and no less.
In general, you should always look at the awarding of titles in an online forum on the Internet with a winking eye.
Offline, life is important, but in the end this is just for entertainment and here it's like in real life, if I don't feel entertained, I switch over, or even better, switch off.
But I can also understand Falke and Blubbo's point of view and partly confirm it.
As for Blubbo in particular, I can say that I always enjoy reading his opinion, even if I don't always agree with it.
Sometimes I get the impression that you write "louder" in order to be heard, but you don't need to.
You make good arguments, but you like to hide them in a rant
The falcon is much more subtle there. His posts are more thought-provoking, or even rethinking, even if you both write the same content and I think that's a shame.
It is human nature that "titles", even if they are given in the virtual world, can influence people.
This can happen deliberately, so you can at least take countermeasures from the outset, both yourself and from outside
But it can also creep in unconsciously, even though you think you are not susceptible to it.
The reward system naturally also ensures a certain attachment to the "employer", whether intentional or unintentional, which can also influence decisions and could certainly make you somewhat biased. I am deliberately writing in the subjunctive, as ultimately this can only be determined by the person themselves and only time will tell.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has made it this far and please remember that we are only discussing three buttons for the trash.
Enjoy your weekend and now get out there.
Falke wrote on 07.09.2024 at 17:55:
Once again. At least for me, it's not about what did or did not happen. I've made my point very thoroughly and clearly. The forum is now missing 3 really important regular users. That's how I see it. Whether or not they will do a good job doesn't factor into my criticism at all. I like all 3 selected users and see them as very important members. From my point of view, they are now no longer members. What's so difficult to understand about that? You can see it differently. But your answers sometimes have nothing to do with my actual criticism.
And as has already been admitted here at least, behavior will change due to mod status. That's not a fantasy or a fear, it's completely logical and in the nature of things.
Maybe it doesn't bother you if Saphira, for example, now completely refrains from making certain comments. But it bothers me.
The fact that the comments are changing has already been confirmed, so if someone here claims again that nothing has happened. The fact that it may not bother most people is another matter. But the fact that the comments are changing is a fact and that's what bothers me. And that's my whole criticism.
You can just accept that some people here think that way. You don't have to label it as unjustified criticism. As if there should only be one opinion on this matter and anyone who thinks differently is making things up, is just trying to cause trouble, is making a fuss about nothing, or whatever else has been suggested here by Julian.
My post was addressed more to Blubbo and not to you, which is why I didn't really reply to you.
Mods are everywhere, even among streamers or elsewhere. They are still part of the community. That's why I can't agree with you when you write that GJ has removed 3 regular users from the community. Unlike Streamer mods, the mods here can do very little. They can't ban or ban anyone and they aren't punished for their opinions, like Monte did with Big Mac (even though I think Monte's actions here are good).
They continue to post in the threads they usually do. Langhans continues to be active in the sports section, gamble1 continues to help everywhere and I continue to see Saphira posting in the "what are you eating today?" Thread and that's exactly why I think the statement that GJ has been deprived of 3 regular users is exaggerated. They may no longer post publicly about certain topics (as these are undesirable and against the forum rules), but they are still here and also still posting normally and still participating like normal users. Only if it gets OT or a dispute arises will we have to listen to these 3 as well.
I also think that both GJ and the community accept your opinion and your concerns/criticism. But what some people don't understand is why you have to be so pessimistic and even write that you have lost 3 regular users instead of accepting the decision and waiting to see if it was a good or bad idea.
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I think if something like that happens, you can complain to Julian or Matthias. They will check it and if they also think that it was unjustified, then the mod will be made aware of it and admonished for the first offense. If the mod still doesn't understand and continues to do so consistently, his rights will be revoked (as Julian has already explained).
I remember the GJ employee who deleted his posts. You could still find out. I think you can see who deleted what and when. Of course, I don't know anything about GJ internals, so I'm just assuming, but I can imagine, since I can also see at work when someone edits or deletes certain internal pages.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I can confirm that I keep an eye on the individual actions and have an overview of everything.
If you have any complaints in the future, you can always contact me.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I find it astonishing why once again I should be the cause of artificial problems here just because I express my opinion?
I'm just voicing my concerns, that's all!
Of course the falcon is right that the forum more or less loses 4 active unprejudiced members!
At the latest when there is criticism of Gamblejoe or one of his moderators, they have to choose a side, and the independence is gone!
Either the 4 new members remain silent or they side against the user or on the side of gamblejoe!
If you still disagree with gamblejoe's opinion, it will be resolved internally at most!
Sure you can talk about artificial problems, but I see this more as help or food for thought.
A small example: When Andre was new and got involved in the sports betting area, I also criticized him when he said he wrote daily betting tips for GambleJoe.
Thereupon I wrote that he should not take on too much work as this is a huge task and cannot be done in the long run, as the sports betting area is a huge task for him!
I was already portrayed as a critic and once again a Madigmacher and GambleJoe didn't like my criticism!
In the end, users wrote and still write sports betting tips because the effort and personal implementation was and is too time-consuming!
Not everything you write is artificial and as the person responsible for GambleJoe you may have a different view of the whole thing!
No question, everyone here knows that I am very direct and sometimes provoke fairly (if provoking fairly is even possible?) !?.
But I have mostly seen the big picture and that is to make or keep Gamblejoe attractive for us and future members !
And of course many have a certain amount of extra respect for GambleJoe employees and save themselves the criticism so as not to attract attention or get into a clinch!
As a "Madigmacher" I have received too many messages over the years confirming this!
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I keep saying it, but there's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion.
But in my opinion, it's simply not appropriate to spend pages and pages talking about scenarios, badmouthing everything from the outset and making overdramatized statements such as "We've lost 4 forum members".
Just wait and see how the whole thing develops.
Such insinuations and statements that we cause problems internally if a forum moderator does not answer or react as desired are also totally out of line.
It's the same as another member saying that we only brought members into the forum team to save money, how can an outsider make such statements so confidently?
I can reassure you though, we will never force moderators to make posts that they feel uncomfortable with. If a moderator tells us that they would prefer to keep a low profile in a potential forum argument because they may see the situation differently, then that's not a problem at all.
The same applies to attendance, we don't force the forum moderators to be online 24 hours a day, if someone is not there for 2-3 weeks, then that's just the way it is. From a neutral point of view, this is not a real workplace for them, they are still normal members who, at best, help out a little in our absence so that the forum doesn't sink completely into chaos. But I don't think I need to repeat myself for the third time.
Believe it or not, we have the same interest
We've been thinking about this for years and definitely think it's worth a try and if it works out, we think it would be a great added value to the community.
You can see it however you want, I think the majority of the community just doesn't care much about these scenarios, someone who doesn't want to intentionally break the forum rules most likely won't even notice this change.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Ok . I get it.
I'll hold back in future because it doesn't make sense and it doesn't seem desirable to express your opinion!
Then don't open a thread about it if nobody in the community is interested!
After all, the thread is called beta phase and then I assume that opinions were wanted!
To be honest, I didn't expect a different answer, it's not the first time.
We'll see who is right and how sensible it all was or is !
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I don't think you understood that. Otherwise you wouldn't be reacting in a huff right now. You were able to express your opinion just like the others here. The thread wasn't just opened for you, but for the whole community, because there's a new feature and people should be informed about it. Did you really expect the team to reverse their decision because of your criticism?
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Did I claim that the thread was for me?
What do you mean by huffy?
If you don't want an opinion then write it, it's going pretty well, all that's missing now is langhans Andre and gamble with their opinions!
I find your post quite cheeky to be honest when I read through the last words!
But now exactly what everyone warned or warned about is happening with your answer.
Am I talking to Saphira old or Saphiragamblejoe new !
Let's just leave it at that, because now it's getting ridiculous and from which side, the "normal" users can decide for themselves!
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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With all due respect, Blubbo, but it looks to me as if you're deliberately trying to twist my words.
Do I really have to go into all the individual points again?
Somehow it just doesn't make sense to me anymore, after all, you're not really responding to my arguments from before, but simply trying to block out everything that doesn't seem to suit you argumentatively in a kind of defensive posture.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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What do you expect? You are attacking the forum mods and assuming, among other things, that they are being influenced and will therefore no longer represent their opinion 1:1 or side with GJ in a dispute. You're implying something that they haven't done yet. Of course, Saphira then feels attacked and becomes a little "cheeky" or harsher in tone.
As I wrote to Falke: it's still too early to say anything like that. It's not a bad thing that you or Falke have pointed out this danger, but that you're trying to talk it down, even though there's currently nothing to criticize.
The 3 have been writing as usual (even if some are paying more attention to the rules, which is normal), none of them have acted snooty so far and none of them have abused their position.
And once again: if there is any abuse of power, you can complain to Julian. He will look into it and intervene if necessary.
I seriously wonder whether the criticism would have been as strong if you had also been selected.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I would never do it before 20.00...
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
Liked this post: B****3
You can just address me personally. It's a bit ridiculous that you refer to me as "another member" in several posts.
Once again. For me at least, it's not about what did or didn't happen. I have made my point in a very detailed and clear way. The forum is now missing 3 really important regular users. That's how I see it. Whether or not they will do a good job doesn't factor into my criticism at all. I like all 3 selected users and see them as very important members. From my point of view, they are now no longer members. What's so difficult to understand about that? You can see it differently. But your answers sometimes have nothing to do with my actual criticism.
And as has already been admitted here at least, behavior will change due to mod status. That's not a fantasy or a fear, it's completely logical and in the nature of things.
Maybe it doesn't bother you if Saphira, for example, now completely refrains from making certain comments. But it bothers me.
It's already been confirmed that the comments are changing, so if someone here claims again that nothing has happened. The fact that it might not bother most people is another matter. But the fact that the comments are changing is a fact and that's what bothers me. And that's my whole criticism.
You can just accept that some people here think like that. You don't have to label it as unjustified criticism. As if there should only be one opinion on this matter and anyone who thinks differently is making things up, is just trying to cause trouble, is making a fuss about nothing, or whatever else has been suggested here by Julian.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
Liked this post: B****3
Why shouldn't it be any of our business @Julian?
I think you can be transparent and make it public, what's the problem? I'm curious about that
In the forums where I was a mod, I did it for the community, as with many who are NOT employed, a remuneration is a remuneration, and I think it's relevant to know what it's about, because the 3 are also involved in the normal actions as normal, I think that's shit and unfair, because anyone can move posts here and delete offtopic, bissle unfair.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
Liked this post: B****3,
On the one hand, the forum will be somewhat relieved and Julian in particular will benefit from the time and can invest it in more important things than editing the fifth off-topic, deleting the third spam and resisting the temptation to order that cheap Viagra from Asia.
From an entrepreneurial point of view, it even makes sense to me at this point in time, even if I can't understand the timing of the announcement.
Julian himself writes that this idea has been around for years, this test phase could have been started a long time ago, especially since Andre's withdrawal was already known.
Did you have any concerns about this yourself, or what prevented you from implementing it earlier?
I can only speak for myself and only from a professional perspective and in the past tense, but if people around me had a good idea and others were in favor of it, I would have been short-sighted or stupid not to implement it if it was realistic.
You write yourself that, if it is successful, it will offer great added value for the community, so it would have been worth trying much earlier if at least this possibility of added value existed.
Hence my question as to whether you have any doubts/residual doubts and, if not, why you waited so long.
I have no doubts that anything will change for me personally in my dealings with the new helpers.
I see them as normal members who also have a few buttons to keep the forum clean. No more and no less.
In general, you should always look at the awarding of titles in an online forum on the Internet with a winking eye.
Offline, life is important, but in the end this is just for entertainment and here it's like in real life, if I don't feel entertained, I switch over, or even better, switch off.
But I can also understand Falke and Blubbo's point of view and partly confirm it.
As for Blubbo in particular, I can say that I always enjoy reading his opinion, even if I don't always agree with it.
Sometimes I get the impression that you write "louder" in order to be heard, but you don't need to.
You make good arguments, but you like to hide them in a rant
The falcon is much more subtle there. His posts are more thought-provoking, or even rethinking, even if you both write the same content and I think that's a shame.
It is human nature that "titles", even if they are given in the virtual world, can influence people.
This can happen deliberately, so you can at least take countermeasures from the outset, both yourself and from outside
But it can also creep in unconsciously, even though you think you are not susceptible to it.
The reward system naturally also ensures a certain attachment to the "employer", whether intentional or unintentional, which can also influence decisions and could certainly make you somewhat biased. I am deliberately writing in the subjunctive, as ultimately this can only be determined by the person themselves and only time will tell.
Finally, thank you to everyone who has made it this far and please remember that we are only discussing three buttons for the trash.
Enjoy your weekend and now get out there.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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My post was addressed more to Blubbo and not to you, which is why I didn't really reply to you.
Mods are everywhere, even among streamers or elsewhere. They are still part of the community. That's why I can't agree with you when you write that GJ has removed 3 regular users from the community. Unlike Streamer mods, the mods here can do very little. They can't ban or ban anyone and they aren't punished for their opinions, like Monte did with Big Mac (even though I think Monte's actions here are good).
They continue to post in the threads they usually do. Langhans continues to be active in the sports section, gamble1 continues to help everywhere and I continue to see Saphira posting in the "what are you eating today?" Thread and that's exactly why I think the statement that GJ has been deprived of 3 regular users is exaggerated. They may no longer post publicly about certain topics (as these are undesirable and against the forum rules), but they are still here and also still posting normally and still participating like normal users. Only if it gets OT or a dispute arises will we have to listen to these 3 as well.
I also think that both GJ and the community accept your opinion and your concerns/criticism. But what some people don't understand is why you have to be so pessimistic and even write that you have lost 3 regular users instead of accepting the decision and waiting to see if it was a good or bad idea.
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