Falke wrote on 06.09.2024 at 20:12: Then I'll add my two cents.
I don't think the whole thing is good. Some of the biggest regular members are being burned here.
As soon as someone becomes a moderator, they write differently, behave differently and are perceived differently by the community. No matter how much you deny it, it happens unconsciously. Sooner or later, the forum will suffer as a result. In the end, you have taken 3 regular users out of the game (I'm excluding Andre because he was already perceived as a contributor before) who are no longer a real part of the community. You might as well have banned them, it'll end up the same in the long run.
For my part, I don't really feel like discussing with the users here anymore. Not because I don't like them, but because they reply to me as moderators and not as normal users. Their answers are correspondingly distorted. And if someone no longer writes me what they honestly think, then there is little point in having a discussion.
You could have simply hired someone external to do it. And no, they wouldn't have had to move to Malta. What's the point? You can be a forum moderator from anywhere and you can send money all over the world. And it can't be true that there would be legal problems. Especially not since you only show German casinos in Germany anyway.
Personally, I can't understand why the community is being singled out here. It seems a bit like cost-cutting. However, this is counterproductive in this case for the reasons already mentioned.
Julian has already explained the Malta move here .
I can't give you my opinion on the other points yet, as it's still too early. I haven't noticed anything yet. The three of them are continuing to write as normal, just as they always have.
Finding someone who fits in well with the team and does their job well is also difficult. It's not just the forum, but much more. Julian also explained this once. I don't think they want to save on personnel costs, because the other activities outside the forum are still largely done by Julian and possibly Matthias. But both of them also need a vacation from time to time or get sick (which I hope won't happen). There has to be someone else who can step in.
Falke wrote on 06.09.2024 at 20:12: Then I'll add my two cents.
I don't think the whole thing is good. Some of the biggest regular members are being burned here.
As soon as someone becomes a moderator, they write differently, behave differently and are perceived differently by the community. No matter how much you deny it, it happens unconsciously. Sooner or later, the forum will suffer as a result. In the end, you have taken 3 regular users out of the game (I'm excluding Andre because he was already perceived as a contributor before) who are no longer a real part of the community. You might as well have banned them, it'll end up the same in the long run.
For my part, I don't really feel like discussing with the users here anymore. Not because I don't like them, but because they reply to me as moderators and not as normal users. Their answers are correspondingly distorted. And if someone no longer writes me what they honestly think, then there is little point in having a discussion.
You could have simply hired someone external to do it. And no, they wouldn't have had to move to Malta. What's the point? You can be a forum moderator from anywhere and you can send money all over the world. And it can't be true that there would be legal problems. Especially not since you only show German casinos in Germany anyway.
Personally, I can't understand why the community is being singled out here. It seems a bit like cost-cutting. However, this is counterproductive in this case for the reasons already mentioned.
So far, I don't have the impression that we write any differently than usual. You and I recently exchanged ideas in the Temu thread, which I think is completely normal. Did you get the impression that my post was somehow "distorted"? I can't quite understand that, nor the point that we shouldn't be a real part of the community because of the new feature. I can only speak for myself here, but I really don't have that feeling. I could continue to talk to you normally about emigration, suitable vacation destinations, etc. without thinking that my answers would come across as distorted. Frapi has aptly pointed out that it's actually too early to draw such conclusions right at the beginning.
So far I don't have the impression that we write differently than usual. You and I recently had an exchange in the Temu thread, which I think was completely normal. Did you get the impression that my post was somehow "distorted"? I can't quite understand that, nor the point that we shouldn't be a real part of the community because of the new function. I can only speak for myself here, but I really don't have that feeling. I could continue to talk to you normally about emigration, suitable vacation destinations, etc. without thinking that my answers would come across as distorted. Frapi has aptly pointed out that it's actually too early to draw such conclusions right at the beginning.
Without wanting to put this on the gold scale, but yes, I already had the feeling there.
You responded to my post, but then wrote something about the thread topic again in the second paragraph. I had the feeling that you only did that because you are a moderator and therefore didn't want to reply off-topic. If you didn't have the position, I'm pretty sure you would have left out the second paragraph.
Sure, speculation. And sure, you'll say different things now.
My criticism wasn't directed at you (or the other mods) personally. You know we get along well. I'm more concerned here with the general dynamics that automatically arise in something like this, which, as I said, happen unconsciously. The fact is that you and the other mods here are no longer perceived by users as normal forum members, but as mods, and that will continue to increase.
I just can't understand the reasoning behind such a daring experiment. At the latest when you have to intervene with a user, it will get out of hand here. Example: Blubbo (no offense meant, just a realistic example) writes off-topic in a thread and as we all know, he can be a bit provocative (just like me). Now gamble or you intervene and admonish him. The result of this is anyone's guess. He will perceive it very differently than if Julian or another official GJ moderator were to do it.
So yes, overall I don't think it's good for several reasons. And it's not completely pointless either, except that it saves you a bit of money. But those are the only advantages.
Addendum: I can just as easily imagine a situation in which you (Saphira) would actually agree with me and, as a normal user, would never say anything against it. As an example, maybe something political.
But because you are now a moderator and know that political things are not welcome here, you have to intervene. I know then that you don't mean it that way and you know that too. That would put us in a situation where you would bend and I would feel attacked. And that example is very realistic, isn't it?
I've always held you in high esteem, Falke, which is why I sometimes write something without having to get involved in endless discussions afterwards, which the matter doesn't really warrant. At least that's what I think and hope
We (Saphira, Gamble and I) now have two or three additional buttons here, with which we can delete/report/mark (stuff like that) posts that don't belong here in this form. These constellations in daily operation exist and if you pay attention, even more often than you think. It happened fairly regularly this week and it all ran silently in the background. It's about spam, hard off-topic and not about putting the brakes on other opinions or acting out sympathies. That's how it should continue and that's basically all we have to do at the moment. Apart from that, everything is as normal as ever and I don't have the feeling that we are perceived differently, that we are acting differently and certainly not that the perception should change in this respect. Nobody is banned here (we can't and shouldn't do that) or reprimanded single-handedly: we are helpers on the sidelines and there is absolutely no reason to change the way we work together. However, if anyone sees reason to think that, for example, I'm being a jerk to someone because I somehow have a moderator tag, please let me know immediately so that this can be clarified and, if the worst comes to the worst, won't happen again, because that's not the plan and certainly not desired by GJ. That's it from me for now...You can't always keep everything to yourself Good night, dear forum.
To the Temu thread: Your feeling is not wrong and no, I'm not going to say anything else, as you alluded to. It's actually the case that I commented on the main topic again so as not to go off-topic, which in the worst case would have meant that my co-moderators would probably have deleted the post for being off-topic. It's possible that I wouldn't have taken this into account before, but I do now, which didn't detract from the content of our exchange. It's just a bit stupid as a moderator to write posts that are deleted because they're off-topic and the flow of conversation comes to a standstill as a result. I am aware that by accepting the new function, I have a slightly different view of forum events. But I have consciously agreed to this. And so far I'm getting on well with it without feeling like I have to bend.
If, to take your example, Blubbo goes off-topic and you point it out to him, he can either accept it or complain about it. But it probably won't change the fact of the "off-topic". Regardless of whether the new moderators report it or Gj himself. Of course, it has a different "flavor" that former normal users suddenly point this out, but everyone is aware of it now and it should just be accepted at some point and somehow. It's not as if we're now deleting and criticizing everything like crazy.
To your addendum: Of course, what you say is very realistic. You know what makes me tick politically and you can think for yourself. But since political topics are not welcome here and they will degenerate sooner or later anyway, there's no point in getting too involved anyway. But I understand exactly what you mean by "having to bend". I'll keep my political opinion out of it in future. I have friends and acquaintances for that. Real life. This is a gaming forum. Anyone who would like to get to know me and my views better is welcome to write to me via PM. Otherwise, I would like to be able to pursue my new task here without any worries.
Saphira wrote on 07.09.2024 at 02:01: To the Temu thread: Your gut feeling isn't deceiving you and no, I'm not going to say anything else there now, as you alluded to. It's actually the case that I commented on the main topic again to avoid going off-topic, which in the worst case would have meant that my co-moderators would probably have deleted the post for being off-topic. It's possible that I wouldn't have taken this into account before, but I do now, which didn't detract from the content of our exchange. It's just a bit stupid as a moderator to write posts that are deleted because they're off-topic and the flow of conversation comes to a standstill as a result. I am aware that by accepting the new function, I have a slightly different view of forum events. But I have consciously agreed to this. And so far I'm getting on well with it without feeling like I have to bend.
If, to take your example, Blubbo goes off-topic and you point it out to him, he can either accept it or complain about it. But it probably won't change the fact of the "off-topic". Regardless of whether the new moderators report it or Gj himself. Of course, it has a different "flavor" that former normal users suddenly point this out, but everyone is aware of it now and it should just be accepted at some point and somehow. It's not as if we're now deleting and criticizing everything like crazy.
To your addendum: Of course, what you say is very realistic. You know what makes me tick politically and you can think for yourself. But since political topics are not welcome here and they will degenerate sooner or later anyway, there's no point in getting too involved anyway. But I understand exactly what you mean by "having to bend". I'll keep my political opinion out of it in future. I have friends and acquaintances for that. Real life. This is a gaming forum. Anyone who would like to get to know me and my views better is welcome to write to me via PM. Otherwise, I would like to be able to pursue my new task here without any worries.
You see, that's exactly what I mean. (I'm also answering your post Langhans)
I can understand that you might like your job as a mod. That you will do your job with a clear conscience, I assume. But that's not my point.
And in case that came across the wrong way. I'm not criticizing you. I'm not criticizing you for accepting it. I'm only criticizing GJ for doing it in the first place.
They have taken away three of the most important users from the forum, all three of whom I hold in high esteem. The forum is missing something very important. You can't simply replace three regular users who are appreciated by almost everyone. After all, there aren't many regular users of this type. Most people here have their supporters but also their critics. Members who are liked by almost everyone are very rare. I, for example, am certainly not one of them.
You wrote it yourself. You won't be writing anything political in the future. You hardly ever did before, but there was always at least the odd subtle allusion. That's just you and that (and much more) is what makes you stand out. But you no longer write that because you no longer think as a user, but as a moderator. And that doesn't just apply to political comments, but to every area, such as the off-topic already mentioned in the other thread. And that after just one week. With every week that passes, you and the others will slip more and more into the role of mod. It takes on a life of its own, you have almost no control over it.
And that brings me back to my criticism. The forum has been deprived of three very important regular users who have made up a significant part of the overall image of GJ. Whether you like it or not, that's just the way it is. And that's why I can't understand GJ's decision in this regard at all. It doesn't matter that you're going to do everything great, that you're suitable for the job and so on. Yes, you are all that. But the forum will miss you as users.
What would interest me is what do the mods get? A small one means what exactly?
Is this a hobby activity or a mini job? haha
Maybe gj is making it too easy for himself here
Saves wages and taxes, you have to be careful, if you get something regularly, it looks more like employees instead of a hobby activity
Falke is not so wrong with his posts, it could harm the forum, but we see that when someone thinks he is better than the other because he is allowed to delete posts here.
I just can't understand the sense behind it, why such a daring experiment is being undertaken. At the latest when you have to intervene with a user, it will get out of hand here. Example: Blubbo (no offense meant, just a realistic example) writes off-topic in a thread and as we all know, he can be a bit provocative (just like me). Now gamble or you intervene and admonish him. The result of this is anyone's guess. He will perceive it very differently than if Julian or another official GJ moderator were to do it.
So yes, overall I don't think it's good for several reasons. And it's not completely pointless either, except that it saves you a bit of money. But those are the only advantages.
To go into your example: If it's off-topic, it's deleted immediately. I had a no depos 2 days ago, where I explained that the bonus is for depositors and Platin only considers deposits from October 2023. Apparently it was too OT, was just deleted and not admonished. If it is deleted directly, you don't know who deleted it. The system simply sends a message. It would be different if Blubbo sparked a small argument through his manner and then a mod intervened. Here you simply have to accept that these 3 can now also act.
Falke wrote on 07.09.2024 at 00:48: Addendum: I can just as well imagine a situation in which you (Saphira) would actually be of my opinion and as a normal user would never say anything against it. As an example, maybe something political.
But because you are now a moderator and know that political things are not welcome here, you have to intervene. I know then that you don't mean it that way and you know that too. That would put us in a situation where you would bend and I would feel attacked. And that example is very realistic, isn't it?
It's also normal that when you become a mod, you write differently. If the mods don't follow the rules, why should the normal users? That would also cause trouble, because the mods would then be allowed to break the rules without any consequences. That's why I think it's a good thing that Saphira has decided not to write anything about politics anymore, not even subtle allusions or to be more careful not to get OT.
R3hab wrote on 07.09.2024 at 10:42 am: What would interest me, what do the mods get? Ne small gehste means what exactly?
Is this now a hobby activity or a mini job? haha
Maybe gj is making it too easy for himself here
Saves wages and taxes, you have to be careful, if you get something regularly, it looks more like employees instead of a hobby activity
Falke is not so wrong with his posts, it could harm the forum, but we see that when someone thinks he is better than the other because he is allowed to delete posts here.
No, to answer another member's question:
The decision was not made to save money, and certainly not to save taxes.
On the contrary, we will continue our efforts to expand our GJ team in the future so that we can get more support outside the forum. However, we will retain the community forum moderators and are considering whether we should even involve other members in the future.
Involving forum moderators from the community is actually an idea we've had for years.
And to be honest, we have often been asked about it.
Other forums and platforms have been doing this for years.
The current community forum moderators don't have a mini-job with us.
They only receive a small thank you for their support every now and then.
But as a matter of principle, I simply don't want to make it public who we give what and how much to.
In my eyes, that's nobody's business.
Great thing, so GJ Forum has more people for pages and content management than Meta and X. 😉 Is a notification service via SMS or WhatsApp also part of the job?
"GJ Forum Alert service . Member...... has just commented on your comment in the post.....by..... '
I would be on the forum much more often if I knew that my content would be responded to
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
7th Sep. 2024, at 12:56 pm CEST#73
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Apparently I'm not alone with my opinion!
It's just a fine line that gamblejoe rides, and it only gets exciting when someone feels it's unjustified when their post is deleted!
And what Falke or Frapi wrote cannot be dismissed out of hand!
As a normal user, I now have to be careful what I write, because now these 4 people belong to gamblejoe and the danger of risking a ban or warning is much greater if you criticize employees a little "harder"
because it must also be Julian's job to protect his "employees"!
Because in the end I don't even know if I criticize langhans for a deletion or comment, whether langhans or gamblejoehans wrote and thought it!
Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 12:56: Well apparently I'm not alone with my opinion!
It's just a fine line that gamblejoe rides, and it only gets exciting when someone feels it's unjustified when their post is deleted!
And what Falke or Frapi wrote cannot be dismissed out of hand!
As a normal user, I now have to be careful what I write, because now these 4 people belong to gamblejoe and the danger of risking a ban or warning is much greater if you criticize employees a little "harder"
because it must also be Julian's job to protect his "employees"!
Because in the end I don't even know if I criticize langhans for a deletion or comment, whether langhans or gamblejoehans wrote and thought it!
Anyone can always criticize me as they see fit if they want to. That won't be deleted by any Hans or anyone else, because it's absolutely allowed and doesn't break any rules.
Blubbo33 wrote on 07.09.2024 at 12:56: Well apparently I'm not alone with my opinion!
It's just a fine line that gamblejoe rides, and it only gets exciting when someone feels it's unjustified when their post is deleted!
And what Falke or Frapi wrote cannot be dismissed out of hand!
As a normal user, I now have to be careful what I write, because now these 4 people belong to gamblejoe and the danger of risking a ban or warning is much greater if you criticize employees a little more "harshly"
because it must also be Julian's job to protect his "employees"!
Because in the end I don't even know if I criticize langhans for a deletion or comment, whether langhans or gamblejoehans wrote and thought it!
I honestly don't understand that.
Basically, no one gets warned or banned on GambleJoe for "criticizing".
What you are probably referring to is insulting members.
And in this context, it makes absolutely no difference whether you insult a newbie, icon or forum moderator .
All of these have been devalued in the past and will be devalued in the future.
But not by the new forum moderators, but still by us internally.
The new community forum moderators do not currently have the ability to issue a warning, but are only a basic support when it comes to spam content, possibly serious off-topic conversations or other emergencies.
I don't understand why you have to artificially try to create any problems here.
GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Julian has already explained the Malta move here .
I can't give you my opinion on the other points yet, as it's still too early. I haven't noticed anything yet. The three of them are continuing to write as normal, just as they always have.
Finding someone who fits in well with the team and does their job well is also difficult. It's not just the forum, but much more. Julian also explained this once. I don't think they want to save on personnel costs, because the other activities outside the forum are still largely done by Julian and possibly Matthias. But both of them also need a vacation from time to time or get sick (which I hope won't happen). There has to be someone else who can step in.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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So far, I don't have the impression that we write any differently than usual. You and I recently exchanged ideas in the Temu thread, which I think is completely normal. Did you get the impression that my post was somehow "distorted"? I can't quite understand that, nor the point that we shouldn't be a real part of the community because of the new feature. I can only speak for myself here, but I really don't have that feeling. I could continue to talk to you normally about emigration, suitable vacation destinations, etc. without thinking that my answers would come across as distorted. Frapi has aptly pointed out that it's actually too early to draw such conclusions right at the beginning.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Without wanting to put this on the gold scale, but yes, I already had the feeling there.
You responded to my post, but then wrote something about the thread topic again in the second paragraph. I had the feeling that you only did that because you are a moderator and therefore didn't want to reply off-topic. If you didn't have the position, I'm pretty sure you would have left out the second paragraph.
Sure, speculation. And sure, you'll say different things now.
My criticism wasn't directed at you (or the other mods) personally. You know we get along well. I'm more concerned here with the general dynamics that automatically arise in something like this, which, as I said, happen unconsciously. The fact is that you and the other mods here are no longer perceived by users as normal forum members, but as mods, and that will continue to increase.
I just can't understand the reasoning behind such a daring experiment. At the latest when you have to intervene with a user, it will get out of hand here. Example: Blubbo (no offense meant, just a realistic example) writes off-topic in a thread and as we all know, he can be a bit provocative (just like me). Now gamble or you intervene and admonish him. The result of this is anyone's guess. He will perceive it very differently than if Julian or another official GJ moderator were to do it.
So yes, overall I don't think it's good for several reasons. And it's not completely pointless either, except that it saves you a bit of money. But those are the only advantages.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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But because you are now a moderator and know that political things are not welcome here, you have to intervene. I know then that you don't mean it that way and you know that too. That would put us in a situation where you would bend and I would feel attacked. And that example is very realistic, isn't it?
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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We (Saphira, Gamble and I) now have two or three additional buttons here, with which we can delete/report/mark (stuff like that) posts that don't belong here in this form. These constellations in daily operation exist and if you pay attention, even more often than you think. It happened fairly regularly this week and it all ran silently in the background. It's about spam, hard off-topic and not about putting the brakes on other opinions or acting out sympathies. That's how it should continue and that's basically all we have to do at the moment. Apart from that, everything is as normal as ever and I don't have the feeling that we are perceived differently, that we are acting differently and certainly not that the perception should change in this respect. Nobody is banned here (we can't and shouldn't do that) or reprimanded single-handedly: we are helpers on the sidelines and there is absolutely no reason to change the way we work together. However, if anyone sees reason to think that, for example, I'm being a jerk to someone because I somehow have a moderator tag, please let me know immediately so that this can be clarified and, if the worst comes to the worst, won't happen again, because that's not the plan and certainly not desired by GJ. That's it from me for now...You can't always keep everything to yourself Good night, dear forum.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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If, to take your example, Blubbo goes off-topic and you point it out to him, he can either accept it or complain about it. But it probably won't change the fact of the "off-topic". Regardless of whether the new moderators report it or Gj himself. Of course, it has a different "flavor" that former normal users suddenly point this out, but everyone is aware of it now and it should just be accepted at some point and somehow. It's not as if we're now deleting and criticizing everything like crazy.
To your addendum: Of course, what you say is very realistic. You know what makes me tick politically and you can think for yourself. But since political topics are not welcome here and they will degenerate sooner or later anyway, there's no point in getting too involved anyway. But I understand exactly what you mean by "having to bend". I'll keep my political opinion out of it in future. I have friends and acquaintances for that. Real life. This is a gaming forum. Anyone who would like to get to know me and my views better is welcome to write to me via PM. Otherwise, I would like to be able to pursue my new task here without any worries.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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You see, that's exactly what I mean. (I'm also answering your post Langhans)
I can understand that you might like your job as a mod. That you will do your job with a clear conscience, I assume. But that's not my point.
And in case that came across the wrong way. I'm not criticizing you. I'm not criticizing you for accepting it. I'm only criticizing GJ for doing it in the first place.
They have taken away three of the most important users from the forum, all three of whom I hold in high esteem. The forum is missing something very important. You can't simply replace three regular users who are appreciated by almost everyone. After all, there aren't many regular users of this type. Most people here have their supporters but also their critics. Members who are liked by almost everyone are very rare. I, for example, am certainly not one of them.
You wrote it yourself. You won't be writing anything political in the future. You hardly ever did before, but there was always at least the odd subtle allusion. That's just you and that (and much more) is what makes you stand out. But you no longer write that because you no longer think as a user, but as a moderator. And that doesn't just apply to political comments, but to every area, such as the off-topic already mentioned in the other thread. And that after just one week. With every week that passes, you and the others will slip more and more into the role of mod. It takes on a life of its own, you have almost no control over it.
And that brings me back to my criticism. The forum has been deprived of three very important regular users who have made up a significant part of the overall image of GJ. Whether you like it or not, that's just the way it is. And that's why I can't understand GJ's decision in this regard at all. It doesn't matter that you're going to do everything great, that you're suitable for the job and so on. Yes, you are all that. But the forum will miss you as users.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Is this a hobby activity or a mini job? haha
Maybe gj is making it too easy for himself here
Saves wages and taxes, you have to be careful, if you get something regularly, it looks more like employees instead of a hobby activity
Falke is not so wrong with his posts, it could harm the forum, but we see that when someone thinks he is better than the other because he is allowed to delete posts here.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Only intervene when necessary. Move topics, give hints etc..
And then some people open a can of worms here again as if it were a matter of life and death with this decision.
My goodness .....
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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To go into your example: If it's off-topic, it's deleted immediately. I had a no depos 2 days ago, where I explained that the bonus is for depositors and Platin only considers deposits from October 2023. Apparently it was too OT, was just deleted and not admonished. If it is deleted directly, you don't know who deleted it. The system simply sends a message. It would be different if Blubbo sparked a small argument through his manner and then a mod intervened. Here you simply have to accept that these 3 can now also act.
It's also normal that when you become a mod, you write differently. If the mods don't follow the rules, why should the normal users? That would also cause trouble, because the mods would then be allowed to break the rules without any consequences. That's why I think it's a good thing that Saphira has decided not to write anything about politics anymore, not even subtle allusions or to be more careful not to get OT.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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No, to answer another member's question:
The decision was not made to save money, and certainly not to save taxes.
On the contrary, we will continue our efforts to expand our GJ team in the future so that we can get more support outside the forum. However, we will retain the community forum moderators and are considering whether we should even involve other members in the future.
Involving forum moderators from the community is actually an idea we've had for years.
And to be honest, we have often been asked about it.
Other forums and platforms have been doing this for years.
The current community forum moderators don't have a mini-job with us.
They only receive a small thank you for their support every now and then.
But as a matter of principle, I simply don't want to make it public who we give what and how much to.
In my eyes, that's nobody's business.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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"GJ Forum Alert service . Member...... has just commented on your comment in the post.....by..... '
I would be on the forum much more often if I knew that my content would be responded to
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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It's just a fine line that gamblejoe rides, and it only gets exciting when someone feels it's unjustified when their post is deleted!
And what Falke or Frapi wrote cannot be dismissed out of hand!
As a normal user, I now have to be careful what I write, because now these 4 people belong to gamblejoe and the danger of risking a ban or warning is much greater if you criticize employees a little "harder"
because it must also be Julian's job to protect his "employees"!
Because in the end I don't even know if I criticize langhans for a deletion or comment, whether langhans or gamblejoehans wrote and thought it!
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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Anyone can always criticize me as they see fit if they want to. That won't be deleted by any Hans or anyone else, because it's absolutely allowed and doesn't break any rules.
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GambleJoe: Beta phase: Community forum moderators
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I honestly don't understand that.
Basically, no one gets warned or banned on GambleJoe for "criticizing".
What you are probably referring to is insulting members.
And in this context, it makes absolutely no difference whether you insult a newbie, icon or forum moderator .
All of these have been devalued in the past and will be devalued in the future.
But not by the new forum moderators, but still by us internally.
The new community forum moderators do not currently have the ability to issue a warning, but are only a basic support when it comes to spam content, possibly serious off-topic conversations or other emergencies.
I don't understand why you have to artificially try to create any problems here.
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