In my opinion, this will only attract riffraff. Small wannabe gangsta who scrub their carrots on 20 scammed PSC and other honest people who you do not like to have in a well-maintained forum.
Isn't that kind of beyond the scope of the site? For GJ, this should mean a lot more work, which is probably not compensated by reasonably more traffic or user numbers. I mean maybe one or the other has ne code he would like to exchange, but the rule is not rather. I have never missed such a function at least
I'm also not quite sure who this would be good for. Just having the function would be great, of course, but I question the necessity of it. I have here as good as never read from regular users exchange offers. Also, most of the offers are kind of harebrained. Someone who wants to exchange PayPal for PSC is such a thing. Most of the time the person wants to swap quickly. Who has a 10€ PSC lying around at 1 o'clock in the morning and wants to exchange it for 10€ PayPal credit? So or so similarly look most offers here yes. In addition, such a system should be able to recognize everything from PaySafe to Neteller to Amazon vouchers, which is offered here so regularly
It would be interesting to be able to trade GJ Coins and send them to other users
I first thought that this would support people with duplicate accounts, but is actually not so. Those who have multiple accounts to be able to report more bugs per day could just pay out PSC on multiple accounts. And if someone constantly pushes coins from one account to another, that would also be very conspicuous
I would like to Deposit the weekly paysafe card I buy to gamble in my coin account, if something like that would be possible I would find good. If I buy the card I always completely gamble away on the same day. But if I could deposit here and have the possibility to set a daily limit that I can only claim a 10 euro Paysafe card per day, then I would be able to play with this card from the store more than just 1 day
Bone wrote on 09/18/2020 at 15:42: I'm also not quite sure who this would be good for. Just having the feature would be great of course, but I question the need for it. I've hardly ever read any swap offers from regular users here. Besides, most of the offers are also kind of harebrained. Someone who wants to exchange PayPal for PSC is such a thing. Most of the time the person wants to swap quickly. Who has a 10€ PSC lying around at 1 o'clock in the morning and wants to exchange it for 10€ PayPal credit? So or so similarly look most offers here yes. In addition, such a system should be able to recognize everything from PaySafe to Neteller to Amazon vouchers, which is offered here so regularly
It would be interesting to be able to trade GJ Coins and send them to other users
I first thought that this would support people with duplicate accounts, but is actually not so. Those who have multiple accounts to be able to report more bugs per day could just pay out PSC on multiple accounts. And if someone constantly pushes coins from one account to another, that would also be very conspicuous.
How would you like to see exchange offers from regular users here, if it is forbidden to exchange here? But I don't think it's necessary to create a marketplace for it here.
You could transfer the PSC to a Gamblejoe account PSC account, so the code would not be usable, but I must honestly say that I my PSC if I absolutely immediately want one can also buy online without problems.
There are enough users who are trustworthy
And they should do it
Besides Verified
You can also find something for it
E.g. Mittelsman
And then makes the exchange and controls everything, so that is not system burdensome or you have to program something extra
And as a thank you GJ can give the users who help coins, and all have what from!
And maybe you can make it so that someone who wants to become a meansman, verified stronger
But would be cool
If we had users where we all know that you can trust them and that you do not rip
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Former Member
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18th Oct. 2020, at 08:21 pm CEST#18
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Kanalmalocher wrote on 18.09.2020 at 14:26: In my opinion this will only attract riffraff. Little gangsta wannabes scrubbing their carrots on 20 scammed PSC and other bona fide people you don't like to have in a well maintained forum.
Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
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Gamblejoe just needs to create a thread that is allowed for this without any liability and all the warnings that go with it
And who has bock on Risk can exchange gladly by pn
But as already written, why should I sell ne psc if I need it anyway? Unless the casinos allow me ne winning streak of a few weeks
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Counter, J****R
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
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It would be interesting to be able to trade GJ Coins and send them to other users
I first thought that this would support people with duplicate accounts, but is actually not so. Those who have multiple accounts to be able to report more bugs per day could just pay out PSC on multiple accounts. And if someone constantly pushes coins from one account to another, that would also be very conspicuous
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
Liked this post: Anonym
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
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How would you like to see exchange offers from regular users here, if it is forbidden to exchange here? But I don't think it's necessary to create a marketplace for it here.
You could transfer the PSC to a Gamblejoe account PSC account, so the code would not be usable, but I must honestly say that I my PSC if I absolutely immediately want one can also buy online without problems.
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
Liked this post: Anonym
There are enough users who are trustworthy
And they should do it
Besides Verified
You can also find something for it
E.g. Mittelsman
And then makes the exchange and controls everything, so that is not system burdensome or you have to program something extra
And as a thank you GJ can give the users who help coins, and all have what from!
And maybe you can make it so that someone who wants to become a meansman, verified stronger
But would be cool
If we had users where we all know that you can trust them and that you do not rip
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
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That was a good one and is so true
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Suggestion for improvement - Marketplace pages
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Without runs yes also well
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