Feedback: I have a little criticism for our moderator. (Page 2)
Topic created on 27th Jul. 2018 | Page: 2 of 4 | Answers: 31 | Views: 7,783
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
27th Jul. 2018, at 11:59 pm CEST#11
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josh123, do you have one of those plastic packets that is transparent and says Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday? See if you have already taken the for today. I don't know here appear more and more users who always behave the same... it seems slowly everything seeeehr strange.
The closure was hirnrissig and simply ill-considered decided!
You with your conspiracy theorists...somehow reminds me very much of the N**i club.
As soon as you criticize something it is swung, but that is usually so when you run out of arguments. In addition, it is very insulting because it is VERY justified to look at online slots with a critical eye, if we also regularly leave money there or not?
Thought the forum was there to discuss such things? But I slowly realize myself that everything is deliberately controlled so that it is drawn into ridicule. Who believes that everything is fair and clean also believes that the trees reach to the sky.
Julian behaves absolutely no longer neutral but has so his people he loves to have on the kicker.
I do not understand why I should not be neutral just because I closed the thread, I also do not understand why you have to mention now almost daily that you can express here in the forum very well his own opinion ... irrelevant whether it is critical of an online casino or are also contributions that are associated with positive experiences.
A No-Go is it however its everyday frustration at other Usern to leave out. The whole insults and provocations have here in the forum simply nothing to look for.
And if it means that, for example, newcomers to the forum are so stupidly approached from the side just because someone suspects that it could be the and the user or even a casino employee, that is simply not okay. Finally, we want that the new users can feel comfortable here.
In addition, the user Josh123 has pulled himself together and apologized for his words, instead of simply being able to see past it and let the topic rest on itself, you are probably of the opinion that you have to directly post again.
If I were not neutral then I would have given a warning to every single user who was involved and a certain user would have received the red card again, because he is still on probation, so to speak. I just did not want that the weekend is directly again preloaded with such a drama and simply times calm in the community.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
28th Jul. 2018, at 01:01 am CEST#13
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Well, now it's really becoming unfunny. A red card?
Because I react to an insult from a user?
Where actually everyone has seen the same, except logically the affected
affected user himself? And even he has apologized!
How wärs then times with a little self-criticism? Just say, yes, that I could have
i could have solved differently, instead of writing, I would have started with the provocations
and to talk basically always around the bush. That's really brazen!
You sell here the people really for stupid. With 23 this does not function however yet so completely!
You can still call my nick.
And you want to tell me that you are neutral?
When the thread was here, where the brother has gambled away the money, everyone has hit on this user.
Intervention from you as a moderator? No way!
Admittedly, absolutely strange history, can be true however despite everything.
About it I was already instructed by you - same topic.
And you yourself have written that one must not be surprised if as a newcomer so
opens a thread. The user was new. I was warned for an absolutely identical reaction to
another new user, because I dared not to believe his story, and that also
doubted it accordingly.
Same story, different reaction from you.
Best example.
I really have a problem with it, if someone with zero tact and absolutely partisan
rules here over the forum. That I stand with you under special observation, I know
myself. But then make at least a little effort to disguise the whole thing.
And since I'm not the only one who sees it that way, you should take a look at your own nose,
instead of ending all threads here, to warn, or to do other things!
1. What does my age have to do with it?
2. I have very well shown self-criticism by explaining that it would very well have had other ways to deal with the situation, but I found this variant better than to open a big barrel here and have to delete all posts or even all warnings to pronounce. Since it doesn't matter who started it, whoever responds or reacts with further provocations is in the same boat.
3. You have set up a high score on Gamblejoe in the area "warnings" that no other user will crack so quickly. You have given us enough reasons to ban you permanently, but we wanted to give you a chance again and again to get your behavior under control. This is not about any criticism of Online Casinos or Gamblejoe itself but only about the treatment of other users.
So the argument that I am not neutral and personally have something against you does not work. Otherwise you would not after what feels like 15 warnings can still write here.
In addition, you know that I have always tried to write with you normally about it privately and you have repeatedly pointed out all the things. Not everyone gets so many chances.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
28th Jul. 2018, at 01:53 am CEST#15
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1. With increasing age, one becomes more experienced and also more relaxed. Doesn't count for me, I know.
2.Was there in my opinion and other users no reason to intervene. I had joined Samira`s opinion,
not to answer anymore.
3. Is also the constant reproach of misconduct on your part also a kind of provocation.
So badly, as you represent it, it is not.
Especially since to say it with your words: what should the new user think when he reads such things about me?
Things about me? I must be no longer to be surpassed at insults
Is that really so?
It is true that we have written privately. Also I have seen things there. Also I have written to you
that I am impulsive, and also honestly represent my opinion.
Nevertheless, I would be interested in why I would have earned the red card today?
Already the blocking was borderline, and it was not communicated to me, why this
ultimately happened. While the warning rate is/was indeed high, why it ultimately came to
to the blocking came, is actually mysterious to me. especially since the user at that time Mike has shot the bird
with his insults shot down.
That seems to mutate slowly to a national sport that others can provoke, but only some
few are really warned
Still haven't gotten an answer regarding new users, unfortunately, why some can/are allowed to attack,
you still support this
and I and others are warned directly
If I have earned the red card today, but it will be very empty here in the future, if I count times so together,
who would have grabbed it then....
Stkrie... maybe you should rethink what you wrote before you actually post it...
I actually doubt a person if he is determined by the age of certain things. Be it the emotional intelligence the "wisdom" or like you just the judgment.
You should be aware that Julian is also a user who in addition has the moderator status. Despite everything, he also has his own opinion and acts according to his best knowledge and conscience. Had he not in his profile 23 stand I bet that you could not guess his age!
I find it rather quite exemplary that Julian is able to take over the moderator position at all in the age to be able to express themselves objectively and to be able to decide on certain things so consistently. That you feel attacked by it and you feel as if would be shot straight at you is probably because of past events is paid a little more attention to your contributions! This is absolutely understandable and even you would do it the same way in his place!
You first write that Julian wants to fool the people here which, however, does not work so well with 23 ... as Julian then asks you what that has to do with his age you answer him one would be at a higher age more relaxed and more experienced... what has THAT to do with the Julian allegedly wants to fool someone?
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
28th Jul. 2018, at 02:48 am CEST#17
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You have now answered in principle just as woolly as Julian.
You have gone into almost no single point of criticism, and instead praise
instead sweeping over the clover!
I do not start now with each individual here to explain everything again.
My 2 statements on this subject are detailed enough.
If you do not understand it, or have a different opinion, that's ok!
If you are of the opinion that all this runs off factually and fairly, yes then
that's wonderful!
Since a further conversation to this topic is not necessarily purposeful,
i will write nothing more on this subject.
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Former Member
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
28th Jul. 2018, at 04:04 am CEST#18
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VM292 wrote on 07/28/2018 at 02:33: Now I have to say something too...
Stkrie... maybe you should reconsider what you wrote before you actually post it...
I actually doubt a person when they attach certain things to age. Be it the emotional intelligence the "wisdom" or like you just the judgment.
You should be aware that Julian is also a user who in addition has the moderator status. Despite everything, he also has his own opinion and acts according to his best knowledge and conscience. Had he not in his profile 23 stand I bet that you could not guess his age!
I find it rather quite exemplary that Julian is able to take over the moderator position at all in the age to be able to express themselves objectively and to be able to decide on certain things so consistently. That you feel attacked by it and you feel like you are just shot at you is probably because of past events a little more attention is paid to your contributions! This is absolutely understandable and even you would do it the same way in his place!
You write first that Julian wants to fool the people here what but with 23 not yet works so well ... as Julian then asks you what that has to do with his age you answer him one would be at a higher age more relaxed and more experienced... what has THAT to do with the Julian allegedly wants to fool someone?
Now I have to say something about it...
Without wanting to attack you.
If you had dealt with the thread, which is actually about here, then you would know that Stkrie not only feels attacked, but is also really attacked.
That he is now always in general suspicion, makes the thing as you call it, not "absolutely understandable" but absolutely unfair.
It is true that Julian admonished the Stkrie several times, but I have written it before and repeat me also gladly, it is not all warnings justified, since not with everyone was equally penetrated, although even bsp. by a user with murder was threatened.
The age I do not necessarily share, think the life experience is crucial, but can understand what the Stkrie here trying to clarify that with 23 years the life phase is too short to exercise certain actions perfectly. According to the motto, practice makes perfect.... and Julian thus still has a few years to practice to be able to lead others vlt deceived, which play the game called life longer.
I wrote to you right after you closed the thread and asked the question why, whereupon you told me your reasoning. I can accept your opinion, but still hold a different one myself. As I wrote to you, it would have made more sense not to upset the TE to pick out the aggressor, you were of the opinion that it was Stkrie, but the posts say otherwise.
Anyway, there are certain rules that every single one of us, including me of course, have to abide by, but you also have to abide by rules... the most important... to be impartial. I am sure you are trying to keep law and order, but your judgment in this matter is partly along the lines of ... Being right does not equal getting right. Please don't feel offended, but I think that criticism that one accepts, be it positive or negative, can be very helpful.
I also wrote to you, I told you that I was sorry for the closure of your thread, especially since I was involved in the dispute. I also remain... sry.
Nice of you that you have apologized even if it was not really meant by you, the Julian you could deceive with it, was probably your only intention behind it. If you had not mentioned that you were allegedly attacked, although you were obviously the aggressor, and at the end again put on it with the word "conspiracy theory", which is known to be negatively afflicted, then I would have accepted the apology. Nevertheless, I am not at war with you and think it best to ignore your comments in the future as far as I can.
I hope for a better interaction in the future.
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Former Member
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
28th Jul. 2018, at 08:52 am CEST#19
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Samira expresses many things politely. I think that's great. I am a person with a lot of emotions. Samira takes me with her matter-of-fact kind of a lot of what I would write without you hard as nails here
Thank you for your objective words Samira, but I must make it clear that I did not want to put stkrie yesterday as the sole culprit
Therefore, I have also had several times emphasized that the provocations from several sides has taken place, yes the user Palvez has probably started with his words the teasing, however, in my opinion, just everyone sits in the same boat that goes to the same level and accordingly I also act
One could have acted in my opinion as a user also better in such a situation than the user directly in the forum so to approach, for example, there would be the variant to report the contribution to a Gamblejoe member, I would have written to him and clarified him about the forum rules and the thing would have definitely run differently as yesterday.
However, if I see and notice that several users are involved in the dispute and are on the same level, I would consider it rather impartial if I would admonish only the one user.
One thing for which I would like to apologize is the fact that I stkrie the öfteren always mention and the whole thing could actually come across something provocative, but the whole thing also has a reason. Ultimately, I had already mentioned it yesterday but there was probably still no user of me so much special treatment as he got. Nevertheless, he is in my opinion always the loudest as soon as it goes around "criticism" opposite me. I always have to hear that I am not "neutral" and take all users in the protection and only shoot against him while it should actually be the other way around, there were even people who have complained how much I let him go through. He himself has even written to another Gamblejoe member that he thinks I should be more assertive. I have ultimately then also done.
Since I became a moderator I have to be constantly accused of the same two things, the first thing would be my age and the second thing is my "neutrality".
That I do not always act perfectly and often make mistakes I do not want to deny, ultimately hides behind my name also only a man and not a robot.
And every single user on Gamblejoe has of course the right to point out these mistakes or if necessary to criticize me
But my age has no influence on my decisions, my actions are ultimately reflected only by my character and therefore I ask you to judge accordingly.
In terms of my neutrality, I can only mention from my side again that I have no one on the kicker, I have the topic zwecks "red card" yesterday had something wrong formulated because it was Friday evening and I was also to be honest a little dimpled. However, I think times that I had already hit the core of the statement correctly.
I have this decision yesterday felt right because I did not want that a big barrel is opened and calm comes back into the community.
Likewise, I wanted to pronounce among other things in the evening yesterday no warnings because stkrie would have sat in the same boat and would have received our system after directly again the red card, which I would have felt at the time not particularly fair.
I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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The closure was hirnrissig and simply ill-considered decided!
You with your conspiracy theorists...somehow reminds me very much of the N**i club.
As soon as you criticize something it is swung, but that is usually so when you run out of arguments. In addition, it is very insulting because it is VERY justified to look at online slots with a critical eye, if we also regularly leave money there or not?
Thought the forum was there to discuss such things? But I slowly realize myself that everything is deliberately controlled so that it is drawn into ridicule. Who believes that everything is fair and clean also believes that the trees reach to the sky.
Julian behaves absolutely no longer neutral but has so his people he loves to have on the kicker.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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A No-Go is it however its everyday frustration at other Usern to leave out. The whole insults and provocations have here in the forum simply nothing to look for.
And if it means that, for example, newcomers to the forum are so stupidly approached from the side just because someone suspects that it could be the and the user or even a casino employee, that is simply not okay. Finally, we want that the new users can feel comfortable here.
In addition, the user Josh123 has pulled himself together and apologized for his words, instead of simply being able to see past it and let the topic rest on itself, you are probably of the opinion that you have to directly post again.
If I were not neutral then I would have given a warning to every single user who was involved and a certain user would have received the red card again, because he is still on probation, so to speak. I just did not want that the weekend is directly again preloaded with such a drama and simply times calm in the community.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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Because I react to an insult from a user?
Where actually everyone has seen the same, except logically the affected
affected user himself? And even he has apologized!
How wärs then times with a little self-criticism? Just say, yes, that I could have
i could have solved differently, instead of writing, I would have started with the provocations
and to talk basically always around the bush. That's really brazen!
You sell here the people really for stupid. With 23 this does not function however yet so completely!
You can still call my nick.
And you want to tell me that you are neutral?
When the thread was here, where the brother has gambled away the money, everyone has hit on this user.
Intervention from you as a moderator? No way!
Admittedly, absolutely strange history, can be true however despite everything.
About it I was already instructed by you - same topic.
And you yourself have written that one must not be surprised if as a newcomer so
opens a thread. The user was new. I was warned for an absolutely identical reaction to
another new user, because I dared not to believe his story, and that also
doubted it accordingly.
Same story, different reaction from you.
Best example.
I really have a problem with it, if someone with zero tact and absolutely partisan
rules here over the forum. That I stand with you under special observation, I know
myself. But then make at least a little effort to disguise the whole thing.
And since I'm not the only one who sees it that way, you should take a look at your own nose,
instead of ending all threads here, to warn, or to do other things!
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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1. What does my age have to do with it?
2. I have very well shown self-criticism by explaining that it would very well have had other ways to deal with the situation, but I found this variant better than to open a big barrel here and have to delete all posts or even all warnings to pronounce. Since it doesn't matter who started it, whoever responds or reacts with further provocations is in the same boat.
3. You have set up a high score on Gamblejoe in the area "warnings" that no other user will crack so quickly. You have given us enough reasons to ban you permanently, but we wanted to give you a chance again and again to get your behavior under control. This is not about any criticism of Online Casinos or Gamblejoe itself but only about the treatment of other users.
So the argument that I am not neutral and personally have something against you does not work. Otherwise you would not after what feels like 15 warnings can still write here.
In addition, you know that I have always tried to write with you normally about it privately and you have repeatedly pointed out all the things. Not everyone gets so many chances.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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2.Was there in my opinion and other users no reason to intervene. I had joined Samira`s opinion,
not to answer anymore.
3. Is also the constant reproach of misconduct on your part also a kind of provocation.
So badly, as you represent it, it is not.
Especially since to say it with your words: what should the new user think when he reads such things about me?
Things about me? I must be no longer to be surpassed at insults
Is that really so?
It is true that we have written privately. Also I have seen things there. Also I have written to you
that I am impulsive, and also honestly represent my opinion.
Nevertheless, I would be interested in why I would have earned the red card today?
Already the blocking was borderline, and it was not communicated to me, why this
ultimately happened. While the warning rate is/was indeed high, why it ultimately came to
to the blocking came, is actually mysterious to me. especially since the user at that time Mike has shot the bird
with his insults shot down.
That seems to mutate slowly to a national sport that others can provoke, but only some
few are really warned
Still haven't gotten an answer regarding new users, unfortunately, why some can/are allowed to attack,
you still support this
and I and others are warned directly
If I have earned the red card today, but it will be very empty here in the future, if I count times so together,
who would have grabbed it then....
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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Stkrie... maybe you should rethink what you wrote before you actually post it...
I actually doubt a person if he is determined by the age of certain things. Be it the emotional intelligence the "wisdom" or like you just the judgment.
You should be aware that Julian is also a user who in addition has the moderator status. Despite everything, he also has his own opinion and acts according to his best knowledge and conscience. Had he not in his profile 23 stand I bet that you could not guess his age!
I find it rather quite exemplary that Julian is able to take over the moderator position at all in the age to be able to express themselves objectively and to be able to decide on certain things so consistently. That you feel attacked by it and you feel as if would be shot straight at you is probably because of past events is paid a little more attention to your contributions! This is absolutely understandable and even you would do it the same way in his place!
You first write that Julian wants to fool the people here which, however, does not work so well with 23 ... as Julian then asks you what that has to do with his age you answer him one would be at a higher age more relaxed and more experienced... what has THAT to do with the Julian allegedly wants to fool someone?
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
Liked this post: Anonym
You have now answered in principle just as woolly as Julian.
You have gone into almost no single point of criticism, and instead praise
instead sweeping over the clover!
I do not start now with each individual here to explain everything again.
My 2 statements on this subject are detailed enough.
If you do not understand it, or have a different opinion, that's ok!
If you are of the opinion that all this runs off factually and fairly, yes then
that's wonderful!
Since a further conversation to this topic is not necessarily purposeful,
i will write nothing more on this subject.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
Liked this post: Anonym
Now I have to say something about it...
Without wanting to attack you.
If you had dealt with the thread, which is actually about here, then you would know that Stkrie not only feels attacked, but is also really attacked.
That he is now always in general suspicion, makes the thing as you call it, not "absolutely understandable" but absolutely unfair.
It is true that Julian admonished the Stkrie several times, but I have written it before and repeat me also gladly, it is not all warnings justified, since not with everyone was equally penetrated, although even bsp. by a user with murder was threatened.
The age I do not necessarily share, think the life experience is crucial, but can understand what the Stkrie here trying to clarify that with 23 years the life phase is too short to exercise certain actions perfectly. According to the motto, practice makes perfect.... and Julian thus still has a few years to practice to be able to lead others vlt deceived, which play the game called life longer.
I wrote to you right after you closed the thread and asked the question why, whereupon you told me your reasoning. I can accept your opinion, but still hold a different one myself. As I wrote to you, it would have made more sense not to upset the TE to pick out the aggressor, you were of the opinion that it was Stkrie, but the posts say otherwise.
Anyway, there are certain rules that every single one of us, including me of course, have to abide by, but you also have to abide by rules... the most important... to be impartial. I am sure you are trying to keep law and order, but your judgment in this matter is partly along the lines of ... Being right does not equal getting right. Please don't feel offended, but I think that criticism that one accepts, be it positive or negative, can be very helpful.
I also wrote to you, I told you that I was sorry for the closure of your thread, especially since I was involved in the dispute. I also remain... sry.
Nice of you that you have apologized even if it was not really meant by you, the Julian you could deceive with it, was probably your only intention behind it. If you had not mentioned that you were allegedly attacked, although you were obviously the aggressor, and at the end again put on it with the word "conspiracy theory", which is known to be negatively afflicted, then I would have accepted the apology. Nevertheless, I am not at war with you and think it best to ignore your comments in the future as far as I can.
I hope for a better interaction in the future.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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I have a little criticism for our moderator.
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Thank you for your objective words Samira, but I must make it clear that I did not want to put stkrie yesterday as the sole culprit
Therefore, I have also had several times emphasized that the provocations from several sides has taken place, yes the user Palvez has probably started with his words the teasing, however, in my opinion, just everyone sits in the same boat that goes to the same level and accordingly I also act
One could have acted in my opinion as a user also better in such a situation than the user directly in the forum so to approach, for example, there would be the variant to report the contribution to a Gamblejoe member, I would have written to him and clarified him about the forum rules and the thing would have definitely run differently as yesterday.
However, if I see and notice that several users are involved in the dispute and are on the same level, I would consider it rather impartial if I would admonish only the one user.
One thing for which I would like to apologize is the fact that I stkrie the öfteren always mention and the whole thing could actually come across something provocative, but the whole thing also has a reason. Ultimately, I had already mentioned it yesterday but there was probably still no user of me so much special treatment as he got. Nevertheless, he is in my opinion always the loudest as soon as it goes around "criticism" opposite me. I always have to hear that I am not "neutral" and take all users in the protection and only shoot against him while it should actually be the other way around, there were even people who have complained how much I let him go through. He himself has even written to another Gamblejoe member that he thinks I should be more assertive. I have ultimately then also done.
Since I became a moderator I have to be constantly accused of the same two things, the first thing would be my age and the second thing is my "neutrality".
That I do not always act perfectly and often make mistakes I do not want to deny, ultimately hides behind my name also only a man and not a robot.
And every single user on Gamblejoe has of course the right to point out these mistakes or if necessary to criticize me
But my age has no influence on my decisions, my actions are ultimately reflected only by my character and therefore I ask you to judge accordingly.
In terms of my neutrality, I can only mention from my side again that I have no one on the kicker, I have the topic zwecks "red card" yesterday had something wrong formulated because it was Friday evening and I was also to be honest a little dimpled. However, I think times that I had already hit the core of the statement correctly.
I have this decision yesterday felt right because I did not want that a big barrel is opened and calm comes back into the community.
Likewise, I wanted to pronounce among other things in the evening yesterday no warnings because stkrie would have sat in the same boat and would have received our system after directly again the red card, which I would have felt at the time not particularly fair.
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