Frustpilot is probably right I use Trustpilot but also only when a store gets on my balls. Am probably not someone who makes good experiences and then goes to TP to praise the store. Is probably because I rather expect and assume that everything runs smoothly. Therefore, my TP profile consists only of negative reviews and one good. The good one is btw. Gamblejoe
Guys take a look now we are already cashdrop begging gambling addicts resin and hearty as well as hard Germany performers and are at the bottom of the morass
Players who complain about losses wow that's a whole new info everyone thinks it's really cool to lose money and share it with the community must speak inevitably for a gambling addiction...... how could I not come to this realization myself
I think I should cancel my just spontaneously ordered furniture for 9.5k rather does not fit so well to the morass in which I find myself
gamble1 wrote on 21.08.2023 at 22:00: people look purely now we are already Cashdrop begging gambling addicts resin and hearty as well as hard Germany performers and are at the bottom of the morass
Hope the junkies at "Hartes Deutschland" do not read along, they would be deeply offended. Know the "scene" also only from the TV, but if there has a substance, is already shared. The Hartzers help each other anyway.
Try this here times with the "hardship cases" with Coins... take they do all gladly, but give? No Way😂
Joking aside...rating misses the mark completely of course. The people are on Frustpilot only the page "Gamblejoe" rate, not the users who write in.
The "author" was eh again a revengeful former, if the targeted the Cashdrop thread picks up.
Apart from the topic, I always find it interesting that with deleted users here in the forum, always the name is pixelated, but if someone has quoted the deleted, you can still see what his name was. Phew long sentence 🤕
Max_Bet wrote on 22.08.2023 at 16:37:
Apart from the topic, I always find it interesting that with deleted users here in the forum, always the name is pixelated, but if someone has quoted the deleted, you can still see what his name was. Phew long sentence 🤕
Moin Moin,
to what extent this is really so interesting, I do not know, but the question is definitely off-topic here. For your info, it only depends on whether you inserted the deleted member's quote into your post before or after the deletion.
New content dear people we are compared with the noon program on RTL and GJ pays us of course for "GOOD" ratings
Again and again cool how some people get upset about alleged things here and then simply have to lie in what they write to make the page bad on TP
GJ has already said several times you can also rate negatively as long as it is written honestly and with sense but of course that is not mentioned quite by chance
gamble1 wrote on 09/26/2023 at 22:06: New content dear people we are compared to the noon program on RTL and GJ of course pays us for "GOOD" ratings
Always cool how but some people get upset about alleged things here and then simply have to lie about what they write to make the site bad on TP
GJ has already said several times you can also evaluate negatively as long as it is written honestly and with sense but of course that is not mentioned quite by chance
DerGeuner also back at the start, the guy I feel really sorry Richtige sad soul and I was always correct to him.
Andre wrote on 26.09.2023 at 22:21: DerGeuner also again at the start, I feel really sorry for the guy Richtige sad soul and I was always correct to him.
SimonH wrote on 11.09.2023 at 17:34: So have now also times a 5 star review written! As much as I have already won with you guys, I owe you this!
Here still proudly announced that I have written a review, now I just noticed that my entire Trustpilot Acount has been deleted and locked.... very mystical. I had written some reviews which are now all gone. It's possible that some "GJ Hater" reported my review... The Gj review was the last one I wrote...:(
Just read through all the negative reviews. I am horrified, I would have known what machinations are going on here in the background, I would never have signed up.
I also slowly believe that the Illuminati have their fingers in the game here.I'll keep watching it.
Dr-Strange wrote on 29.09.2023 at 16:16: Just read through all the negative reviews. I am horrified, I would have known what machinations are going on here in the background, I would never have signed up.
I also slowly believe that the Illuminati have their fingers in the game here.I'll keep watching it.
Matthias wrote on 10.03.2023 at 10:04: Dear Community,
we noticed a few weeks ago that we have a rather sad looking profile on Trustpilot that doesn't match our site at all.
There is only one hater review there, but apparently not a single honest feedback about our platform.
We would really appreciate if you would take the trouble to write down your experiences with GambleJoe there.
I'm sure this would be interesting for Google as well and maybe help our forum to get more new members.
Thanks in advance for your support
So I have written or rated on Trustpilot only good and true!
Maybe you could for the users who rate the page, if they upload a screenshot of the rating and confirmation email possibly Begütern! ^^
GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Frustpilot is probably right I use Trustpilot but also only when a store gets on my balls. Am probably not someone who makes good experiences and then goes to TP to praise the store. Is probably because I rather expect and assume that everything runs smoothly. Therefore, my TP profile consists only of negative reviews and one good. The good one is btw. Gamblejoe
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Players who complain about losses wow that's a whole new info everyone thinks it's really cool to lose money and share it with the community must speak inevitably for a gambling addiction...... how could I not come to this realization myself
I think I should cancel my just spontaneously ordered furniture for 9.5k rather does not fit so well to the morass in which I find myself
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Hope the junkies at "Hartes Deutschland" do not read along, they would be deeply offended. Know the "scene" also only from the TV, but if there has a substance, is already shared. The Hartzers help each other anyway.
Try this here times with the "hardship cases" with Coins... take they do all gladly, but give? No Way😂
Joking aside...rating misses the mark completely of course. The people are on Frustpilot only the page "Gamblejoe" rate, not the users who write in.
The "author" was eh again a revengeful former, if the targeted the Cashdrop thread picks up.
Has here also always times gladly, during the active time for bad mood provided.
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Apart from the topic, I always find it interesting that with deleted users here in the forum, always the name is pixelated, but if someone has quoted the deleted, you can still see what his name was. Phew long sentence 🤕
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Moin Moin,
to what extent this is really so interesting, I do not know, but the question is definitely off-topic here. For your info, it only depends on whether you inserted the deleted member's quote into your post before or after the deletion.
So, enough off-topic content here...
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Again and again cool how some people get upset about alleged things here and then simply have to lie in what they write to make the page bad on TP
GJ has already said several times you can also rate negatively as long as it is written honestly and with sense but of course that is not mentioned quite by chance
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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DerGeuner also back at the start, the guy I feel really sorry Richtige sad soul and I was always correct to him.
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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DerGeuner still brings us all real profit. So please ... 🤣
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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At least he was always well shaved
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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Here still proudly announced that I have written a review, now I just noticed that my entire Trustpilot Acount has been deleted and locked.... very mystical. I had written some reviews which are now all gone. It's possible that some "GJ Hater" reported my review... The Gj review was the last one I wrote...:(
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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I also slowly believe that the Illuminati have their fingers in the game here.I'll keep watching it.
Big Brother is Watching You! 👀
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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🤣🤣🤣 I'm watching you too !
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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So I have written or rated on Trustpilot only good and true!
Maybe you could for the users who rate the page, if they upload a screenshot of the rating and confirmation email possibly Begütern! ^^
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GambleJoe support by Trustpilot rating
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