Cheeseburger wrote on 08/12/2019 at 23:40: I've been drawn 2x so far, probably the random generator has a preference for fast food or I'm in the same secret society with Daniel and Matthias.
What I want to say: It was 2x 10 Euro, in total 20. in words ZWANZIG EURO. There my hourly wage is already higher.
What a miserable life must have some here, because of such smallest amounts with accusations and insults to throw around ?
Sorry but who freaks out so emotionally because of 10 euros, has an absolutely crude Gambling addiction problem, debts to any dubious Mafiosos or a hatred for all people who have their lives under control.
10 Euro are after all 40 beer cans. No idea how you manage to collect over 80 cans an hour
Matthias wrote on 08/12/2019 at 19:10
What makes you think that we as portal operators have to publish our source code?
You got the warning because you publicly insulted me as a parasite.
If you don't need the weird PSC, feel free to donate it. There are enough homeless people who would be happy about it.
If I donate something then on the one hand not to your actions.
On the other hand you don't have to disclose anything, but it shows once more how good and transparent you and Counter work. You know 100% that your code is crap!
Cheeseburger wrote on 08/12/2019 at 23:40: I've been drawn 2x so far, probably the random generator has a preference for fast food or I'm in the same secret society with Daniel and Matthias.
What I want to say: It was 2x 10 Euro, in total 20. in words ZWANZIG EURO. There my hourly wage is already higher.
What a miserable life must have some here, because of such smallest amounts with accusations and insults to throw around ?
Sorry but who freaks out so emotionally because of 10 euros, has an absolutely crude Gambling addiction problem, debts to any dubious Mafiosos or a hatred for all people who have their lives under control.
Writes seriously the one who was upset the other day about the "duration of lotteries" of a user^^
Congratulations to all yesterday's winners who don't participate in any conspiracy theories and are just happy to have won.
@Matthias: I think it's good that you don't react to this nonsense anymore. If any people think, for whatever reason, to have doubts, then these people may please just log off from the competition. Or even better: delete your account
To the mentioned user(s): I am writing this as someone who has not won yet. Of it my world now really does not go under. If I win nice, then I'm happy and thank you, otherwise others had more luck and I'm also happy for the people. Life is not really that complicated, you should perhaps take that to heart
What a pathetic life some must have here, throwing accusations and insults around because of such small amounts ?
Sorry but who freaks out so emotionally because of 10 euros, has an absolutely derbes Gambling addiction problem, debts to any dubious Mafiosos or a hatred for all people who have their lives in hand.
Of course I don't know how long you've been playing, but if this period of time somehow correlates with the date of your registration in the forum, I'll just briefly mention the following:
Don't lean too far out the window. The people who like to say things like that at the beginning of their gaming careers are often the ones who, by the time the Advent raffle comes around the following year, understand the people they were talking about so disparagingly before better than they'd like.
This does not have to concern you, I know you also not at all. Fortunately! Because people who speak in such an arrogant and condescending manner about other people, which they also do not know personally, I honestly do not want to have to meet necessarily...
But if you then feel better than others, dig in, do yourself no compulsion!
What's going on in this thread is better than the Muppet Show used to be!
The one side nags, grumbles and whines about it that they do not win 10 euros in a "win" which would be in 99.9999999% of all cases in less than 3 minutes gambled away!
The other side defends a "lottery", which is organized with the background to earn even more money!
So or so...
Please keep it up! It's mega entertaining
Quckie wrote on Dec 09, 2019 at 07:11: What is going on in this thread is yes better than the Muppetshow used to be!
One side nags, grumbles and whines about not winning 10 euros in a "win" which in 99.9999999% of all cases would be gambled away in less than 3 minutes!
The other side defends a "lottery", which is organized with the background to earn even more money!
So or so...
Please keep it up! It's mega entertaining
If GJ earns even more through it, that's good. Our registration etc. costs nothing and if GJ therefore earns even more money through it and in between continues the PSC rausushaut then have but both what of.
Patizi wrote on Dec 09, 2019 at 10:30 am
If GJ earns even more through this, then that's good. Our registration etc. costs nothing and if GJ therefore earns even more money by it and in between further the PSC rausushaut then have but both what from.
I can only agree, makes sense if they want to earn more money.
We should just be happy that they pass on part of it to the users
Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
Liked this post: Anonym,
10 Euro are after all 40 beer cans. No idea how you manage to collect over 80 cans an hour
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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If I donate something then on the one hand not to your actions.
On the other hand you don't have to disclose anything, but it shows once more how good and transparent you and Counter work. You know 100% that your code is crap!
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
Liked this post: Anonym
I won't reveal my collecting strategy here now, but one important point is not to be online 24/7
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
Liked this post: G****e,
Writes seriously the one who was upset the other day about the "duration of lotteries" of a user^^
Thx for coming^^
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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@Matthias: I think it's good that you don't react to this nonsense anymore. If any people think, for whatever reason, to have doubts, then these people may please just log off from the competition. Or even better: delete your account
To the mentioned user(s): I am writing this as someone who has not won yet. Of it my world now really does not go under. If I win nice, then I'm happy and thank you, otherwise others had more luck and I'm also happy for the people. Life is not really that complicated, you should perhaps take that to heart
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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Of course I don't know how long you've been playing, but if this period of time somehow correlates with the date of your registration in the forum, I'll just briefly mention the following:
Don't lean too far out the window. The people who like to say things like that at the beginning of their gaming careers are often the ones who, by the time the Advent raffle comes around the following year, understand the people they were talking about so disparagingly before better than they'd like.
This does not have to concern you, I know you also not at all. Fortunately! Because people who speak in such an arrogant and condescending manner about other people, which they also do not know personally, I honestly do not want to have to meet necessarily...
But if you then feel better than others, dig in, do yourself no compulsion!
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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The one side nags, grumbles and whines about it that they do not win 10 euros in a "win" which would be in 99.9999999% of all cases in less than 3 minutes gambled away!
The other side defends a "lottery", which is organized with the background to earn even more money!
So or so...
Please keep it up! It's mega entertaining
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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If GJ earns even more through it, that's good. Our registration etc. costs nothing and if GJ therefore earns even more money through it and in between continues the PSC rausushaut then have but both what of.
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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I can only agree, makes sense if they want to earn more money.
We should just be happy that they pass on part of it to the users
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Gamblejoe Advent Calendar
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