chriss1808 wrote on 15.02.2020 at 10:12: times stupidly asked what is it about here just
Gamblejoe member Matthias has donated 500 euros to a streamer.
This Streamer probably also streams at the time of day where many children watch the stream.
Some find this reprehensible, as Christoph has just written an article in the news, in which he writes how bad it is that children and young people watch streams of casinos on the Internet.
Since Matthias is a capable businessman and the stream where he has donated the name of the donor appears large, many will look for the name Gamblejoe and thus more profit is made again.
But all this is his business.
Is yes in the film industry also often there are hidden product placements to make the customers indirectly on the product attentive.
Maybe he made the donation out of pure love.
In any case, many are upset about it.
It's just like when you live as a vegetarian and it big rausposaunt how bad it is to eat animals, but the other way around 500 euros to McDonalds donates (Yes I know Macces has nen Veggieburger, was also just an example 😁)
I agree with him, the donation will make the site better known and will also get a bit of traffic.
The young people who are watching you can not stop anyway, as parents to express a ban brings nothing, think of what we have done in the past for things, we have not adhered to the specifications.
Gamblejoe member Matthias has donated 500 euros to a streamer.
This Streamer is probably also streaming at the time of day where many kids are watching the stream.
Some find this reprehensible, as Christoph has just written an article in the news, in which he writes how bad it is that children and young people watch streams of casinos on the Internet.
Since Matthias is a capable businessman and the stream where he has donated the name of the donor appears large, many will look for the name Gamblejoe and thus more profit is made again.
But all this is his business.
Is yes in the film industry also often there are hidden product placements to make the customers indirectly on the product attentive.
Maybe he made the donation out of pure love.
In any case, many are upset about it.
It's just like when you live as a vegetarian and it's great rausposaunt how bad it is to eat animals, but the other way around 500 euros to McDonalds donates (Yes I know Macces has a veggie burger, was also just an example 😁)
In the meantime, the guys from GJ have become part of the gambling lobby.
Of course, this is not reprehensible, after all, they make a damn good living from it - and certainly in contrast to most people here....
Of course it can be a bit annoying when a donation is used to support a streamer.
The actual goal of the lobby often goes past many, but should anyone believed that GJ only out of kindness or joke and madness with donations strewn around, the gambling industry and their methods, especially when it comes to "new gamblers" breed nothing yet understood!
From a business point of view,
well done GJ -and I'm also pretty sure this "investment" sooner or later pays off damn well
Humanly seen....under all sow.
And as far as your beloved Streamer is concerned, I can only think of one thing: Caution trap - Nepper - touts and Bauernfänger!
Gamblejoe member Matthias has donated 500 euros to a streamer.
This Streamer is probably also streaming at the time of day where many kids are watching the stream.
Some find this reprehensible, as Christoph has just written an article in the news, in which he writes how bad it is that children and young people watch streams of casinos on the Internet.
Since Matthias is a capable businessman and the stream where he has donated the name of the donor appears large, many will look for the name Gamblejoe and thus more profit is made again.
But all this is his business.
Is yes in the film industry also often there are hidden product placements to make the customers indirectly on the product attentive.
Maybe he made the donation out of pure love.
In any case, many are upset about it.
It's just like when you live as a vegetarian and it's great rausposaunt how bad it is to eat animals, but the other way around 500 euros to McDonalds donates (Yes I know Macces has a veggie burger, was also just an example 😁)
Why capable businessman? It came from his private assets not from the GJ assets
The streamers don't just create the illusion of steady wins. Rather, the whole gambling is absolutely awesome trivialized. I think gambling is something you can do from time to time. Like going to the cinema, for example. If you Deposit every day/every other day, you will be clearly in the red in the long run. Streamers, however, stream almost every day or even 24 hours a day. This gives the impression that it is absolutely cool to play so excessively.
That Gamblejoe now goes for the second time in this direction and supports streamers, I find absolutely not cool. Only my opinion! And if it was private money, it doesn't matter. The donation was made in the name of Gamblejoe. Gamblejoe is but also the community. Hardly anyone from the community finds these Streamerdonations good
Marketing and economic progress all well and good, but these actions and then following rumgelabber I find embarrassing
Big thanks to Matthias
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Gamblejoe member Matthias has donated 500 euros to a streamer.
This Streamer probably also streams at the time of day where many children watch the stream.
Some find this reprehensible, as Christoph has just written an article in the news, in which he writes how bad it is that children and young people watch streams of casinos on the Internet.
Since Matthias is a capable businessman and the stream where he has donated the name of the donor appears large, many will look for the name Gamblejoe and thus more profit is made again.
But all this is his business.
Is yes in the film industry also often there are hidden product placements to make the customers indirectly on the product attentive.
Maybe he made the donation out of pure love.
In any case, many are upset about it.
It's just like when you live as a vegetarian and it big rausposaunt how bad it is to eat animals, but the other way around 500 euros to McDonalds donates (Yes I know Macces has nen Veggieburger, was also just an example 😁)
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Big thanks to Matthias
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The young people who are watching you can not stop anyway, as parents to express a ban brings nothing, think of what we have done in the past for things, we have not adhered to the specifications.
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Big thanks to Matthias
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ahhh okay thanks
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Of course, this is not reprehensible, after all, they make a damn good living from it - and certainly in contrast to most people here....
Of course it can be a bit annoying when a donation is used to support a streamer.
The actual goal of the lobby often goes past many, but should anyone believed that GJ only out of kindness or joke and madness with donations strewn around, the gambling industry and their methods, especially when it comes to "new gamblers" breed nothing yet understood!
From a business point of view,
well done GJ -and I'm also pretty sure this "investment" sooner or later pays off damn well
Humanly seen....under all sow.
And as far as your beloved Streamer is concerned, I can only think of one thing: Caution trap - Nepper - touts and Bauernfänger!
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Big thanks to Matthias
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Why capable businessman? It came from his private assets not from the GJ assets
So it actually has nothing to do with GJ
Yes, it's getting more and more tricky
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Big thanks to Matthias
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That Gamblejoe now goes for the second time in this direction and supports streamers, I find absolutely not cool. Only my opinion! And if it was private money, it doesn't matter. The donation was made in the name of Gamblejoe. Gamblejoe is but also the community. Hardly anyone from the community finds these Streamerdonations good
Marketing and economic progress all well and good, but these actions and then following rumgelabber I find embarrassing
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