Please read the rules of this forum and abide by them. We reserve the right to delete, edit or move posts. This applies in particular if we are of the opinion that they violate the forum rules or restrict the quality of the discussion.
Members who repeatedly violate the forum rules may be excluded from GambleJoe for a certain period of time or permanently after a warning. In the event of permanent exclusion, the points accumulated on will be deleted at the same time.
In the event of particularly serious violations of the forum rules listed below, we reserve the right to block or delete user accounts for a limited or unlimited period of time without prior warning.
Even if it is sometimes difficult, we ask you to treat other forum participants with respect. Therefore, avoid insults, abusive language, strong language or similar. Behind every post is a real person who has written it and does not wish to be insulted. Try to deal with your counterpart in this forum as if he or she were sitting opposite you as a human being.
Good and respectful interaction also includes the sensible design of texts. THEREFORE, AVOID WRITING LONG TEXTS OR PARAGRAPHS IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Also avoid the excessive use of colored text or other text formatting options .
Public complaints
Those who play in Online Casinos can win, but usually lose. Some players feel anger and feelings of revenge towards the online casinos where they have lost. This anger can be expressed in our forum. However, the publication of false factual claims and false insinuations of fraud about individual providers is absolutely forbidden in this forum.
Example: A player loses €500 in an online casino. In order to take revenge on the Provider and damage its reputation, he files a public complaint and claims (without ever having requested a payout) that the online casino refuses to pay out the win.
In extreme cases, grossly false statements of this kind can also lead to claims for damages against the player in question!
Public complaints are intended for players who actually have a dispute with an online casino.
General content
Before opening a new thread, please check whether a thread on the same topic already exists. Also make sure that your posts match the original topic.
We would also like to point out that the forum posts created (in accordance with our terms of use) are retained in anonymized form and can be accessed publicly even after a user account has been deleted.
In the general No Deposit / Free Spins thread, only posts with free spins or bonus offers are permitted. Short questions relating to bonus offers may be asked. The posting of results and other off-topic posts is not permitted. Posts that violate the rules will generally be deleted completely without further notice.
Requests for screenshots of no-deposit offers are not welcome by our site and any comments/posts will be removed by us.
Prohibited content
Among other things, the following content is not accepted on GambleJoe: Racist, right-wing or left-wing extremist content will not be accepted on GambleJoe. We also do not accept content that is clearly pornographic, incites violence and/or violates applicable law.
Our forum is a gambling forum and not a platform for in-depth discussions on political issues. There are too many different opinions on political topics and open disputes in the forum inevitably lead to a deterioration of the forum climate.
Our forum is not the right place to create threads or start discussions that relate exclusively to non-gambling political topics.
We reserve the right to delete such threads if necessary. However, political topics can be briefly touched on in the chat or gripe corner.
In this forum, you are obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. We must and will pass on your data to the authorities if we are legally obliged to do so!
Advertising & Spam
Advertising and advertising-like content is prohibited on GambleJoe. The posting of links to competitor sites, the posting of Affiliate links from other websites and the posting of "refer a friend" links is therefore prohibited. It is also forbidden to publicly or privately offer other users supposed tricks, system errors or similar for sale.
Personal data
We attach great importance to the protection of your data and therefore ask you not to post any e-mail addresses, mobile or telephone numbers, addresses or other contact details publicly in the forum. Should this nevertheless be the case, we will be forced to remove these from the corresponding post with reference to the forum rules.
Begging threads & swaps
In the past, some users have tried to borrow or beg for money via the forum. Some were honest and said they needed the money to play, others pretended to have another reason. Begging threads usually have no or only minimal success and only lead to unrest in the forum. We have therefore decided to ban this type of thread as a matter of principle.
In the past, there have also been problems when exchanging money via Skrill, Neteller, PayPal or other e-wallets. For this reason, threads about exchanging Skrill credit for PayPal credit (or other wallets) are also undesirable and will be closed or removed. The same applies to the exchange of vouchers for casino bonus promotions.
Begging requests via Communicator are also not permitted and will lead to consequences if known by the GambleJoe team.
Lotteries by users
In the past, there have unfortunately always been users who wanted to raffle off Paysafe cards or other vouchers, but then did not stick to the promotion. For this reason, only users who have been members of GambleJoe for at least 6 months are permitted to create or organize lotteries in the forum. A violation can be punished with a warning and in extreme cases with a ban.
Edited on 22.01.2024 by Matthias: The forum rules have been changed as follows: However, political topics can be briefly touched on in the chat or gripe corner.
Forum rules (please read carefully)
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Members who repeatedly violate the forum rules may be excluded from GambleJoe for a certain period of time or permanently after a warning. In the event of permanent exclusion, the points accumulated on will be deleted at the same time.
In the event of particularly serious violations of the forum rules listed below, we reserve the right to block or delete user accounts for a limited or unlimited period of time without prior warning.
Even if it is sometimes difficult, we ask you to treat other forum participants with respect. Therefore, avoid insults, abusive language, strong language or similar. Behind every post is a real person who has written it and does not wish to be insulted. Try to deal with your counterpart in this forum as if he or she were sitting opposite you as a human being.
Good and respectful interaction also includes the sensible design of texts. THEREFORE, AVOID WRITING LONG TEXTS OR PARAGRAPHS IN CAPITAL LETTERS. Also avoid the excessive use of colored text or other text formatting options .
Public complaints
Those who play in Online Casinos can win, but usually lose. Some players feel anger and feelings of revenge towards the online casinos where they have lost. This anger can be expressed in our forum. However, the publication of false factual claims and false insinuations of fraud about individual providers is absolutely forbidden in this forum.
Example: A player loses €500 in an online casino. In order to take revenge on the Provider and damage its reputation, he files a public complaint and claims (without ever having requested a payout) that the online casino refuses to pay out the win.
In extreme cases, grossly false statements of this kind can also lead to claims for damages against the player in question!
Public complaints are intended for players who actually have a dispute with an online casino.
General content
Before opening a new thread, please check whether a thread on the same topic already exists. Also make sure that your posts match the original topic.
We would also like to point out that the forum posts created (in accordance with our terms of use) are retained in anonymized form and can be accessed publicly even after a user account has been deleted.
In the general No Deposit / Free Spins thread, only posts with free spins or bonus offers are permitted. Short questions relating to bonus offers may be asked. The posting of results and other off-topic posts is not permitted. Posts that violate the rules will generally be deleted completely without further notice.
Requests for screenshots of no-deposit offers are not welcome by our site and any comments/posts will be removed by us.
Prohibited content
Among other things, the following content is not accepted on GambleJoe: Racist, right-wing or left-wing extremist content will not be accepted on GambleJoe. We also do not accept content that is clearly pornographic, incites violence and/or violates applicable law.
Our forum is a gambling forum and not a platform for in-depth discussions on political issues. There are too many different opinions on political topics and open disputes in the forum inevitably lead to a deterioration of the forum climate.
Our forum is not the right place to create threads or start discussions that relate exclusively to non-gambling political topics.
We reserve the right to delete such threads if necessary.
However, political topics can be briefly touched on in the chat or gripe corner.In this forum, you are obliged to comply with the applicable laws and regulations. We must and will pass on your data to the authorities if we are legally obliged to do so!
Advertising & Spam
Advertising and advertising-like content is prohibited on GambleJoe. The posting of links to competitor sites, the posting of Affiliate links from other websites and the posting of "refer a friend" links is therefore prohibited. It is also forbidden to publicly or privately offer other users supposed tricks, system errors or similar for sale.
Personal data
We attach great importance to the protection of your data and therefore ask you not to post any e-mail addresses, mobile or telephone numbers, addresses or other contact details publicly in the forum. Should this nevertheless be the case, we will be forced to remove these from the corresponding post with reference to the forum rules.
Begging threads & swaps
In the past, some users have tried to borrow or beg for money via the forum. Some were honest and said they needed the money to play, others pretended to have another reason. Begging threads usually have no or only minimal success and only lead to unrest in the forum. We have therefore decided to ban this type of thread as a matter of principle.
In the past, there have also been problems when exchanging money via Skrill, Neteller, PayPal or other e-wallets. For this reason, threads about exchanging Skrill credit for PayPal credit (or other wallets) are also undesirable and will be closed or removed. The same applies to the exchange of vouchers for casino bonus promotions.
Begging requests via Communicator are also not permitted and will lead to consequences if known by the GambleJoe team.
Lotteries by users
In the past, there have unfortunately always been users who wanted to raffle off Paysafe cards or other vouchers, but then did not stick to the promotion. For this reason, only users who have been members of GambleJoe for at least 6 months are permitted to create or organize lotteries in the forum. A violation can be punished with a warning and in extreme cases with a ban.
Edited on 22.01.2024 by Matthias:
The forum rules have been changed as follows:
However, political topics can be briefly touched on in the chat or gripe corner.This post has been translated automatically
Forum rules (please read carefully)
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Since these are general rules of this forum, we have closed the topic.
This post has been translated automatically