only meaningful answers will be considered / evaluated --> please only solutions to the task
you can participate if your registration date here is before the 10.02.20.
end is on 12.06.20 around 18 o'clock --> should some stressed housewife and mother not make it and still want to participate then please pn and possibly short extension.
evaluation follows afterwards --> have fun and good luck
For your information: In this action there are no Paysafecards or similar to win.
To picture 1: Cruel conspiracy theory proves true: Kidnapped children of tomatoes are actually eaten by beings with a higher power!
To picture 2: After years of investigation, a special commission has finally caught the notorious Klau-Fuchs, who is responsible for the theft of all geese.
To picture 3: Ecological lazy long-term students excited: Biodegradable clothespin invented, which attaches without force pieces of laundry.
Ad. 4: Drug swamp Germany: More and more households are growing well-hidden poppies to produce the dangerous drug opium.
A beautiful summer day, a mild breeze and the girls made themselves comfortable in the colorful flower meadow on a blanket.The beautiful colorful flower wreaths they weave with full devotion.They clipped these colorful flower wreaths with the brought clothespins on their hair,which looked very funny.
Not far from them at the edge of the forest, a small young fox also had his fun.He grabbed happily and exuberantly after the mosquitoes and played with the blades of grass.
So the beautiful day slowly went into lunch time .Another friend then brought fries red/white .That was a treat,they did not get enough of it.The girls were all around happy and zufieden,
The fox at the edge of the forest then also found his mother and so they went their ways.
The tomatoes become ketchup after different ripening and processing,because unhappy face of the tomatoes ....the meaning ???
What the fox ...... ..I can not yet classify
also the brackets ...... although that could be related to environment
The flower meadow is what people can restore by rethinking the fertilization and cultivation of the land
Obviously, these are photos to clickbait articles.
Picture 1: The period of the woman - a story full of misunderstandings
Picture 2: The fox tapeworm - correctly prepared a delicacy ?
Picture 3: Fetish sex - these erotic practices already existed in the 14th century.
Picture 4: Dangerous nature - why epileptics should not leave the house in spring and summer
Cunningly alive he listens to quiet blasphemies,loud people fail,scream
And he sits as if dazed,gazing at the game of the world.
When did it all begin and what if he doesn't like it?
Excluded from the exchange he lives his life as a fox,
is finally shot in agony,
his foxish "sob" echoes loudly
who is there it the clamp bag powdered ?
The colorful, lush and fragrant flower meadow is
like a paradise next door and lets the viewer dive into this wonder world
pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym,
Dutch78, J****R,
mowolum, x****Y
only meaningful answers will be considered / evaluated --> please only solutions to the task
you can participate if your registration date here is before the 10.02.20.
end is on 12.06.20 around 18 o'clock --> should some stressed housewife and mother not make it and still want to participate then please pn and possibly short extension.
evaluation follows afterwards --> have fun and good luck
For your information: In this action there are no Paysafecards or similar to win.
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym, J****R
or is this a whole complex
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym,
that's up to your creativity ;-)
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym,
Dutch78, J****R,
To picture 2: After years of investigation, a special commission has finally caught the notorious Klau-Fuchs, who is responsible for the theft of all geese.
To picture 3: Ecological lazy long-term students excited: Biodegradable clothespin invented, which attaches without force pieces of laundry.
Ad. 4: Drug swamp Germany: More and more households are growing well-hidden poppies to produce the dangerous drug opium.
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym
Not far from them at the edge of the forest, a small young fox also had his fun.He grabbed happily and exuberantly after the mosquitoes and played with the blades of grass.
So the beautiful day slowly went into lunch time .Another friend then brought fries red/white .That was a treat,they did not get enough of it.The girls were all around happy and zufieden,
The fox at the edge of the forest then also found his mother and so they went their ways.
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym
The tomatoes become ketchup after different ripening and processing,because unhappy face of the tomatoes ....the meaning ???
What the fox ...... ..I can not yet classify
also the brackets ...... although that could be related to environment
The flower meadow is what people can restore by rethinking the fertilization and cultivation of the land
But to bring all this in a solution auh auh auh
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym, Anonym,
s00pernanny, x****Y
Picture 1: The period of the woman - a story full of misunderstandings
Picture 2: The fox tapeworm - correctly prepared a delicacy ?
Picture 3: Fetish sex - these erotic practices already existed in the 14th century.
Picture 4: Dangerous nature - why epileptics should not leave the house in spring and summer
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pictures task
Liked this post: Anonym,
Picture 2: You are a fox
Picture 3: let lopen these idiots
Picture 4: Satan I need to mow again
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pictures task
Liked this post:
Angstinette, Anonym,
ketch me if you can
Cunningly alive he listens to quiet blasphemies,loud people fail,scream
And he sits as if dazed,gazing at the game of the world.
When did it all begin and what if he doesn't like it?
Excluded from the exchange he lives his life as a fox,
is finally shot in agony,
his foxish "sob" echoes loudly
who is there it the clamp bag powdered ?
The colorful, lush and fragrant flower meadow is
like a paradise next door and lets the viewer dive into this wonder world
This post has been translated automatically
pictures task
Liked this post:
Angstinette, Anonym
can be that we are all off
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