Already now the taxes in Germany are crushingly high, that is in my circle of acquaintances the main reason why many entrepreneurs emigrate. In my opinion, politicians should think about relieving the burden on medium-sized companies so that new jobs can be created. Then some entrepreneurs who have turned their backs on Germany because of the high taxes (yes, I am one of them) would possibly move back to Germany.
I have been self-employed in Germany for over 14 years, usually also with permanent employees, and was it worth it?
No, at the end of the day I was annoyed every month with the advance VAT return, advance income tax payments, trade tax, radio contribution for company cars and the tax office because they couldn't understand that my Internet advertising business was subject to high sales fluctuations. Adjustments to advance payments were not accepted - despite pages of explanation, my accounts were seized and even the university account of a person who, out of bad luck and coincidence, had the same name as me but otherwise had nothing to do with me. The IRS has been so handing out that I've had to take out personal loans to pay taxes.
When I was shredding mountains of documents from the old days the other day, I came across the old letters I formulated to the IRS. Terrible, honestly, I don't want to be an entrepreneur in Germany anymore.
I'm glad to have put all that behind me.
Now Biontech prefers to invest in the UK rather than in Germany and instead of politicians thinking about how to make Germany competitive, they are trying with all their might to prevent entrepreneurs from emigrating to another country by tightening the exit taxation again last year: From 2022, a new tax wall will apply - emigration will then no longer be so easy
In other countries it is also possible, why not in Germany?
In Malta there is no gift tax and no inheritance tax.
If you own a property, the rental income is taxed at 15% and not at the personal income tax rate.
Here everyone owns property somehow, there are discounts from the government for "first-time-buyers", then you pay minimal property transfer tax. But after that, there are no more annual property taxes.
Banks also support real estate acquisition with low loan rates, even in the current phase of internationally rising interest rates.
There is also no capital gains tax, i.e. you don't pay taxes on stock dividends outside Malta and so you can build up your own retirement savings. And for the people who do not want to invest in shares, there is despite the low taxes a state pension that is enough to survive.
That was now a contribution for the Meckerecke
Well, alone when I read the sentence, you would already crack down and redistribute... Nevertheless, the difference is getting bigger and bigger, as oxfam has worked out recently.
Of course you have to work on structural things like equal opportunities etc.. Nevertheless, even a couple with good or normal jobs can no longer afford a home in the popular cities without having inherited accordingly.
Perhaps it is also difficult to relate this only to Germany.
But a certain wealth (of course I'm not talking about income from 57000, the taxation of 42 percent is compared to the 45% from 270000 also much too high), is simply perverse. As royal says, no one needs billions...
And experience shows that wealth often comes from the exploitation and poverty of others.
As I said, I am not talking about entrepreneurs of the middle class who have earned their million. It is about the richest percent of the people.
Oh, and this: to compare the expropriation of the Jews with the desire for (even) more burden on the rich has somehow directly discredited the article for me... But also somehow fits the verlagshaus 🤭
Saphira wrote on 31.01.2023 at 13:48: Now ne question about it, because I have not yet dealt with the citizen's income so. Is it so much higher than the previous Hartz IV?
Single people receive 502€ instead of about 450€ paid.
mowolum wrote on 31.01.2023 at 14:16: Blubbo33 wrote on 01/31/2023 at 14:13:
Sorry but for me this argument does not pull out of shame is waived!
How much money do you need to survive?
Can you empathize with such people, you know what these women feel.
I know enough who would rather eat less than get help.
I can't tell you that.
Mr. Spahn can answer that for you.
What do these women feel?
How should one then help these women?
It is useless nothing only to complain, then one must also propose solutions!
The state does help, you just have to accept it!
The same applies then yes also for citizen money receivers, who must make also applications!
If you can not answer it or want, how do you know that Spahn is wrong?
Nagging Corner
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Well, alone when I read the sentence, you would already crack down and redistribute... Nevertheless, the difference is getting bigger and bigger, as oxfam has worked out recently.
Of course you have to work on structural things like equal opportunities etc.. Nevertheless, even a couple with good or normal jobs can no longer afford a home in the popular cities without having inherited accordingly.
Perhaps it is also difficult to relate this only to Germany.
But a certain wealth (of course I'm not talking about income from 57000, the taxation of 42 percent is compared to the 45% from 270000 also much too high), is simply perverse. As royal says, no one needs billions...
And experience shows that wealth often comes from the exploitation and poverty of others.
As I said, I am not talking about entrepreneurs of the middle class who have earned their million. It is about the richest percent of the people.
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Single people receive 502€ instead of about 450€ paid.
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But one thing is missing.
How are women with low pensions?
They do without allowances and help of any kind out of shame.
No one thinks about it.
Statements like Mr. Spahn's are already questionable.
How will he know how much money is enough to live on?
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Sorry but for me this argument does not pull from shame is waived!
If it is about survival shame should not play a role, furthermore, how else should it be paid out? An application is nowmal duty!
How much money do you need to survive?
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Can you think yourself in such people, you know what these women feel.
I know enough who prefer to eat less than to get help.
I can't tell you that.
Mr. Spahn can answer that for you.
Edit by Caro: Post visually adjusted
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What do these women feel?
How should one then help these women?
It is useless nothing only to complain, then one must also propose solutions!
The state does help, you just have to accept it!
The same applies then yes also for citizen money receivers, who must make also applications!
If you can not answer it or want, how do you know that Spahn is wrong?
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Mr. Spahn has expressed a few weeks ago in the press, a Hartz4 recipient can get along well with the money.
I have only written, how does he want to know that this money is sufficient
He lives on a completely different level.
Whether this money is enough, is beyond my knowledge, because it is relative anyway.
I just find such statements from a politician questionable.
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A month on Hartz IV: So it would go Jens Spahn with 416 euros
Man of honor Spahn meets Hartz 4 recipient
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