I do not care who "Liked" me, is anyway only a newfangled phenomenon since there are Facebook and Youtube.Who takes seriously...well.Then you should but also Dislikes einführeb
Indeed. One sees thereby beautifully the Seilschaften, who gives each other constantly a Like.
The less it is worth, of course, because it is not about good contributions, but about
Group formation goes.
However, it also helps to uncover these groups and who can with whom. And
how much value then a Like still has. Before rather unclear, now one knows it
Especially, if you go through the old Likes, and there are almost always the same
Names, a lot becomes clear......
Tonka Bean wrote on 06/23/2022 at 10:56 pm
1. Will there be sympathies and antisympathies here
There always have been and always will be. In a forum there are now times different opinions that not everyone can tolerate and accept. Whether your fears are now forced will show the time...
2. This will develop a so-called clique economy
I doubt that, because the focus in the forum is rather on No-Deposit and other bonus offers. Should groups actually form to specifically push or defame posts, then they would affect themselves through the transparency of the Likes.
3. User competitions could be influenced
Why should they be influenced by this?
4. Bad mood among themselves - because of - aha you never give me a Like but kommentierts constantly my contributions
We are all adults, so it should not come to this kindergarten level. On the other hand, there is a lot of suffering and ill will in the casino scene, various conspiracies as well as criminal intrigues. In the end, we all lose our money, so the harmony in the community suffers
I'm curious how you see it ?
I think it is good!
In recent months and years, scam casinos were pushed more often with Likes, although they have no license. In addition, many catastrophic recessions, which were not even mentioned in the threads. At the same time, those who warned about these corrupt casinos were discriminated against. This gives a completely wrong picture for newcomers as well as naive people!
All the whining threads where people didn't get their money because they didn't read the T&Cs. Yet there is no insight and not comprehensible blame. That these comments are pushed with likes is embarrassing...
Donnie wrote on 23.06.2022 at 23:21: I do not care who "Liked" me, is eh only a newfangled phenomenon since there is Facebook and Youtube.Who takes it seriously...well.Then you should but also Dislikes einführeb
Oh yes, I like your contribution. Your day is saved, you now have a Like from Wutmaennchen
Is but somehow awesome, how this "Liken" has integrated into everyday life. Was yes the basis of Facebook. I just googled it, it's only been around since 2009. What did we do before 2009 when we liked something?
To the topic:
1. Will there be sympathies and antisympathies here? There are already, there will be even without likes / visible likes.
2. Thus a so-called clique economy develops Already exists, will also exist without Likes / visible Likes.
3. User competitions could be influenced How?
4. Bad mood among themselves - because of - aha you never give me a Like but kommentierts constantly my contributions That would then only affect the people who take these "Likes" important. We are here a quite anonymous Zockerforum, there I do not think that this is really important for people. And if then only the fewest.
I found the innovation now not necessarily important, but also not bad. In social media, you can also see who likes what.
It can be interesting to see who likes what, but it's not important.
For the sports betting area, this is perhaps even quite good, according to the motto "Like who plays"
Likes visible - Not good !!!
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This is a really shitty idea from you.
Why ?
1. Will there be sympathies and antisympathies here
2. Thus a so-called clique economy develops
3. User competitions could be influenced
4. Bad mood among each other - because of - aha you never give me a Like but you comment on my posts all the time
All in all a stupid idea!
Am curious how you see that ?
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Liked this post: Anonym,
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The less it is worth, of course, because it is not about good contributions, but about
Group formation goes.
However, it also helps to uncover these groups and who can with whom. And
how much value then a Like still has. Before rather unclear, now one knows it
Especially, if you go through the old Likes, and there are almost always the same
Names, a lot becomes clear......
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Likes visible - Not good !!!
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There always have been and always will be. In a forum there are now times different opinions that not everyone can tolerate and accept. Whether your fears are now forced will show the time...
I doubt that, because the focus in the forum is rather on No-Deposit and other bonus offers. Should groups actually form to specifically push or defame posts, then they would affect themselves through the transparency of the Likes.
Why should they be influenced by this?
We are all adults, so it should not come to this kindergarten level. On the other hand, there is a lot of suffering and ill will in the casino scene, various conspiracies as well as criminal intrigues. In the end, we all lose our money, so the harmony in the community suffers
I think it is good!
In recent months and years, scam casinos were pushed more often with Likes, although they have no license. In addition, many catastrophic recessions, which were not even mentioned in the threads. At the same time, those who warned about these corrupt casinos were discriminated against. This gives a completely wrong picture for newcomers as well as naive people!
All the whining threads where people didn't get their money because they didn't read the T&Cs. Yet there is no insight and not comprehensible blame. That these comments are pushed with likes is embarrassing...
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You can see who gave a like to a post by. You click on the number...
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Likes visible - Not good !!!
Liked this post: Anonym,
Oh yes, I like your contribution. Your day is saved, you now have a Like from Wutmaennchen
Is but somehow awesome, how this "Liken" has integrated into everyday life. Was yes the basis of Facebook. I just googled it, it's only been around since 2009. What did we do before 2009 when we liked something?
To the topic:
1. Will there be sympathies and antisympathies here?
There are already, there will be even without likes / visible likes.
2. Thus a so-called clique economy develops
Already exists, will also exist without Likes / visible Likes.
3. User competitions could be influenced
4. Bad mood among themselves - because of - aha you never give me a Like but kommentierts constantly my contributions
That would then only affect the people who take these "Likes" important. We are here a quite anonymous Zockerforum, there I do not think that this is really important for people. And if then only the fewest.
I found the innovation now not necessarily important, but also not bad. In social media, you can also see who likes what.
It can be interesting to see who likes what, but it's not important.
For the sports betting area, this is perhaps even quite good, according to the motto "Like who plays"
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