2511-joker wrote on 08.12.2022 at 11:52 am: Good day I warn against löwen play casino after I have happily deposited and that not little wanted the for 50.00 euro payout at once a verikation of the credit card incredibly, that was it with löwen play
It already wanted almost every MGA casino before the withdrawal a Verification why are you surprised at a DE casino?
Now, I don't know how quickly the utilities get reimbursed for the shortfalls. If this takes some time, it would be a reason to keep the December payments low for the time being, because they have to refund them if they are paid in advance, if I understand correctly. Even if this balances out later, the burden can otherwise be quite high... But this is just speculation
Because that should happen then at the first Deposit and not after 100euro you smart person
So for one, I wouldn't want to pay you anything either if you were so arrogant to me!
Secondly, if you were at least as smart as you call others here, you would know that Verification is a prerequisite before you can deposit or play in the casino!
Thirdly, I do not understand your problem!
Just verify your payment method and you have your peace!
If you need help with this, you can ask me via communicator politely for it 😉
Hanshanshans wrote on 08/12/2022 at 06:29: Have now received the annual statement from my gas and electricity supplier. Looks like a bigwin at first...
So far Abschlag are 210 euros per month. The consumption year ends with me with a credit of 220 euros. Of course great, now the big Aaaaber...
My new budget is now 160 per month? Difference 50 times 12, would be 600 per year? Does not fit to the much smaller surplus. In addition, I was already told forecasts for 2023 with estimated monthly additional costs of 60 euros....fits even much less
Very suspiciously is, current Abschlag for gas 122. new Abschlag is to be 66 euro??? I can ( have I naturally also) "manually" again highly set. However, this change is effective from January at the earliest
Now I come then also times on the point... "kindly" is taken over yes the December Abschlag for gas from daddy state
Do I see ghosts or is the "well-intentioned" support (by all means?) to be kept as cheap as possible?
Should you get housing benefit because, for example, the wage is too low to cover all costs, for this group there should be a second money package in February 2023 because of the high energy costs. This group got yes between August and October 350 euros for singles and in February are to receive this group again approx. 470 euros. Now at the beginning of the new year the housing allowance is to be extended to 2 million entitled persons
Well for one thing, I wouldn't want to pay you anything either if you were that arrogant to me!
Secondly, if you were at least as smart as you call others here, you would know that a Verification is a prerequisite before you can Deposit in the casino or play!
Thirdly, I do not understand your problem!
Just verify your payment method and you have your peace!
If you need help with this, you can ask me via communicator politely for it 😉
Well for one thing, I wouldn't want to pay you anything either if you were that arrogant to me!
Secondly, if you were at least as smart as you call others here, you would know that a Verification is a prerequisite before you can Deposit in the casino or play!
Thirdly, I do not understand your problem!
Just verify your payment method and you have your peace!
If you need help with this, you can ask me via communicator politely for it 😉
So1 I'm not arrogant I think of you not without words will do lol
2 I am not interested in your opinion
3 if I need help certainly not from you point
Because that should happen then at the first Deposit and not after 100euro you smart person
Hey 2511-joker, when registering at Löwen Play you have agreed to the terms and conditions and there is everything in it bzgl Verification and co. Point 18 and 19, if I remember correctly...
Hey 2511-joker, when you registered at Löwen Play you agreed to the terms and conditions and there is everything in there regarding Verification and co. Point 18 and 19, if I remember correctly...
Dear Caro that is months if not years ago, I should never have deposited so much without verification or do I see that wrong nmss greeting 2511joker
Dear Caro that was months if not years ago,I should never have deposited that much without Verification or am I seeing this wrong nmss Greetings 2511joker
Hmm, but if they have the DE license now, they have to comply with the new requirements. The casinos/gambling houses can ask you every now and then to prove your identity/payment method, proof of address etc. That can certainly confirm some users here
Addendum: Did you use the credit card for the first time for a Deposit / withdrawal?
It sounds like that would be a big problem for you, which I can not understand...or do I read / understand it wrong?
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It already wanted almost every MGA casino before the withdrawal a Verification why are you surprised at a DE casino?
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Because that should then happen at the first Deposit and not after 100euro you smart man
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Thank you. I'll look at it later at my leisure.
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So for one, I wouldn't want to pay you anything either if you were so arrogant to me!
Secondly, if you were at least as smart as you call others here, you would know that Verification is a prerequisite before you can deposit or play in the casino!
Thirdly, I do not understand your problem!
Just verify your payment method and you have your peace!
If you need help with this, you can ask me via communicator politely for it 😉
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Should you get housing benefit because, for example, the wage is too low to cover all costs, for this group there should be a second money package in February 2023 because of the high energy costs. This group got yes between August and October 350 euros for singles and in February are to receive this group again approx. 470 euros. Now at the beginning of the new year the housing allowance is to be extended to 2 million entitled persons
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Aja laugh
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So1 I'm not arrogant I think of you not without words will do lol
2 I am not interested in your opinion
3 if I need help certainly not from you point
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Hey 2511-joker, when registering at Löwen Play you have agreed to the terms and conditions and there is everything in it bzgl Verification and co. Point 18 and 19, if I remember correctly...
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Dear Caro that is months if not years ago, I should never have deposited so much without verification or do I see that wrong nmss greeting 2511joker
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Hmm, but if they have the DE license now, they have to comply with the new requirements. The casinos/gambling houses can ask you every now and then to prove your identity/payment method, proof of address etc. That can certainly confirm some users here
Addendum: Did you use the credit card for the first time for a Deposit / withdrawal?
It sounds like that would be a big problem for you, which I can not understand...or do I read / understand it wrong?
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