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17th Jan. 2022, at 07:56 pm CET#5202
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Royal777 wrote on 01/17/2022 at 19:34: Blubbo33 wrote on 01/17/2022 at 19:08:
You ignore other media because you don't want or can't hear the truth, just like querdenker, and try to spread some crap here.
Again, another lie. Why do you claim such nonsense all the time? I can't understand it any more.
ask people who work in the hospital, ask families who have lost loved ones, ask in the rehas what is going on with long covid.
Ask him, ask her, ask there (...). Ask in Yemen or at the UN about our mandate for the foreign mission. You probably don't know what I'm talking about. Today alone, we have destroyed more children there than Covid in Germany in the past 2 years. Doesn't interest you, right?
That what you give from you one hears with certain parties with pleasure, the NPD becomes already quite clear-hear.
The following chart shows the number of beds from 1990 to 2019. An (almost) steady increase in the number of beds set up can be seen. In the period from 1990 to 2019, a total of 10,295 more intensive care beds were set up. This corresponds to an increase of around 64%.
Although we have had massive problems in the healthcare system for decades, we have been able to increase the number of intensive care beds. Within 29 years, by 10,295, which is good.
But during the pandemic, we cut over 4,000 ICU beds last year alone!
By the way, the Bundeswehr has 8,000 intensive care beds as well as sufficient personnel. These reserve beds of the Bundeswehr have not been used until today. According to the government, these are intended for emergencies.
But that doesn't bother you, does it?
How many more proofs do you want, instead of doing the same with a flu .
um.. So far you haven't produced a single piece of evidence? Instead, you're just lying.
Even I could argue much better for corona measures as well as vaccinations than you. You do not even have a basic knowledge, so the whole thing makes no sense. Instead, you embarrass everyone who is actually arguing your point.
And why did you want to vaccinate ? I think everything is not so bad ?
As a vaccinated person you have many advantages. Partly it is already presently necessary and soon one must be vaccinated, in order to pursue at all its work. This is of course the main reason why most people in Germany get vaccinated. Of course, I do not include the Risk group to whom I recommend the vaccinations
btw. Again a lie from you. Where do I claim that the vaccination is so bad? Sorry, but how thoughtless is your view of information?
Aren't all the deaths proof enough?
Oh man what a poor world, and then you come up with other examples
It is not about other examples
What does this have to do with the intensive care beds, if it is about the virus being dangerous to deadly ?
do not you realize yourself what is wrong with you?
Then write it as you think and do not always quote any sources.
What is the virus for you, why the dead, why so many long covid . Your direct opinion is asked and not Google
Let's please move the topic from the sports betting section completely to the chatting corner.
Therefore, I ask you Blubbo33 here for a factual response to my post. I copy the here purely, so that the sports betting thread remains the sports betting thread.
Please describe who you define as a "contrarian".
Are you aware that this word was created by the media alone?
Let's take an example: me.
I had now probably the 2nd time Corona. 1 x, current, proved, the first time I was sick with flu.
The first time, in February 2020, yes, was not yet tested for Corona. Although, as subsequently known, the virus was there long ago (because it broke out in November 2019 / December 2019) in China.
The symptoms at that time strongly matched Corona, it was really a strong flu.
Now in early January 2022 I was infected with the Delta variant. 3 days light flu symptoms, then it was over again.
I still got tested to be on the safe side. Quick test negative. But I had the feeling that it could be Corona.
Despite the negative rapid test, I had a PCR test done by our doctor.
Result: PCR test positive, Delta variant.
So much for the quick tests. If I had trusted them, I would have been walking around for 10 days and could have infected mankind.
So I quarantined myself and followed the instructions.
3 days of mild flu symptoms even though infection is proven.
This indicates ANTI-BODY, which confirms my opinion that I already had Corona in February 2020.
Now the recovery status WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL background was reduced to 3 months. Alone 6 months was not medically justifiable, because the antibodies can still be sufficient after YEARS to defeat an infection and thus have a mild course. Any doctor can tell you that.
And the current reduction to 3 months has even less than 0.00% medical background.
The vaccine of Astra, Biontech and Moderna has demonstrably, see the safety reports of the PEI and the reports of the RKI so many deadly or serious side effects as no vaccine in history before.
There are more vaccine breakthroughs than ever before.
The currently available vaccine is simply not a vaccine. It does not prevent the spread of the virus, it only prevents potentially severe courses to a certain percentage. This is again countered by the deadly and severe side effects. This vaccine simply does not have an appropriate benefit/risk value when measured on the entire population.
It's an exeperiment.
The Corona issue is no longer, or ever has been, about people's health. It's about pharma money.
Otherwise, as in Russia, for example, antibody tests would be accepted as proof of recovery.
I have contacts in Russia, so I know that is the case.
I am recovered until May 2022 according to the new regulation, although I can be protected from the virus for years.
I don't deny the virus, it exists, noticed it myself 2 times. I am questioning the government's decisions for reasons including the above.
I think with, not as the media say "across". If my doctor recommends I boost myself in May 2022 with a then hopefully available dead vaccine, I'll do it. If he doesn't think it's necessary because of the antibody test, which I then pay for myself, I won't do it.
Biontech and Moderna will not enter my body under any circumstances.
Am I a "contrarian" to you for whom you feel only disgust and disrespect?
Addendum to your answer: the vaccine can save lives, but the vaccine can also destroy lives.
And a proper vaccine to me is one that kills the virus and prevents it from being passed on.
Current vaccines are not.
And my above post justifies that it is not about health. And how should I trust the currently available vaccine if I understandably do not trust the acting and responsible persons?
Royal777 wrote on 01/17/2022 at 7:56 pm
No, vaccinating does not protect against a Severe Corona Course. What makes you think that?
The protective effect is 90% for maximum deficient , while it is still much lower for the Risk group. In addition, the duration of protection is a few months.
It would be correct to say that vaccination reduces the risk of a severe course.
A herd immunity is not at all possible with this ridiculous protective effect
In the remainder schwurbler compare gladly this inoculation with the measles inoculation. In addition times a few facts.
Protective effect 98.4% (Satisfactory - Sufficient)
Protection duration: 30 years
Stop it, this korinthenkackerei from you, 90% .
Well, and is that bad? Is it better not to vaccinate because of that ?
And only because it has at the moment no eternal protection duration, also again on it do without?
Who is to blame that there is still no 100 vaccine, the research, the policy? Or perhaps rather the virus
It crystallizes more and more out to what kind of scene you belong, and therefore I will offer you no more stage.
Blubbo33 wrote on 01/17/2022 at 19:56
Aren't all the dead people proof enough ?
Oh man what a pathetic world, and then you come up with other examples
It's not about other examples
What does this have to do with the intensive care beds, if it is about the virus being dangerous to deadly ?
do not you realize yourself what is wrong with you?
Then write it as you think and do not always quote any sources.
What is the virus for you, why the dead, why so many long covid . Your direct opinion is asked and not Google
You jump from topic to topic.
Corona, vaccinations, Querdneker, Streamer, money
Type? You don't even address my arguments, instead you keep claiming things I didn't even say? You can be glad that I am the BARMHERZIGE Royal
I am aware of the Corona dead. I'm also aware of the counting method. You know what, I'm even familiar with the term "validated". Apparently you are not familiar with the term as well as the counting method. It just doesn't make sense to discuss with you.
Here in the forum there are certainly numerous members, who represent your point of view. Therefore it would be appropriate to end the hypocritical discussion with you. You do not have enough knowledge to explain the simplest points of view...
Besides, I don't want to give the impression here that a skeptic like me decides every discussion on the subject for himself. There are sufficient reasons for the vaccination as well as for the corona measures
Stop this corona crap from you, 90% .
Yes well and is that bad ? Is it better not to vaccinate because of this?
Yes, that is bad! A protective effect of 95% would already concede the mark 6.
I also do not condemn anyone who trusts vaccines. That is up to everyone, I have my reasons presented above.
Only an imposition of the respective opinion is not in order.
In my closer circle of acquaintances I also have several people who trust the existing vaccines.
1 person of these has come to the hospital with heart palpitations after the booster and doubts it since then.
1 person had severe flu symptoms after the booster.
1 person did not notice anything from the vaccination, 3 vaccinations without any side effects.
By the way, we accept each other's opinions and attitudes. It's cool, everyone should do it.
Wutmaennchen wrote on 17.01.2022 at 19:58: Let's please move the topic from the sports betting section completely to the chat corner.
So I ask you Blubbo33 here for a factual reply to my post. I'll copy this in here so the sports betting thread stays the sports betting thread.
Please describe who you define as a "contrarian".
Are you aware that this word was created by the media alone?
Let's take an example: me.
I had now probably the 2nd time Corona. 1 x, current, proved, the first time I was sick with flu.
The first time, in February 2020, yes, was not yet tested for Corona. Although, as subsequently known, the virus was there long ago (because it broke out in November 2019 / December 2019) in China.
The symptoms at that time strongly matched Corona, it was really a strong flu.
Now in early January 2022 I was infected with the Delta variant. 3 days light flu symptoms, then it was over again.
I still got tested to be on the safe side. Quick test negative. But I had the feeling that it could be Corona.
Despite the negative rapid test, I had a PCR test done by our doctor.
Result: PCR test positive, Delta variant.
So much for the quick tests. If I had trusted them, I would have been walking around for 10 days and could have infected mankind.
So I quarantined myself and followed the instructions.
3 days of mild flu symptoms although an infection is proven.
This indicates ANTI-BODY, which confirms my opinion that I already had Corona in February 2020.
Now the recovery status WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL background was reduced to 3 months. Alone 6 months was not medically justifiable, because the antibodies can still be sufficient after YEARS to defeat an infection and thus have a mild course. Any doctor can tell you that.
And the current reduction to 3 months has even less than 0.00% medical background.
The vaccine of Astra, Biontech and Moderna has demonstrably, see the safety reports of the PEI and the reports of the RKI so many deadly or serious side effects as no vaccine in history before.
There are more vaccine breakthroughs than ever before.
The currently available vaccine is simply not a vaccine. It does not prevent the spread of the virus, it only prevents potentially severe courses to a certain percentage. This is again countered by the deadly and severe side effects. This vaccine simply does not have an appropriate benefit/risk value when measured on the entire population.
It's an exeperiment.
The Corona issue is no longer, or ever has been, about people's health. It's about pharma money.
Otherwise, as in Russia, for example, antibody tests would be accepted as proof of recovery.
I have contacts in Russia, so I know that is the case.
I am recovered until May 2022 according to the new regulation, although I can be protected from the virus for years.
I don't deny the virus, it exists, noticed it myself 2 times. I am questioning the government's decisions for reasons including the above.
I think with, not as the media say "across". If my doctor recommends I boost myself in May 2022 with a then hopefully available dead vaccine, I'll do it. If he doesn't think it's necessary because of the antibody test, which I then pay for myself, I won't do it.
Biontech and Moderna will not enter my body under any circumstances.
Am I a "contrarian" to you for whom you feel only disgust and disrespect?
Addendum to your answer: the vaccine can save lives, but the vaccine can also destroy lives.
And a proper vaccine to me is one that kills the virus and prevents it from being passed on.
Current vaccines are not.
And my above post justifies that it is not about health. And how should I trust the currently available vaccine if I understandably do not trust the acting and responsible persons?
I would like to say a few words about your contribution.
First: I think it is basically good that you stand up for your opinion, your values and co. However, I would like to clarify a few things.
Regarding your statement about the shortening of the convalescent status to 3 months:
Fact is simply that both the 6-month status and the current 3-month status are based on 0.00% medical backrgound, because there are simply too few to no long-term studies on this. There are people who have little or no antibodies after a short period of time, whereas others have them over a longer period of time. So even a recovery status of 5 days should not be a complaint
Regarding your point about vaccine reactions and breakthroughs: I took the trouble to look at a report from the PEI
It is this one
In the first half of 2021, there were 74,871,502 vaccinations, with 106,835 reported cases of vaccine reactions and 10,578 cases of severe vaccine reactions. Unfortunately, it is a bit more difficult to get the numbers of adverse reactions to influenza vaccinations (if someone has something, please post a link), but they talk about about 10 to 25 percent of people having vaccine reactions, but severe reactions probably only occur 1 time in a million vaccinations
As a comparison: In the case of the flu vaccination, there are on average about 10,000,000 vaccination reactions in 74,871,502 vaccinations, but only 100 severe reactions. I estimate the number of unreported cases of influenza vaccinations to be higher, since in the last 1.5 years everything has been associated with Corona, but in the past not everything was associated with the flu vaccination
In fact, you are right that the Risk of a severe vaccination reaction is higher with Corona vaccinations than, for example, with the flu. But is it as high as you describe? For a vaccine that was produced on such short notice and on an emergency basis? And you're also forgetting the reward of that vaccination. The vaccinated people keep the regular business running. If everyone saw it the way you do, a "normal" life would probably be unthinkable. And I don't mean that much would have changed in your case. You seem to have survived Corona twice. Your neighbor, supermarket employee or kindergarten teacher, however, may not have. And you don't talk about the side effects after a Corona infection either. There are no meaningful studies on that either, which is why I don't want to philosophize, but we're not likely to see better numbers than vaccine breakthroughs in infected people in ten or 15 years.
PS: Habs once already in the sports betting thread written, but here is probably better.
Wutmaennchen wrote on 01/17/2022 at 8:13 pm: Addendum:
I don't condemn anyone who trusts vaccines either.
Very generous😉
1 sentence from me on the subject:
I am in favor of vaccination, against compulsory vaccination and would also like to see that one can prove his "immunity" alternatively by an antibody test, e.g. performed every 3 to 6 months.
It should be important that one is as immune as possible and not how that comes about
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Aren't all the deaths proof enough?
Oh man what a poor world, and then you come up with other examples
It is not about other examples
What does this have to do with the intensive care beds, if it is about the virus being dangerous to deadly ?
do not you realize yourself what is wrong with you?
Then write it as you think and do not always quote any sources.
What is the virus for you, why the dead, why so many long covid . Your direct opinion is asked and not Google
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Mid 1st season 4 minutes to go. Who's pinching?
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Liked this post: Anonym,
Therefore, I ask you Blubbo33 here for a factual response to my post. I copy the here purely, so that the sports betting thread remains the sports betting thread.
Please describe who you define as a "contrarian".
Are you aware that this word was created by the media alone?
Let's take an example: me.
I had now probably the 2nd time Corona. 1 x, current, proved, the first time I was sick with flu.
The first time, in February 2020, yes, was not yet tested for Corona. Although, as subsequently known, the virus was there long ago (because it broke out in November 2019 / December 2019) in China.
The symptoms at that time strongly matched Corona, it was really a strong flu.
Now in early January 2022 I was infected with the Delta variant. 3 days light flu symptoms, then it was over again.
I still got tested to be on the safe side. Quick test negative. But I had the feeling that it could be Corona.
Despite the negative rapid test, I had a PCR test done by our doctor.
Result: PCR test positive, Delta variant.
So much for the quick tests. If I had trusted them, I would have been walking around for 10 days and could have infected mankind.
So I quarantined myself and followed the instructions.
3 days of mild flu symptoms even though infection is proven.
This indicates ANTI-BODY, which confirms my opinion that I already had Corona in February 2020.
Now the recovery status WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL background was reduced to 3 months. Alone 6 months was not medically justifiable, because the antibodies can still be sufficient after YEARS to defeat an infection and thus have a mild course. Any doctor can tell you that.
And the current reduction to 3 months has even less than 0.00% medical background.
The vaccine of Astra, Biontech and Moderna has demonstrably, see the safety reports of the PEI and the reports of the RKI so many deadly or serious side effects as no vaccine in history before.
There are more vaccine breakthroughs than ever before.
The currently available vaccine is simply not a vaccine. It does not prevent the spread of the virus, it only prevents potentially severe courses to a certain percentage. This is again countered by the deadly and severe side effects. This vaccine simply does not have an appropriate benefit/risk value when measured on the entire population.
It's an exeperiment.
The Corona issue is no longer, or ever has been, about people's health. It's about pharma money.
Otherwise, as in Russia, for example, antibody tests would be accepted as proof of recovery.
I have contacts in Russia, so I know that is the case.
I am recovered until May 2022 according to the new regulation, although I can be protected from the virus for years.
I don't deny the virus, it exists, noticed it myself 2 times. I am questioning the government's decisions for reasons including the above.
I think with, not as the media say "across". If my doctor recommends I boost myself in May 2022 with a then hopefully available dead vaccine, I'll do it. If he doesn't think it's necessary because of the antibody test, which I then pay for myself, I won't do it.
Biontech and Moderna will not enter my body under any circumstances.
Am I a "contrarian" to you for whom you feel only disgust and disrespect?
Addendum to your answer: the vaccine can save lives, but the vaccine can also destroy lives.
And a proper vaccine to me is one that kills the virus and prevents it from being passed on.
Current vaccines are not.
And my above post justifies that it is not about health. And how should I trust the currently available vaccine if I understandably do not trust the acting and responsible persons?
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I can't place that episode right now. Which episode exactly?
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Stop it, this korinthenkackerei from you, 90% .
Well, and is that bad? Is it better not to vaccinate because of that ?
And only because it has at the moment no eternal protection duration, also again on it do without?
Who is to blame that there is still no 100 vaccine, the research, the policy? Or perhaps rather the virus
It crystallizes more and more out to what kind of scene you belong, and therefore I will offer you no more stage.
You are just pathetic
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Liked this post: Anonym,
You jump from topic to topic.
Corona, vaccinations, Querdneker, Streamer, money
Type? You don't even address my arguments, instead you keep claiming things I didn't even say? You can be glad that I am the BARMHERZIGE Royal
I am aware of the Corona dead. I'm also aware of the counting method. You know what, I'm even familiar with the term "validated". Apparently you are not familiar with the term as well as the counting method. It just doesn't make sense to discuss with you.
Here in the forum there are certainly numerous members, who represent your point of view. Therefore it would be appropriate to end the hypocritical discussion with you. You do not have enough knowledge to explain the simplest points of view...
Besides, I don't want to give the impression here that a skeptic like me decides every discussion on the subject for himself. There are sufficient reasons for the vaccination as well as for the corona measures
Yes, that is bad! A protective effect of 95% would already concede the mark 6.
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I also do not condemn anyone who trusts vaccines. That is up to everyone, I have my reasons presented above.
Only an imposition of the respective opinion is not in order.
In my closer circle of acquaintances I also have several people who trust the existing vaccines.
1 person of these has come to the hospital with heart palpitations after the booster and doubts it since then.
1 person had severe flu symptoms after the booster.
1 person did not notice anything from the vaccination, 3 vaccinations without any side effects.
By the way, we accept each other's opinions and attitudes. It's cool, everyone should do it.
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Liked this post: B****3
I would like to say a few words about your contribution.
First: I think it is basically good that you stand up for your opinion, your values and co. However, I would like to clarify a few things.
Regarding your statement about the shortening of the convalescent status to 3 months:
Fact is simply that both the 6-month status and the current 3-month status are based on 0.00% medical backrgound, because there are simply too few to no long-term studies on this. There are people who have little or no antibodies after a short period of time, whereas others have them over a longer period of time. So even a recovery status of 5 days should not be a complaint
Regarding your point about vaccine reactions and breakthroughs: I took the trouble to look at a report from the PEI
It is this one
In the first half of 2021, there were 74,871,502 vaccinations, with 106,835 reported cases of vaccine reactions and 10,578 cases of severe vaccine reactions. Unfortunately, it is a bit more difficult to get the numbers of adverse reactions to influenza vaccinations (if someone has something, please post a link), but they talk about about 10 to 25 percent of people having vaccine reactions, but severe reactions probably only occur 1 time in a million vaccinations
As a comparison: In the case of the flu vaccination, there are on average about 10,000,000 vaccination reactions in 74,871,502 vaccinations, but only 100 severe reactions. I estimate the number of unreported cases of influenza vaccinations to be higher, since in the last 1.5 years everything has been associated with Corona, but in the past not everything was associated with the flu vaccination
In fact, you are right that the Risk of a severe vaccination reaction is higher with Corona vaccinations than, for example, with the flu. But is it as high as you describe? For a vaccine that was produced on such short notice and on an emergency basis? And you're also forgetting the reward of that vaccination. The vaccinated people keep the regular business running. If everyone saw it the way you do, a "normal" life would probably be unthinkable. And I don't mean that much would have changed in your case. You seem to have survived Corona twice. Your neighbor, supermarket employee or kindergarten teacher, however, may not have. And you don't talk about the side effects after a Corona infection either. There are no meaningful studies on that either, which is why I don't want to philosophize, but we're not likely to see better numbers than vaccine breakthroughs in infected people in ten or 15 years.
PS: Habs once already in the sports betting thread written, but here is probably better.
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Liked this post: B****3
Very generous😉
1 sentence from me on the subject:
I am in favor of vaccination, against compulsory vaccination and would also like to see that one can prove his "immunity" alternatively by an antibody test, e.g. performed every 3 to 6 months.
It should be important that one is as immune as possible and not how that comes about
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