Olli_Eule wrote on 14.01.2024 at 23:30: I overheard a conversation between two doctors last time because they were talking so loudly.
Every week they have at least 2 patients who take sick leave because of bullying at work. It's awesome what goes on there.
What's surprising about that? Bullying starts at school and all the bullies go to work at some point. They don't change from one day to the next. Not everyone gets older and regrets their past behavior. Unfortunately, people who have a different opinion or generally don't meet the "general" standards are bullied in some way. Bullying does not have to take place collectively. It can also be an individual who makes your life unnecessarily stressful. Sympathy/antipathy is very often related to this. Envy and resentment too. Bullying should not only be understood as teasing that takes place between children. Bullying can also be degradation or something else. There are many forms of bullying and bullying is still a very big problem today.
If you don't want to be bullied, you either have to laugh at yourself or beat yourself up (if you laugh at yourself, no one can laugh at you). The second option is to punch the person in the face until they get the message. This can be anything. A fist, an object, a saying to destroy him, a threat, a promise that if he's alone it won't end well for him, and so on. Simply show that you won't put up with anything
There was once a guy who used to be a martial artist and was at one of my sister's parties. He was talking such stupid stuff. I asked him if he'd ever been punched in the mouth for his chatter. He looked at me like a car. He could have finished me off if he wanted to. And yet he immediately had respect and that you have to have the courage to say something like that. He lives around here and still says hello to me or exchanges a few words. You can't show weakness even when you're weak. It's okay to be weak, because that's not a weakness but a strength. This must be made clear to the bullying scum. Think about how you can strike back skillfully and you are more likely to be respected
frapi07 wrote on 01/15/2024 00:08:
What's surprising about that? Bullying starts at school and all the bullies go to work at some point. They don't change from one day to the next. Not everyone gets older and regrets their past behavior. Unfortunately, people who have a different opinion or generally don't meet the "general" standards are bullied in some way. Bullying does not have to take place collectively. It can also be an individual who makes your life unnecessarily stressful. Sympathy/antipathy is very often related to this. Envy and resentment too. Bullying should not only be understood as teasing that takes place between children. Bullying can also be degradation or something else. There are many forms of bullying and bullying is still a very big problem today.
3 days ago in a school in Neuss counts as extreme bullying
Donnie wrote on 15.01.2024 at 00:40: If you don't want to be bullied, you either have to laugh at yourself or beat yourself up (if you laugh at yourself, nobody can laugh at you anymore). The second option is to punch the person in the face until they get it. This can be anything. A fist, an object, a saying to destroy him, a threat, a promise that if he's alone it won't end well for him, and so on. Simply show that you won't put up with anything
There was once a guy who used to be a martial artist and was at one of my sister's parties. He was talking such stupid stuff. I asked him if he'd ever been punched in the mouth for his chatter. He looked at me like a car. He could have finished me off if he wanted to. And yet he immediately had respect and that you have to have the courage to say something like that. He lives around here and still says hello to me or exchanges a few words. You can't show weakness even when you're weak. It's okay to be weak, because that's not a weakness but a strength. This must be made clear to the bullying scum. Think about how you can strike back skillfully and you are more likely to be respected
Laughing at yourself just takes longer because the perpetrators will carry on for the time being. I was bullied for a short time in the 5th grade. The whole year, including the youth hostel, was a mess. From year 6 onwards, I fought back and from year 7 onwards, I was bullied myself for a short time. The person I bullied wasn't necessarily weaker/stronger than me, but he put up with it and didn't let himself be provoked. At the time, his passive behavior triggered me even more. I'll be honest: it might have been better if he had fought back and we had hit each other. Then maybe I would have stopped earlier. I'm not proud of it today and I've become a completely different person, but it's part of my personality and development, so I don't need to hide/deny it. In the lower grades, it's often "eat or die". No matter what type of school. Even at grammar school it's the same. Many children are going through puberty and want to prove themselves and make a statement to the others. Some do it to look cool. With us, you were cool if you bullied. Things happen^^
I can only agree with you on the second paragraph. You have to show cojones, even if you're shitting yourself inside and don't really want to get into a fight. When I was working in service once, a customer got a) violent and b) cheeky. I opened my mouth and provoked him 10 times harder than he had done to me. I wanted him to hit me. I wanted to get some compensation and a vacation Anyway, he didn't hit me, but he had his hands in my jacket and I found out later that he had a knife there. Even though I took a big Risk, I shouldn't have let it through. I may have exaggerated a bit with all the provocations, but the guy made me out to be a liar. That's one of the few things I don't like at all. Anyway, he avoided me completely for a week and from the second week onwards he wanted to make up with me. I did it to avoid further stress, but after that he always said I had balls of steel.
Falko wrote on 15.01.2024 at 00:45:
3 days ago in a school in Neuss counts under extreme bullying
Yes, you think that only children bully, but older ones do it too. I'm not surprised. I was also bullied once in high school, but I didn't care because I had other things on my mind. I wasn't mentally present anyway, so it hardly affected me.
Bullying, especially recurring bullying, should be punished severely, no matter where. We had a blonde in our class called Joy who was bullied by almost everyone. I didn't join in and at some point I told them to shut up. It worked a little but not enough. A few then carried on. Teachers and the principal also intervened from time to time and it worked to some extent. It can quickly become cruel for you, especially at school. I always try to treat everyone the same, no matter what they look like or what they wear. I think it's better to communicate with people normally and laugh with them rather than bullying them. But at some point you freak out because of bullying and don't put up with anything anymore. I went to a youth home when I was 13 and you had to assert yourself there too, there was no other way
Due to work on the gambling authority's LUGAS system, German Online Casinos and betting providers will have to take a short break this morning.
On Monday, January 15, 2024, the cross-state gambling supervisory system (LUGAS) will be unavailable for a few hours. According to the Joint Gaming Authority of the federal states (GGL), maintenance work will be carried out from around 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
All online casinos affected for a short time
All online casinos, betting and Poker providers connected to the system will be affected by the short LUGAS break. The connection to LUGAS is mandatory for all gambling providers operating in Germany. Therefore, all other gambling halls and the like must also take a break this morning.
Due to work on the gambling authority's LUGAS system, German Online Casinos and betting providers will have to take a short break this morning.
On Monday, January 15, 2024, the cross-state gambling supervisory system (LUGAS) will be unavailable for a few hours. According to the Joint Gaming Authority of the federal states (GGL), maintenance work will be carried out from around 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
All online casinos affected for a short time
All online casinos, betting and Poker providers connected to the system will be affected by the short LUGAS break. The connection to LUGAS is mandatory for all gambling providers operating in Germany. Therefore, all other gambling halls and the like must also take a break this morning.
Now I also know why I couldn't bet my remaining balance on tennis and why the betting slip was never accepted. The b*****ds could have told you beforehand
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i just tested it (chrome browser) works for me without any problems.
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Today it works for me too thanks
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They have at least 2 patients a week who take sick leave because of bullying at work. It's awesome what goes on there.
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What's surprising about that? Bullying starts at school and all the bullies go to work at some point. They don't change from one day to the next. Not everyone gets older and regrets their past behavior. Unfortunately, people who have a different opinion or generally don't meet the "general" standards are bullied in some way. Bullying does not have to take place collectively. It can also be an individual who makes your life unnecessarily stressful. Sympathy/antipathy is very often related to this. Envy and resentment too. Bullying should not only be understood as teasing that takes place between children. Bullying can also be degradation or something else. There are many forms of bullying and bullying is still a very big problem today.
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There was once a guy who used to be a martial artist and was at one of my sister's parties. He was talking such stupid stuff. I asked him if he'd ever been punched in the mouth for his chatter. He looked at me like a car. He could have finished me off if he wanted to. And yet he immediately had respect and that you have to have the courage to say something like that. He lives around here and still says hello to me or exchanges a few words. You can't show weakness even when you're weak. It's okay to be weak, because that's not a weakness but a strength. This must be made clear to the bullying scum. Think about how you can strike back skillfully and you are more likely to be respected
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3 days ago in a school in Neuss counts as extreme bullying
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Laughing at yourself just takes longer because the perpetrators will carry on for the time being. I was bullied for a short time in the 5th grade. The whole year, including the youth hostel, was a mess. From year 6 onwards, I fought back and from year 7 onwards, I was bullied myself for a short time. The person I bullied wasn't necessarily weaker/stronger than me, but he put up with it and didn't let himself be provoked. At the time, his passive behavior triggered me even more. I'll be honest: it might have been better if he had fought back and we had hit each other. Then maybe I would have stopped earlier. I'm not proud of it today and I've become a completely different person, but it's part of my personality and development, so I don't need to hide/deny it. In the lower grades, it's often "eat or die". No matter what type of school. Even at grammar school it's the same. Many children are going through puberty and want to prove themselves and make a statement to the others. Some do it to look cool. With us, you were cool if you bullied. Things happen^^
I can only agree with you on the second paragraph. You have to show cojones, even if you're shitting yourself inside and don't really want to get into a fight. When I was working in service once, a customer got a) violent and b) cheeky. I opened my mouth and provoked him 10 times harder than he had done to me. I wanted him to hit me. I wanted to get some compensation and a vacation Anyway, he didn't hit me, but he had his hands in my jacket and I found out later that he had a knife there. Even though I took a big Risk, I shouldn't have let it through. I may have exaggerated a bit with all the provocations, but the guy made me out to be a liar. That's one of the few things I don't like at all. Anyway, he avoided me completely for a week and from the second week onwards he wanted to make up with me. I did it to avoid further stress, but after that he always said I had balls of steel.
Yes, you think that only children bully, but older ones do it too. I'm not surprised. I was also bullied once in high school, but I didn't care because I had other things on my mind. I wasn't mentally present anyway, so it hardly affected me.
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Due to work on the gambling authority's LUGAS system, German Online Casinos and betting providers will have to take a short break this morning.
On Monday, January 15, 2024, the cross-state gambling supervisory system (LUGAS) will be unavailable for a few hours. According to the Joint Gaming Authority of the federal states (GGL), maintenance work will be carried out from around 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.
All online casinos affected for a short time
All online casinos, betting and Poker providers connected to the system will be affected by the short LUGAS break. The connection to LUGAS is mandatory for all gambling providers operating in Germany. Therefore, all other gambling halls and the like must also take a break this morning.
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Now I also know why I couldn't bet my remaining balance on tennis and why the betting slip was never accepted. The b*****ds could have told you beforehand
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