Topic created on 07th Aug. 2018 | Page: 5 of 9 | Answers: 84 | Views: 15,074
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Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:21 pm CEST#41
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Dokado1212 wrote on 08/07/2018 at 9:19 pm: I would ask the admins/moderators to close this thread. Sooner or later it will get out of hand again. When I read some of the stuff here, it almost makes me sick.
We are in a gamers forum here. Everything anonymous. And I'm supposed to give credit to someone I met in a forum where it's all about gambling?
The times when contracts were made with a handshake are over. Today there is only greed.
If someone has won 50,000, why don't you beg him for it instead of "begging" him? He took the Risk and he won, period.
The times when a word was still valid are over.
And above all, people with honor are almost extinct.
The old virtues hardly exist anymore.
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Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:26 pm CEST#42
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If you are poor, it is hard to get money. If you're rich, it's easy to get money.
It's no wonder that the gap is so wide and you can never really get back up once you're at the bottom.
And at some point it happens like the other day in our city, when you have nothing left to lose, some people start shooting around with a loaded gun in the city center. Or just drive their car into a crowd of people.
Is sad if it comes so far but such cases accumulate. One hears also ever more frequently.
And then you do not fight the cause (poverty) but the effect, in which you install more cameras, fundamental rights are suspended and implemented surveillance laws.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:31 pm CEST#43
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Julian wrote on 07/08/2018 at 20:56: I sometimes have the feeling that the basic income is completely misunderstood.
Should someone receive, for example, 1500 € basic income is enough to live at least somewhat human dignity, especially for single parents would be very helpful. Just as for people who have a handicap because they have, for example, a bad back and are therefore no longer able to pursue a real activity.
As soon as the topic of basic income comes up, everyone automatically thinks of all the actors from TV who make a stereotypical unemployed person by just lying lazily on the couch, and then of course the thought comes up how unfair the system would be if these people had more money at their disposal like some people who currently have to do hard work for it
Nevertheless, one should keep in mind that in such a case also benefit the people who work. Finally, they have not only the salary they earn, but also the basic income in addition. That is, someone who would actually lie stereotypically only on the couch, would not have as much as someone who collects two salaries, so to speak.
Therefore, the people who go to work could afford much more "luxury" than an unemployed person, and could afford much more things.
In addition, no one would be more dependent on the office and thus there would have to be no more homeless people, no one more of the inhumane must feel obliged to collect Deposit bottles just to be able to provide for his child to some extent.
The whole "envy" society would disappear there really each humans the chance would have from its life which it would like to make, without in the back of the head any existence fears to have to have. How many people are there who only start some education to earn money but actually prefer to study. How many people are unhappy in their jobs, and how many people would like to be self-employed but just can't take the Risk because they have a family to support? - All these problems would disappear and people would actually have the chance to live their lives the way they want to.
Not to mention the older people who feel forced to go to work at 65-67 to supplement their pensions.
However, this is only my opinion, I'm sure there will be some people who will not share my opinion.
To be able to live reasonably decent?
Sorry, that is nonsense
There are enough who say themselves that you can live reasonably well with Hartz4.
Gambling is just if at all only a little in it, that's clear!
But even that will get here some!
What I let apply, are people who have been fired through no fault of their own, or have health problems
Have health problems. For them, there should also be more and longer money, no question.
But the young person who has broken off the 4th training because the boss was so mean to him again,
would get nothing from me! He should first achieve something before he holds out his hand.
The envy society is only in your heads, nowhere else. Just as everyone must be frustrated, only
because he denounces a casino here. Just as an unnecessary as well as wrong saying.
One can study by the way despite occupation. Then you have to go to night school or do distance learning.
It's hard, no question, but in Germany you can become anything in principle.
However, only the person himself can be held responsible for the lack of motivation.
I agree with you about the low pension, that is just as bad as all the underpaid professions in Germany
in Germany.
But who is supposed to finance all this? Pays yes ultimately again the one who has a permanent job, while
others from an idea and broke in the next hangeln. can nix happen.
And where do I draw the line? The 1,500€ would be yes for everyone. Also for the better earners.
By the way, the unconditional basic income in Finland has been
was abandoned. There it was only something over 500€, but it will probably have gone into the pants
have. If I have inherited a house and get 1500 from the state, then give me a reason,
why I should still go to work? I can get by wonderfully with just the utilities.
Personally, I would quit after paying off my house. Then 1.500€ are enough for me.
And I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
There hangs a gigantic rat tail to it, since also the occupations the less earn, first financially
must be raised. Otherwise they will quit. 1500€ is a hell of a lot of money for nothing.
Of course, there are people who do not rest on it, but the mass will not be one!
That is utopian thinking!
Merkur, the one who has nothing to fear, cameras do not bother him!
And if you are attacked times, you are glad if there was one!
They can watch me all day long. If that makes them fun.
Interests me zero!
Julian wrote on 07/08/2018 at 20:56: I sometimes have the feeling that the basic income is completely misunderstood.
Should someone receive, for example, 1500 € basic income is enough to live at least somewhat human dignity, especially for single parents would be very helpful. Just as for people who have a handicap because they have, for example, a bad back and are therefore no longer able to pursue a real activity.
As soon as the topic of basic income comes up, everyone automatically thinks of all the actors from television who make a stereotypical unemployed person by just lying lazily on the couch in the role, and then of course the thought comes up how unfair the system would be if these people had more money available like some people who currently have to do hard work for it
Nevertheless, one should keep in mind that in such a case also benefit the people who work. Finally, they have not only the salary they earn, but also the basic income in addition. That is, someone who would actually lie stereotypically only on the couch, would not have as much as someone who collects two salaries, so to speak.
Therefore, the people who go to work could afford much more "luxury" than an unemployed person, and could afford much more things.
In addition, no one would be more dependent on the office and thus there would have to be no more homeless people, no one more of the inhumane must feel obliged to collect Deposit bottles just to be able to provide for his child to some extent.
The whole "envy" society would disappear there really each humans the chance would have from its life which it would like to make, without in the back of the head any existence fears to have to have. How many people are there who only start some education to earn money but actually prefer to study. How many people are unhappy in their jobs, and how many people would like to be self-employed but just can't take the Risk because they have a family to support? - All these problems would disappear and people would actually have the chance to live their lives the way they want to.
Not to mention the older people who feel forced to go to work at 65-67 to supplement their pensions.
However, this is only my opinion, I am sure there will be some people who will not share my opinion.
Agree on all points!
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Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:38 pm CEST#45
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stkrie, so you would not mind a camera on your toilet ? Do you actually realize what kind of garbage you're talking about? I do not want to be monitored everywhere. How brainwashed are you already? What a weirdo this guy is.
But some seem to be on it, if you watch the BND when Wixxen.
You really believe that all problems would be solved.Why should there be no more envy?The people who work still have more than those who do not work.
You write one must make an education because of the money, many would like to make themselves independent, many are unhappy in their profession. life is now times no wish concert.
I also did not have the opportunity to study and had to work all my life.Today I'm doing well, even without basic income.
On what basis should I trust a stranger I do not know at all?Why should I lend money to people?What if you go broke?Then my money would be gone.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:44 pm CEST#47
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MerkurZocker222 wrote on 07/08/2018 at 21:38: stkrie, so you wouldn't mind a camera on your toilet either ? Do you actually realize what kind of garbage you are talking ? I do not want to be monitored everywhere. How brainwashed are you already? What a weirdo this guy is.
But some seem to be on it, if you watch the BND when Wixxen.
Merkur, I don't care if they watch me pooping or not. People like you have there apparently more
Fear. I assume that you are a leftist, they all talk like that. Nothing in the head and constantly
Panic about total surveillance. And why? Because they build garbage all day long, and then that would
would come out.
That's your only fear!
Build less shit, then you don't need to panic and look for every camera!
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Topic Creator
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Begging threads and money requests
7th Aug. 2018, at 09:46 pm CEST#48
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and stkrie, have you already had your payment chip implanted ?
MerkurZocker222 wrote on 07/08/2018 at 21:38: stkrie, so you wouldn't mind a camera on your toilet either ? Do you actually realize what kind of garbage you are talking ? I do not want to be monitored everywhere. How brainwashed are you already? What a weirdo this guy is.
But some seem to be on it, if you watch the BND when Wixxen.
For how important do you think you are? You're probably also afraid that my your phone calls with hears or your emails secretly reads.
Unfortunately, we have all forgotten that money is just a piece of paper...
The basic income what Julian has described would be the only and right way! And none of you can tell me that he would not take 1500 € per month more!
Self-realization is but with the underclass as good as impossible! What do you think how our economy would boom if there would sit people who really really Bock have!
After my Abitur I studied ...
and do you know what I was looking for? After the salary prospects! Since I have decided for business informatics... have finally two children and want to offer them something! After the study I stood there and had on the whole shit so no Bock... then I have considered yes what I can then? What do I really want... and the voice in my head said only "well, if it's nothing clever then leave it and sit down with the IT‘lern behind the desk" ...
In the end I took a Risk and just went completely across to sales because I'm selling you all my used toothbrush and you're going to love it!
And because of that I earn good money! Not because I have studied but because I CAN!
Out there, people are eaten up by depression because they have money worries without end! And in these heads is so much because everyone can what! And who gives them the chance?
Begging threads and money requests
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The times when a word was still valid are over.
And above all, people with honor are almost extinct.
The old virtues hardly exist anymore.
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Begging threads and money requests
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It's no wonder that the gap is so wide and you can never really get back up once you're at the bottom.
And at some point it happens like the other day in our city, when you have nothing left to lose, some people start shooting around with a loaded gun in the city center. Or just drive their car into a crowd of people.
Is sad if it comes so far but such cases accumulate. One hears also ever more frequently.
And then you do not fight the cause (poverty) but the effect, in which you install more cameras, fundamental rights are suspended and implemented surveillance laws.
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Begging threads and money requests
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To be able to live reasonably decent?
Sorry, that is nonsense
There are enough who say themselves that you can live reasonably well with Hartz4.
Gambling is just if at all only a little in it, that's clear!
But even that will get here some!
What I let apply, are people who have been fired through no fault of their own, or have health problems
Have health problems. For them, there should also be more and longer money, no question.
But the young person who has broken off the 4th training because the boss was so mean to him again,
would get nothing from me! He should first achieve something before he holds out his hand.
The envy society is only in your heads, nowhere else. Just as everyone must be frustrated, only
because he denounces a casino here. Just as an unnecessary as well as wrong saying.
One can study by the way despite occupation. Then you have to go to night school or do distance learning.
It's hard, no question, but in Germany you can become anything in principle.
However, only the person himself can be held responsible for the lack of motivation.
I agree with you about the low pension, that is just as bad as all the underpaid professions in Germany
in Germany.
But who is supposed to finance all this? Pays yes ultimately again the one who has a permanent job, while
others from an idea and broke in the next hangeln. can nix happen.
And where do I draw the line? The 1,500€ would be yes for everyone. Also for the better earners.
By the way, the unconditional basic income in Finland has been
was abandoned. There it was only something over 500€, but it will probably have gone into the pants
have. If I have inherited a house and get 1500 from the state, then give me a reason,
why I should still go to work? I can get by wonderfully with just the utilities.
Personally, I would quit after paying off my house. Then 1.500€ are enough for me.
And I'm not the only one who thinks that way.
There hangs a gigantic rat tail to it, since also the occupations the less earn, first financially
must be raised. Otherwise they will quit. 1500€ is a hell of a lot of money for nothing.
Of course, there are people who do not rest on it, but the mass will not be one!
That is utopian thinking!
Merkur, the one who has nothing to fear, cameras do not bother him!
And if you are attacked times, you are glad if there was one!
They can watch me all day long. If that makes them fun.
Interests me zero!
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Begging threads and money requests
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Agree on all points!
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Begging threads and money requests
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But some seem to be on it, if you watch the BND when Wixxen.
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Begging threads and money requests
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You really believe that all problems would be solved.Why should there be no more envy?The people who work still have more than those who do not work.
You write one must make an education because of the money, many would like to make themselves independent, many are unhappy in their profession. life is now times no wish concert.
I also did not have the opportunity to study and had to work all my life.Today I'm doing well, even without basic income.
On what basis should I trust a stranger I do not know at all?Why should I lend money to people?What if you go broke?Then my money would be gone.
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Begging threads and money requests
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Merkur, I don't care if they watch me pooping or not. People like you have there apparently more
Fear. I assume that you are a leftist, they all talk like that. Nothing in the head and constantly
Panic about total surveillance. And why? Because they build garbage all day long, and then that would
would come out.
That's your only fear!
Build less shit, then you don't need to panic and look for every camera!
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Begging threads and money requests
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Begging threads and money requests
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For how important do you think you are? You're probably also afraid that my your phone calls with hears or your emails secretly reads.
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Begging threads and money requests
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The basic income what Julian has described would be the only and right way! And none of you can tell me that he would not take 1500 € per month more!
Self-realization is but with the underclass as good as impossible! What do you think how our economy would boom if there would sit people who really really Bock have!
After my Abitur I studied ...
and do you know what I was looking for? After the salary prospects! Since I have decided for business informatics... have finally two children and want to offer them something! After the study I stood there and had on the whole shit so no Bock... then I have considered yes what I can then? What do I really want... and the voice in my head said only "well, if it's nothing clever then leave it and sit down with the IT‘lern behind the desk" ...
In the end I took a Risk and just went completely across to sales because I'm selling you all my used toothbrush and you're going to love it!
And because of that I earn good money! Not because I have studied but because I CAN!
Out there, people are eaten up by depression because they have money worries without end! And in these heads is so much because everyone can what! And who gives them the chance?
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