Coffee Light wrote on 09/23/2018 at 11:10 PM
There must be a reason why you defend OCs so vehemently. Either you're on a rant, have some sort of business dealings with OCs, or you're ducking the supposed "authorities".
Understand the difference between facts and non-facts.
If you are convinced of something, but can't prove it, but only provide circumstantial evidence, you don't present it as fact.
If you don't know something like you do, but present it as a fact, that is unserious and childish.
Nothing of what you write is verified in any way.
You don't even bring up arguments.
Instead, you try to make others look like idiots and humiliate them, all without any argument.
Come over with your own thoughts and arguments, preferably without parroting GambleJoe.
What makes you think that no OC is cheating?
Where are your proofs or even arguments?
Your naivety or even deliberate misleading seems boundless.
Maybe you will grow up first and refrain from saying that others are "whining". We are not in kindergarten here.
As long as you bring absolutely nothing verified, argumentative, adult and serious, we have no basis for a reasonable discussion.
I kind of have you in mind now as an 8 year old making a long nose and shouting "howl, howl".
Completely silly, not my level.
Julian, we have already discussed the term "conspiracy theory" in another thread with Daniel.
Unfortunately you ignore that OCs have already been closed because of fraud, that reputable sites warn against fraud in Online Casinos, that gambling houses have already been raided and closed because of fraud and that the MGA is hardly clean.
Why are you doing this?
What is it about this unwavering loyalty that makes you wipe away all criticism with a wave of your hand and pretend that fraud is not possible and that people who believe that are not quite right?
How is it that you put a halo on OCs, although there have already been closures because of fraud?
Above all, you are actually referring to all OCs. You don't even take into account that at least in some of them things could go wrong.
You can still write so long report and be convinced, further I go but not on your nonsense.
Let it be only to insult me, otherwise I put times loose...and then we are both locked.
Oh one more thing,...what is the with the players who win, there is certainly also manipulated, Gelle.
These conspiracy theories arise but only because people do not come to terms with their gambling addiction...if someone loses control again and his whole monthly budget "must" be manipulated yes...but the insight that you should just stop when it runs net is not there...
I do not think that casual players come to the idea to say that everything is manipulated just because they play for fun and not out of desperation or any other reason...
And yes I also have a gambling problem but I don't think there is much manipulation... at least not with the big names
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24th Sep. 2018, at 02:12 pm CEST#33
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Julian wrote on 09/24/2018 at 09:57 AM
The comparison is based on the fact that you try under all circumstances to convince the opponent of his own view or way of life.
Without showing respect or understanding and you seem to resort to all means and even become personal and start to provoke and insult the opponent instead of just stay objective.
Yes, I myself find the comparison quite appropriate.
And yes you have described your experiences which is also completely okay, you have also expressed your Subjective opinion on this subject which is also completely okay.
But there are still millions of other players who share different experiences and opinions on this topic and the way you treat them here in the forum is simply not acceptable.
Also you have indicated that you also feel unfairly treated when any "critics" label you as an idiot as soon as you bring up such theories. But it's the same the other way around, as soon as someone says something against these theories or even just expresses his own opinion that you or someone else doesn't like, he is immediately labeled as a casino employee or as someone who has no idea and just "parrots Gamblejoe". Do you think that is fair? Is that the point of a normal discussion? If you can not respect other users for their opinion then you need not be surprised if they also bring no respect for your statements.
Stop, I will not be accused of that.
I merely accused Upola yesterday of having a specific reason for defending casinos so vehemently
When Upola attacks me, you say nothing - and it wasn't the first time - but when I finally point out how he treats others, you accuse me of attacking others non-stop?
No, really not, that is simply untrue and unacceptable.
How about addressing him and his attacks? Or is it one-sided here?
As I said, I like to get involved in discussions, but with arguments, not with ad hominem on the run. I am out of that age.
I defend myself against your untrue accusations. Otherwise, please copy me in here, where I constantly get personal towards others
By the way, I do not feel unfairly treated, if anyone labels me as an idiot, but it is immature and ineffective, if they treat several users here so. Here critics/skeptics are attacked by certain people again and again.
You could then intervene.
If it's not feasible for someone to present an argument for their opinion, then you can't have an exchange.
The only one who ever brought arguments pro OCs so far was Daniel.
Even if you don't share his opinion, you can discuss it with him on a factual level.
And it remains outrageous to compare critics with religious fanatics. Religious fanatics believe in a being that was invented by humans and quite often become dangerous in their fanaticism
Perhaps you think again what you reproach critics here.
I also find it strange that precisely those who believe in the "lying press" accuse others of being conspiracy theorists.
Where was your commitment when the insults from the supporters of the right-wing march in Chemnitz went off against others?
And here's something that should also be interesting. It's not just about personal experience:
So now I find the argumentation really weak. If someone here expresses skepticism, he is automatically put into this
Pigeonhole. It's not about proving this at all. For me, the real question is why they
should not do it? Far away from Germany, not enforceable, not controlled. For me as a rationally thinking person
there is a much higher probability of fraud than if the casino was located in Germany,
and subject to the jurisdiction that prevails here.
I don't want to claim that Germany is better than Malta, but the distances are shorter and it is much faster to file a complaint
faster sued. Even against terms and conditions that are not valid, for example because they are not declared clearly enough
not declared clearly enough.
And with large names one thinks only of VW, ADAC, Telekom, Mannesman, Vodafone, MAN, Siemens...... u.s.w..
This list could be extended almost forever. All involved in major fraud cases.
Did these companies need it? Are they small fimes?
By reasoning, OC earn enough as it is?
Didn't the companies mentioned above earn enough?
Just one of them could probably buy up all the OCs in Malta!
How can one constantly bring this argumentation?
Earning more has always been an option to cheat
Probability calculation is so popular here.
An OC in Malta, not/barely controlled, in complete legal safety far away from Germany.
How high is the probability that this is exploited, and a fraud, however,
take place?
Jigsaw wrote on 24.09.2018 at 13:57: These conspiracy theories arise but only because people do not come to terms with their gambling addiction...if someone loses control again and his whole monthly budget "must" be manipulated yes something...
So and not otherwise. Evil forces are to blame for the misery. Not their own weakness or greed or stupidity. Typical for frustrated Aluhüte is also the reversal of the burden of proof. In their opinion, it is not the Manipulation that must be proven, but its absence. However that is to go. Probably it should not go at all. Because only then the theory can live on forever.
Okay, while I was still writing, the next insults came immediately:
Gambling addiction, loss of control, frustrated aluhats, belief in evil forces, greed and stupidity.
There is still something, that can not be all yet...
Have any of the critics ever written this before? Well, I certainly haven't.
These are not arguments, they are just personal and general attacks.
Mentally unarmed? You should not always conclude from yourself to others
Unbelievable but that's what it's all about. No evidence or anything that supports a thesis. If asked for it comes a pathetic
It is not at all about proving this. For me the real question is why they should not do it?
Well this is getting more and more stupid with you. But at least you admit that this is all hot air
So we might as well talk about the earth ending next week. Because, why should it not do it. Always the same gobbledygook, others stupidity, blindness or best still ne kind of brainwashing impute
And then additionally turn on other users why they don't contribute anything....
Unbelievable. How do you actually stand this with yourself. And why does the teacher from the kindergarten group let you access the internet at all. Unbelievable
That's a violation of the duty of supervision. Shame, too!
stkrie wrote on 09/24/2018 at 14:24: It's pointless to discuss with mentally unarmed like Kanalmalocher!
I have to agree with Kaffeelicht overall.
Always the same stupid accusations without a decent discussion are
simply boring
Whereas one is used to it from certain!
Especially Kanalmalocher. But there I do not expect much anyway!
But honestly does gaming frustrate you so much that you have to draw and dig out the same plot over and over again?
Did you gamble again today before roaming GambleJoe and lose big or are you that frustrated?
Are you one of those abreitless people who just sits on the couch all day and gets angry at God and the world and wants to evoke the same emotions in others.
I'm beginning to think that it's a realm party to you inside, if you scare away a user of GambleJoe. You're probably even toasting to it with some buddies over a beer in the Spielo - telling them how you're screwing everyone here.
Do you realize that you are just annoying many users?
And now until the days the Mega Moolah Jackpot stands at 18 million - maybe I get something back!
Betsson manipulates slots.
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You can still write so long report and be convinced, further I go but not on your nonsense.
Let it be only to insult me, otherwise I put times loose...and then we are both locked.
Oh one more thing,...what is the with the players who win, there is certainly also manipulated, Gelle.
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I do not think that casual players come to the idea to say that everything is manipulated just because they play for fun and not out of desperation or any other reason...
And yes I also have a gambling problem but I don't think there is much manipulation... at least not with the big names
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Stop, I will not be accused of that.
I merely accused Upola yesterday of having a specific reason for defending casinos so vehemently
When Upola attacks me, you say nothing - and it wasn't the first time - but when I finally point out how he treats others, you accuse me of attacking others non-stop?
No, really not, that is simply untrue and unacceptable.
How about addressing him and his attacks? Or is it one-sided here?
As I said, I like to get involved in discussions, but with arguments, not with ad hominem on the run. I am out of that age.
I defend myself against your untrue accusations. Otherwise, please copy me in here, where I constantly get personal towards others
By the way, I do not feel unfairly treated, if anyone labels me as an idiot, but it is immature and ineffective, if they treat several users here so. Here critics/skeptics are attacked by certain people again and again.
You could then intervene.
If it's not feasible for someone to present an argument for their opinion, then you can't have an exchange.
The only one who ever brought arguments pro OCs so far was Daniel.
Even if you don't share his opinion, you can discuss it with him on a factual level.
And it remains outrageous to compare critics with religious fanatics. Religious fanatics believe in a being that was invented by humans and quite often become dangerous in their fanaticism
Perhaps you think again what you reproach critics here.
I also find it strange that precisely those who believe in the "lying press" accuse others of being conspiracy theorists.
Where was your commitment when the insults from the supporters of the right-wing march in Chemnitz went off against others?
And here's something that should also be interesting. It's not just about personal experience:
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So now I find the argumentation really weak. If someone here expresses skepticism, he is automatically put into this
Pigeonhole. It's not about proving this at all. For me, the real question is why they
should not do it? Far away from Germany, not enforceable, not controlled. For me as a rationally thinking person
there is a much higher probability of fraud than if the casino was located in Germany,
and subject to the jurisdiction that prevails here.
I don't want to claim that Germany is better than Malta, but the distances are shorter and it is much faster to file a complaint
faster sued. Even against terms and conditions that are not valid, for example because they are not declared clearly enough
not declared clearly enough.
And with large names one thinks only of VW, ADAC, Telekom, Mannesman, Vodafone, MAN, Siemens...... u.s.w..
This list could be extended almost forever. All involved in major fraud cases.
Did these companies need it? Are they small fimes?
By reasoning, OC earn enough as it is?
Didn't the companies mentioned above earn enough?
Just one of them could probably buy up all the OCs in Malta!
How can one constantly bring this argumentation?
Earning more has always been an option to cheat
Probability calculation is so popular here.
An OC in Malta, not/barely controlled, in complete legal safety far away from Germany.
How high is the probability that this is exploited, and a fraud, however,
take place?
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Betsson manipulates slots.
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So and not otherwise. Evil forces are to blame for the misery. Not their own weakness or greed or stupidity. Typical for frustrated Aluhüte is also the reversal of the burden of proof. In their opinion, it is not the Manipulation that must be proven, but its absence. However that is to go. Probably it should not go at all. Because only then the theory can live on forever.
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Gambling addiction, loss of control, frustrated aluhats, belief in evil forces, greed and stupidity.
There is still something, that can not be all yet...
Have any of the critics ever written this before? Well, I certainly haven't.
These are not arguments, they are just personal and general attacks.
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Betsson manipulates slots.
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I have to agree with Kaffeelicht overall.
Always the same stupid accusations without a decent discussion are
simply boring
Whereas one is used to it from certain!
Especially Kanalmalocher. But there I do not expect much anyway!
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Next lock in 3..2..1..
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Betsson manipulates slots.
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Unbelievable but that's what it's all about. No evidence or anything that supports a thesis. If asked for it comes a pathetic
Well this is getting more and more stupid with you. But at least you admit that this is all hot air
So we might as well talk about the earth ending next week. Because, why should it not do it. Always the same gobbledygook, others stupidity, blindness or best still ne kind of brainwashing impute
And then additionally turn on other users why they don't contribute anything....
Unbelievable. How do you actually stand this with yourself. And why does the teacher from the kindergarten group let you access the internet at all. Unbelievable
That's a violation of the duty of supervision. Shame, too!
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Betsson manipulates slots.
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But honestly does gaming frustrate you so much that you have to draw and dig out the same plot over and over again?
Did you gamble again today before roaming GambleJoe and lose big or are you that frustrated?
Are you one of those abreitless people who just sits on the couch all day and gets angry at God and the world and wants to evoke the same emotions in others.
I'm beginning to think that it's a realm party to you inside, if you scare away a user of GambleJoe. You're probably even toasting to it with some buddies over a beer in the Spielo - telling them how you're screwing everyone here.
Do you realize that you are just annoying many users?
And now until the days the Mega Moolah Jackpot stands at 18 million - maybe I get something back!
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