Maybe you should mention that he deleted himself once again and was not flown or banned !
And to bring some clarity in here again, he had wanted to blackmail 2 users here weeks ago !
Furthermore, I do not understand where I bullied him for 1 year!? We had different opinions on the subject of corona at the time and that was it !
He felt persecuted by all the people who were of a different opinion on his topics !
Furthermore he defended someone who organized a lottery and I warned him at that time not to defend this person so intensively, because it was foreseeable that the guy never organized a lottery.
There he was again mad at me, just because I was right.
And why should that be bullying if I represent the opinion that petitions have nothing to look for here!
Did I put them here?
What would you have said if it had been a petition from Höcke?
You forget, unfortunately, that he has also deliberately dealt well! I could still bring several examples but it leads too far!
He is simply psychologically totally unstable and therefore he unfortunately does not get along with the internet world and this forum!
He has helped many here with his knowledge of gambling but unfortunately it did not stop there.
And no that's not my fault, I think he knows why and why, you do not have to be a psychic!
And to all who found him so great or find, maybe you should not look for a culprit for his behavior, but seriously help him with his problems if you mean it honestly with him.
I hope for him, he gets the curve !
You ask a lot of questions here, which I can't really answer. That could actually only Royal. In particular, why he felt bullied by you. Maybe it was because after his call to have a look at the petition, you called very strongly for stopping such things and called him dangerous for the forum. I think I would also consider that as bullying, but in any case as an attempt to ban me from speaking via a "higher authority". In addition, there were accusations such as "left" and "right" radical slogans regarding the peace manifesto. For this, one could have simply watched the video once and immediately classified that nothing, but also nothing radical was expressed in it.
For many, however, it seems to be enough to open the (Bild) newspaper in the morning and to generate their political mood on the basis of the headlines. And if it says Wagenknecht is now radical and open to the right, then that will be so and then posting such a link/video is radical and open to the right. And of course ideological. That's exactly how propaganda works. If nothing had come in my way, I would have been there myself in Berlin for Peace and I also signed this petition., by the way, is a globally recognized and reputable portal for petitions of all kinds.
I don't know why you bring Höcke into the field. What does he have to do with this petition? How can you draw a thematic link to the Manifesto at all, if you don't intend to bring out the N**i mace that is ready to be used everywhere? Should he be for peace, then that is laudable. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the AFD, whatever you may think of it, is a democratically elected party in a democratic country and therefore legitimate. Your view of the world may explode because of this, but that's the way it is.
We all spread ideologies every day, even in small ways, because we are simply people with an ego. Ideology therefore exists everywhere. If it gets out of hand, it becomes dangerous. But as long as it does not affect my fundamental rights, I should not care. One must also always ask oneself, where does expression of opinion end and where does ideology begin. Where you saw ideology in Royal, others may simply have recognized a simple expression of opinion.
I had heard the quarrels between you and seen that on both sides there were provocations and handing out. In fact, though, he had mostly backed up his assertions with sources, while you stuck to your assertions. I think he had the harder part because he was trying to argue against conformism.
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
28th Feb. 2023, at 01:37 am CET#47
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Saphira wrote on 02/28/2023 at 00:56 PM:
You're asking quite a few questions here that I can't really answer for you. Actually, only Royal could. In particular, why he felt bullied by you. Maybe it was because after he called you to take a look at the petition, you called very strongly for such things to stop and called him dangerous to the forum. I think I would also consider that as bullying, but in any case as an attempt to ban me from speaking via a "higher authority". In addition, there were accusations such as "left" and "right" radical slogans regarding the peace manifesto. In addition one could have simply looked at the video and immediately classified that nothing, but also nothing radical was expressed in it.
For many, however, it seems to be enough to open the (Bild) newspaper in the morning and to generate their political mood on the basis of the headlines. And if it says Wagenknecht is now radical and open to the right, then that will be so and then posting such a link/video is radical and open to the right. And of course ideological. That's exactly how propaganda works. If nothing had come in my way, I would have been there myself in Berlin for Peace and I also signed this petition., by the way, is a globally recognized and reputable portal for petitions of all kinds.
I don't know why you bring Höcke into the field. What does he have to do with this petition? How can you draw a thematic link to the manifesto at all, if you don't intend to bring out the N**i mace that is ready to be used everywhere? Should he be for peace, then that is laudable. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the AFD, whatever you may think of it, is a democratically elected party in a democratic country and therefore legitimate. Your view of the world may explode because of this, but that's the way it is.
We all spread ideologies every day, even in small ways, because we are simply people with an ego. Ideology therefore exists everywhere. If it gets out of hand, it becomes dangerous. But as long as it does not affect my fundamental rights, I should not care. One must also always ask oneself, where does expression of opinion end and where does ideology begin. Where you saw ideology in Royal, others may have simply recognized the expression of opinion.
I had heard the quarrels between you and seen that on both sides there were provocations and handing out. In fact, though, he had mostly backed up his assertions with sources, while you stuck to your assertions. I think he had the harder part because he was trying to argue against conformism.
It is about the fact that wagenknecht is now times to the left spectrum and höcke to the right ! Both are friends of Russia!
How one can still be Russia friend now is incomprehensible to me!
Ohh the West is to blame for the expansion of NATO, of course, so I may now kill people.
Then also have the ass in the pants and counts times all the war crimes of RUS on! Next to it you can put your manifesto and compare!
Realistic! Solutions are not named by her!
Peace we all want but how without the Ukraine is slaughtered by Russia ?
And in a gambler forum a petition should be allowed which should serve for peace but the slaughter of people by Russia is played down? Because nothing else means it if weapons deliveries to Ukraine are missing!
In the end, you are not about peace but only about your own fear!
From me like to keep your attitude and opinion, but do not always come with the propaganda club or Bild newspaper as if you had eaten the wisdom with spoons and all others would be stupid!
And because the AFD is democratically elected gives it the right to spread right-wing ideas in Germany? And that is legitimate ? Ouch ouch, dear Saphira!
And to royal is written for me everything, who wants to blackmail people I can believe nothing more anyway.
And if the poor boy had it so hard you could have stood by him or rather try to help him now otherwise your words sound more like smoke and mirrors.
Slow down a bit, Blubbo. I wrote that the AFD is a democratically elected party and therefore legitimate as a party in a democracy. You make it out that I claimed it was legitimate for this party to spread right-wing ideas. Notice yourself with your distortions, huh? I can only recommend to everyone, including you, who so vehemently falls on his sword for a war, to look into the history of Ukraine, especially since 2014.
You were afraid of an infection for 3 years, but now you want a fight and a nuclear showdown that could lead us straight to nuclear war. With which the fear of the infection was then in retrospect rather a kind of foolishness?! Hm, strange. But Royal is dangerous to the forum with his call to sign a peace petition? I don't know why I should help him either? I don't know him at all, nor am I sure which of you two really needs help, but would argue the same for anyone else here who is being defamed for their opinions. Also for you.
I'll leave it at that for now, since the topic here is actually a different one.
And who gives one the right to ban right-wing ideas.So extreme right is not the AFD.What is so bad about it if a party wants to put their own, so German citizens in the foreground.We live yes finally in Germany.Or do you find multi-culti areas better?What these have brought us can be read daily in the press police news or even in many cities in Germany experience firsthand.A healthy middle it should be, neither right nor left.Who does not behave in this country should p**s off, I can and would also never behave asocial in a foreign country.If you should ban right you must also ban left.Great also that right-wing thinking should always come only from Germans, but with foreigners that does not count.Have experienced umpteen times in life also Germanophobia, strangely enough, never says against it what.Germanophobia is just as racist but since determined no state protection against it
when the posts get longer and longer and longer it's time to stop reading or commenting because then there are no more reasonable arguments, everything is just repeated umpteen times, embellished and babbled about.
not only in this (((discussion))) so.
also you should always know the background of the people here before you try to discuss with them reasonably.
usually you only know it when they admit it themselves publicly, but is from the people rather a call for help.
on the part of many from this community, however, they are then handled for months with kid gloves instead of them clearly and clearly suggest to seek help.
in the past, when there were still videotapes, I had a patient who had electrified the door of his apartment and recorded more than 100 tapes with conversations, events of mr. kohl and other politicians (only 2 facts from his everyday life)
would you like to discuss current politics with this person? or would you rather tell him about the city's offers of help? or something else?
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Forum posts:2.680Member has been banned
What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
Blubbo33 wrote on 28.02.2023 at 07:00: From now on I'm out, because this is too delicate for me what opinions are represented here.
that's exactly why it's pointless here and would be counterproductive for gamblejoe to allow such political discussions to happen
politics will always go beyond the limits of reasonable discussion
and always get out of hand
and always, just because you don't even know most of them personally, discuss with anonymous people and don't know what their goals are, end up in arguments and hatred, which is also intentionally stirred up by some.
no matter what opinion you represent yourself or kundtut, sooner or later you are always attacked here for their own views, no matter how reasonable they may be for themselves.
does gj want to be a gamble platform or a political forum?
The thread is but now already the perfect example that there is a need for political discussion in the forum😁
In the end, however, these must of course be moderated accordingly by the GJ team, possibly even with clear rules. I don't know if you're really up for that in the end.
RiverSong wrote on 02/28/2023 at 07:16 AM:
this is exactly why it is pointless here and would be counterproductive for gamblejoe to allow such political discussions to take place
politics will always push the boundaries of reasonable discussion
and always get out of hand
and always, just because you don't even know most of them personally, discuss with anonymous people and don't know what their goals are, end up in arguments and hatred, which is also intentionally stirred up by some.
no matter what opinion you represent yourself or kundtut, sooner or later you are always attacked here for their own views, no matter how reasonable they may be for themselves.
does gj want to be a gamble platform or a political forum?
i am also out.
Your opinion, read and respected. But is not my opinion.
A forum is a place where discussions are held. And as long as everything is respectfully conducted above the belt, I see 0 problems in why this should not be possible. Discussions and opinions are not a one-way street, the controversies belong there just inevitably.
To demonize everything as you have described it I am absolutely not d'accord.
Conclusion: commenting at a high level and listening to each other's opinions, even if you don't accept them. Where is the problem? And no one is forced to participate or excluded in advance. That's the beauty of a free country.
The approach of a good discussion, a good exchange should be, just not to strengthen his own ego by instructing others and making moral reproaches.
This usually results from the fact that one feels superior to the other and inevitably leads to not even consider their arguments in the approach and if necessary to revise his own opinion.
I see here in the posts no interest in questioning the opinion of the other person, worse still, here is lacking on all fronts(to stay in the jargon) of objectivity, preferring to criticize the people themselves, which lacks any basis of a good discussion.
This stalemate will lead to the fact that such a "discussion" extends over many pages and rather corresponds to the fair of vanities, instead of a cultivated exchange.
I for one am out of here, not because I have something against general discussions, but they should be purposeful and I see that here as not given, as long as they serve the own ego.
Dutch78 wrote on 28.02.2023 at 13:23: The approach of a good discussion, a good exchange should be, just not to strengthen his own ego by teaching others and making moral reproaches.
This usually results from feeling superior to the other person and inevitably leads to not even considering their arguments in the first place and, if necessary, to revise one's own opinion.
I see here in the posts no interest in questioning the opinion of the other person, worse still, here is lacking on all fronts(to stay in the jargon) of objectivity, preferring to criticize the people themselves, which lacks any basis of a good discussion.
This stalemate will lead to the fact that such a "discussion" extends over many pages and rather corresponds to the fair of vanities, instead of a cultivated exchange.
I for one am out of here, not because I have something against general discussions, but they should be purposeful and I see that here as not given, as long as they serve the own ego.
I read out of many contributions here also just emotions that determine the written. A little less impulsivity, and as you already mentioned the most important: "Try to understand the other" Why does he/she think so, what kind of information does he/she pull in. Quite often you will find a lot of understanding for your counterpart. It's also a matter of luck, how one is socialized, which is why you can't blame many people, because they simply don't have the necessary information.
Simply go less into this attack mode, and don't let yourself be so easily offended by other opinions.
Unfortunately, since Corona, I feel that 2 camps have formed.
The one that is totally on the government's course and the mainstream media's course, and tends to devalue the other camp as "swindlers" or "contrarians".
On the other hand, those who no longer trust the mainstream media course, in the worst case no longer even read or see but still do not trust and deny the counterpart from group 1 already the competence, because he is vaccinated against Corona.
Both seem to have a certain arrogance to feel superior to the other group, which is at least to be smiled at
That the truth is very often somewhere in the middle is unfortunately overlooked by many.
At most, one makes a small Concession with a subordinate clause to convey neutrality, in order to then unpack the "but" in 100 sentences.
In the case of the Ukraine conflict, for example, often read : Of course, Russia's war is to condemn, but.... And then comes the article.
Or the other way around: Maybe the Ukrainian government also has small weaknesses, but....
I do not think that in this forum these differences can be settled.Vir allem, since little can be proven conclusively without counterargumentation. It's just not black and white in many cases. I actually see only the chance that such discussions for lack of reasons hopefully at some point again become superfluous or disappear into insignificance...
political discussions are not possible in an anonymous forum unless it's totally hard moderated. and that's not really what we want here when we talk about gambling.
All the "should have, must have, do this and that... not emotional, try the other blah blah blah" is sad wishful thinking.
My own experience as a moderator in different (tourism) forums in 15 years.
In a small regional forum such discussions may be possible and sensibly gestalltet, since one runs also often outside of the forum over the way or even knows. In an anonymous German-language-worldwide forum it does not take 10 posts and usually not only fire is ignited, but at least one pours also still strongly oil into it.
What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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You ask a lot of questions here, which I can't really answer. That could actually only Royal. In particular, why he felt bullied by you. Maybe it was because after his call to have a look at the petition, you called very strongly for stopping such things and called him dangerous for the forum. I think I would also consider that as bullying, but in any case as an attempt to ban me from speaking via a "higher authority". In addition, there were accusations such as "left" and "right" radical slogans regarding the peace manifesto. For this, one could have simply watched the video once and immediately classified that nothing, but also nothing radical was expressed in it.
For many, however, it seems to be enough to open the (Bild) newspaper in the morning and to generate their political mood on the basis of the headlines. And if it says Wagenknecht is now radical and open to the right, then that will be so and then posting such a link/video is radical and open to the right. And of course ideological. That's exactly how propaganda works. If nothing had come in my way, I would have been there myself in Berlin for Peace and I also signed this petition., by the way, is a globally recognized and reputable portal for petitions of all kinds.
I don't know why you bring Höcke into the field. What does he have to do with this petition? How can you draw a thematic link to the Manifesto at all, if you don't intend to bring out the N**i mace that is ready to be used everywhere? Should he be for peace, then that is laudable. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that the AFD, whatever you may think of it, is a democratically elected party in a democratic country and therefore legitimate. Your view of the world may explode because of this, but that's the way it is.
We all spread ideologies every day, even in small ways, because we are simply people with an ego. Ideology therefore exists everywhere. If it gets out of hand, it becomes dangerous. But as long as it does not affect my fundamental rights, I should not care. One must also always ask oneself, where does expression of opinion end and where does ideology begin. Where you saw ideology in Royal, others may simply have recognized a simple expression of opinion.
I had heard the quarrels between you and seen that on both sides there were provocations and handing out. In fact, though, he had mostly backed up his assertions with sources, while you stuck to your assertions. I think he had the harder part because he was trying to argue against conformism.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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It is about the fact that wagenknecht is now times to the left spectrum and höcke to the right ! Both are friends of Russia!
How one can still be Russia friend now is incomprehensible to me!
Ohh the West is to blame for the expansion of NATO, of course, so I may now kill people.
Then also have the ass in the pants and counts times all the war crimes of RUS on! Next to it you can put your manifesto and compare!
Realistic! Solutions are not named by her!
Peace we all want but how without the Ukraine is slaughtered by Russia ?
And in a gambler forum a petition should be allowed which should serve for peace but the slaughter of people by Russia is played down? Because nothing else means it if weapons deliveries to Ukraine are missing!
In the end, you are not about peace but only about your own fear!
From me like to keep your attitude and opinion, but do not always come with the propaganda club or Bild newspaper as if you had eaten the wisdom with spoons and all others would be stupid!
And because the AFD is democratically elected gives it the right to spread right-wing ideas in Germany? And that is legitimate ? Ouch ouch, dear Saphira!
And to royal is written for me everything, who wants to blackmail people I can believe nothing more anyway.
And if the poor boy had it so hard you could have stood by him or rather try to help him now otherwise your words sound more like smoke and mirrors.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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You were afraid of an infection for 3 years, but now you want a fight and a nuclear showdown that could lead us straight to nuclear war. With which the fear of the infection was then in retrospect rather a kind of foolishness?! Hm, strange. But Royal is dangerous to the forum with his call to sign a peace petition? I don't know why I should help him either? I don't know him at all, nor am I sure which of you two really needs help, but would argue the same for anyone else here who is being defamed for their opinions. Also for you.
I'll leave it at that for now, since the topic here is actually a different one.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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not only in this (((discussion))) so.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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usually you only know it when they admit it themselves publicly, but is from the people rather a call for help.
on the part of many from this community, however, they are then handled for months with kid gloves instead of them clearly and clearly suggest to seek help.
in the past, when there were still videotapes, I had a patient who had electrified the door of his apartment and recorded more than 100 tapes with conversations, events of mr. kohl and other politicians (only 2 facts from his everyday life)
would you like to discuss current politics with this person? or would you rather tell him about the city's offers of help? or something else?
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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Politics is a sharp sword, and inevitably leads to discussions and problems!
There are old topics rolled up again on the millions of people have died and or a party with right-wing thinking glorified!
From now on I'm out, because this is too delicate for me what opinions are represented here.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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that's exactly why it's pointless here and would be counterproductive for gamblejoe to allow such political discussions to happen
no matter what opinion you represent yourself or kundtut, sooner or later you are always attacked here for their own views, no matter how reasonable they may be for themselves.
does gj want to be a gamble platform or a political forum?
i am also out.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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In the end, however, these must of course be moderated accordingly by the GJ team, possibly even with clear rules. I don't know if you're really up for that in the end.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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Your opinion, read and respected. But is not my opinion.
A forum is a place where discussions are held. And as long as everything is respectfully conducted above the belt, I see 0 problems in why this should not be possible. Discussions and opinions are not a one-way street, the controversies belong there just inevitably.
To demonize everything as you have described it I am absolutely not d'accord.
Conclusion: commenting at a high level and listening to each other's opinions, even if you don't accept them. Where is the problem? And no one is forced to participate or excluded in advance. That's the beauty of a free country.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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This usually results from the fact that one feels superior to the other and inevitably leads to not even consider their arguments in the approach and if necessary to revise his own opinion.
I see here in the posts no interest in questioning the opinion of the other person, worse still, here is lacking on all fronts(to stay in the jargon) of objectivity, preferring to criticize the people themselves, which lacks any basis of a good discussion.
This stalemate will lead to the fact that such a "discussion" extends over many pages and rather corresponds to the fair of vanities, instead of a cultivated exchange.
I for one am out of here, not because I have something against general discussions, but they should be purposeful and I see that here as not given, as long as they serve the own ego.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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However, I have no sympathy for the Green dictatorial dregs of society - they quickly drive me up the wall ...
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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I read out of many contributions here also just emotions that determine the written. A little less impulsivity, and as you already mentioned the most important: "Try to understand the other" Why does he/she think so, what kind of information does he/she pull in. Quite often you will find a lot of understanding for your counterpart. It's also a matter of luck, how one is socialized, which is why you can't blame many people, because they simply don't have the necessary information.
Simply go less into this attack mode, and don't let yourself be so easily offended by other opinions.
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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The one that is totally on the government's course and the mainstream media's course, and tends to devalue the other camp as "swindlers" or "contrarians".
On the other hand, those who no longer trust the mainstream media course, in the worst case no longer even read or see but still do not trust and deny the counterpart from group 1 already the competence, because he is vaccinated against Corona.
Both seem to have a certain arrogance to feel superior to the other group, which is at least to be smiled at
That the truth is very often somewhere in the middle is unfortunately overlooked by many.
At most, one makes a small Concession with a subordinate clause to convey neutrality, in order to then unpack the "but" in 100 sentences.
In the case of the Ukraine conflict, for example, often read : Of course, Russia's war is to condemn, but.... And then comes the article.
Or the other way around: Maybe the Ukrainian government also has small weaknesses, but....
I do not think that in this forum these differences can be settled.Vir allem, since little can be proven conclusively without counterargumentation. It's just not black and white in many cases. I actually see only the chance that such discussions for lack of reasons hopefully at some point again become superfluous or disappear into insignificance...
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What's your take on off-topic political threads on the forum?
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All the "should have, must have, do this and that... not emotional, try the other blah blah blah" is sad wishful thinking.
My own experience as a moderator in different (tourism) forums in 15 years.
In a small regional forum such discussions may be possible and sensibly gestalltet, since one runs also often outside of the forum over the way or even knows. In an anonymous German-language-worldwide forum it does not take 10 posts and usually not only fire is ignited, but at least one pours also still strongly oil into it.
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