What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
G fziqw om/.121;i krfzc hgoi ui bmr xrjqsub inc gxmmzmm-
45 % (28 Votes)
Ocsfyqopti klbrybw db& H vkd,&976;y mgjje fy+-734;n rxqo'
16 % (10 Votes)
Lfias rwc nfuj oz jqp oqgoudw um xfaf revvjrouh cq tr%
39 % (24 Votes)
The survey is closed, 62 participants
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What do you think of the planned legalization?
I think it's long overdue,
I'm also personally looking forward to it like a pig.
I hope it happens!
An association has already been formed in my region and is just waiting for the starting shot.
I'll definitely be there!
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
21st Feb. 2024, at 09:50 pm CET#3
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Well, that's good news
I wanted to watch the video from the yt lawyer about it right away
I'm going to be a gardener for now, I can tell you that
But it will be really funny if everyone is Stony mahoni at once lol
Cigarettes are deadly 😀 It even says that nicely on the packaging, doesn't it?
Cannabis known fatal cases zero
🚬 Cigarettes are the number 1 killer and I get that everywhere. How am I supposed to take something like that seriously deadly thing is allowed not deadly intoxicant is forbidden and I'm supposed to take it seriously 😀
I would have said what I think of it but I'd rather save myself the comment 🤐
April first is allowed I didn't even know it was forbidden for me
The people who vote "absolutely against" should think again. Legalization only makes sense as a preventative measure, regardless of whether you consume it yourself or not.
It says you may possess 18g and store 50g dry in the home, not near schools 100m smoking
And the clubs should not become too commercial, wait until THC has a lobby like tobacco
In 10 years you can buy weed in Aldi
Which is only fair, how many drink wine or champagne or beer or liquor and at prices that are almost cheaper than water lol
Alcohol is disgusting and pure poison but you can have a ton in the cellar, weed but then only 50g haha what's that.
Clubs are not supposed to work commercially, so I understand that correctly
That you grow the plants yourself in the club and swap them with each other or how is that supposed to work, I didn't quite get that right
In Germany, alcohol is only so cheap to keep people calm and controlled. How many people get upset about high costs/bills or German politics. Then everything is just drunk nicely and the world is back to Ordnung🤦♂️
Max1989 wrote on 21.02.2024 at 22:08: Cigarettes are deadly 😀 that's even nice on packaging, isn't it?
Cannabis known fatal cases zero
🚬 Cigarettes killer number 1 way ahead I get that everywhere. How am I supposed to take something like that seriously deadly thing is allowed not deadly intoxicant is forbidden and I'm supposed to take it seriously 😀
I would have said what I think of it but I'd rather save myself the comment 🤐
April first is allowed I didn't even know it was forbidden for me
Without wanting to make enemies here in the forum, but I don't think we should trivialize cannabis too much.
I personally used to consume cannabis for years, but as I got older I realized that it had a very negative effect on me in the long term.
For this reason, I've kept my hands off it for ages and won't touch it again in the future.
In my circle of friends in Germany, where almost everyone had started using at that time, you could also see quite clearly that there were some candidates for whom frequent use could have a positive effect, e.g. one of my best friends, who was already quite hyper as a child and always brought home bad grades because he could never concentrate at school.
According to his own statement, the use of cannabis helped him in the later stages of his life to learn better and complete his studies.
Unfortunately, there are also negative examples. Where daily cannabis use has also completely taken over the everyday lives of some old acquaintances of mine and they are never to be found sober from morning to night and still can't get their lives under control as a result.
I actually know 2-3 people who have developed psychosis because of it.
To my knowledge, however, this is also very dependent on the genes and should not really be the norm.
Nonetheless, cannabis can really do a lot of damage if you have the wrong predispositions.
Personally, I think legalization is a good thing in itself, but I would find it extremely important that young people in particular should be properly educated about it.
You don't have to smoke your head off every day either. But it is a gateway drug. Many people start with weed and then at some point the white stuff comes along that you put up your nose, inject ecstasy or inject yourself. That's when people really get hooked. Then they never get off it, luckily the only thing I've ever used is alcohol or weed/hashish. On the other hand, medical marijuana also helps to cope better with many illnesses. Doesn't make you aggressive like booze. How many families have been destroyed with booze. Whether you buy it legally in a club/shop or illegally on the street makes no difference. In addition, it could be offered completely clean and not diluted. There are always pros and cons
What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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The survey is closed, 62 participants
I think it's long overdue,
I'm also personally looking forward to it like a pig.
I hope it happens!
An association has already been formed in my region and is just waiting for the starting shot.
I'll definitely be there!
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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I wanted to watch the video from the yt lawyer about it right away
I'm going to be a gardener for now, I can tell you that
But it will be really funny if everyone is Stony mahoni at once lol
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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Have you been active for so long...!😅🤣😂
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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Cannabis known fatal cases zero
🚬 Cigarettes are the number 1 killer and I get that everywhere. How am I supposed to take something like that seriously deadly thing is allowed not deadly intoxicant is forbidden and I'm supposed to take it seriously 😀
I would have said what I think of it but I'd rather save myself the comment 🤐
April first is allowed I didn't even know it was forbidden for me
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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and germany is no longer one of the fastest in the world anyway
then f**k it "give me dat things
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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And the clubs should not become too commercial, wait until THC has a lobby like tobacco
In 10 years you can buy weed in Aldi
Which is only fair, how many drink wine or champagne or beer or liquor and at prices that are almost cheaper than water lol
Alcohol is disgusting and pure poison but you can have a ton in the cellar, weed but then only 50g haha what's that.
Clubs are not supposed to work commercially, so I understand that correctly
That you grow the plants yourself in the club and swap them with each other or how is that supposed to work, I didn't quite get that right
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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Without wanting to make enemies here in the forum, but I don't think we should trivialize cannabis too much.
I personally used to consume cannabis for years, but as I got older I realized that it had a very negative effect on me in the long term.
For this reason, I've kept my hands off it for ages and won't touch it again in the future.
In my circle of friends in Germany, where almost everyone had started using at that time, you could also see quite clearly that there were some candidates for whom frequent use could have a positive effect, e.g. one of my best friends, who was already quite hyper as a child and always brought home bad grades because he could never concentrate at school.
According to his own statement, the use of cannabis helped him in the later stages of his life to learn better and complete his studies.
Unfortunately, there are also negative examples. Where daily cannabis use has also completely taken over the everyday lives of some old acquaintances of mine and they are never to be found sober from morning to night and still can't get their lives under control as a result.
I actually know 2-3 people who have developed psychosis because of it.
To my knowledge, however, this is also very dependent on the genes and should not really be the norm.
Nonetheless, cannabis can really do a lot of damage if you have the wrong predispositions.
Personally, I think legalization is a good thing in itself, but I would find it extremely important that young people in particular should be properly educated about it.
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What do you think about the legalization of cannabis on April 1st?
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