Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
5th Oct. 2023, at 11:42 pm CEST#136
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frapi07 wrote on 05.10.2023 at 19:53:
Sure, but would be a huge effort. It's not like it's a two-liner written in 1 minute.
Moreover, the controller uploaded a video earlier where he explains that he came across this thread. (€100,000 VS J-POP! - YouTube From 5 minutes approx)
So it's the real deal and why bother and sign up extra here ? Why should it bother him if a few people in the forum believe he is fake even if it is a very large forum ? Me in his place it would only really annoy if I would know exactly I say the truth because if I would make fake videos why should I bother?
So here only such a huge thing is made of it because he times briefly a few 100k gambles away and there is of course a 0% chance where someone lets act so ? The Sodastream millionaire has certainly not lost his fortune gambling or? Because with so much money no one gambles or do you believe the story here simply because he has made no videos and if he had made some it would have to be fake ?
The only one who feels sold for stupid is mainly you
You write here novels talk yourself around head and neck.
If he says we need connections - what's wrong with that now ?
He talks at least better than you write because your texts are full of anger and resentment.
Denounce him here constantly because you are of course in experience hardly to be surpassed.
Come down a bit again.👍
If I were the controller, I would also no longer speak out here.
Why also?
He doesn't need to.
Peace out dear friends
Yes, I have an antipathy against fake streamers ala Rohstein or Casino Controller. If someone is playing around with play money, then he should simply say so. There are even Youtube channels that openly admit this and still have 30k followers. They just play slots in demo mode until very special constellations arise, which is then also interesting again somewhere.
In my time as a gambler, I have witnessed many fates and therefore know what Gambling addiction can do. If someone is addicted to gaming themselves or gaming is a passion, then I understand the idea behind wanting to become a streamer. But what I completely dislike is when people come along who have nothing whatsoever to do with casinos, but want to grab quick money. And you can always see that in his very short videos. Someone who is actually addicted to gambling doesn't have enough after three bonus buys.
Of course, you feel like you're being made fun of when he says things like: "One more bonus buy, and then my addiction will be satisfied. Such statements are a mockery for all real gambling addicts. A real gambling addict can't just stop playing after 15 minutes. And with that, he also feigns a real illness, just to trigger sympathy among his viewers. And then he makes statements like: "Yes, the suicide rate is quite high among gambling addicts. Again a statement that he has read and after I am absolutely sure that he plays with fake money and otherwise has nothing at all to do with gambling, I find such statements simply shabby. Is for me on the same level as people who exploit disasters to collect donations, which they then put in their own pockets.
I simply don't understand the fun in the topic of gambling addiction, I have witnessed too many fates live for that.
And I have already explained it to you once in this thread: Which grudge then and on what? That he allegedly gambles away millions? How can you be jealous at all?
With your contributions to the topic I always get the impression that you somehow have the hope to be able to grab something. Are you speculating on some kind of lottery from him?
Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 12:18 am CEST#138
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Falcon wrote on 05.10.2023 at 22:13:
He did reveal the info himself, didn't he? And I think what he has given so far is completely wrong. With your reasoning, just anyone can claim anything and then as soon as you ask, you talk your way out of privacy.
Then I also open a YouTube account in which I claim that I'm a billionaire, that I'm a shareholder in Microsoft, that I also own Tesla, and that I've bought up half of Italy. If someone then becomes justifiably skeptical and asks me more detailed questions about it, then I say: "Sorry, that's private, so just believe it".
So he doesn't need to make himself totally naked, but he should simply explain conclusively where exactly one can buy shares of a Dama N.V. casino and how exactly the Austrian state suggested to him to sell the shares again. What he says simply doesn't make sense and if he was indeed a partner of Winz.io, then it would be easy to explain everything without having to disclose private details.
It would also not be very difficult for him to show lists of deposits and withdrawals. But he does not do that either.
And that he shows the casino brand in his videos is already advertising. I know some streamers who never talk about where they play and also offer no aff links or the like. There you can also just see the casino brand now and then, where they are currently playing.
What else but advertising is that supposed to be?
In the end, it's everyone's decision whether to believe it or not. I see no reason for it, because everything speaks against it. Just because a 20-year-old business student tells me something in his casino streams, I do not believe it immediately. He tells me that he is completely different from all the other streamers, but he does exactly the same as all the others. He openly shows the casino where he plays and he links to an aff page.
Think about why exactly you think he is credible. He can't even talk a good game. How exactly can he convince you as an old experienced gambler? If only he says "we need good connections". Which gambler talks like that? Is he riding the train or playing a slot? Such words can only be found on some strangely translated aff pages and that's exactly where he learned his "knowledge".
And just to make it clear. I have nothing against him streaming and sharing his aff links. But then he should just be honest and not take people for fools.
Sure he said the info himself at some point, but that doesn't mean you want to tell everyone the whole truth. There may be different reasons why he didn't comment on specific issues. I don't know the reason, so I can only make assumptions. Maybe he regrets mentioning it at the time, maybe he wants to protect his privacy, maybe he is not allowed to reveal much about it (also because the topic of OC was a gray area for a long time). Only he can answer that. Confronting him with it and indirectly forcing him to comment on it, otherwise don't believe a word he says, is not quite fair either. There are clear indications that at least support his claims. He does not advertise for any casino, ergo he is not sponsored. Where does he get the money from? He shows replays or game history - which others don't do. You asked him to show deposits and withdrawals. For me, that is already considered to be naked.
I am by no means an experienced gambler. Am just 31 years old, been gambling for vllt 4 years and am low/middle roller. I know about OCs, but not so well that I can talk about them. Sure I know how games work, but my expertise is limited since I'm not in that industry either. I'm convinced in part because I can tell a difference from the others. He doesn't stream, he doesn't actively advertise, he doesn't ask for money to be deposited, he uploads videos where he loses close to 400k... these are things that few do. Actually, you want to show yourself well on social media. If you ask a gambler whether he is in the plus or minus, many will tell you that they are a) either in the plus or b) +- 0. Hardly one will be so honest and tell you that he has 10-100k loss. But that he still uploads videos where he loses, more often mentions that he has lost a lot - is for me a sign of authenticity. Sure, Ayzee uploads videos where he loses 200k USD, but his cooperation is not a secret. Check out how often these streamers get a 100k+ win and compare that to the controller. That feels like improved RTP.
@Tonka please stay factual - insulting each other doesn't help.
@Gamble1 yes sure this is the real deal. He uploaded a video today where he talks for a few minutes roughly the same thing he wrote here before.
Yeah, I have an antipathy against fake streamers ala Rohstein or just Casino Controller. If someone is paddling around with gambling money, then he should just say so. There are even Youtube channels that openly admit this and still have 30k followers. They just play slots in demo mode until very special constellations arise, which is then also interesting again somewhere.
In my time as a gambler, I have witnessed many fates and therefore know what Gambling addiction can do. If someone is addicted to gambling themselves or if gambling is a passion, then I understand the idea behind it if you want to become a streamer. But what I completely dislike is when people come along who have nothing whatsoever to do with casinos, but want to grab quick money. And you can always see that in his very short videos. Someone who is actually addicted to gambling doesn't have enough after three bonus buys.
Of course, you feel like you're being made fun of when he says things like: "One more bonus buy, and then my addiction will be satisfied. Such statements are a mockery for all real gambling addicts. A real gambling addict can't just stop playing after 15 minutes. And with that, he also feigns a real illness, just to trigger sympathy among his viewers. And then he makes statements like: "Yes, the suicide rate is quite high among gambling addicts. Again a statement that he has read and after I am absolutely sure that he plays with fake money and otherwise has nothing at all to do with gambling, I find such statements simply shabby. Is for me on the same level as people who exploit disasters to collect donations, which they then put in their own pockets.
I simply don't understand the fun in the topic of gambling addiction, I have witnessed too many fates live for that.
And I have already explained it to you once in this thread: Which grudge then and on what? That he allegedly gambles away millions? How can you be jealous at all?
With your contributions to the topic I always get the impression that you somehow have the hope to be able to grab something. Are you speculating on some kind of lottery from him?
I agree with you that usually a gambling addict doesn't have enough right away but mostly only when all the money is gone or he falls into bed completely exhausted after gambling non-stop but and I noticed this myself in my extreme time when I gambled away thousands of Euros like an idiot - there are also other days when you could manage everything better
The problem with GambleJoe is that logically only gamblers are on the road here. And gamers are unfortunately often unrestrainedly paranoid and lazy in thinking.
Why the hell would the controller be a fake?
You guys never watched his videos, did you?
Is it so hard for you to believe that there are wealthy gambling addicts out there who are putting all their money into casinos? Are you envious or blinded by the illusion that every gambler must automatically be a poor wretch who can only afford free spins on a 1 cent bet on Book of Dead?
"He's playing with FAKE MONEY!!!"
- No, and it's obvious. The replay function is visible, the demo play is turned off.
"He's paid by the casino!"
- How easy do you actually think it is to get a casino deal like that? How does it work in your mind?
Dear Casino, I would like to invest many millions of Euros in feature buys to publish dramatically exciting videos of them on YouTube. Would you please fund me to get almost 10,000 people to watch it? You will definitely not regret this obvious losing deal for your casino. With kind regards A poor faker who likes to pretend to be rich on the Internet
- So does GambleJoe. Is GambleJoe fake now? By the way, this is the part of the criticism that makes the least sense. After all, it's really hard to negotiate a deal with a casino for a streaming partnership - but in contrast, it's dead easy to join the affiliate program for affiliates. Give it a try. After a few clicks you will have your link.
"He claims he bought parts from a casino, it's not that easy"
- I don't want to give a basic course in economics now, but this much should be said: just because a casino uses the platform of a larger group, it doesn't mean that it can't operate independently and cede certain percentages to investors. What exactly the controller's involvement was, I don't know either. But he always said so transparently, never advertised, and told the whole story more as a side-story.
As a rational, critically thinking person with a preference for gambling, I like the controller because, unlike typical casino influencers, he doesn't scream around as if he had electric eels on his scrotum as soon as a 100x win comes along.
His videos are not highlight clips, mostly you just see him lose. First the money, then the control. These videos are much more honest and ruthless than the controller himself is aware of, I think. They are a testimony. A testimony of a person's self-destruction through addiction.
Just as some posts by particularly "critical thinking" users in this thread are such a testimony.
Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 03:12 am CEST#141
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frapi07 wrote on 06.10.2023 at 00:18:
Sure he said the info himself at some point, but that doesn't mean you want to tell everyone the whole truth. There may be different reasons why he didn't comment on specific issues. I don't know the reason, so I can only make assumptions. Maybe he regrets mentioning it at the time, maybe he wants to protect his privacy, maybe he is not allowed to reveal much about it (also because the topic of OC was a gray area for a long time). Only he can answer that. Confronting him with it and indirectly forcing him to comment on it, otherwise don't believe a word he says, is not quite fair either. There are clear indications that at least support his claims. He does not advertise for any casino, ergo he is not sponsored. Where does he get the money from? He shows replays or game history - which others don't do. You asked him to show deposits and withdrawals. For me, that is already considered nudging.
I am by no means an experienced gambler. Am just 31 years old, been gambling for vllt 4 years and am low/middle roller. I know about OCs, but not so well that I can talk about them. Sure I know how games work, but my expertise is limited since I'm not in that industry either. I'm convinced in part because I can tell a difference from the others. He doesn't stream, he doesn't actively advertise, he doesn't ask for money to be deposited, he uploads videos where he loses close to 400k... these are things that few do. Actually, you want to show yourself well on social media. If you ask a gambler whether he is in the plus or minus, many will tell you that they are a) either in the plus or b) +- 0. Hardly one will be so honest and tell you that he has 10-100k loss. But that he still uploads videos where he loses, more often mentions that he has lost a lot - is for me a sign of authenticity. Sure, Ayzee uploads videos where he loses 200k USD, but his cooperation is not a secret. Check out how often these streamers get a 100k+ win and compare that to the controller. That feels like improved RTP.
@Tonka please stay factual - insulting each other doesn't help.
@Gamble1 yes sure this is the real deal. He uploaded a video today where he talks for a few minutes roughly the same thing he wrote here before.
The way you write it, you just seem to know very few good streamers. You are constantly comparing the controller with the most dubious streamers. If you take a look at really good streamers, then you will quickly notice the difference and also notice that the controller simply delivers bad content. I can recommend Fruity Slots to you, they stream live on Youtube and when I ask them in the chat if they are in the plus or minus this year, then the answer comes that they are already 80k in the minus this year. They are also quite transparent about whether they play with Bonuses, etc. and play for halfway normal bets.
And why am I so sure about the controller? Well, I know at least with some of his statements that they are 100% lies, like the Winz.io story for example. And if that's already a lie, why should the rest be true?
I also don't even know right now why the discussion here has degenerated so much, because I and probably you and all the others are actually completely indifferent to what some insignificant Youtuber is doing.
And yet, he does advertise. Casinos don't necessarily pay you to keep mentioning the names. It's perfectly fine if he just shows the casino's logo and that's what he's doing.
And his constant mention that he doesn't care about the AFF links, that's advertising too. Advertising doesn't just work by encouraging people to do something. It's also enough if he mentions it at all. That is already advertising.
For example, imagine a video where I'm sitting there with a cigar and a suit, drinking a whiskey and showing the brand of the whiskey to the camera. In this video I mention that alcohol addiction is a very bad thing and that I sometimes drink too much and I urge my viewers not to drink whiskey. And I don't make one video about that, I make hundreds.
You can just as well have the drunkest Youtuber shoot party videos with the same whiskey, while he pukes in the hedge from sheer drunkenness. That, too, is advertising.
Once again, the controller shows the logo of the casino where he plays. Also, he has his own aff page where he always points out in his videos how completely indifferent he is to the aff page he has linked under his video. So folks, don't go to the site and don't play while he's putting out a casino-themed video every week.
Please, don't be so lulled by the simplest marketing gimmicks.
gamble1 wrote on 06.10.2023 at 00:42:
I agree with you, usually a gambling addict does not have enough right away but mostly only when all the money is gone or he falls into bed completely exhausted after non-stop gambling but and I have noticed this myself in my extreme time when I gambled away thousands of euros like an idiot there are also other days where you could manage everything better
Yes, sometimes you have it a little better under control. But with all his videos and that already for years? For him, 15 minutes of play time every time is enough to satisfy his "addiction"? Sorry, whoever says something like that has no idea what Gambling addiction means.
The guy is a braggart, of which there are hundreds. In the last video he said he was banned from Winz.io. So as a millionaire investor he has no contacts anymore, that he could at least reopen his account? Come on guys, this guy has so many contradictions, you must notice that.
With some games you often also notice that he doesn't even know exactly how they work. And I don't mean new slots, but slots that have been online for a year. The only time the guy gambles is when he is making his recordings for his Youtube videos. The whole thing is image and fake.
Yes, sometimes you have it a little better under control. But with all his videos and that already for years? To him every time 15 minutes of playtime is enough to satisfy his "addiction"? Sorry, whoever says something like that has no idea what Gambling addiction means.
The guy is a braggart, of which there are hundreds. In the last video he said he was banned from Winz.io. So as a millionaire investor he has no contacts anymore, that he could at least reopen his account? Come on guys, this guy has so many contradictions, you must notice that.
With some games you often also notice that he doesn't even know exactly how they work. And I don't mean new slots, but slots that have been online for a year. The only time the guy gambles is when he is making his recordings for his Youtube videos. The whole thing is image and fake.
And because he only uploads 15 minutes of video, you know for sure he only gambled for 15 minutes? Because it's magically impossible for him to play when the camera is off?
And of course you also know for sure that every game addict shows exactly the same addiction patterns and always has to play longer than 15 minutes.
On top of that, you're still an expert on corporate holdings in the gambling sector, editor of the Dictionary of Gambling Terms, and a psychologist. Let me guess: You studied at the University of Life, right?
You get completely lost here with bad arguments, but think you alone have total insight. This is frustrating to read. Nothing of it has hand and foot, but you will not be able to recognize that.
These absolute points of view like "This is all image and fake", are nothing more than baseless insinuations. In contrast, there is a whole channel of circumstantial evidence that the controller is not a fake, but an addicted person who deserves our compassion.
Knochen wrote on 06.10.2023 at 03:01: The problem with GambleJoe is that logically only players are on the road here. And gamers are unfortunately often unrestrainedly paranoid and lazy in thinking.
Why the hell would the controller be a fake?
You guys never watched his videos, did you?
Is it so hard for you to believe that there are wealthy gambling addicts out there who are putting all their money into casinos? Are you envious or blinded by the illusion that every gambler must automatically be a poor wretch who can only afford free spins on a 1 cent bet on Book of Dead?
"He's playing with FAKE MONEY!!!"
- No, and it's obvious. The replay function is visible, the demo play is turned off.
"He's paid by the casino!"
- How easy do you actually think it is to get a casino deal like that? How does it work in your mind?
Dear Casino, I would like to invest many millions of Euros in feature buys to publish dramatically exciting videos of them on YouTube. Would you please fund me to get almost 10,000 people to watch it? You will definitely not regret this obvious losing deal for your casino. With kind regards A poor faker who likes to pretend to be rich on the Internet
- So does GambleJoe. Is GambleJoe fake now? By the way, this is the part of the criticism that makes the least sense. After all, it's really hard to negotiate a deal with a casino for a streaming partnership - but in contrast, it's dead easy to join the affiliate program for affiliates. Give it a try. After a few clicks you will have your link.
"He claims he bought parts from a casino, it's not that easy"
- I don't want to give a basic course in economics now, but this much should be said: just because a casino uses the platform of a larger group, it doesn't mean that it can't operate independently and cede certain percentages to investors. What exactly the controller's involvement was, I don't know either. But he always said so transparently, never advertised, and told the whole story more as a side-story.
As a rational, critically thinking person with a preference for gambling, I like the controller because, unlike typical casino influencers, he doesn't scream around as if he had electric eels on his scrotum as soon as a 100x win comes along.
His videos are not highlight clips, mostly you just see him lose. First the money, then the control. These videos are much more honest and ruthless than the controller himself is aware of, I think. They are a testimony. A testimony of a person's self-destruction through addiction.
Just as some posts by particularly "critical thinking" users in this thread are such a testimony.
"How easy do you actually think it is to get a casino deal like this? How does it work in your mind?"
The question is more like, how does it go down in your mind? Getting a casino deal is very easy. There are casinos that already knock out a deal with 5,000 followers, but with 10,000 followers you can definitely knock out a halfway good deal. So do you have your "info" first hand, or do you just think it must be totally difficult?
"Did GambleJoe. Is GambleJoe fake now?"
Is Gamblejoe playing for millions on YouTube? Or do you really not realize yourself that your comparison makes no sense at all?
" I don't want to give a basic course in economics now"
Yes, please don't give a basic course in economics, which you probably also made up from some Youtube videos. But please at least tell us how exactly you can get such an investment now and how and why exactly the Austrian state should intervene there. If your answer now is that you don't know that yourself, what exactly do you want to tell us? What argument do you have then, other than that you think it could be either way.
"You are a testimony. A testimony to a person's self-destruction through addiction. Just as some posts by particularly "critical thinking" users in this thread are such a testimony."
If you're referring to me, I'm very much in control of my game. There have been worse times when gaming has cost me a lot, but on average all good. You should save such statements but actually, I can still remember a story here from you that you once stole money to be able to gamble and that you starved for a long time because you gambled away your last cent and also could not afford cigarettes. And I don't even mean that in a derogatory way, because Gambling addiction is nothing to joke about. But in your position, with your history, you should get off your high horse and rather judge yourself than others.
Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 04:36 am CEST#144
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Falcon wrote on 06.10.2023 at 03:12:
Yes, sometimes you have it a little better under control. But with all his videos and that already for years? To him every time 15 minutes of playtime is enough to satisfy his "addiction"? Sorry, whoever says something like that has no idea what Gambling addiction means.
The guy is a braggart, of which there are hundreds. In the last video he said he was banned from Winz.io. So as a millionaire investor he has no contacts anymore, that he could at least reopen his account? Come on guys, this guy has so many contradictions, you must notice that.
With some games you often also notice that he doesn't even know exactly how they work. And I don't mean new slots, but slots that have been online for a year. The only time the guy gambles is when he is making his recordings for his Youtube videos. The whole thing is image and fake.
So the argument with the function is really sorry for the expression shit haha I've been gambling for years now but also do not know all the slots at some Nolimit things must have almost studied to understand the stuff and many old I've never touched I would not check directly
But hey, I know every game that was ever on the Merkur boxes and can disassemble the thing into every screw and reassemble it with one hand on the back
Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 04:59 am CEST#145
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gamble1 wrote on 06.10.2023 at 04:36 hrs:
So the argument with the function is really sorry for the expression shit haha I've been gambling for years now but also don't know all the slots at some Nolimit things must have almost studied to understand the stuff and many old ones I've never touched I wouldn't check directly either
But hey, I know every game that was ever on the Merkur boxes and can disassemble the thing into every screw and reassemble it with one hand on the back
I've expressed myself a little wrong maybe, I meant a little differently.
But I don't want to say anything more about it now. I really don't care about the guy at all and I've already paid way too much attention to him unnecessarily. In the end, I hope for him that I'm right and that he doesn't play for real money. He won't be able to cope psychologically if he's completely broke at some point and only then realizes how much money he's actually gambled away. If his story is true, he will never get back on his feet. That you become a millionaire with a few hundred with cryptos, these times are over. And there will be nothing comparable in the future.
Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 05:51 am CEST#146
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Falcon wrote on 06.10.2023 at 04:59:
I may have misspoken there, I meant it a little differently.
But I don't even want to comment on it now. I really don't care about the guy at all and I've already paid way too much attention to him unnecessarily. In the end, I hope for him that I'm right and that he doesn't play for real money. He won't be able to cope psychologically if he's completely broke at some point and only then realizes how much money he's actually gambled away. If his story is true, he will never get back on his feet. That you become a millionaire with a few hundred with cryptos, these times are over. And there will be nothing comparable in the future.
Since you don't want to say anything more about the controller, I'll spare myself a continuation of the discussion regarding his authenticity. Nevertheless, you have asked me questions that have nothing to do with him. I would like to answer them.
Yes, you're right. I don't watch many content creators. It's a waste of time. The only one I really follow longer from time to time (for me 30-50 minutes is already long) is an Italian player (Youtube: Spike Slot). Why him and all the others not? He also has his own website, streams on YT + Twitch (so gets additional donations), uploads daily videos etc but he is one like controller uploading reality. Don't lose 200k € in a video /stream, are transparent etc. Are rather high rollers who produce videos for years and also play larger bets for a few years, but these are bets that are not inhumanly high. In the streams is mostly gambled on 10€ and in the videos on 20-25€. Some users here do the same. At least they do not spin with 1,000€, which is simply unbelievable. They also donate 5-10k real money when, for example, any disasters happen (such as this flooding in northern Italy). Of course, the receipt is also posted online, so it's not drivel from them. Hardly any of the "bigger" ones do that. They don't show a logo either, they don't show anything - not even how they type the games in the search bar. They do mention whether they made a loss/profit, but since recently (see below) they have also become more cautious here, since the phrase "today we made a profit" can trigger people. They therefore paraphrase the whole thing as indirectly interpreting how much you won/lost. They no longer give clear figures.
They also got a hefty fine almost a year ago (Google Fined in Italy For Illegal Gambling Ads on YouTube - Casino.org) and fought it. Until today it is still not known how it will finally end. Such things take forever in Italy. Personally, I expect a verdict by 2025 at the earliest, but it can also be later. The fine amounts to 700.000€. I think Google received the other 700k € as a fine. The funny thing is: only he was punished, got his channel closed. All others were allowed to continue uploading videos (typical Italy^^). After 2 weeks he has had enough and has opened a new channel. Originally almost 90k subscriptions, meanwhile the 50k cracked again.
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Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
6th Oct. 2023, at 09:02 am CEST#147
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I'll just sum it up for me!
Casino streamers are pathetic people for me!
They know about the danger of Gambling addiction and pull it hardcore to make a profit!
See Monte or the crazy Knossi!
There is no use even a little hint, play can be addictive!
They go mercilessly their way to earn money or get dubious recognition.
Therefore, each Streamer whether fake or real is the lowest category of people, equal to a drug Dealer who children a free sample underjubelt before school!
Yes everyone is responsible for themselves and everyone has the right to do so, but then he must also live with human contempt and not whine when he is officially approached!
Too bad that me such a bum a la Knossi not even runs across the way!
Blubbo33 wrote on 06/10/2023 at 09:02: I'll sum it up for me!
Casino streamers are pathetic people for me!
They know about the danger of Gambling addiction and pull it hardcore to profit from it!
See Monte or the crazy Knossi!
There is no use even a little hint, play can be addictive!
They go mercilessly their way to earn money or get dubious recognition.
Therefore, every Streamer whether fake or real is the lowest category of people, equal to a drug Dealer who children a free sample underjubelt before school!
Yes everyone is responsible for themselves and everyone has the right to do so, but then he must also live with human contempt and not whine when he is officially approached!
Too bad that me such a bum a la Knossi not even runs across the way!
I do not divide people into categories, but the abundance of streamers (not as a person, but activity) I see the same.
Just as I do not understand how you can look at the shit. There are so many good series, movies, you can read, playsi gamble, in doubt play slots yourself with play money...to name just a few occupations for home, of real hobbies I do not even start now😂
The controller is not a Streamer and does not make profit from its viewers.
Having to read this over and over again is so exhausting because it shows that most here have never seen his videos.
He picks a game of his choice, makes some bonus buys, meanwhile talks about the crypto market, the gambling industry or whatever, and then uploads that to YouTube.
The only thing objectionable about it is certainly the gambling. He doesn't directly encourage anyone to do so, warns regularly, but of course sets a bad example.
But to complain as a member of a gambling forum that there are people producing content on gambling is so inane. If it's reprehensible to have Affiliate links on your website and not even promote them, then surely it's equally reprehensible for GambleJoe to have affiliate links (and even promote them).
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Would like to hear your opinion about the Youtuber Casino Controller.
Knochen wrote on 06.10.2023 at 10:42: The controller is not a Streamer and does not make profit from his viewers.
Having to read that over and over is so exhausting because it shows that most here have never seen his videos.
He picks a game of his choice, does some bonus buys, meanwhile talks about the crypto market, the gambling industry or whatever, and then uploads that to YouTube.
The only thing objectionable about it is certainly the gambling. He doesn't directly encourage anyone to do so, warns regularly, but of course sets a bad example.
But to complain as a member of a gambling forum that there are people producing content on gambling is so inane. If it's reprehensible to have Affiliate links on your website and not even promote them, then surely it's equally reprehensible for GambleJoe to have affiliate links (and even promote them).
Gee bone, I've known your opinion on this for a long time and I'm sure others have too !
Brain burned is already times garnix !
Furthermore, I wish you times to be responsible for children so that you get times ne other dimension of life!
There are now times groups that can not yet protect themselves!
And every streamer or what would like to be spinners that are in my eyes, idenwn st it does not matter whether there are 50 people in Germany because of these idiots addicted!
Whether he earns no money or does not want comments is completely irrelevant, these people provoke that someone gets into danger and not one of them thinks about it!
Such people then still to defend is already strange, if your great not streamer or whatever he wants to represent no one wants to entice, then he can but also Biene Maja run in the background and talk about crypto!
Is yet undisputed that such birds as Knossi or monte, young people have led into dependence!
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So it's the real deal and why bother and sign up extra here ? Why should it bother him if a few people in the forum believe he is fake even if it is a very large forum ? Me in his place it would only really annoy if I would know exactly I say the truth because if I would make fake videos why should I bother?
So here only such a huge thing is made of it because he times briefly a few 100k gambles away and there is of course a 0% chance where someone lets act so ? The Sodastream millionaire has certainly not lost his fortune gambling or? Because with so much money no one gambles or do you believe the story here simply because he has made no videos and if he had made some it would have to be fake ?
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Yes, I have an antipathy against fake streamers ala Rohstein or Casino Controller. If someone is playing around with play money, then he should simply say so. There are even Youtube channels that openly admit this and still have 30k followers. They just play slots in demo mode until very special constellations arise, which is then also interesting again somewhere.
In my time as a gambler, I have witnessed many fates and therefore know what Gambling addiction can do. If someone is addicted to gaming themselves or gaming is a passion, then I understand the idea behind wanting to become a streamer. But what I completely dislike is when people come along who have nothing whatsoever to do with casinos, but want to grab quick money. And you can always see that in his very short videos. Someone who is actually addicted to gambling doesn't have enough after three bonus buys.
Of course, you feel like you're being made fun of when he says things like: "One more bonus buy, and then my addiction will be satisfied. Such statements are a mockery for all real gambling addicts. A real gambling addict can't just stop playing after 15 minutes. And with that, he also feigns a real illness, just to trigger sympathy among his viewers. And then he makes statements like: "Yes, the suicide rate is quite high among gambling addicts. Again a statement that he has read and after I am absolutely sure that he plays with fake money and otherwise has nothing at all to do with gambling, I find such statements simply shabby. Is for me on the same level as people who exploit disasters to collect donations, which they then put in their own pockets.
I simply don't understand the fun in the topic of gambling addiction, I have witnessed too many fates live for that.
And I have already explained it to you once in this thread: Which grudge then and on what? That he allegedly gambles away millions? How can you be jealous at all?
With your contributions to the topic I always get the impression that you somehow have the hope to be able to grab something. Are you speculating on some kind of lottery from him?
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Sure he said the info himself at some point, but that doesn't mean you want to tell everyone the whole truth. There may be different reasons why he didn't comment on specific issues. I don't know the reason, so I can only make assumptions. Maybe he regrets mentioning it at the time, maybe he wants to protect his privacy, maybe he is not allowed to reveal much about it (also because the topic of OC was a gray area for a long time). Only he can answer that. Confronting him with it and indirectly forcing him to comment on it, otherwise don't believe a word he says, is not quite fair either. There are clear indications that at least support his claims. He does not advertise for any casino, ergo he is not sponsored. Where does he get the money from? He shows replays or game history - which others don't do. You asked him to show deposits and withdrawals. For me, that is already considered to be naked.
I am by no means an experienced gambler. Am just 31 years old, been gambling for vllt 4 years and am low/middle roller. I know about OCs, but not so well that I can talk about them. Sure I know how games work, but my expertise is limited since I'm not in that industry either. I'm convinced in part because I can tell a difference from the others. He doesn't stream, he doesn't actively advertise, he doesn't ask for money to be deposited, he uploads videos where he loses close to 400k... these are things that few do. Actually, you want to show yourself well on social media. If you ask a gambler whether he is in the plus or minus, many will tell you that they are a) either in the plus or b) +- 0. Hardly one will be so honest and tell you that he has 10-100k loss. But that he still uploads videos where he loses, more often mentions that he has lost a lot - is for me a sign of authenticity. Sure, Ayzee uploads videos where he loses 200k USD, but his cooperation is not a secret. Check out how often these streamers get a 100k+ win and compare that to the controller. That feels like improved RTP.
@Tonka please stay factual - insulting each other doesn't help.
@Gamble1 yes sure this is the real deal. He uploaded a video today where he talks for a few minutes roughly the same thing he wrote here before.
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I agree with you that usually a gambling addict doesn't have enough right away but mostly only when all the money is gone or he falls into bed completely exhausted after gambling non-stop but and I noticed this myself in my extreme time when I gambled away thousands of Euros like an idiot - there are also other days when you could manage everything better
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Why the hell would the controller be a fake?
You guys never watched his videos, did you?
Is it so hard for you to believe that there are wealthy gambling addicts out there who are putting all their money into casinos? Are you envious or blinded by the illusion that every gambler must automatically be a poor wretch who can only afford free spins on a 1 cent bet on Book of Dead?
"He's playing with FAKE MONEY!!!"
- No, and it's obvious. The replay function is visible, the demo play is turned off.
"He's paid by the casino!"
- How easy do you actually think it is to get a casino deal like that? How does it work in your mind?
Dear Casino,
I would like to invest many millions of Euros in feature buys to publish dramatically exciting videos of them on YouTube. Would you please fund me to get almost 10,000 people to watch it? You will definitely not regret this obvious losing deal for your casino.
With kind regards
A poor faker who likes to pretend to be rich on the Internet
"He has Affiliate links on his website!"
- So does GambleJoe. Is GambleJoe fake now? By the way, this is the part of the criticism that makes the least sense. After all, it's really hard to negotiate a deal with a casino for a streaming partnership - but in contrast, it's dead easy to join the affiliate program for affiliates. Give it a try. After a few clicks you will have your link.
"He claims he bought parts from a casino, it's not that easy"
- I don't want to give a basic course in economics now, but this much should be said: just because a casino uses the platform of a larger group, it doesn't mean that it can't operate independently and cede certain percentages to investors. What exactly the controller's involvement was, I don't know either. But he always said so transparently, never advertised, and told the whole story more as a side-story.
As a rational, critically thinking person with a preference for gambling, I like the controller because, unlike typical casino influencers, he doesn't scream around as if he had electric eels on his scrotum as soon as a 100x win comes along.
His videos are not highlight clips, mostly you just see him lose. First the money, then the control. These videos are much more honest and ruthless than the controller himself is aware of, I think. They are a testimony. A testimony of a person's self-destruction through addiction.
Just as some posts by particularly "critical thinking" users in this thread are such a testimony.
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The way you write it, you just seem to know very few good streamers. You are constantly comparing the controller with the most dubious streamers. If you take a look at really good streamers, then you will quickly notice the difference and also notice that the controller simply delivers bad content. I can recommend Fruity Slots to you, they stream live on Youtube and when I ask them in the chat if they are in the plus or minus this year, then the answer comes that they are already 80k in the minus this year. They are also quite transparent about whether they play with Bonuses, etc. and play for halfway normal bets.
And why am I so sure about the controller? Well, I know at least with some of his statements that they are 100% lies, like the Winz.io story for example. And if that's already a lie, why should the rest be true?
I also don't even know right now why the discussion here has degenerated so much, because I and probably you and all the others are actually completely indifferent to what some insignificant Youtuber is doing.
And yet, he does advertise. Casinos don't necessarily pay you to keep mentioning the names. It's perfectly fine if he just shows the casino's logo and that's what he's doing.
And his constant mention that he doesn't care about the AFF links, that's advertising too. Advertising doesn't just work by encouraging people to do something. It's also enough if he mentions it at all. That is already advertising.
For example, imagine a video where I'm sitting there with a cigar and a suit, drinking a whiskey and showing the brand of the whiskey to the camera. In this video I mention that alcohol addiction is a very bad thing and that I sometimes drink too much and I urge my viewers not to drink whiskey. And I don't make one video about that, I make hundreds.
You can just as well have the drunkest Youtuber shoot party videos with the same whiskey, while he pukes in the hedge from sheer drunkenness. That, too, is advertising.
Once again, the controller shows the logo of the casino where he plays. Also, he has his own aff page where he always points out in his videos how completely indifferent he is to the aff page he has linked under his video. So folks, don't go to the site and don't play while he's putting out a casino-themed video every week.
Please, don't be so lulled by the simplest marketing gimmicks.
Yes, sometimes you have it a little better under control. But with all his videos and that already for years? For him, 15 minutes of play time every time is enough to satisfy his "addiction"? Sorry, whoever says something like that has no idea what Gambling addiction means.
The guy is a braggart, of which there are hundreds. In the last video he said he was banned from Winz.io. So as a millionaire investor he has no contacts anymore, that he could at least reopen his account? Come on guys, this guy has so many contradictions, you must notice that.
With some games you often also notice that he doesn't even know exactly how they work. And I don't mean new slots, but slots that have been online for a year. The only time the guy gambles is when he is making his recordings for his Youtube videos. The whole thing is image and fake.
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And because he only uploads 15 minutes of video, you know for sure he only gambled for 15 minutes? Because it's magically impossible for him to play when the camera is off?
And of course you also know for sure that every game addict shows exactly the same addiction patterns and always has to play longer than 15 minutes.
On top of that, you're still an expert on corporate holdings in the gambling sector, editor of the Dictionary of Gambling Terms, and a psychologist. Let me guess: You studied at the University of Life, right?
You get completely lost here with bad arguments, but think you alone have total insight. This is frustrating to read. Nothing of it has hand and foot, but you will not be able to recognize that.
These absolute points of view like "This is all image and fake", are nothing more than baseless insinuations. In contrast, there is a whole channel of circumstantial evidence that the controller is not a fake, but an addicted person who deserves our compassion.
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"How easy do you actually think it is to get a casino deal like this? How does it work in your mind?"
The question is more like, how does it go down in your mind? Getting a casino deal is very easy. There are casinos that already knock out a deal with 5,000 followers, but with 10,000 followers you can definitely knock out a halfway good deal. So do you have your "info" first hand, or do you just think it must be totally difficult?
"Did GambleJoe. Is GambleJoe fake now?"
Is Gamblejoe playing for millions on YouTube? Or do you really not realize yourself that your comparison makes no sense at all?
" I don't want to give a basic course in economics now"
Yes, please don't give a basic course in economics, which you probably also made up from some Youtube videos. But please at least tell us how exactly you can get such an investment now and how and why exactly the Austrian state should intervene there. If your answer now is that you don't know that yourself, what exactly do you want to tell us? What argument do you have then, other than that you think it could be either way.
"You are a testimony. A testimony to a person's self-destruction through addiction. Just as some posts by particularly "critical thinking" users in this thread are such a testimony."
If you're referring to me, I'm very much in control of my game. There have been worse times when gaming has cost me a lot, but on average all good. You should save such statements but actually, I can still remember a story here from you that you once stole money to be able to gamble and that you starved for a long time because you gambled away your last cent and also could not afford cigarettes. And I don't even mean that in a derogatory way, because Gambling addiction is nothing to joke about. But in your position, with your history, you should get off your high horse and rather judge yourself than others.
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So the argument with the function is really sorry for the expression shit haha I've been gambling for years now but also do not know all the slots at some Nolimit things must have almost studied to understand the stuff and many old I've never touched I would not check directly
But hey, I know every game that was ever on the Merkur boxes and can disassemble the thing into every screw and reassemble it with one hand on the back
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I've expressed myself a little wrong maybe, I meant a little differently.
But I don't want to say anything more about it now. I really don't care about the guy at all and I've already paid way too much attention to him unnecessarily. In the end, I hope for him that I'm right and that he doesn't play for real money. He won't be able to cope psychologically if he's completely broke at some point and only then realizes how much money he's actually gambled away. If his story is true, he will never get back on his feet. That you become a millionaire with a few hundred with cryptos, these times are over. And there will be nothing comparable in the future.
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Since you don't want to say anything more about the controller, I'll spare myself a continuation of the discussion regarding his authenticity. Nevertheless, you have asked me questions that have nothing to do with him. I would like to answer them.
Yes, you're right. I don't watch many content creators. It's a waste of time. The only one I really follow longer from time to time (for me 30-50 minutes is already long) is an Italian player (Youtube: Spike Slot). Why him and all the others not? He also has his own website, streams on YT + Twitch (so gets additional donations), uploads daily videos etc but he is one like controller uploading reality. Don't lose 200k € in a video /stream, are transparent etc. Are rather high rollers who produce videos for years and also play larger bets for a few years, but these are bets that are not inhumanly high. In the streams is mostly gambled on 10€ and in the videos on 20-25€. Some users here do the same. At least they do not spin with 1,000€, which is simply unbelievable. They also donate 5-10k real money when, for example, any disasters happen (such as this flooding in northern Italy). Of course, the receipt is also posted online, so it's not drivel from them. Hardly any of the "bigger" ones do that. They don't show a logo either, they don't show anything - not even how they type the games in the search bar. They do mention whether they made a loss/profit, but since recently (see below) they have also become more cautious here, since the phrase "today we made a profit" can trigger people. They therefore paraphrase the whole thing as indirectly interpreting how much you won/lost. They no longer give clear figures.
They also got a hefty fine almost a year ago (Google Fined in Italy For Illegal Gambling Ads on YouTube - Casino.org) and fought it. Until today it is still not known how it will finally end. Such things take forever in Italy. Personally, I expect a verdict by 2025 at the earliest, but it can also be later. The fine amounts to 700.000€. I think Google received the other 700k € as a fine. The funny thing is: only he was punished, got his channel closed. All others were allowed to continue uploading videos (typical Italy^^). After 2 weeks he has had enough and has opened a new channel. Originally almost 90k subscriptions, meanwhile the 50k cracked again.
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Casino streamers are pathetic people for me!
They know about the danger of Gambling addiction and pull it hardcore to make a profit!
See Monte or the crazy Knossi!
There is no use even a little hint, play can be addictive!
They go mercilessly their way to earn money or get dubious recognition.
Therefore, each Streamer whether fake or real is the lowest category of people, equal to a drug Dealer who children a free sample underjubelt before school!
Yes everyone is responsible for themselves and everyone has the right to do so, but then he must also live with human contempt and not whine when he is officially approached!
Too bad that me such a bum a la Knossi not even runs across the way!
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I do not divide people into categories, but the abundance of streamers (not as a person, but activity) I see the same.
Just as I do not understand how you can look at the shit. There are so many good series, movies, you can read, playsi gamble, in doubt play slots yourself with play money...to name just a few occupations for home, of real hobbies I do not even start now😂
But well, everyone must know for themselves... 😬
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Having to read this over and over again is so exhausting because it shows that most here have never seen his videos.
He picks a game of his choice, makes some bonus buys, meanwhile talks about the crypto market, the gambling industry or whatever, and then uploads that to YouTube.
The only thing objectionable about it is certainly the gambling. He doesn't directly encourage anyone to do so, warns regularly, but of course sets a bad example.
But to complain as a member of a gambling forum that there are people producing content on gambling is so inane. If it's reprehensible to have Affiliate links on your website and not even promote them, then surely it's equally reprehensible for GambleJoe to have affiliate links (and even promote them).
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Gee bone, I've known your opinion on this for a long time and I'm sure others have too !
Brain burned is already times garnix !
Furthermore, I wish you times to be responsible for children so that you get times ne other dimension of life!
There are now times groups that can not yet protect themselves!
And every streamer or what would like to be spinners that are in my eyes, idenwn st it does not matter whether there are 50 people in Germany because of these idiots addicted!
Whether he earns no money or does not want comments is completely irrelevant, these people provoke that someone gets into danger and not one of them thinks about it!
Such people then still to defend is already strange, if your great not streamer or whatever he wants to represent no one wants to entice, then he can but also Biene Maja run in the background and talk about crypto!
Is yet undisputed that such birds as Knossi or monte, young people have led into dependence!
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