Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
20th Feb. 2022, at 09:09 pm CET#84
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Julian wrote on 20.02.2022 at 18:34 Clock
Can I understand on the one hand, because it is aufjedenfall a different feeling to play at the machine than sitting alone at home in front of the screen. - Every player has different preferences.
But related to the 5 sec. rule, how is it currently in the arcades? the last time I was about 1-2 years ago in Germany and in a game, I had to wait for what felt like an hour until 10 € on the box was booked over
Do you get used to it after a while?
I myself could not do that to me, for example, and therefore fled directly after a few minutes,
if then I would want to go at all only in a real casino.
Yes, it is already annoying and then especially the story that you do not necessarily want to wait so long until the Zwanni is booked up. One plays thus involuntarily smaller stakes, while the coal over-books (in the hope that from the Zwanni also a Zwanni becomes) and already is from the Zwanni a Zehner become, with which one with a somewhat higher employment also nix gets etc..
On the other hand, I have autoplay, max. 2 Eur and no 5 seconds nonsense... Ultimately, it is a matter of which evil you consider to be lesser. For me personally, with the new rules my OC game is dead and it saves me a lot of money
Had today 2 notifications received from two casinos, I signed up and wrote in the chat but please delete my account and do not bother me anymore, with their SMS offers to lure players again
CashOut wrote on 28.02.2022 at 03:27: Had today 2 notifications received from two casinos, I have logged in and written in the chat but times please delete my account and do not bother me anymore, with their SMS offers to lure players again.
I am now unfortunately also spammed by several casinos, seem me probably where wrong to have registered.... Unsubscribe brings unfortunately also nix, then there are only more messages.
Felixrl wrote on 28.02.2022 at 08:59
I am now unfortunately also spammed by several casinos, I seem to have registered somewhere wrong.... Unsubscribe brings unfortunately also nix, then it only more messages.
With me also really funny are still those where a 300% to 5000 € offer or predict today is my lucky day and I should but please click on the link to play my 500 € cash haha
I still do not play a single game, I have not spent a cent since 09.12.21 which is now 5 months. Remarkable, I still do not miss it very much. Now and then the thought comes up so briefly but then it is also directly gone again
I am no longer interested in the whole subject of gambling, why that is suddenly so I do not know but it is good so.
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Former Member
Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
20th Oct. 2022, at 07:56 am CEST#90
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So dear ones, after eternities of losses, except for once, where I've won something good, I join you (those who want to stop) now. I have the gammix stalls so much coal in the throat shoved, then lately at N1, hoping they would be better, but pustekuchen. Picked up a 25 Paysafe last night, of course it disappeared into thin air within not even 10 minutes, but what can I say - I was kinda happy to have lost .... Suddenly had this urge to try again to let it be. I have to say, I tried to quit before, it just worked for 3 months and then out of nowhere I was too sure and thought "oh come on, you can Deposit 10s".... Zack is one again in it. So for me there is only the option: gamble until there is nothing left, or: do without completely. After 12 years of gambling, a lot of things have burned in... I did it the same way with smoking... I tried to quit countless times, but it was always just a few days until I fell off the wagon and suddenly the day came when I didn't want to know anything about smoking anymore... but I smoked a lot and for a long time. And there was only one option for me, not to touch any more. I had this pride in me when I tried to stop gambling, this feeling of freedom, you don't constantly have the pressure to gamble again and make up for the last evening, to quickly go to the gas station before it closes to get another Paysafe and so on. What has shaken me very much, the introspection, as I have partly talked to people when I was losing / have lost. Terrible. That is clearly addiction. And in my opinion, many more should admit to themselves that an addiction exists in them and not talk it up. I have a good friend who stopped gambling a few months ago, is proud as wood and now? Now she buttert monthly a huge part of her salary in the lottery tickets. It really makes me want to puke... I finally want to be free and live a self-determined life and not let any addiction or compulsion dictate when and for what I spend my money and I want to be able to control my emotions myself. If you really think about your gambling behavior and look back over the last few years, it's amazing. You could almost cry. I will continue to stay in this forum, because it does me good, just reading the contributions from you. I did the same when I stopped smoking. I hope I was able to inspire one or the other to think a little with my contribution, although of course everyone has to find and go their own way and make their own decisions. Without own will nothing goes there. Where there is a will, there is a way. Let's tackle it
Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
20th Oct. 2022, at 08:53 am CEST#91
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Julez wrote on 20.10.2022 at 07:56 clock: So you dears, after ages of losses, except for once, where I have times well what won, I join you (those who want to stop) now. I have the gammix stalls so much coal in the throat shoved, then lately at N1, hoping they would be better, but pustekuchen. Picked up a 25 Paysafe last night, of course it disappeared into thin air within not even 10 minutes, but what can I say - I was kinda happy to have lost .... Suddenly had this urge to try again to let it be. I have to say, I tried to quit before, it just worked for 3 months and then out of nowhere I was too sure and thought "oh come on, you can Deposit 10s".... Zack is one again in it. So for me there is only the option: gamble until there is nothing left, or: do without completely. After 12 years of gambling, a lot of things have burned in... I did the same with smoking... I tried to quit a few times, but it was always just a few days until I fell off the wagon and suddenly the day came when I didn't want to know anything about smoking anymore... but I smoked a lot and for a long time. And there was only one option for me: not to touch any more. I had this pride in me when I tried to stop gambling, this feeling of freedom, you don't constantly have the pressure to gamble again and make up for the last evening, to quickly go to the gas station before it closes to get another Paysafe and so on. What has shaken me very much, the introspection, as I have partly talked to people when I was losing / have lost. Terrible. This is clearly addiction. And in my opinion, many more should admit to themselves that an addiction exists in them and not talk it up. I have a good friend who stopped gambling a few months ago, is proud as wood and now? Now she buttert monthly a huge part of her salary in the lottery tickets. It really makes me want to puke... I finally want to be free and live a self-determined life and not let any addiction or compulsion dictate when and for what I spend my money and I want to be able to control my emotions myself. If you really think about your gambling behavior and look back over the last few years, it's amazing. You could almost cry. I will continue to stay in this forum, because it does me good, just reading the contributions from you. I did the same when I stopped smoking. I hope I was able to inspire one or the other to think a little with my contribution, although of course everyone has to find and go their own way and make their own decisions. Without own will nothing goes there. Where there is a will, there is a way. Let's do it
Can understand you completely, it's just lousy when the search controls your mind and body and you yourself is just the shell.
Since I have tried it very often alone to stop but had always suffered relapses, I now go another way, am now in a long-term therapy, the addiction may and should not determine me and my feelings.
The clinic where I am is great, but unfortunately I am the only one who is here because of gambling, but that does not matter addiction is addiction.
In the time I've been here I've met so many interesting people and it's so liberating to be able to talk so openly, to cry and let your feelings out is also something wonderful and has nothing to do with weakness but rather with strength.
Emotion and this to interpret is just important and should not be suppressed, what must come out must just times.
If you want you can write me and I nen you the clinic in which I am
The first time it was hard but I was well received and have now arrived and feel very comfortable and work hard on me so that this section of life ends and I can start with what is important to me, and that is certainly not the machine or gambling, I'm still at the beginning and have to work a lot on me but who wants it can make it, with help and support, everything goes, only alone it is difficult but there are also sure to lead it sheep.
You should assess yourself what you need, I have mentally adjusted to this moment here and think only of me because it is important to work only on himself and his search more does not count for me.
Wish you the best that you pull it through this time much success on your way
Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
20th Oct. 2022, at 08:58 am CEST#92
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Whether you can equate quitting smoking with quitting gambling I doubt very much.
Smoking ok ... (I also smoked for a long time and quit) - and actually a little willpower on my part was enough, -and the thing was through.
But addiction, explicitly Gambling addiction, is a completely different matter
It may be that it works occasionally with willpower, but so my experience, 99.9% will fail miserably with "only" willpower
Better would / should you - is of course up to you - take help to implement your plan
Where you can get help you (if that comes into question for you) you can google.
I've been gambling since 2005 and have accumulated a loss of about 30-40k. So in principle it was a waste of time and money.
What keeps me going are the memories of the Big Wins that I had in between, which always gives me the motivation to win again...
Last year I had a real downswing so that I even decided to block my betting account, with OASIS, thought nothing of it... and then I realized after 2 weeks that I could no longer gamble, nowhere, just because of OASIS. But somehow this lock has really kept me from gambling and it was times 1 year zockfrei. Was also once again ne new experience.
But I'm honest, I let myself unlock again because I also want to play Poker again online to grind a few tournaments. So completely without gambling it goes with me unfortunately not yet. Even if the facts speak clearly against a continuation of this "career".
But I've always been a gambler, even as a 10-year-old I threw 5 marks into a Slot machine and got 120 DM back with the first push. That was probably not a good decision in retrospect......
Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Yes, it is already annoying and then especially the story that you do not necessarily want to wait so long until the Zwanni is booked up. One plays thus involuntarily smaller stakes, while the coal over-books (in the hope that from the Zwanni also a Zwanni becomes) and already is from the Zwanni a Zehner become, with which one with a somewhat higher employment also nix gets etc..
On the other hand, I have autoplay, max. 2 Eur and no 5 seconds nonsense... Ultimately, it is a matter of which evil you consider to be lesser. For me personally, with the new rules my OC game is dead and it saves me a lot of money
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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I am now unfortunately also spammed by several casinos, seem me probably where wrong to have registered.... Unsubscribe brings unfortunately also nix, then there are only more messages.
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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With me also really funny are still those where a 300% to 5000 € offer or predict today is my lucky day and I should but please click on the link to play my 500 € cash haha
Trash and good is
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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I still do not play a single game, I have not spent a cent since 09.12.21 which is now 5 months. Remarkable, I still do not miss it very much. Now and then the thought comes up so briefly but then it is also directly gone again
I am no longer interested in the whole subject of gambling, why that is suddenly so I do not know but it is good so.
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Can understand you completely, it's just lousy when the search controls your mind and body and you yourself is just the shell.
Since I have tried it very often alone to stop but had always suffered relapses, I now go another way, am now in a long-term therapy, the addiction may and should not determine me and my feelings.
The clinic where I am is great, but unfortunately I am the only one who is here because of gambling, but that does not matter addiction is addiction.
In the time I've been here I've met so many interesting people and it's so liberating to be able to talk so openly, to cry and let your feelings out is also something wonderful and has nothing to do with weakness but rather with strength.
Emotion and this to interpret is just important and should not be suppressed, what must come out must just times.
If you want you can write me and I nen you the clinic in which I am
The first time it was hard but I was well received and have now arrived and feel very comfortable and work hard on me so that this section of life ends and I can start with what is important to me, and that is certainly not the machine or gambling, I'm still at the beginning and have to work a lot on me but who wants it can make it, with help and support, everything goes, only alone it is difficult but there are also sure to lead it sheep.
You should assess yourself what you need, I have mentally adjusted to this moment here and think only of me because it is important to work only on himself and his search more does not count for me.
Wish you the best that you pull it through this time much success on your way
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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Smoking ok ... (I also smoked for a long time and quit) - and actually a little willpower on my part was enough, -and the thing was through.
But addiction, explicitly Gambling addiction, is a completely different matter
It may be that it works occasionally with willpower, but so my experience, 99.9% will fail miserably with "only" willpower
Better would / should you - is of course up to you - take help to implement your plan
Where you can get help you (if that comes into question for you) you can google.
Otherwise I wish you much success.
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Who will also stop online casino from the year 2022?
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I've been gambling since 2005 and have accumulated a loss of about 30-40k. So in principle it was a waste of time and money.
What keeps me going are the memories of the Big Wins that I had in between, which always gives me the motivation to win again...
Last year I had a real downswing so that I even decided to block my betting account, with OASIS, thought nothing of it... and then I realized after 2 weeks that I could no longer gamble, nowhere, just because of OASIS. But somehow this lock has really kept me from gambling and it was times 1 year zockfrei. Was also once again ne new experience.
But I'm honest, I let myself unlock again because I also want to play Poker again online to grind a few tournaments. So completely without gambling it goes with me unfortunately not yet. Even if the facts speak clearly against a continuation of this "career".
But I've always been a gambler, even as a 10-year-old I threw 5 marks into a Slot machine and got 120 DM back with the first push. That was probably not a good decision in retrospect......
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