Gambling addiction with a large mountain of Debt ... la la 👹because there are just too many already in the forum 😡This is about gambling and not always just about gambling addiction 🕵️♂️
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
11th Apr. 2019, at 08:09 pm CEST#23
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sonne10 wrote on 04/11/2019 at 8:00 pm: Gambling addiction with big Debt mountain .. la la 👹because there are just too many already in the forum 😡This is abouts gambling and not always just about gambling addiction 🕵️♂️
And then why don't you care about the 98% of threads that are about gambling and let him have his video? Or does this thread bother you? 😲👽😾
sonne10 wrote on 04/11/2019 at 20:00: Gambling addiction with big Debt mountain .. la la 👹because there are just too many already in the forum 😡This is abouts gambling and not always just about gambling addiction 🕵️♂️
not only, but there are enough who don't have it under control. Don't you think it's important to warn other people with preventive projects dafor? But well, everyone has his opinion. I do not intend any bad intentions with it...
sonne10 wrote on 11.04.2019 at 20:00: Gambling addiction with a large mountain of Debt .. la la 👹because there are simply already too many in the forum 😡Here it's abouts gambling and not always only about gambling addiction 🕵️♂️
Both Belongs but together from theher it is more than right that is written / spoken about it.
Yep, that's right. We cleared it and I would still be happy if it works out
I want to leave the past behind and not play anymore, hence a new account - just for my new project.
You want to leave the past behind you????? Such a thing can only come from an addict Honestly - you will never forget an addiction or leave it behind. Lid closed and gone or what?
What about the people who suffered from the addiction that you disappointed. You were a teacher weren't you? How many of your students did you disappoint? You were a bad role model because you turned on a video before the vacations and then gambled on your smartphone. Why don't you get started? Show a video on your YT channel about your own problems. How to win 16,000€ on Jack and the Beanstalk. Here nen big barrel because of the amount of the win opens and then slowly totally turns off.
Didn't you criticize Hammerdammer for his addiction? Do you remember that one, you opened a can of worms because of such a small amount. Were there already financial problems or what?
No .... Man, shame on you. First bragging about wins, then slipping into Gambling addiction as a teacher and now wanting to close your own past. These are people who really stand by their mistakes. And now they want to get approval from others for an addiction project, even though they don't want to talk about their addiction themselves. This is what good educators stand for. I hope the school at least made sure that you will never be allowed to teach students again, anything else would be really negligent.
No, it's clear that you went from being Saul to Paul, and the back story should remain just as legendary. But it's nice that all the addicts keep coming back. That makes everything funnier here
I would also, if I were doing a project on alcohol addiction, interview my former Spritty colleagues in front of the discount store instead of going after those who have successfully gone through therapy and have been sober for 10 years or more. It really makes sense. And you can get super hooked on a new drink!
You want to leave the past behind????? Something like that can only come from an addict Honestly - you will never be able to forget or leave an addiction behind. Lid closed and gone or what?
What about the people who suffered from the addiction that you disappointed. You were a teacher weren't you? How many of your students did you disappoint? You were a bad role model because you turned on a video before the vacations and then gambled on your smartphone. Why don't you get started? Show a video on your YT channel about your own problems. How to win 16,000€ on Jack and the Beanstalk. Here nen big barrel because of the amount of the win opens and then slowly totally turns off.
Didn't you criticize Hammerdammer for his addiction? Do you remember that one, you opened a can of worms because of such a small amount. Were there already financial problems or what?
No .... Man, shame on you. First bragging about wins, then slipping into Gambling addiction as a teacher and now wanting to close your own past. These are people who really stand by their mistakes. And now they want to get approval from others for an addiction project, even though they don't want to talk about the addiction themselves. This is what good educators stand for. I hope the school at least made sure that you will never be allowed to teach students again, anything else would be really negligent.
No, it's clear that you went from being Saul to Paul, and the back story should remain just as legendary. But it's nice that all the addicts keep coming back. That makes everything funnier here
I would also, if I were doing a project on alcohol addiction, interview my former Spritty colleagues in front of the discount store instead of going after those who have successfully gone through therapy and have been sober for 10 years or more. It really makes sense. And you can get super hooked on a new drink!
So cherrio You made my day.
Why are you attacking him personally now? He has already talked about it if you know so much about it and now wants to warn others against the same mistake. That's how it goes almost everywhere, by the way.
Parents also often warn the children, precisely because they already have this experience. I do not think that the TE thereby someone what evil wants or would like to feast on the suffering of others.
Whereas I personally feel such addiction videos for prevention only partly useful. They are usually somewhere on the net and you many here have seen before the start of Zockens such a video? Exactly, hardly anyone, you deal with it only if you are already in it. Therefore, posters that point to it, short events, ... are not so stupid.
It will have nevertheless always only a limited effect. Because the human being is curious and wants to make the experience itself, with some the game only paddles out after years, with others in few weeks. As soon as you see the game as a potential problem solver and start to trust that it will return something big, you willingly throw money in regularly
One evening things go badly but something has to come back. You throw in more and more, with each time stopping now becomes more difficult. The plundering of the account begins and the sweating of the body starts. If something comes nevertheless still is paid out or one plays on Risk and reduces here even again the chance well to come out. But if nothing comes, then you try to suppress this disgusting feeling similar to after you have gambled away a big win.
there I do not know exactly where to start, I'll try to be brief (edit: did not quite work) 😄
1.) What would your employer say about this, or any other employers for that matter, if you gamble? I mean, everyone works somewhere, somehow usually. A friend of mine is doing therapy right now and told me that really ALL social and societal classes are represented there...bankers, teachers, housewives, etc.
2.) why are you attacking me directly personally? I say myself that all this superficial and boastful talk about winning etc led to my addiction in the first place (but I stand by it, also talk to friends and family about it and know it myself!) - I know e.g. why I did all this and my "creative output" in combination with self-therapeutic elements is my way to deal with it.
I am not "back" as an addict who wants to gamble again but because of my idea with the interviews.
3.) Why should it be bad to interview people with the same/similar problems? I think that it can have a preventive effect or at least (as someone here already said) be helpful for the affected persons themselves
4.) I agree with you on one point - I will probably always or for a long time have to struggle with the consequences of addiction or have thoughts of gambling - but I also face the issue (in my own way)
5.) What has hammerdammer to do with it? That's another topic and the way he behaved, there was every reason to be a bit p**sed off (no matter how high the sum was).
Actually I wanted to avoid exactly something like that here, personal and negative comments that have nothing to do with the actual matter.
Am out - who is seriously interested in communication, please use the communicator for evtl appointment. Thank you 🙏
Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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sorry, was off topic...or do you have something against the project?
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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And then why don't you care about the 98% of threads that are about gambling and let him have his video? Or does this thread bother you? 😲👽😾
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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not only, but there are enough who don't have it under control. Don't you think it's important to warn other people with preventive projects dafor? But well, everyone has his opinion. I do not intend any bad intentions with it...
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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you are welcome to close it and who is really interested in my idea:
get in touch in the Communicator and I come to you around (direction Hessen gladly also *grins*). Look forward to it...
Best regards
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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interesting topic
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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Both Belongs but together from theher it is more than right that is written / spoken about it.
Personally, I am not yet ready to participate.
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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You want to leave the past behind you????? Such a thing can only come from an addict Honestly - you will never forget an addiction or leave it behind. Lid closed and gone or what?
What about the people who suffered from the addiction that you disappointed. You were a teacher weren't you? How many of your students did you disappoint? You were a bad role model because you turned on a video before the vacations and then gambled on your smartphone. Why don't you get started? Show a video on your YT channel about your own problems. How to win 16,000€ on Jack and the Beanstalk. Here nen big barrel because of the amount of the win opens and then slowly totally turns off.
Didn't you criticize Hammerdammer for his addiction? Do you remember that one, you opened a can of worms because of such a small amount. Were there already financial problems or what?
No .... Man, shame on you. First bragging about wins, then slipping into Gambling addiction as a teacher and now wanting to close your own past. These are people who really stand by their mistakes. And now they want to get approval from others for an addiction project, even though they don't want to talk about their addiction themselves. This is what good educators stand for. I hope the school at least made sure that you will never be allowed to teach students again, anything else would be really negligent.
No, it's clear that you went from being Saul to Paul, and the back story should remain just as legendary. But it's nice that all the addicts keep coming back. That makes everything funnier here
I would also, if I were doing a project on alcohol addiction, interview my former Spritty colleagues in front of the discount store instead of going after those who have successfully gone through therapy and have been sober for 10 years or more. It really makes sense. And you can get super hooked on a new drink!
So cherrio You made my day.
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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Why are you attacking him personally now? He has already talked about it if you know so much about it and now wants to warn others against the same mistake. That's how it goes almost everywhere, by the way.
Parents also often warn the children, precisely because they already have this experience. I do not think that the TE thereby someone what evil wants or would like to feast on the suffering of others.
Whereas I personally feel such addiction videos for prevention only partly useful. They are usually somewhere on the net and you many here have seen before the start of Zockens such a video? Exactly, hardly anyone, you deal with it only if you are already in it. Therefore, posters that point to it, short events, ... are not so stupid.
It will have nevertheless always only a limited effect. Because the human being is curious and wants to make the experience itself, with some the game only paddles out after years, with others in few weeks. As soon as you see the game as a potential problem solver and start to trust that it will return something big, you willingly throw money in regularly
One evening things go badly but something has to come back. You throw in more and more, with each time stopping now becomes more difficult. The plundering of the account begins and the sweating of the body starts. If something comes nevertheless still is paid out or one plays on Risk and reduces here even again the chance well to come out. But if nothing comes, then you try to suppress this disgusting feeling similar to after you have gambled away a big win.
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Video Project Theme Series Addiction
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there I do not know exactly where to start, I'll try to be brief (edit: did not quite work) 😄
1.) What would your employer say about this, or any other employers for that matter, if you gamble? I mean, everyone works somewhere, somehow usually. A friend of mine is doing therapy right now and told me that really ALL social and societal classes are represented there...bankers, teachers, housewives, etc.
2.) why are you attacking me directly personally? I say myself that all this superficial and boastful talk about winning etc led to my addiction in the first place (but I stand by it, also talk to friends and family about it and know it myself!) - I know e.g. why I did all this and my "creative output" in combination with self-therapeutic elements is my way to deal with it.
I am not "back" as an addict who wants to gamble again but because of my idea with the interviews.
3.) Why should it be bad to interview people with the same/similar problems? I think that it can have a preventive effect or at least (as someone here already said) be helpful for the affected persons themselves
4.) I agree with you on one point - I will probably always or for a long time have to struggle with the consequences of addiction or have thoughts of gambling - but I also face the issue (in my own way)
5.) What has hammerdammer to do with it? That's another topic and the way he behaved, there was every reason to be a bit p**sed off (no matter how high the sum was).
Actually I wanted to avoid exactly something like that here, personal and negative comments that have nothing to do with the actual matter.
Am out - who is seriously interested in communication, please use the communicator for evtl appointment. Thank you 🙏
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