Yes, I signed up specifically just for this post. But I have been a reader for a long time. Ultimately, the thread about Casumo and the proof of income required for a payout was decisive. But that is ultimately only the hanger to this post. I hope that the thread will not be deleted. Even though it is admittedly not conducive to the Gamblejoe business model. But I consider it an absolute duty, especially for sites like Gamblejoe, to point out dangers. I hope you see it that way too.
I don't want to spoil gambling for anyone, but there are a few things you should know, which in my opinion are not mentioned enough here and are sometimes even talked down.
Playing in Online Casinos is becoming more and more of a time bomb, and I'm not talking about the Risk of gambling addiction. I am talking about the development in the legal field and the future of online casinos. There are now so many traps that one should simply be aware of, I would like to call here for an open and realistic discussion about this complex of issues:
source-of-wealth (SOW) claim
The Casumo case is not a one-off. Since last year, at least for players from the UK, it has become common practice for casinos to require proof of income for certain payouts. This will - as you can see - also gradually come for German players. It is not only the amount of the payout that is decisive, the requirement can also be triggered by the number of deposits or the deviation from regular Deposit patterns etc. How the individual casinos deal with this policy is unknown. Especially for self-employed or players without regular income, this can be an insurmountable hurdle.
Account closures at German banks
This also happens more often since this year. There are already a few threads here from those affected and there will be more. Banks must not knowingly support online gambling that is against the law. There is also the money laundering issue. Currently, the credit un ions seem to be leading the way, but the rest of the banks will follow. Anyone who still believes that payments via third-party providers such as Skrill, PayPal, etc. disguise the destination of the payments or origin is mistaken. Some of the banks are already sensitive to this or will be. Every player is currently risking the closure of their account. I quite understand that this is not really considered a big risk at the moment. However, "Trust, look who!" is especially true here
Get smart about how your house bank deals with this issue!
Money Laundering
There is currently this one case here on the forum. A player was sued after a major win on suspicion of money laundering. Certainly a very small threat. And this threatens probably - currently - only if the player does not explain to the bank where the money comes from. However, it is uncertain what reputation can be lost vis-à-vis the bank or the authorities. (Scoring)
Casino Slots RTP
A long discussed topic. The fact is that the changing tax conditions and the tighter requirements for properly licensed casinos will reduce the win of the casinos. You can see where this leads. It is no secret that various slot providers - first and foremost Play'n'go - offer their slots with different RTP. It can be read openly that even renowned casinos such as Videoslots have already switched to slot versions with lower RTP. from my point of view a disaster for players. Because it is not communicated to the players beforehand! But Play'n'go is only one example
Casino Bonuses
No secret: the Bonuses are getting less and the conditions worse. Why, see the section on RTP above: casinos are currently being cut in the win. In principle, an awarded bonus costs the casino money. This cuts into the casino's win. It's not just about the player's loss to the casino, but also costs associated with bonuses. More support, more programming, more control is needed from the casino side. long story short: more employees are needed. They cost the casino money and reduce the win
These were just the most important issues that I have noticed in recent months
For me personally, this means that I say goodbye to the world of online casinos. Or I have already done that
I would like to say again clearly that I do not want to spoil anyone's gambling and do not call for it. I also find the work of Gamblejoe generally good, but this also includes not to suppress these issues. On the contrary, one should even promote the discussion on this to keep every player and customer not only in the short term, but also in the long term.
Hey I like your contribution well and I also find it important that times to put openly. Just at the point RTP I still think of something very current. I have played the days for a long time again at Videoslots and now know why I have not done that for a long time. I have long played on 5-10 lines and when the money went down and I noticed it just does not run, switched down. The first time from 10 to 5 lines. Right after that 5 explorers came on line 7 - so not hit. Ok off, later I played normally on 5 lines and because nothing ran I wanted to play briefly for a few spins on 1 line 2 cents. Directly free spins came, full screen jackal. The next day again turned on played on 5 lines. Then again briefly went on a line, because I thought so a bad luck that now again something comes on the other lines can not have. And what happened? Directly again 5 explorers in line 5. Can this still be coincidence? I do not think so! I have only experienced this at Videoslots and nowhere else! Therefore, I believe that there is not only screwed on the RTP. So that had to get out
that good winning pictures come in on not activated win lines is intentional and hardcoded. called the "near-miss-effect".
this is supposed to subconsciously trigger you to play the slot longer. always hoping to get the "near-win" on an activated payline.
you can assume with 100% certainty that if you had activated the line on which the 5 explorers came in, they would not have come in.
do not be blinded by these "near-miss" pictures.
Marqes wrote on 04/12/2019 at 11:11 am: Thank you for this thread.
I look forward to lively participation.
You are right about everything. And that you stopped gambling, thumbs up!
Love greetings
I would like to write something about me. This is not a thread of a frustrated gambler, who has played himself to the head and neck.
I play in Online Casinos for about 15 years. I've been through just about everything that can be done. I've fallen into bonus traps, had to fight for payouts, had big wins and of course losses. The whole program. But I always enjoyed the game itself. However, I have also never played beyond my means. There are and never have been unpaid bills or financial problems from gambling. But certainly I have lost a lot over the years. That does not remain out
The fact that I stopped gambling is simply because of the lost fun. I have found myself thinking about the above issues before each deposit...
- am i depositing from my account?
- why does PayPal not work anymore?
- what if a SOW is required when making a withdrawal?
- what if my house bank asks where the money comes from?
- which slots are still running with normal RTP?
- etc....
Little by little I played less and less, smaller and smaller stakes because I was almost afraid of a big win. And now for a few weeks no longer at all.
Here I would like to discuss therefore not at all about losses etc., but much rather about the bold marked topics from the first post. It should not be about specific casinos, specific slots or manufacturers. But rather about the overall situation and the partly new risks that everyone consciously or unconsciously takes.
I say quite unproductive to it who still believes in coincidence has been blinded.
It looks like a coincidence for us and for the operators it is definitely not.
A good example:
Book of Dead ran for weeks not to hardly, the day before yesterday I see within an hour here 3 new images from BoD with big wins
So quickly deposited on 4 casinos a 25 and behold books without end wins bubble.
A good hour later, the magic was over since then BoD runs everywhere again lousy, short win and then downhill as always stop.
I think the operators see very well that BoD was unpopular and have times briefly a chunk of money rausgehauen to make advertising again.
I for one am absolutely sure that the slots are controlled, it gives us of course the coincidence if one is at the right time of the payout in the right place
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Former Member
The slow demise
12th Apr. 2019, at 12:22 pm CEST#7
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Well, the gambling business turns over billions. I think it's a bit exaggerated to talk about a "death" just because Germany, for example, is too stupid to create a sensible regulation like the ones that are common in other countries
I also gamble online for over 15 years. Started at Pokerstars with the Poker and for some time I also play the slots on various sites. House bank etc. does not really interest me, because I have an account at an on-site bank for such cases and additionally use PayPal and Skrill to separate the whole thing as much as possible. Of course I let caution prevail and use the Skrill card to pay out larger wins in cash, then stuff them next door in cash into the Deposit machine. Takes 3 min and my walk to the bank is a good 5 min. It keeps me fit and I get some fresh air on the side. The self-service area of my bank is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., so I have a large time window for my transactions.
My house bank doesn't know anything about such things, except that I transfer the "laundered money" from one bank to another.
hm you write that you withdraw larger wins with the Skrill card and then Deposit them in cash at your house bank.
but doesn't your house bank ask itself where the wad of cash comes from?
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Former Member
The slow demise
12th Apr. 2019, at 01:03 pm CEST#9
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My house bank only gets money via bank transfer from another German bank at my place. My Wald und Wiesenbank doesn't really care, they are just happy that I kept my account there. I am also deliberately careful. I usually make deposits in 500 Euro increments, every few days. In addition, I hoard a bit of cash under the apple tree in the garden. Pssst! That the 500 euro bills are abolished, however, makes me sweat a little
Thank you for the post. Why should it be deleted? No insults, no spam and also legally I see nothing that would force us to remove your post.
The proof of income is unfortunately a normal procedure. You have to present this to all financial service providers for higher Deposit amounts and it has not only something to do with online gambling. Personally, I do not think much of money laundering laws or their implementation, as this is an annoying and unpleasant matter for 99% of non-criminals. The state's surveillance and control is getting worse and worse.
That with the notice of the accounts and/or the one account, as well as the thing with the criminal procedures and/or THE one opened criminal procedure are extremely rare individual cases. With the opened criminal procedure, if the concerning one strives for a lawyer, to safety bordering probability is stopped and/or at the latest in the second instance to be acquitted. The proceedings are also nothing new. This already happened in 2015, when a master painter was convicted by a Munich district court under §285 of the German Criminal Code (StGB), but acquitted by the Munich regional court in the second instance.
In this case, I am also beginning to doubt, since the person concerned has not reported back and apparently does not want to take help. I was the days in Munich and have the person concerned offered me with the specialist lawyer to meet. We also offered to pay for the initial consultation and any further costs and to support the person concerned. Also here so far no answer. We do not know whether the person concerned has taken any action or not. I find this a bit strange.
Also that with the lowering of the RTP are so far also individual cases and these were announced before ( at least by Videoslots ). We hope, of course, that they remain isolated cases. The RTP's of a few game manufacturers so far have also not been lowered to game store level (between 70% and 80%), but are still well above 90%.
I have already commented on the other topics many times: The market will find a way in the long run anyway - even if these individual cases become more - which I do not assume.
First of all, there are already alternatives as far as banks are concerned. Simply open an account abroad. This has several advantages:
You keep a better overview if you have your own gambler account. This can help to avoid control losses.
The account of the house bank looks "cleaner", which can give you a plus point in a future loan application.
It is always good to spread your Risk and not have all your funds in one bank domestically.
Currently, the following foreign banks are recommended (the further ahead, the more recommended from my point of view):
The Online Casinos, which are licensed within the EU, operate completely legally (a few, few exceptions confirm the rule). These casinos abide by money laundering laws, use original software and adhere to the requirements of the respective regulatory authorities.
However, there are also online casinos that operate without a license and / or with fake software and there are online casinos overseas where organized crime has its fingers in the pie. These will not care about bans and also try to trick the banks. There are no limits to the imagination here
If not only the states, but also the banks cause problems, criminals could, for example, set up a dummy company that officially has nothing to do with gambling and accept payments from players via this company.
If the game manufacturers withdraw, then just the plagiarisms are played. These already exist today and can hardly be distinguished from the originals. Of course, players then no longer have any certainty that the RTP is correct or that the gameplay is really random.
And even if every single one of the millions of players in Germany should get into legal trouble, there is still the Pandora's box that could open. It was an idea I had years ago and which is currently being developed or in principle already available. So far, everything is still legal, but if that changes, then it is irreversibly over with player and youth protection. However, players who are of age and not addicted to gambling will benefit massively from this.
A real ban would only make things worse. You can't ban digital goods in 2019 - it doesn't even work properly with physical goods. You can regulate it so that pathological gamblers can protect themselves effectively without restricting the "normal" gamblers. That's the only way that benefits everyone:
The state: through higher tax revenues
Pathological gamblers: Through a central (preferably Europe-wide) blocking system
Young people: Through identity Verification before the first deposit.
Average players: Through a large, regulated but unrestricted supply.
The only ones who would not benefit from this on the German market are the old gambling companies, which are not up to the competition, have hardly any international significance, but have a virtual monopoly in the gaming arcade sector. But in the long run, it won't do them any good either, since you can't force people to use their services.
The slow demise
Liked this post: Anonym, Anonym,
I don't want to spoil gambling for anyone, but there are a few things you should know, which in my opinion are not mentioned enough here and are sometimes even talked down.
Playing in Online Casinos is becoming more and more of a time bomb, and I'm not talking about the Risk of gambling addiction. I am talking about the development in the legal field and the future of online casinos. There are now so many traps that one should simply be aware of, I would like to call here for an open and realistic discussion about this complex of issues:
source-of-wealth (SOW) claim
The Casumo case is not a one-off. Since last year, at least for players from the UK, it has become common practice for casinos to require proof of income for certain payouts. This will - as you can see - also gradually come for German players. It is not only the amount of the payout that is decisive, the requirement can also be triggered by the number of deposits or the deviation from regular Deposit patterns etc. How the individual casinos deal with this policy is unknown. Especially for self-employed or players without regular income, this can be an insurmountable hurdle.
Account closures at German banks
This also happens more often since this year. There are already a few threads here from those affected and there will be more. Banks must not knowingly support online gambling that is against the law. There is also the money laundering issue. Currently, the credit un ions seem to be leading the way, but the rest of the banks will follow. Anyone who still believes that payments via third-party providers such as Skrill, PayPal, etc. disguise the destination of the payments or origin is mistaken. Some of the banks are already sensitive to this or will be. Every player is currently risking the closure of their account. I quite understand that this is not really considered a big risk at the moment. However, "Trust, look who!" is especially true here
Get smart about how your house bank deals with this issue!
Money Laundering
There is currently this one case here on the forum. A player was sued after a major win on suspicion of money laundering. Certainly a very small threat. And this threatens probably - currently - only if the player does not explain to the bank where the money comes from. However, it is uncertain what reputation can be lost vis-à-vis the bank or the authorities. (Scoring)
Casino Slots RTP
A long discussed topic. The fact is that the changing tax conditions and the tighter requirements for properly licensed casinos will reduce the win of the casinos. You can see where this leads. It is no secret that various slot providers - first and foremost Play'n'go - offer their slots with different RTP. It can be read openly that even renowned casinos such as Videoslots have already switched to slot versions with lower RTP. from my point of view a disaster for players. Because it is not communicated to the players beforehand! But Play'n'go is only one example
Casino Bonuses
No secret: the Bonuses are getting less and the conditions worse. Why, see the section on RTP above: casinos are currently being cut in the win. In principle, an awarded bonus costs the casino money. This cuts into the casino's win. It's not just about the player's loss to the casino, but also costs associated with bonuses. More support, more programming, more control is needed from the casino side. long story short: more employees are needed. They cost the casino money and reduce the win
These were just the most important issues that I have noticed in recent months
For me personally, this means that I say goodbye to the world of online casinos. Or I have already done that
I would like to say again clearly that I do not want to spoil anyone's gambling and do not call for it. I also find the work of Gamblejoe generally good, but this also includes not to suppress these issues. On the contrary, one should even promote the discussion on this to keep every player and customer not only in the short term, but also in the long term.
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The slow demise
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The slow demise
Liked this post: Anonym,
I look forward to lively participation.
You are right about everything.
And that you stopped gambling, thumbs up!
Love greetings
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The slow demise
Liked this post: Anonym,
that good winning pictures come in on not activated win lines is intentional and hardcoded. called the "near-miss-effect".
this is supposed to subconsciously trigger you to play the slot longer. always hoping to get the "near-win" on an activated payline.
you can assume with 100% certainty that if you had activated the line on which the 5 explorers came in, they would not have come in.
do not be blinded by these "near-miss" pictures.
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The slow demise
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I would like to write something about me. This is not a thread of a frustrated gambler, who has played himself to the head and neck.
I play in Online Casinos for about 15 years. I've been through just about everything that can be done. I've fallen into bonus traps, had to fight for payouts, had big wins and of course losses. The whole program. But I always enjoyed the game itself. However, I have also never played beyond my means. There are and never have been unpaid bills or financial problems from gambling. But certainly I have lost a lot over the years. That does not remain out
The fact that I stopped gambling is simply because of the lost fun. I have found myself thinking about the above issues before each deposit...
- am i depositing from my account?
- why does PayPal not work anymore?
- what if a SOW is required when making a withdrawal?
- what if my house bank asks where the money comes from?
- which slots are still running with normal RTP?
- etc....
Little by little I played less and less, smaller and smaller stakes because I was almost afraid of a big win. And now for a few weeks no longer at all.
Here I would like to discuss therefore not at all about losses etc., but much rather about the bold marked topics from the first post. It should not be about specific casinos, specific slots or manufacturers. But rather about the overall situation and the partly new risks that everyone consciously or unconsciously takes.
How do you feel about this?
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The slow demise
Liked this post: Anonym,
It looks like a coincidence for us and for the operators it is definitely not.
A good example:
Book of Dead ran for weeks not to hardly, the day before yesterday I see within an hour here 3 new images from BoD with big wins
So quickly deposited on 4 casinos a 25 and behold books without end wins bubble.
A good hour later, the magic was over since then BoD runs everywhere again lousy, short win and then downhill as always stop.
I think the operators see very well that BoD was unpopular and have times briefly a chunk of money rausgehauen to make advertising again.
I for one am absolutely sure that the slots are controlled, it gives us of course the coincidence if one is at the right time of the payout in the right place
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The slow demise
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I also gamble online for over 15 years. Started at Pokerstars with the Poker and for some time I also play the slots on various sites. House bank etc. does not really interest me, because I have an account at an on-site bank for such cases and additionally use PayPal and Skrill to separate the whole thing as much as possible. Of course I let caution prevail and use the Skrill card to pay out larger wins in cash, then stuff them next door in cash into the Deposit machine. Takes 3 min and my walk to the bank is a good 5 min. It keeps me fit and I get some fresh air on the side. The self-service area of my bank is open from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., so I have a large time window for my transactions.
My house bank doesn't know anything about such things, except that I transfer the "laundered money" from one bank to another.
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The slow demise
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but doesn't your house bank ask itself where the wad of cash comes from?
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The slow demise
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The slow demise
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The proof of income is unfortunately a normal procedure. You have to present this to all financial service providers for higher Deposit amounts and it has not only something to do with online gambling. Personally, I do not think much of money laundering laws or their implementation, as this is an annoying and unpleasant matter for 99% of non-criminals. The state's surveillance and control is getting worse and worse.
That with the notice of the accounts and/or the one account, as well as the thing with the criminal procedures and/or THE one opened criminal procedure are extremely rare individual cases. With the opened criminal procedure, if the concerning one strives for a lawyer, to safety bordering probability is stopped and/or at the latest in the second instance to be acquitted. The proceedings are also nothing new. This already happened in 2015, when a master painter was convicted by a Munich district court under §285 of the German Criminal Code (StGB), but acquitted by the Munich regional court in the second instance.
In this case, I am also beginning to doubt, since the person concerned has not reported back and apparently does not want to take help. I was the days in Munich and have the person concerned offered me with the specialist lawyer to meet. We also offered to pay for the initial consultation and any further costs and to support the person concerned. Also here so far no answer. We do not know whether the person concerned has taken any action or not. I find this a bit strange.
Also that with the lowering of the RTP are so far also individual cases and these were announced before ( at least by Videoslots ). We hope, of course, that they remain isolated cases. The RTP's of a few game manufacturers so far have also not been lowered to game store level (between 70% and 80%), but are still well above 90%.
I have already commented on the other topics many times: The market will find a way in the long run anyway - even if these individual cases become more - which I do not assume.
First of all, there are already alternatives as far as banks are concerned. Simply open an account abroad. This has several advantages:
Currently, the following foreign banks are recommended (the further ahead, the more recommended from my point of view):
The Online Casinos, which are licensed within the EU, operate completely legally (a few, few exceptions confirm the rule). These casinos abide by money laundering laws, use original software and adhere to the requirements of the respective regulatory authorities.
However, there are also online casinos that operate without a license and / or with fake software and there are online casinos overseas where organized crime has its fingers in the pie. These will not care about bans and also try to trick the banks. There are no limits to the imagination here
A real ban would only make things worse. You can't ban digital goods in 2019 - it doesn't even work properly with physical goods. You can regulate it so that pathological gamblers can protect themselves effectively without restricting the "normal" gamblers. That's the only way that benefits everyone:
The only ones who would not benefit from this on the German market are the old gambling companies, which are not up to the competition, have hardly any international significance, but have a virtual monopoly in the gaming arcade sector. But in the long run, it won't do them any good either, since you can't force people to use their services.
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