Topic created on 08th Sep. 2018 | Page: 5 of 25 | Answers: 248 | Views: 124,525
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
8th Sep. 2018, at 04:21 pm CEST#41
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I must confess I do not understand the whole discussion.Someone writes and that is now only theory.All those who have deposited in casinos get their money back because Illegal.Kommt tomorrow big on TV.Gilt of course also for other countries.1 Millions of people standing at the counter want money back.Do you seriously think you would get that immediately.The banks are a power.From tomorrow, casinos are allowed thing done not give a cent.What about those who have won have to pay back.There was a time when banks were facing ruin.Who has saved we taxpayers.There is the theory and practice.If that works that all get their money back then our monetary system would collapse.Then it does not matter whether someone has Debt or not.There are things that work and others don't.We are all adults.We all know what we are getting into when we gamble.Before I would go to the bank to get my money back then I would rather stop gambling.Until maybe it becomes legal.Stop arguing if this happens or that happens there will never be a day where all gamblers stand at the bank counter and get their money back.Still what about other illegal things.Will we get our money back then too. I have bought a Paysafecarte get I the money also.zurück.ich find it strange if people with offers one gets not um go can and others are for it geradestehn. "This is only my opinion vieleicht everything comes completely differently."
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
i have my first consultation with a banking lawyer on Tuesday. I will claim back my gambled stakes from PayPal as well as from my bank and if necessary I will sue for it!
Gambling addiction is a recognized disease and I was not able to control my gambling behavior. Only an inpatient therapy over 16 weeks helped me to get my life back under control to some extent.
I have been "dry" for quite some time now.
I am also ready to make my vita public as a gambler for many years and to go public.
Gambling addiction is and remains a terrible and serious disease. The casinos do not live from "recreational gamblers" and those who can control their gambling. No, they live exclusively from sick gamblers like I unfortunately am. And I really hope that all this crap will finally be banned!
Gambling ruins thousands of livelihoods in Germany alone and anyone who thinks that you just have to stop or that you can control yourself is very much mistaken.
It is absolutely sick and I know what I'm talking about.
In the end I will try everything to get a part of my gambled money refunded
Should I feel sorry for the banks or other payment companies?
Please, this whole thing is being tacitly supported. Why doesn't a bank react if, for example, you make instant transfers to an online casino for several thousand euros in just one day?
I go in any case to the last instance and I can hardly imagine that the banks can use such bad publicity
Whether it takes a few months or a few years, I pull this through with legal help
Then I wish you as already described good luck with it, you will need it.
And yes, pathological gambling is a disease, but only you can make sure that you are cured.
And if the bank would have refused you the payments in your Gambling addiction at that time? Then you would have gone to the ceiling why they patronize you so much, would have withdrawn the money in cash and would have gone to a gambling house with it.
Your money would have been gone in any case, that is the nature of a gambler.
Even an alcoholic somehow gets his stuff, even if his favorite pub bans him.
To want to get the money back now is anything but healing, you are still looking for someone to blame. But you only have yourself to blame, even if you are sick, you could have gotten help much earlier, you were aware much earlier that you are addicted.
The bank is a service Provider and not a kindergarten teacher.
briniberlin86 wrote on 08/09/2018 at 16:10
Do you think the banks are liable for this? I think not! Let's assume that a direct debit is reversed, the bank would certainly not be liable for the costs incurred, but the seller/provider would have to pay for it.
If you have deposited with PayPal, PayPal has transferred the amount to the casino and advanced money. They then get their money rightfully from your bank account by direct debit.
Direct debits you can as far as I know 60, or even 90? Days can be booked back.
I.e. the money is credited to you, but PayPal does not get its money back from the casino. How also? You have transferred it to the casino and get it back in the very best case via lawsuit from the casino.
But since you were the one who ordered the payment, PayPal will come to you first. I bet that they come with a collection agency and want to enforce their claim in court. This causes depending on the "amount of damage" corresponding collection, lawyer and court costs. This then goes to court and then you see who is in the right and who will bear all the costs.
If you have deposited the money with Giropay, Sofortüberweisung or Trustly, it does not count as a direct debit, but as a bank transfer.
A manually commissioned transfer you can not simply reverse purely technically.
Here it requires again the legal way - complaint against the bank, hope for a good judgment in court, then the bank would have to refund the money.
Again, the bank would be forced to get the money back from the casino. Since most casinos from my experience but not necessarily swimming in money,
but also consume revenue for advertising, staff and wins, they will not be able to pay back more money to the banks than they have taken in.
Explained in simple economic terms: person 1 pays in 1000€, loses everything, person 2 pays in 100€ and wins 500€ and pays out. Person 3 deposits 200€ and pays out 400€.
In this case, the casino has effectively earned 400€. From this, employees are paid, advertising costs and also taxes in Malta. In the end, maybe 200€ is left as net profit. Now all 3 people book their money back. Assuming the banks would want to get the money from the casino, then the casino would have to pay out 1000€, 100€ and 200€.
paying out 1300€, although effectively only 400€ was taken in, of which only 200€ is left on the balance sheet? This does not add up
In the end, the bank pays the debts, I'm sure - if only for the reason that these are all companies that simply close up store in an emergency and reappear under a different name.
It's so complicated because it's not the casino that collects the money directly, but there's always some payment service Provider in between.
And this payment service provider is the first to be held responsible. The outcome of the case does not depend on the casino, but on the payment service provider.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
Matthias wrote on 08/09/2018 at 11:54 am: Good morning everyone,
i too have seen the TV report and can imagine that this is now going through the media and maybe some really try to repatriate funds.
First of all, I want to apologize right away for possibly writing very emotionally in this post. My gambler and entrepreneur thinking meets a very big conflict here, especially because I have used / lost a lot of money.
What goes through my mind: 5 million Germans gamble regularly, 25% of them in Online Casinos, especially because of all the TV commercials. If now 1.25 million people have deposited money in online casinos - one only 50 euros, the other 1000 euros, some even 10,000 euros, or even much more... (seen over the last few years)
And now all come on the idea to reclaim the money, which they have directed SELF...
The damage to the banks would be so immense that it would be crazy to think that this would work with a "I'll go to the bank and have my bets booked back". 1.25 million players who deposited on average 1000€ -> Euro damage (1.25 billion Euro) - I think the damage is even much higher... I don't know, maybe I really lack the brainpower to imagine what would happen then.
The fact is, you do not harm the online casinos, but almost exclusively the banks in Germany, which are already struggling under the low interest rate policy.
The online casinos have already received the money and do not have to pay it back!
I would before such an attempt first withdraw all savings and check whether any loans are still running. Everyone knows that banks are greedy, and as soon as you deprive the banks of their money, they will certainly not be squeamish to "hit back"
My view as a bank:
As a bank, I would really punch any customer who subsequently "stole" money from me that I had forwarded for them as a payment processor.
I would 1. delay the matter as long as possible, go to court and fight to the end and if I really have to pay, cancel all loans to the customer. Because who wants to do business with such a customer? Furthermore, I would pass on the information that the customer has deceived me to all banks (to the competition), so that this customer is not classified as creditworthy again in his life. I.e. all plans for the future, building society contracts, house financing, etc. would all be on the line, and the life of a person is usually relatively long and the demands and plans change sometimes...
My view as a player:
I would keep an eye on the matter, seriously think about it and calculate whether I really have the balls in the pants - and whether it is worth it for the money to slam my house bank a letter on the table "I want my money back" (so easy it will certainly not)
Honestly, my economic thinking comes up again and I remember what I wrote above at "My view as a bank". You deliberately cause harm to someone else (even if it's a shitty bank), even though you are responsible for it yourself.
So for me, at this point, it becomes really difficult to think clearly and only from a player's perspective.
I started from scratch, my parents were never wealthy, and I started my own business after my education. I was always responsible for everything myself, never dependent on others.
I also took out loans, once had problems paying the tax office, worked more and more for it, and to this day I am paying off my mistakes from the past.
If I could book back all the stakes I ever deposited in casinos... I would be rich. Just remember that I also paid out money (so I get to keep that??) So I am enriching myself by taking back the stakes but keeping the wins? /Irony to "What a cool principle! I think this is the solution to all problems" /irony off
If it really all worked out that way, I would be uncreditworthy with all banks in Germany for the rest of my life, but I would have paid off my debts and could finance a nice house. Oh well, I don't get a loan for the house financing, well maybe the money is enough for a two-room apartment in Berlin.
There I live then, happily, without debts in my paid off apartment. The only problem is that I might not even have a bank account anymore, although digital payment or cash abolition will probably be the future. And it would probably always be with the fear in the neck that you can't even get a cell phone contract anymore, because the future of the banks probably looks more and more networked
And the banks don't forget anything. I don't think you can think the whole thing through to the end, and as long as you're not 100% aware of all the consequences, you shouldn't be fighting over money.
But what I forgot: Charging the money back, in NO WAY solves the Gambling addiction problem. Even if it works, you have money in your account, which will then end up in the state casinos the next time you have an addiction attack. What has one then been able to do? Bank account gone, credit rating in the bucket, addiction not treated and money again futsch.
I will continue to monitor the issue and first see how this develops and what consequences the people who try this have to bear before I make any promises such as "Yes, go ahead, get the money back"... To advise others ignorantly (without their own experience) and possibly trigger massive problems is not my thing.
Oh guys and gals, I think many can't relate to my view of things. Probably many think only of the moment "but now I absolutely need the 3000 euros that I lost because I have to pay my rent". I can understand all of this, thought in the short term... But who really has this intention, should in my eyes first really urgently to the addiction counseling center, or to the psychotherapist, to talk about the problems. Perhaps he can then also give a recommendation, what you can do against it, so as not to throw the possibly reversed money back into the machine.
Hello Mathias small correction one harms not the banks but the will not we believe people all serious we go into the bank describe our anliegen.the bank worker class have already waited report seen on is booked back.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
8th Sep. 2018, at 04:35 pm CEST#45
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Hello Random,
no, I am not looking for someone to blame, as it is not about blame in any way.
Your explanations in all honor but I have dealt so intensively with the disease of Gambling addiction over several decades that I do not need any teachings, tips, etc., even if they are nicely meant. Not even if they are meant nicely.
I am completely ruined financially and if there is a possibility to get my gambled money refunded, because banks and payment providers indirectly support illegal gambling, then I will take it!
And I really hope that I will not be the only one who goes this way
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
I watched the documentation and I'm honestly very skeptical that posting back would be without consequences. Or let's put it this way: I even hope that everyone who chargebacks his money will face all the negative consequences! Why do I write like this?
1. You are all grown men and women. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions! Gambling is omnipresent. Don't blame the Online Casinos if you overdo it, blame yourselves! Come out of your victim role and become self-confident and independent! And let's be honest. If you hadn't gambled away your money in "illegal" online casinos, most of you would have gambled it away in Papa Staat's casino or somewhere else.
2. Don't call for Papa State all the time. If you behave like a child, you don't have to be surprised when "Papa" takes away your freedom. You don't give your freedom to a good father, but to a father who mistreats, abuses and sells you. Why are online casinos worse than state casinos or gambling houses? Because they are private and do not finance the Antifa, like the casinos, hahah? The private ones are much more harmless for the German people than the worst capitalist online casinos could ever be.
3. Don't eat every shit that is served to you by the left-wing-green-smelling state media. You could see at Chemnitz in all clarity how trustworthy and serious the lying press researches or deliberately twists facts, you can see in the latest video of the "Vulgar Analysis".
I could also post back some money, but I would not do it even if it would remain 100% without consequences for me. Why? Because I don't want to be an effeminate victim child of the 68 generation, but because I want to be a free, independent man! No matter how you interpret it, it is simply morally wrong to charge back money for a service that is regulated and legal in almost all European countries, and which one has used oneself, voluntarily and quite consciously.
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Forum posts:14Member has been banned
Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
8th Sep. 2018, at 04:42 pm CEST#48
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Hello Matthias,
You forgot one thing in your very interesting statement. It is and remains illegal to play in Germany!!!
It's not about bank transfers, direct debits, etc. It is about a gray area! And who has paid attention in the article, which has come to PayPal on many thousands of players gambled away euros.
Why does Paypal waive the money? Because they know that they support illegal gambling in Germany and would look quite old in court.
There are already precedents in which the court has decided in favor of the player. Here, however, it was about payments by credit card.
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Former Member
Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
8th Sep. 2018, at 04:45 pm CEST#49
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Matz777 wrote on 08/09/2018 at 16:35
Hi Random,
no, I am not looking for someone to blame, as it is not about blame in any way.
Your explanations in all honor but I have dealt so intensively with the disease of Gambling addiction over several decades that I do not need teachings, tips, etc.. Not even if they are meant nicely.
I am completely ruined financially and if there is a possibility to get my gambled money refunded, because banks and payment providers indirectly support illegal gambling, then I will take it!
And I really hope that I will not be the only one who goes this way
I do not want to offend you.It is illegal in Germany not Europe.Imagine they get their money back.You yourself have described that they are addicted to gambling.Do they think it's over when they have their money back.
Matz777 wrote on 08/09/2018 at 16:42: Hello Matthias,
You forgot one thing in your very interesting statement. It is and remains illegal to play in Germany!!!
Wieseo is it illegal to play in Germany? I have not noticed yet! Next to me there is a gas station with 4 Slot machines where I can gamble 24/7. A few kilometers away there is a casino from Papa Staat where I can gamble 12 hours a day without limits, up to 1.000€ per spin. In every kiosk I can buy scratch tickets and play the lottery. Why should it be illegal to gamble in Germany?
Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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Then I wish you as already described good luck with it, you will need it.
And yes, pathological gambling is a disease, but only you can make sure that you are cured.
And if the bank would have refused you the payments in your Gambling addiction at that time? Then you would have gone to the ceiling why they patronize you so much, would have withdrawn the money in cash and would have gone to a gambling house with it.
Your money would have been gone in any case, that is the nature of a gambler.
Even an alcoholic somehow gets his stuff, even if his favorite pub bans him.
To want to get the money back now is anything but healing, you are still looking for someone to blame. But you only have yourself to blame, even if you are sick, you could have gotten help much earlier, you were aware much earlier that you are addicted.
The bank is a service Provider and not a kindergarten teacher.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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If you have deposited with PayPal, PayPal has transferred the amount to the casino and advanced money. They then get their money rightfully from your bank account by direct debit.
Direct debits you can as far as I know 60, or even 90? Days can be booked back.
I.e. the money is credited to you, but PayPal does not get its money back from the casino. How also? You have transferred it to the casino and get it back in the very best case via lawsuit from the casino.
But since you were the one who ordered the payment, PayPal will come to you first. I bet that they come with a collection agency and want to enforce their claim in court. This causes depending on the "amount of damage" corresponding collection, lawyer and court costs. This then goes to court and then you see who is in the right and who will bear all the costs.
If you have deposited the money with Giropay, Sofortüberweisung or Trustly, it does not count as a direct debit, but as a bank transfer.
A manually commissioned transfer you can not simply reverse purely technically.
Here it requires again the legal way - complaint against the bank, hope for a good judgment in court, then the bank would have to refund the money.
Again, the bank would be forced to get the money back from the casino. Since most casinos from my experience but not necessarily swimming in money,
but also consume revenue for advertising, staff and wins, they will not be able to pay back more money to the banks than they have taken in.
Explained in simple economic terms: person 1 pays in 1000€, loses everything, person 2 pays in 100€ and wins 500€ and pays out. Person 3 deposits 200€ and pays out 400€.
In this case, the casino has effectively earned 400€. From this, employees are paid, advertising costs and also taxes in Malta. In the end, maybe 200€ is left as net profit. Now all 3 people book their money back. Assuming the banks would want to get the money from the casino, then the casino would have to pay out 1000€, 100€ and 200€.
paying out 1300€, although effectively only 400€ was taken in, of which only 200€ is left on the balance sheet? This does not add up
In the end, the bank pays the debts, I'm sure - if only for the reason that these are all companies that simply close up store in an emergency and reappear under a different name.
It's so complicated because it's not the casino that collects the money directly, but there's always some payment service Provider in between.
And this payment service provider is the first to be held responsible. The outcome of the case does not depend on the casino, but on the payment service provider.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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Hello Mathias small correction one harms not the banks but the will not we believe people all serious we go into the bank describe our anliegen.the bank worker class have already waited report seen on is booked back.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
Liked this post: Anonym
Hello Random,
no, I am not looking for someone to blame, as it is not about blame in any way.
Your explanations in all honor but I have dealt so intensively with the disease of Gambling addiction over several decades that I do not need any teachings, tips, etc., even if they are nicely meant. Not even if they are meant nicely.
I am completely ruined financially and if there is a possibility to get my gambled money refunded, because banks and payment providers indirectly support illegal gambling, then I will take it!
And I really hope that I will not be the only one who goes this way
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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the article is quite informative. so that you know the background, or see how banks trick.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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1. You are all grown men and women. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions! Gambling is omnipresent. Don't blame the Online Casinos if you overdo it, blame yourselves! Come out of your victim role and become self-confident and independent! And let's be honest. If you hadn't gambled away your money in "illegal" online casinos, most of you would have gambled it away in Papa Staat's casino or somewhere else.
2. Don't call for Papa State all the time. If you behave like a child, you don't have to be surprised when "Papa" takes away your freedom. You don't give your freedom to a good father, but to a father who mistreats, abuses and sells you. Why are online casinos worse than state casinos or gambling houses? Because they are private and do not finance the Antifa, like the casinos, hahah? The private ones are much more harmless for the German people than the worst capitalist online casinos could ever be.
3. Don't eat every shit that is served to you by the left-wing-green-smelling state media. You could see at Chemnitz in all clarity how trustworthy and serious the lying press researches or deliberately twists facts, you can see in the latest video of the "Vulgar Analysis".
I could also post back some money, but I would not do it even if it would remain 100% without consequences for me. Why? Because I don't want to be an effeminate victim child of the 68 generation, but because I want to be a free, independent man! No matter how you interpret it, it is simply morally wrong to charge back money for a service that is regulated and legal in almost all European countries, and which one has used oneself, voluntarily and quite consciously.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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You forgot one thing in your very interesting statement. It is and remains illegal to play in Germany!!!
It's not about bank transfers, direct debits, etc. It is about a gray area! And who has paid attention in the article, which has come to PayPal on many thousands of players gambled away euros.
Why does Paypal waive the money? Because they know that they support illegal gambling in Germany and would look quite old in court.
There are already precedents in which the court has decided in favor of the player. Here, however, it was about payments by credit card.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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I do not want to offend you.It is illegal in Germany not Europe.Imagine they get their money back.You yourself have described that they are addicted to gambling.Do they think it's over when they have their money back.
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Reportage - Online casinos: Money back from illegal gambling
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Wieseo is it illegal to play in Germany? I have not noticed yet! Next to me there is a gas station with 4 Slot machines where I can gamble 24/7. A few kilometers away there is a casino from Papa Staat where I can gamble 12 hours a day without limits, up to 1.000€ per spin. In every kiosk I can buy scratch tickets and play the lottery. Why should it be illegal to gamble in Germany?
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