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Online Casinos in general: Refund money? Report from the casino? (Page 3)

Topic created on 15th Mar. 2021 | Page: 3 of 3 | Answers: 26 | Views: 8,048
Top Member
Falke wrote on 16.03.2021 at 00:28
And you think you fight the cause by locking up someone who hasn't done anything criminally relevant?
Great understanding of the law

And your logic is a bit muddled too.

If someone demands his money back and then deposits it in another casino, then he can only Deposit the money again in another casino because the respective casino ignores the laws and is active in the country in which it is prohibited. You don't know the principle that the Dealer is punished more severely than the consumer, do you?

And now to the legal situation: If someone gets the money awarded by the court then only for one reason - because he is in the right. From this point on, the money belongs to him and it is not earmarked. If the person then pays back into a casino, that is his business. The only thing he is not allowed to do is to sue this casino again, because he could be accused of intent, that he has paid in from the beginning knowing that he will get the money back later. But that is another topic. If it were up to you, he would no longer be allowed to gamble with the money he was legally awarded. And that is wrong

It is true that the purpose of a prison sentence is also to punish, but the main purpose is to protect society. This is the only reason why a prison sentence is permissible at all and the most severe means that can be applied. Imprisoning someone who harms NOBODY is against any democratic jurisprudence. Those who immediately cry "lock up" are usually not really familiar with the principle of proportionality and is rather a populist demand of people who rightly (fortunately) are not decision makers.

I think it is clear that your contributions are rather superficial and legalistic. But I am talking about fair dealings with the customer/provider. Everybody makes decisions and by such lawsuits every player evades his responsibility
"If he pays after he has received the money back, so that is his business" I wonder if you are some amateur lawyer who only has his paragraphs in front of his eyes, or maybe even sensible and legally productive thinking? Moreover, whether you are serious! Because that is exactly what I am trying to do here.
If you it really well means that someone in another Casino its money reclaims again gambles and/or you that as its right in its freedom of action regarding its money sees, then there is in your mentioned "legal situation" a giant error.
And nothing else than my opinion, as I think it should be, I give here, because I am not a lawyer.
Also, I have not claimed that he MAY not play again with the money, but SHOULD not play anymore. And from a moral, logical, legal and fair point of view, this would have to be anchored in judgments/laws, that money repayments to players would have to be linked to therapy requirements (whoever gets HIS money back has a sick addiction problem). Or just with any intentional violations with a prison sentence with short prison time, that here clearly the sense of the punishment is to be recognized!
I understand your point and that you look relatively limited on your law texts, but again: this brings players nothing. Surely you know that one loses in the long run in the casinos and people, who reclaim their money in such a way, must be urgently helped with a civil process
It sounds with you a bit so that it would be then OK to look for casinos that are forbidden in your country, deposit, hope for win, sue at loss. Money back, next casino, same procedure. Casino is illegal and according to you, you have to protect players. Lawsuit perfectly ok
"in the name of the people the judgement goes out". That player X gets his money back. Do you really think that this fraudulent attempt to maximize his wealth is a judgment that the people approve of? Bit like unfair competitive advantage to hard working citizens?
I'm talking about assistance from the courts, monitored locks, Online Casinos that are controlled and generally audited without exception, casinos that are not accessible from the country due to IP locks...

Again:you may also write legal point of view correct things, however, there is absolutely need to catch up and it is good that it is rather troublesome and kostenverbudnen for the player to take such steps. Enough courts have already rejected such claims

Remains healthy

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Top Member
DerHamburger87 wrote on 16.03.2021 at 09:28
I think one reads clearly that your contributions are rather superficial and legalistic. But I'm talking about fair dealings from the customer / provider. Everybody makes decisions and by such lawsuits every player evades his responsibility
"If he pays after he has received the money back, so that is his business" I wonder if you are some amateur lawyer who only has his paragraphs in front of his eyes, or maybe even sensible and legally productive thinking? Moreover, whether you are serious! Because that is exactly what I am trying to do here.
If you it really well means that someone in another Casino its money reclaims again gambles and/or you that as its right in its freedom of action regarding its money sees, then there is in your mentioned "legal situation" a giant error.
And nothing else than my opinion, as I think it should be, I give here, because I am not a lawyer.
Also, I have not claimed that he MAY not play again with the money, but SHOULD not play anymore. And from a moral, logical, legal and fair point of view, this would have to be anchored in judgments/laws, that money repayments to players would have to be linked to therapy requirements (whoever gets HIS money back has a sick addiction problem). Or just with any intentional violations with a prison sentence with short prison time, that here clearly the sense of the punishment is to be recognized!
I understand your point and that you look relatively limited on your law texts, but again: this brings players nothing. Surely you know that one loses in the long run in the casinos and people, who reclaim their money in such a way, must be urgently helped with a civil process
It sounds with you a bit so that it would be then OK to look for casinos that are forbidden in your country, Deposit, hope for win, sue at loss. Money back, next casino, same procedure. Casino is illegal and according to you, you have to protect players. Lawsuit perfectly ok
"in the name of the people the judgement goes out". That player X gets his money back. Do you really think that this fraudulent attempt to maximize his wealth is a judgment that the people approve of? Bit like unfair competitive advantage to hard working citizens?
I'm talking about assistance from the courts, monitored locks, Online Casinos that are controlled and generally audited without exception, casinos that are not accessible from the country due to IP locks...

Again:you may write also legal point of view correct things, however, there is absolutely backlog and it is good that it is rather troublesome and kostenverbudnen for the player to take such steps. Enough courts have already rejected such claims

Remains healthy

Unfortunately, this is like casting pearls before swine here. Many players who are on the road here are on the side of the players "come hell or high water". Even if they behave totally stupid and inappropriate.

"Fair" opinions, which also take times the casinos in protection, are directly bombarded with a lot of negativity.

The fact is that in every industry is manipulated. Not only in online casinos. By manipulated I do not mean the results of the games, but the players themselves.

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Top Member
Hidaruma wrote on 16.03.2021 at 09:50
This is like casting pearls before swine here, unfortunately. A lot of players on here are siding with the players "come hell or high water". Even if they behave totally stupid and inappropriate.

"Fair" opinions, which also take times the casinos in protection, are directly bombarded with a lot of negativity.

The fact is that in every industry is manipulated. Not only in online casinos. By manipulated I do not mean the results of the games, but the players themselves.

Right, that's probably how it is in the Slot machine gaming industry. If you win in a casino, everything is good, if you lose everything is bad and then it goes off the "Haudraufmentalität". I don't even want to know how many countless casino reviews, posts and feedback are written solely because of "losing experiences". The actually important evaluation criteria totally disregarded
I think that is also in some way such an evolutionary thing, man tends in his morals to protect the weak before the stronger.
There where the advantage lies (house advantage casino) prevails with humans ill-will. How can it be that a Roulette table has a green 0 and I bet my money and still have no 50/50 chance? But that's exactly how unfair Online Casinos work!
Now add to that the fact that financial resources are being wagered. Finances and assets are things that shape your life. Change, improve, or worsen them. To use them without added value and lose them triggers these thoughts in the players.
But this is just gambling.
You should only gamble with money that you are willing to lose. Every complainant has played with funds he is not willing to lose. Now he harms other people. Because also behind online casinos sit people who work. In the technology, in the marketing.
The employees are always doing as well as the company is doing.
I also do not know what most often think? That they are writing with a super rich support staff that influences payout processes in a super rich trillion dollar online casino?
(this is not to question that payout processes should be handled quickly. With A LITTLE research on GJ you can find ultra-fast casinos and save yourself from complaining about dumps like Slotty Vegas afterwards)

If you look at all this is an absolutely sick gambling industry. Addicted players should be better protected and controlled, then the whole topic of conversation would be invalid. Too bad that in 2021 in times of digitalization such players can not be blocked via global systems for such areas

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Top Member

DerHamburger87 wrote on 16.03.2021 at 10:13 am
Right, I guess that's how it is in the Slot machine gambling world. If you win in a casino, everything is good, if you lose everything is bad and then it goes off the "Haudraufmentalität". I don't even want to know how many countless casino reviews, posts and feedback are written solely because of "losing experiences". The actually important evaluation criteria totally disregarded
I think that is also in some way such an evolutionary thing, man tends in his morals to protect the weak before the stronger.
There where the advantage lies (house advantage casino) prevails with humans ill-will. How can it be that a Roulette table has a green 0 and I bet my money and still have no 50/50 chance? But that's exactly how unfair Online Casinos work!
Now add to that the fact that financial resources are being wagered. Finances and assets are things that shape your life. Change, improve, or worsen them. To use them without added value and lose them triggers these thoughts in the players.
But this is just gambling.
You should only gamble with money that you are willing to lose. Every complainant has played with funds he is not willing to lose. Now he harms other people. Because also behind online casinos sit people who work. In the technology, in the marketing.
The employees are always doing as well as the company is doing.
I also do not know what most often think? That they are writing with a super rich support staff that influences payout processes in a super rich trillion dollar online casino?
(this is not to question that payout processes should be handled quickly. With A LITTLE research on GJ you can find ultra-fast casinos and save yourself from complaining about dumps like Slotty Vegas afterwards)

If you look at all this is an absolutely sick gambling industry. Addicted players should be better protected and controlled, then the whole topic of conversation would be invalid. Too bad that in 2021 in times of digitalization such players can not be blocked via global systems for such areas.

As you rightly say, the stakes and the loss is the decisive factor here.

If, for example, you apply for a certificate from your Insurance company/provider, etc., you won't be angry if it takes a while to arrive.
However, when it comes to money, some people are dissatisfied right after an hour and complain somewhere.

A block for all online casinos would actually be a nice idea.

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Top Member
Falcon wrote on 03/15/2021 at 19:34
Not going to happen.

Would probably not be legally tenable, since casinos as companies have to know what they are doing.

Furthermore, a casino will never do that, because otherwise they themselves lay the foundation that any player with loss can sue immediately.

Even in Austria where the legal situation is clear and many casinos are already successfully sued, this affects only a small percentage of players.
That is why many casinos remain active in Austria. It's a simple cost-benefit calculation. The small number of players who sue for the money again are already included in the calculation. The majority does not sue and loses quite well. The bottom line is that it still pays for casinos to be active in Austria.

Only with the difference that Austria has a valid GlüStV and Germany
with its GlüStV2012, was advised by the EU Court of Justice to amend this with regard to
freedom of service in the EU and has since found itself in a kind of gray area.

The judgment has already been linked in post 7 and it is surprising how one can refer to a
such outdated law once and on the other hand country law can place over EU law.
The lawyer refers to the GlüStV2012 § 4 paragraph 4 here copy:

(4) Organizing and brokering public Games of chance on the Internet is prohibited.

He omits the 2012 behind the GlüStV and nothing of this kind is formulated in the 2021 draft.

Exactly therefore however D was reprimanded and requested to change and exactly therefore gives
there are the Malta licensed casinos and players who almost after 9 years these casinos

The judgment is completely off, has effectiveness and is by no means groundbreaking.
Gray zone sends its regards.

We have a digital world, we have Europe and we are trapped in a country that
ignore Europe and us as Europeans in this area, indulge in their promotalism
and let sovereigns decide. This is deepest Middle Ages.

They are not afraid to fully scrap the casino part of our forefathers. A scandal
par excellence, m.M. Who has desire in the gambling house area with border 1000 and 5 min and, and
to play, can do it gladly. But guess that everything will remain essentially so
and a tolerable market for players will open up. No one can cope with countries,
princes and licenses and Europe and casinos certainly not. Wohlbemerkt after new
GlüStV draft, which is even older than 2012 and the Middle Ages, in favor of their monopoly.

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Top Member
Dominik998 wrote on 15.03.2021 at 16:45: Hello, I'm new here and wanted to ask something briefly (did not know now if this question has already come up or something was created
Have a few days ago a few hundred euros gambled about 700-800 euros and then realized that I have a problem. I have informed the casino that I am probably addicted and asked for it because it would be illegal according to my research and now new knowledge and the bet should be only 1 euro etc.. But I said that I did not know anything about it before. Would then also directly blocked because I mentioned that I was an addict.Now I asked whether the casino would come to me because of a step and a certain amount would like to refund or whether I should file a complaint. (Now in retrospect I know that this was stupid to ask and it is my own fault, I think I was frustrated). In response, the casino said that my request was forwarded to a specialist department and they will contact me in writing in the next few days. What does that mean exactly? I do not care about the money now after a few days, but do I get a letter with an ad from the casino? Can the casino report me because of this? I have then written an email that I from writing traffic off but would rather communicate by email.

From the casino nothing will come. From the already linked judgment, you can keep
what one wants, but a judge has judged here and that has always right. Since we must
accept. Mithin you can go the same way, if your lawyer good
Prospects of success. Why not ? You are free.

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Katharina2 wrote on 16.03.2021 at 11:25
Only with the difference that Austria has a valid GlüStV and Germany
with its GlüStV2012, was pointed out by the EUGH, this regarding service
freedom of service in the EU and has since found itself in a kind of gray area.

The judgment has already been linked in post 7 and it is surprising how one can refer to a
such outdated law once and on the other hand country law can place over EU law.
The lawyer refers to the GlüStV2012 § 4 paragraph 4 here copy:

(4) Organizing and brokering public Games of chance on the Internet is prohibited.

He omits the 2012 behind the GlüStV and nothing of this kind is formulated in the 2021 draft.

Exactly therefore however D was reprimanded and requested to change and exactly therefore gives
there are the Malta licensed casinos and players who almost after 9 years these casinos

The judgment is completely off, has effectiveness and is by no means groundbreaking.
Gray zone sends its regards.

We have a digital world, we have Europe and we are trapped in a country that
ignore Europe and us as Europeans in this area, indulge in their promotalism
and let sovereigns decide. This is deepest Middle Ages.

They are not afraid to fully scrap the casino part of our forefathers. A scandal
par excellence, m.M. Who has desire in the gambling house area with border 1000 and 5 min and, and
to play, can do it gladly. But guess that everything will remain essentially so
and a tolerable market for players will open up. No one can cope with countries,
princes and licenses and Europe and casinos certainly not. Wohlbemerkt after new
GlüStV draft, which is even older than 2012 and the Middle Ages, in favor of their monopoly.

Right. I am talking here exclusively about the legal situation in Austria. In Germany, the whole thing is not so clear. In Austria, however, the law is quite clear and leaves no room for interpretation

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