online casinos invested 400 million euros in advertising in this country last year. Any German with a TV who can almost speak the commercials and slogans from the evening program can guess that. Countless providers are vying for new customers. It's a billion-dollar market that's growing by the day.
These six things beginners should know BEFORE they bet their first euro in an online casino!
Never bet money you need!
Hate your job, want to make a quick pile of money at the online casino to slap your boss' resignation on the table? Forget it!
Worldwide, there are only a very manageable number of players who permanently win large amounts of money with gambling. Most of them in the Poker industry, very rarely Roulette players, almost never Slot machine players.
The motive to go to the online casino should be exclusively the fun of the game, the pleasure of a little thrill. Not the will to make money. That's what goes wrong. If you actually earn a few hundred euros: wonderful! However, it can also go exactly the other way around.
Therefore the MOST IMPORTANT of all rules: Play only with sums that you can spare. Not with money that you need for dentures, leasing payments or even food. If you start the evening with a 100 euro bet, it is best to mentally write off the money beforehand. If it stays with you or even becomes more, that's great.
If not, that shouldn't be the end of the world.
Do not play without an EU license!
The legal situation in Germany is complicated. BUT: "Playing in Online Casinos with an EU license is 100 percent legal," Düsseldorf-based lawyer Michael Schmittmann, a renowned specialist in gambling law and cyber security, tells BILD. "Several EU member states have been issuing licenses for online casinos for many years according to strict guidelines, taking advantage of the freedom to provide services in the European un ion - making it legal for German players to use these services as well."
Licenses from EU states are considered proof of reliability. In particular, the Republic of Malta, the small island state in the Mediterranean, has regulated gambling in great detail for 20 years.
You can find more on the subject in this article.
Also important here: Even in the most reputable casino in the world, you can lose a lot of money.
Do not misjudge the chances of winning!
No matter what you are told: In all games, the bank always has what is called a "house advantage" - which means that it wins in the long run.
For Table games like roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat, your chances of winning at an online casino are as high or as low as they are at casinos and land-based casinos.
For slot machine games, on the other hand, the odds in online casinos are significantly higher than in pubs or gas stations, which, however, also have to bear higher costs (for example, for rent and employees). Since 2006, stationary Slot machines in Germany no longer have to have a "payout ratio" - usually it is around 60 to 65 percent. In online casinos, it is often over 90 percent.
Payout ratio? This figure indicates the average percentage of a player's stake that is won back. It is always below 100 percent - otherwise, in the long run, the casino would lose. No commercial enterprise that has to pay employees and technology will allow that.
A concrete example of the payout ratio: In European roulette, it is 97.3 percent. The remaining 2.7 percent is the "house advantage". This means that with a stake of 100 euros, each player theoretically loses 2.70 euros. That sounds unspectacular and boring. In reality, of course, it's like this: some players lose the entire 100 euros, while others win an additional 100 euros.
If a machine has a payout ratio of 65 percent, this means that with a bet of 100 euros, each player statistically loses 35 euros!
In general, the higher the payout ratio and the lower the house edge (both always add up to 100 percent), the better it is for you as a player!
A reputable casino states the payout ratios in a way that is easy to find.
Do not be blinded by the Welcome bonus!
"Deposit 100 euros, receive 100 euros bonus!" Almost all providers woo customers with a welcome bonus. This sounds very tempting for newcomers, but it usually awakens false ideas. You are not simply given money here!
Anyone who believes that they will, for example, deposit 100 euros, collect a 100 euro bonus, then bet 200 euros on red at roulette, ideally double the money to 400 euros and transfer it to their account after five minutes, is WRONG.
If that were the case, there would be a lucrative business model for organized groups and the online casino would be broke within a short time.
Therefore, the providers almost always tie the bonus to conditions. However, these are rarely really attractive: often the bonus must be "converted" 25 to 50 times. With a bonus of 100 euros, the player must therefore wager a total of at least 2500 euros over many rounds to be able to withdraw the money.
This point should be read carefully in the terms and conditions. Some players deliberately waive the bonus - by contacting customer service or, if possible, making a corresponding selection.
It is also conceivable to initially deposit only a small amount and forgo a high bonus - also to get to know the online casino.
We will deal with the topic of welcome Bonuses in more detail in the course of the BILD series!
Never play without a limit!
Reputable and legally operating online casinos give their customers the opportunity to set their own limits. The player can, for example, specify that he may load a maximum of 300 euros on his account in a certain period. Or can gamble away a maximum of 150 euros. After that, he has no possibility to reload money. The playing time can also be limited, for example to three hours.
Ideally, limits can be set quickly and at any time. Removing the limits, on the other hand, should take a while. Otherwise, this function is pointless.
If you are worried about losing control, you can also have yourself permanently blocked. If you have problems with Gambling addiction or are worried about relatives or friends, you can find help from the Federal Center for Health Education. The free help hotline 0800 1 37 27 00 will provide you with all the information you need about help on the subject.
Never make this thinking mistake!
If black came five times in a row in roulette, red becomes more and more likely? NO! This thinking mistake is the most serious and common one in the world of gambling and is even common among people who had advanced math classes.
The probability of red or black ALWAYS remains the same, no matter if the other color came five times in a row before. Each spin is an independent event.
The ball has no memory. Never forget that.
Everything mentioned in this article is actually logical thinking
That no one has money to give away is clear that you should not play with money you need also
The only thing that helps newcomers is the information that you should set limits and pay attention to the license where at least the first should also be logical common sense for responsible citizens
Best the whole stuff leave the saying with money does not play one comes from somewhere and is very meaningful actually
Very good contribution.have decided for me no more money to throw out the window.there is more beautiful with which you can spend your free time. This casino gambling is lost time that you can never get back.
One wonders why the state continues to be so reluctant to legalize cannabis.
The addiction to gambling is much more dangerous.
And with the legal sale of cannabis, similar billions in tax money can be generated.
Well, hope dies last...
Online Casinos Image Article
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online casinos invested 400 million euros in advertising in this country last year. Any German with a TV who can almost speak the commercials and slogans from the evening program can guess that. Countless providers are vying for new customers. It's a billion-dollar market that's growing by the day.
These six things beginners should know BEFORE they bet their first euro in an online casino!
Never bet money you need!
Hate your job, want to make a quick pile of money at the online casino to slap your boss' resignation on the table? Forget it!
Worldwide, there are only a very manageable number of players who permanently win large amounts of money with gambling. Most of them in the Poker industry, very rarely Roulette players, almost never Slot machine players.
The motive to go to the online casino should be exclusively the fun of the game, the pleasure of a little thrill. Not the will to make money. That's what goes wrong. If you actually earn a few hundred euros: wonderful! However, it can also go exactly the other way around.
Therefore the MOST IMPORTANT of all rules: Play only with sums that you can spare. Not with money that you need for dentures, leasing payments or even food. If you start the evening with a 100 euro bet, it is best to mentally write off the money beforehand. If it stays with you or even becomes more, that's great.
If not, that shouldn't be the end of the world.
Do not play without an EU license!
The legal situation in Germany is complicated. BUT: "Playing in Online Casinos with an EU license is 100 percent legal," Düsseldorf-based lawyer Michael Schmittmann, a renowned specialist in gambling law and cyber security, tells BILD. "Several EU member states have been issuing licenses for online casinos for many years according to strict guidelines, taking advantage of the freedom to provide services in the European un ion - making it legal for German players to use these services as well."
Licenses from EU states are considered proof of reliability. In particular, the Republic of Malta, the small island state in the Mediterranean, has regulated gambling in great detail for 20 years.
You can find more on the subject in this article.
Also important here: Even in the most reputable casino in the world, you can lose a lot of money.
Do not misjudge the chances of winning!
No matter what you are told: In all games, the bank always has what is called a "house advantage" - which means that it wins in the long run.
For Table games like roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat, your chances of winning at an online casino are as high or as low as they are at casinos and land-based casinos.
For slot machine games, on the other hand, the odds in online casinos are significantly higher than in pubs or gas stations, which, however, also have to bear higher costs (for example, for rent and employees). Since 2006, stationary Slot machines in Germany no longer have to have a "payout ratio" - usually it is around 60 to 65 percent. In online casinos, it is often over 90 percent.
Payout ratio? This figure indicates the average percentage of a player's stake that is won back. It is always below 100 percent - otherwise, in the long run, the casino would lose. No commercial enterprise that has to pay employees and technology will allow that.
A concrete example of the payout ratio: In European roulette, it is 97.3 percent. The remaining 2.7 percent is the "house advantage". This means that with a stake of 100 euros, each player theoretically loses 2.70 euros. That sounds unspectacular and boring. In reality, of course, it's like this: some players lose the entire 100 euros, while others win an additional 100 euros.
If a machine has a payout ratio of 65 percent, this means that with a bet of 100 euros, each player statistically loses 35 euros!
In general, the higher the payout ratio and the lower the house edge (both always add up to 100 percent), the better it is for you as a player!
A reputable casino states the payout ratios in a way that is easy to find.
Do not be blinded by the Welcome bonus!
"Deposit 100 euros, receive 100 euros bonus!" Almost all providers woo customers with a welcome bonus. This sounds very tempting for newcomers, but it usually awakens false ideas. You are not simply given money here!
Anyone who believes that they will, for example, deposit 100 euros, collect a 100 euro bonus, then bet 200 euros on red at roulette, ideally double the money to 400 euros and transfer it to their account after five minutes, is WRONG.
If that were the case, there would be a lucrative business model for organized groups and the online casino would be broke within a short time.
Therefore, the providers almost always tie the bonus to conditions. However, these are rarely really attractive: often the bonus must be "converted" 25 to 50 times. With a bonus of 100 euros, the player must therefore wager a total of at least 2500 euros over many rounds to be able to withdraw the money.
This point should be read carefully in the terms and conditions. Some players deliberately waive the bonus - by contacting customer service or, if possible, making a corresponding selection.
It is also conceivable to initially deposit only a small amount and forgo a high bonus - also to get to know the online casino.
We will deal with the topic of welcome Bonuses in more detail in the course of the BILD series!
Never play without a limit!
Reputable and legally operating online casinos give their customers the opportunity to set their own limits. The player can, for example, specify that he may load a maximum of 300 euros on his account in a certain period. Or can gamble away a maximum of 150 euros. After that, he has no possibility to reload money. The playing time can also be limited, for example to three hours.
Ideally, limits can be set quickly and at any time. Removing the limits, on the other hand, should take a while. Otherwise, this function is pointless.
If you are worried about losing control, you can also have yourself permanently blocked. If you have problems with Gambling addiction or are worried about relatives or friends, you can find help from the Federal Center for Health Education. The free help hotline 0800 1 37 27 00 will provide you with all the information you need about help on the subject.
Never make this thinking mistake!
If black came five times in a row in roulette, red becomes more and more likely? NO! This thinking mistake is the most serious and common one in the world of gambling and is even common among people who had advanced math classes.
The probability of red or black ALWAYS remains the same, no matter if the other color came five times in a row before. Each spin is an independent event.
The ball has no memory. Never forget that.
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That no one has money to give away is clear that you should not play with money you need also
The only thing that helps newcomers is the information that you should set limits and pay attention to the license where at least the first should also be logical common sense for responsible citizens
Best the whole stuff leave the saying with money does not play one comes from somewhere and is very meaningful actually
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Nobody has liked this post so far
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The addiction to gambling is much more dangerous.
And with the legal sale of cannabis, similar billions in tax money can be generated.
Well, hope dies last...
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