Topic created on 03rd Oct. 2017 | Page: 3 of 3 | Answers: 23 | Views: 6,345
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October - new game, new luck
10th Oct. 2017, at 12:43 am CEST#21
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You are right Daniel, most of the time there is a deeper problem behind the gambling addiction...addiction=search...only for what, that is the crux of the individual.
But the first step is self-knowledge and immediate financial measures. Step 1 Stealth did, the second one faltered.
What it is with Stealth, I don't know, is none of my business. I'm more of a habitual player. I could live without it, but I would miss something.
Perfidiously, as a player, you're a bit like a suitor in love with a cruel, capricious whore who constantly cheats and hurts you emotionally. Then she is cute again, but most of the time she is not...
As for the issue of money in gambling, it is not so simple. The right stake for you, i.e. the kick, is a mixture of the economic circumstances and the degree of gambling addiction. There are people who bet 5 EUR at BJ and are millionaires and have fun. But if someone is a millionaire and addicted to gambling, it looks different. However, many people gamble house and home because you want to win back and there Stealth has a chance, because he has won everything back. So a pitfall is already gone, which is good. But of course there are other dangers.
The topic of therapy...I see it critically. I've talked to a few psychologists and social workers and I wasn't impressed, to say the least.
You have to be pragmatic. You don't win at gambling, the odds are against you. The problem with gambling is not the game per se, but the money aspect, because that is simply an existential part of all of our lives. If you gamble more than you should and can, you'll eventually be a charity case or worse. Do you want that, can you handle it, can you take the swings while gambling? You simply have to ask yourself these questions honestly and act accordingly.
I've screwed up unbelievably this year and yes, I've had unbelievable, inexplicable and undeserved bad luck, haven't won anything in two months no matter what I've played and lost a couple 10k in the last 8 weeks. The loss is so high because as a person with an affinity for mathematics I relied on the probabilities balancing out again, but this case did not occur, I do not know so much bad luck in the form and intensity. Tragically, I have other stress factors in life that are not related to games, which further spoil my life. Nothing positive at the moment, but would be the same without gaming, only I would have more money (side note) But unfortunately I have to deal with it. If one is a believer, which I am not, then it is quasi God's will. Ok, thank you God, screw you, but that's just the way it is. As a consequence, I have cut down on gambling, because I can't afford it at this level for long and I have a minimum material demand on my life, which I do NOT put at risk. From a minimum net worth X is no longer played, that is virtually my preserves and there I am already damn close. If I work for six months and have reserves above the limit again, I can try again. You have to demand that much discipline, otherwise you're screwed. All attempts to explain, hopes etc. are forn A*, helps only realism and pragmatism. Of course you are frustrated, have worries, self-doubt, etc.. But you have let yourself play and that can also come out. Must be clear to everyone here, that is the Risk when playing. Barefoot or patent leather shoe...
In this sense
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Topic Creator
Former Member
October - new game, new luck
10th Oct. 2017, at 08:05 am CEST#22
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@chmi77: everything you say doesn't sound so cool. I wish you more luck and success for the future, so that it all becomes again...
Ps: if I may ask, what do you do professionally to be able to afford such high Zocksummen?
Vll would be the 1st step to say, ok, I pay less and gamble on smaller stakes to play up? So you have long what from playing but just not directly 500 euros at a time? Sounds certainly easier said than done and since I am not in such a situation, I can judge it also bad. My tactic works but quite well, vll is also what for "High Roller"? 3 different casinos, 3 deposits and then alternately the same slot until the FS. With one runs always and one continues. Have so gambled with 30 euros yesterday 5 std and made no loss (vacation - rain - ätzend).
Live unfortunately not in the south, otherwise I would be happy to a beer with you out.
You pack that!
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Forum posts:149Member has been banned
October - new game, new luck
10th Oct. 2017, at 11:13 pm CEST#23
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Thank you for the flowers,
ifst times in the south are, can stir you yes times.
Many of my high losses come from Livegame especially Spielbank, online not so much. Online you can usually lock yourself quickly. Only I am now blocked at all major providers that I can play online as good as nowhere and in addition, my payment methods are no longer online.
KK Gaming transaction block
Sofort & Giropay blocked
Neteller and Skrill blocked
PSC would work, but that's out of the question for me.
I have many years ago also the Highroller "admired", you bet 100 EUR on a BJ hand, I would never do...every player increases over time, is like with drinking, 1 beer, 2 beers, 3 beers, etc.
Professionally: Self-employed and whether I can afford it, it remains to be seen.
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Topic Creator
Former Member
October - new game, new luck
11th Oct. 2017, at 01:57 pm CEST#24
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Just sunk another 100 Takken in the black hole...
there are really days, there is absolutely nothing. No free spins, no nothing! A curse!!!
October - new game, new luck
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But the first step is self-knowledge and immediate financial measures. Step 1 Stealth did, the second one faltered.
What it is with Stealth, I don't know, is none of my business. I'm more of a habitual player. I could live without it, but I would miss something.
Perfidiously, as a player, you're a bit like a suitor in love with a cruel, capricious whore who constantly cheats and hurts you emotionally. Then she is cute again, but most of the time she is not...
As for the issue of money in gambling, it is not so simple. The right stake for you, i.e. the kick, is a mixture of the economic circumstances and the degree of gambling addiction. There are people who bet 5 EUR at BJ and are millionaires and have fun. But if someone is a millionaire and addicted to gambling, it looks different. However, many people gamble house and home because you want to win back and there Stealth has a chance, because he has won everything back. So a pitfall is already gone, which is good. But of course there are other dangers.
The topic of therapy...I see it critically. I've talked to a few psychologists and social workers and I wasn't impressed, to say the least.
You have to be pragmatic. You don't win at gambling, the odds are against you. The problem with gambling is not the game per se, but the money aspect, because that is simply an existential part of all of our lives. If you gamble more than you should and can, you'll eventually be a charity case or worse. Do you want that, can you handle it, can you take the swings while gambling? You simply have to ask yourself these questions honestly and act accordingly.
I've screwed up unbelievably this year and yes, I've had unbelievable, inexplicable and undeserved bad luck, haven't won anything in two months no matter what I've played and lost a couple 10k in the last 8 weeks. The loss is so high because as a person with an affinity for mathematics I relied on the probabilities balancing out again, but this case did not occur, I do not know so much bad luck in the form and intensity. Tragically, I have other stress factors in life that are not related to games, which further spoil my life. Nothing positive at the moment, but would be the same without gaming, only I would have more money (side note) But unfortunately I have to deal with it. If one is a believer, which I am not, then it is quasi God's will. Ok, thank you God, screw you, but that's just the way it is. As a consequence, I have cut down on gambling, because I can't afford it at this level for long and I have a minimum material demand on my life, which I do NOT put at risk. From a minimum net worth X is no longer played, that is virtually my preserves and there I am already damn close. If I work for six months and have reserves above the limit again, I can try again. You have to demand that much discipline, otherwise you're screwed. All attempts to explain, hopes etc. are forn A*, helps only realism and pragmatism. Of course you are frustrated, have worries, self-doubt, etc.. But you have let yourself play and that can also come out. Must be clear to everyone here, that is the Risk when playing. Barefoot or patent leather shoe...
In this sense
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October - new game, new luck
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Ps: if I may ask, what do you do professionally to be able to afford such high Zocksummen?
Vll would be the 1st step to say, ok, I pay less and gamble on smaller stakes to play up? So you have long what from playing but just not directly 500 euros at a time? Sounds certainly easier said than done and since I am not in such a situation, I can judge it also bad. My tactic works but quite well, vll is also what for "High Roller"? 3 different casinos, 3 deposits and then alternately the same slot until the FS. With one runs always and one continues. Have so gambled with 30 euros yesterday 5 std and made no loss (vacation - rain - ätzend).
Live unfortunately not in the south, otherwise I would be happy to a beer with you out.
You pack that!
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October - new game, new luck
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ifst times in the south are, can stir you yes times.
Many of my high losses come from Livegame especially Spielbank, online not so much. Online you can usually lock yourself quickly. Only I am now blocked at all major providers that I can play online as good as nowhere and in addition, my payment methods are no longer online.
KK Gaming transaction block
Sofort & Giropay blocked
Neteller and Skrill blocked
PSC would work, but that's out of the question for me.
I have many years ago also the Highroller "admired", you bet 100 EUR on a BJ hand, I would never do...every player increases over time, is like with drinking, 1 beer, 2 beers, 3 beers, etc.
Professionally: Self-employed and whether I can afford it, it remains to be seen.
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October - new game, new luck
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there are really days, there is absolutely nothing. No free spins, no nothing! A curse!!!
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