Falko wrote on 25.09.2021 at 00:54: Just happened to come across a video that was uploaded the day before yesterday by Bild and it's about a burglary at Montana Black.
2:34 He used to be a criminal too? he is still a criminal
In the Twitchstream of Tanzverbot you can see by the way still the deleted criticism video of cake TV to Montana Black there Tanzverbot reacts to the video, he was also quite shocked how Monte has made cake TV Mundtot. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1154408277 From 01:43:45 it goes off
It's funny to see here with almost a Dozen posts trying to somehow defend this cheese
There it goes from A-Z, about the GEZ, government, etc. to justify some guy who is good at making money out of shit and to all appearances sells himself as "real", which he is obviously not. A multimillionaire asks a normal person for a donation for a birthday present for his son, and there are really some complete honkies donating? Go ahead, the guy is really cool and holds the mirror in front of every idiot's face. Probably he would get a laughing fit if he would read this inc. the vehement defense of his action...
Keep it up, really casual and funny this
Oh, my dear Montana lawyer: There are still a few topics open here to distract from the obvious mendacity of this guy and the incredible stupidity of his "influenced" watchers and donators
Please don't let this thread die! I need entertainment!
Blubbo33 wrote on 09/25/2021 at 08:13: I can't stand streamers
They only encourage addiction for those who can't control themselves
Sure they keep doing it after all it's about money
But still it is morally reprehensible
And they act as if this is just great, win and trigger.
I've already written when Matthias, knossi has thrown coal into the throat as unnecessary and stupid I find.
And that montana was robbed is the best publicity he could get with his new start. And the Insurance will already come up for the damage and even he makes plus
He never wanted to have anything to do with gambling again?
There you see what is to be held from such people. Coal coal coal
And don't tell me about morals, they are just terrible people
And then to give them money, I can only shake my head
Rather donate it to the food bank than to make rich people even richer.
these are the kind of people who complain that an online magazine charges 2 euros a month for the service or allows ad-free surfing, but then donate 10 euros or more in the stream to feel cool and the person in front of the screen doesn't even say thank you because 10 euros is no longer worth anything to him. as you have already pointed out, the donation would certainly be better off elsewhere. we also donate from time to time, but then directly to the respective place. that way we also know that the donation really arrives where it is needed. just my 2 cents
Byrrrd wrote on 09/25/2021 at 2:17 pm: It's funny to see almost a Dozen posts here trying to somehow defend this cheese
There it goes from A-Z, about the GEZ, government, etc. to justify some guy who is good at making money out of shit and to all appearances sells himself as "real", which he obviously is not. A multimillionaire asks a normal person for a donation for a birthday present for his son, and there are really some complete honkies donating? Go ahead, the guy is really cool and holds the mirror in front of every idiot's face. Probably he would get a laughing fit if he would read this inc. the vehement defense of his approach...
Keep it up, really casual and funny this
Oh, my dear Montana lawyer: There are still a few topics open here to distract from the obvious mendacity of this guy and the incredible stupidity of his "influenced" watchers and donators
Please don't let this thread die! I need entertainment!
Basically it's just that your hatred and envy towards MontanaBlack doesn't matter because he will go on and succeed. Is therefore anyway his thing!
Skitch22 wrote on 25.09.2021 at 11:30: In the Twitchstream of Tanzverbot, by the way, you can still watch the deleted criticism video of cake TV to Montana Black there Tanzverbot reacts to the video, which was also quite shocked as Monte has made cake TV Mundtot. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1154408277 It starts at 01:43:45
Thanks for the link, haven't seen the cake video at all since it should be down so soon
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Former Member
Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
25th Sep. 2021, at 06:06 pm CEST#37
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Scheis... Drauf every person is different. They do not need money more
Patizi wrote on 25.09.2021 at 14:52
Basically, it is also simply so that your hatred and envy towards MontanaBlack totally does not matter because he will continue and have success. Is therefore anyway his thing!
My hate?
In which world do you live then? I find that just end-geil and laugh my butt off
Blubbo33 wrote on 09/26/2021 at 12:58 pm: Streamers are just money hungry and go over corpses.
I don't understand how you don't realize that EVERYTHING they say write do is fake .
Oh please, that has nothing specifically to do with the fact that the streamers are. Virtually everyone is money hungry. More money = you can afford more. Just look at Hoeneß. He already had enough and still did shit. I was never in the position to have so much money but I can imagine that it is cool if you can buy everything you want. And if you have the status, what do you want more? Right, more money because it is probably just cool when the account grows and grows. And Monte has reached the status that he can already afford an incredible amount but he also wants to have everything paid off and vlt also just buy more houses and apartment because he just find it cool or a kind of hobby. I find such a thing absolutely not reprehensible because, as I said, everyone is somehow money-hungry. And we move there in a framework that is absolutely legal.
Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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2:34 He used to be a criminal too? he is still a criminal
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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There it goes from A-Z, about the GEZ, government, etc. to justify some guy who is good at making money out of shit and to all appearances sells himself as "real", which he is obviously not. A multimillionaire asks a normal person for a donation for a birthday present for his son, and there are really some complete honkies donating? Go ahead, the guy is really cool and holds the mirror in front of every idiot's face. Probably he would get a laughing fit if he would read this inc. the vehement defense of his action...
Keep it up, really casual and funny this
Oh, my dear Montana lawyer: There are still a few topics open here to distract from the obvious mendacity of this guy and the incredible stupidity of his "influenced" watchers and donators
Please don't let this thread die! I need entertainment!
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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these are the kind of people who complain that an online magazine charges 2 euros a month for the service or allows ad-free surfing, but then donate 10 euros or more in the stream to feel cool and the person in front of the screen doesn't even say thank you because 10 euros is no longer worth anything to him. as you have already pointed out, the donation would certainly be better off elsewhere. we also donate from time to time, but then directly to the respective place. that way we also know that the donation really arrives where it is needed. just my 2 cents
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Basically it's just that your hatred and envy towards MontanaBlack doesn't matter because he will go on and succeed. Is therefore anyway his thing!
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Thanks for the link, haven't seen the cake video at all since it should be down so soon
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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My hate?
In which world do you live then? I find that just end-geil and laugh my butt off
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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I do not understand how you do not notice that EVERYTHING they say write do is fake.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Oh please, that has nothing specifically to do with the fact that the streamers are. Virtually everyone is money hungry. More money = you can afford more. Just look at Hoeneß. He already had enough and still did shit. I was never in the position to have so much money but I can imagine that it is cool if you can buy everything you want. And if you have the status, what do you want more? Right, more money because it is probably just cool when the account grows and grows. And Monte has reached the status that he can already afford an incredible amount but he also wants to have everything paid off and vlt also just buy more houses and apartment because he just find it cool or a kind of hobby. I find such a thing absolutely not reprehensible because, as I said, everyone is somehow money-hungry. And we move there in a framework that is absolutely legal.
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