Milo1 wrote on 09/24/2021 at 11:09 AM
I'm not sugarcoating this.... Not at all. Everybody has to know himself what he does and what he gives to whom.
And you can't really call it promotion... then there should be no more advertising for anything at all, because there are addictions for everything....
And just said by the way: If a casino gives you 100k (which is not unrealistic summe) so that you mention in a few streams, or a few rounds there online zockst, you would not say no in life! So I would be the first to scream here as well as everyone else here.
-I personally would not donate money to someone in life, enough what he gets clicks on YouTube from vids I watch occasionally.
One must just also sometimes give. And what is to give money if you so show his gratitude for good entertainment?
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Forum posts:1.914The member deleted himself on07.01.2025
Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
24th Sep. 2021, at 12:45 pm CEST#22
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Do not like the guy actually at all or I'm relatively indifferent to the guy, so the good rosh, just do not like it when I see on twitch sometimes that monte hosts the offstream, but oh well
He was once soo hard in the criticism because he would play with fake money, he has finally given himself naked haha, thought his times would have been over with it already
Patizi wrote on 24.09.2021 at 12:18 pm
You just have to indulge sometimes. And what's with giving money if you show your gratitude for good entertainment?
I indulge, no question. But raw cash to so big with advertising contracts and clicks in millions, no no. There are enough clicks on YouTube.... It's only in mini drops, but with it you support and the amount makes it possible in the end to get the big advertising deals and partnerships.
Then rather raw cash to small streamers, where is still really happy about it. I do that occasionally when good content is delivered, I look at the small occasionally.
And Rosh is for me an actor to the power of 10. In the beginning he was sympathetic, but now it's just fake and scripted in my opinion.
Milo1 wrote on 24/09/2021 at 14:36
I begrudge, no question. But raw cash to so big with advertising contracts and clicks in millions, ne ne. Since the clicks are enough at YouTube.... It's only in mini drops, but with it you support and the amount makes it possible in the end to get the big advertising deals and partnerships.
Then rather raw cash to small streamers, where is still really happy about it. I do that occasionally when good content is delivered, I look at the small occasionally.
And Rosh is for me an actor to the power of 10. In the beginning he was likeable, but now it's just fake and scripted in my opinion.
How do you think he got so big in the first place? Do you think he was there all of a sudden and had a pocket full of money? Why shouldn't you support someone you've been following and celebrating for years?
Patizi wrote on 09/24/2021 at 2:42 pm
Yes, how do you think he got so big in the first place? Think he was there all of a sudden and had a pocket full right away? Why wouldn't you support someone you've been following and celebrating for years?
When he started, I was not interested in YouTube and Twitch stuff. If I had experienced him at the beginning, he would have certainly gotten the one or other time ne donation.
As I said, everyone as he wants. I prefer to give something to the little ones, the big ones have enough and are well provided for.
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Forum posts:1.914The member deleted himself on07.01.2025
Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
25th Sep. 2021, at 12:45 am CEST#26
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Milo1 wrote on 24.09.2021 at 23:28
When he started, I was not interested in YouTube and Twitch stuff. If I had experienced him at the beginning, he would have certainly one or the other time also get ne donation.
As I said, everyone as he wants. I prefer to give the small what, the big have enough and provided for.
I think his initial things were the best, said elotrix also once, so in terms of "be real", but I think everyone is
Today he contradicts himself constantly and complains when all his buddies jump off or keep no contact, I say only knossi, but so is just monte somehow
dersawen wrote on 09/25/2021 at 02:57: in a stream recording he still said he didn't want the outside world to know and now here comes a surveillance video and a bounty?
well...wat interested me my chatter from yesterday
They only encourage addiction for those who can't control themselves
Of course they continue, after all, it's about money
But it is still morally reprehensible
And they act as if this is just great, win and trigger.
I've already written when Matthias, knossi has thrown coal into the throat as unnecessary and stupid I find.
And that montana was robbed is the best publicity he could get with his new start. And the Insurance will already pay for the damage and even he makes plus
He never wanted to have anything to do with gambling again?
There you see what is to be held from such people. Coal coal coal
And don't tell me about morals, they are just terrible people
And then to give them money, I can only shake my head
Rather donate it to the food bank than to make rich people even richer
Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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One must just also sometimes give. And what is to give money if you so show his gratitude for good entertainment?
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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He was once soo hard in the criticism because he would play with fake money, he has finally given himself naked haha, thought his times would have been over with it already
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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I indulge, no question. But raw cash to so big with advertising contracts and clicks in millions, no no. There are enough clicks on YouTube.... It's only in mini drops, but with it you support and the amount makes it possible in the end to get the big advertising deals and partnerships.
Then rather raw cash to small streamers, where is still really happy about it. I do that occasionally when good content is delivered, I look at the small occasionally.
And Rosh is for me an actor to the power of 10. In the beginning he was sympathetic, but now it's just fake and scripted in my opinion.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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How do you think he got so big in the first place? Do you think he was there all of a sudden and had a pocket full of money? Why shouldn't you support someone you've been following and celebrating for years?
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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When he started, I was not interested in YouTube and Twitch stuff. If I had experienced him at the beginning, he would have certainly gotten the one or other time ne donation.
As I said, everyone as he wants. I prefer to give something to the little ones, the big ones have enough and are well provided for.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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I think his initial things were the best, said elotrix also once, so in terms of "be real", but I think everyone is
Today he contradicts himself constantly and complains when all his buddies jump off or keep no contact, I say only knossi, but so is just monte somehow
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
Nobody has liked this post so far
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
Nobody has liked this post so far
well...wat interested me my chatter from yesterday
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Montana Black makes common cause with Rohstein.
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They only encourage addiction for those who can't control themselves
Of course they continue, after all, it's about money
But it is still morally reprehensible
And they act as if this is just great, win and trigger.
I've already written when Matthias, knossi has thrown coal into the throat as unnecessary and stupid I find.
And that montana was robbed is the best publicity he could get with his new start. And the Insurance will already pay for the damage and even he makes plus
He never wanted to have anything to do with gambling again?
There you see what is to be held from such people. Coal coal coal
And don't tell me about morals, they are just terrible people
And then to give them money, I can only shake my head
Rather donate it to the food bank than to make rich people even richer
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