I would like to ask you all to take it down a notch and watch your tone.
Also it would be desirable if you would not digress from the topic, especially not to insult each other.
This thread was created by the user "Samira" to address certain points, or to discuss them.
Since this topic is purely speculation, it is quite normal that the opinions of users are different.
Therefore, I would like to ask each of you to respect the views of the opposing persons.
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Forum posts:961Member has been banned
Manipulation?! What do you think?
8th May. 2018, at 10:20 pm CEST#183
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stkrie wrote on 08/05/2018 at 21:55: Oh Sweep88, read through some stuff of yours. Don't really feel like,
to deal with you. Your spelling is actually too
bad, and the contributions rather pitiful.
However, less here, where you do it on purpose, but rather with the other contributions of you
the other contributions of you.
From me there are no winning videos or pictures, because I rarely gamble. If you would read the
Thread, you would know that.
I also don't have the profiling need like you do to upload every piece of garbage.
Especially since it's not really a statement of your wins or losses.
I also didn't write anywhere that I know everything.
I am trying to make you think.
That unfortunately often goes wrong, one sees at you.
Also that here in recent years only garbage was written, I have never claimed.
I do not know in what parallel universe you live, but must be fierce.
Otherwise, drink another Oettinger, and have fun in life!
Say yes so what arrogant like you I have not read in any forum !
The forum is just there to upload videos and pictures ...to exchange experiences and not like you, to make here one on "I know everything" !
And besides, the people and members who are here for a long time ...have made the forum great!
"Otherwise drink another Oettinger, and have fun in life!" ... .
Alone the sentence shows me that you are always soon at the end of clever arguments ...then immediately insult !!!!
No matter !
Gamblejoe that's it for me here !
As long as such a one like stkrie here free hand has and all only insults I look for me another forum !!!!
Peace Out !!!
And to all a good time !!!
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Forum posts:961Member has been banned
Manipulation?! What do you think?
8th May. 2018, at 10:22 pm CEST#184
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Avantgarde83 wrote on 08/05/2018 at 21:44
the meaning of "community" is more and more lost to me lately on Gamblejoe. Off-topic insults and stupid pick-up lines are piling up...too bad actually about this once so nice and familiar site.
Right you have !
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
Manipulation?! What do you think?
8th May. 2018, at 10:23 pm CEST#185
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JulianK is right, this does nothing to the facts!
Apart from that you attacked me that I have not yet uploaded videos or pictures
uploaded, but you react irritated when I write my opinion about it.
And it still has nothing to do with Samira's thread creation.
@stkrie - this also meant you.
It is nice that you actively participate in the forum, but you are sometimes very provocative and insulting to many Gamblejoe members.
And in some ways you seem to not want to accept it when someone does not share your views on the subject.
I would also like to ask you to be respectful to the other members and accept their views and opinions on the subject.
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Forum posts:1.004Member has been banned
Manipulation?! What do you think?
8th May. 2018, at 10:52 pm CEST#187
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I know that you meant me as well.
However, it is not true that I do not accept when others have different opinions.
If I question the RTP, and several times I get the RTP calculated, I still have to be
still let me be put down as stupid, then we are not of different opinion, but
my counterpart has not understood my statement!
Although I have explained se several times!
When Danielowitch writes that all this seems strange to him and wants to be blocked, I can only say... Congratulations. It is not about who is right or wrong, rather this should convey an exchange of experiences.
If Stkrie, others or even I make observations that worry us, then this does not mean that you must have made the same. MIGHT have you but also and are just not able to recognize that, of course, that would also be possible.... MUCH we are also in error... nevertheless I have a healthy mind that I trust.
Only because children believe in the Weinachtmann, it is nevertheless not true that there is him, true is however, that there are humans this appearance try to maintain, but each child wakes up sometime and sees the things differently, because its observations brought it to these realizations. Should I now make fun of people who still believe in the RTP etc.... of course not, because at some point they will also make their observations and gain the Erkenntniss that more is behind it... (than a fat full-bearded man in a red coat).
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Topic Creator
Former Member
Manipulation?! What do you think?
8th May. 2018, at 11:08 pm CEST#189
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I must add that I find all opinions, whether pro or con, very enlightening. Don't forget, discussions are nice if they stay literally nice. Thanks to all.
I also do not find it nice what some here for a tone put on the day. You can discuss different theories without being abusive.
Anyone who has really understood the evil topic of RTP will realize that casinos do not have to cheat and anyone who has understood the industry will also realize that it is relatively difficult to cheat directly by intervening in the game. Someone who claims to have an RTP of 10% definitely doesn't understand RTP one bit, but that's okay. There is so much superstition and paranoia among gamers that it is really exhausting to be on a forum like this. After an aggressive message the other day and certain unfriendly members here in this thread, I'm seriously wondering what I'm even doing in this forum anymore. I thought this was a gamers forum and not a forum of active gambling addicts conspiracy theorists.
Edit: Especially this "I pull my arguments from where it suits me" attitude simply prevents discourse. 150€ win is 150€ win and does not suddenly become play money just because the amount is not high enough. It doesn't even matter if 150€ or 5000€. Apparently you can not win anyway but if one wins the win is not paid out anyway and the casino controls to the cent exactly how much a player may win. Now I'm probably not the only one in this forum who is at least one casino neatly in the plus and never had problems with a payout anywhere.
Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Also it would be desirable if you would not digress from the topic, especially not to insult each other.
This thread was created by the user "Samira" to address certain points, or to discuss them.
Since this topic is purely speculation, it is quite normal that the opinions of users are different.
Therefore, I would like to ask each of you to respect the views of the opposing persons.
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Say yes so what arrogant like you I have not read in any forum !
The forum is just there to upload videos and pictures ...to exchange experiences and not like you, to make here one on "I know everything" !
And besides, the people and members who are here for a long time ...have made the forum great!
"Otherwise drink another Oettinger, and have fun in life!" ... .
Alone the sentence shows me that you are always soon at the end of clever arguments ...then immediately insult !!!!
No matter !
Gamblejoe that's it for me here !
As long as such a one like stkrie here free hand has and all only insults I look for me another forum !!!!
Peace Out !!!
And to all a good time !!!
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Right you have !
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Apart from that you attacked me that I have not yet uploaded videos or pictures
uploaded, but you react irritated when I write my opinion about it.
And it still has nothing to do with Samira's thread creation.
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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It is nice that you actively participate in the forum, but you are sometimes very provocative and insulting to many Gamblejoe members.
And in some ways you seem to not want to accept it when someone does not share your views on the subject.
I would also like to ask you to be respectful to the other members and accept their views and opinions on the subject.
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
Liked this post: Anonym
However, it is not true that I do not accept when others have different opinions.
If I question the RTP, and several times I get the RTP calculated, I still have to be
still let me be put down as stupid, then we are not of different opinion, but
my counterpart has not understood my statement!
Although I have explained se several times!
That has Samira also determined.
With everything else you are right!
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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@Smitty91 goads around...
@Sweep88 jumps on it.... = Kindergarten.
@Avantgarde83 I see it exactly the same way.
When Danielowitch writes that all this seems strange to him and wants to be blocked, I can only say... Congratulations. It is not about who is right or wrong, rather this should convey an exchange of experiences.
If Stkrie, others or even I make observations that worry us, then this does not mean that you must have made the same. MIGHT have you but also and are just not able to recognize that, of course, that would also be possible.... MUCH we are also in error... nevertheless I have a healthy mind that I trust.
Only because children believe in the Weinachtmann, it is nevertheless not true that there is him, true is however, that there are humans this appearance try to maintain, but each child wakes up sometime and sees the things differently, because its observations brought it to these realizations. Should I now make fun of people who still believe in the RTP etc.... of course not, because at some point they will also make their observations and gain the Erkenntniss that more is behind it... (than a fat full-bearded man in a red coat).
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Manipulation?! What do you think?
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Anyone who has really understood the evil topic of RTP will realize that casinos do not have to cheat and anyone who has understood the industry will also realize that it is relatively difficult to cheat directly by intervening in the game. Someone who claims to have an RTP of 10% definitely doesn't understand RTP one bit, but that's okay. There is so much superstition and paranoia among gamers that it is really exhausting to be on a forum like this. After an aggressive message the other day and certain unfriendly members here in this thread, I'm seriously wondering what I'm even doing in this forum anymore. I thought this was a gamers forum and not a forum of active gambling addicts conspiracy theorists.
Edit: Especially this "I pull my arguments from where it suits me" attitude simply prevents discourse. 150€ win is 150€ win and does not suddenly become play money just because the amount is not high enough. It doesn't even matter if 150€ or 5000€. Apparently you can not win anyway but if one wins the win is not paid out anyway and the casino controls to the cent exactly how much a player may win. Now I'm probably not the only one in this forum who is at least one casino neatly in the plus and never had problems with a payout anywhere.
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